The Washington Union from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

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The Washington Unioni

Washington, District of Columbia

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3E MR EMBARCATION OP THE We werj'ital bialf 5 excellent hMional painting of Mr Weir 8rS sUus and jJJ LGumSmte Banjo Congo Tambourine Bone Castanets Tonga Pd a lee amnbri andTriangteAcq particulars: of which will be twenty 1 found in the bills of the day i P( Doors open at 7 Performance to com our three Republican brethren we shall powers That neglect of conten most cheerfully dismissthe subject for the neglect which has defraudedtbe 75 a 7 1 8 15 20 iw yaaHwoTOv menceat 8 precisely An efficient police wihe in attendance to preserve strict order''' 1 Hr Admittance IS cents children under ten years of age halt price Oct 17 iif ft 'i 4 i ri Quartets Glees Choruses Conundrums Ac accompanying themselves with the Accordion 'a 31 Vilitem Bouck (the present chief magis '1 irateof NeW York) says that ha has often gone 'A Truaa They have a etyteof eoatia to the plough before daylight and Tromft after St Louis which they call A Tyler be dark while laboring In his youngef dap Upon turned as circ*mstances may require and worn yxi a 15 PICTURE OR THE ROTUNDO OTHE CAPITOL l(r This work of art has made a very favor able impression' upon the public We have seentteveral criticismsupon itstamped James' Cooper' James Irvin James Russell Thos McKennan William Wt Irwin Thomas 13' chearer than ever sold before Radiator nfratin I new patterns! very chap Baton1 cooking stoves I I with revolving the most perfect stove everb offered in the District' warranted if well used 1 kitchen companion favorite New York! premium for wood or coal Stanley coal burners Il ables him to sell uncommonly chap I Russia iron drums and pipe of all kinds made to ftrnn tun rawir (IPerin(OAu) fkrawr I Oct dtO26 Secretary Marshal Bertrand arrived at Lexington Ken tucky on the 4th inst from rankfort on a visit to Henry Clay A salute was fired by an artillery company on his arrival after which he was es corted to his lodgings by a large concourse of citi zens He dined with Mr Clay on the day after from false expression and grace from affectation for whatever opinion they may have formed must be offered op in sacrifice at the shrine of a shadow sound a mere name? They must exfol as per fection what their taste condemns and sneer with simulated contempt at' the successful efforts of a genius which although it "may have shone but once during a long life has at last produced a master work It is to this distrust of self judg ment to the morbid dread of expressing an hon est conscientious opinion of works of art not yet invested with the sanction ot time the prestige of the' approbation of the arbiters of taste that must be attributed the tardy fame of so many living artists of high merit The admiration which their works inspire is repressed lest it should find no I echo from the self constituted tribunal of dispensers of fame Thus the enthusiasm kindled by young talents often remains locked up in the breast which it had made to pant Thus the lipe continue ealed as it were during the strife between the authority which has not yet spoken its oracles and the conviction that genius has' fortted of its) contemporary al unu mativ ble works by damping the ardor checking the) aspirings of youthful candidates arises! from the erroneous idea which has too long obtain 1 via umiuu uue uui strongly to iaffect refined minds which is the hest test of much better than any mere adaptation to the rules of I connoisseurahip We copy a' notice of work written evidently by the hand I of genius which had greatly increased bur already highly raised I i rom The barque Douglass at New York Bailed from Rio de Janeiro on the 3lst Au gnstwCaptaln Brown reports that' when he left: Seat preparations were making at that place for reception of the Princess wife of the Empe ror who was hourly expected from Naples in a Brazilian frigate The Brazilian accompanied mj Mfuaurui wua me rnneess oaq itmmia oiVkleAM opvncu vii vauv CsiU a A United States schooner had arrived from Montevideo which' port she left on the 11th of August That port was still blockaded no fight 'ten place between the two armies The United Stales ship Johh Adams was there and the Columbus daily expected she had sailed from Rio for that port The British commodore Purvis had received from his Government an ajprovaljOf his conduct in keeping the port of boldly on the relative merits of pictures there are others too who estinfiue paintfogs by no other standard but lhe' name of thelr repnted aUthorsi We need scarcely say that no teat can be more fall: lacious than this since artists of the second' and third ranks have in momenta of happy inspira tlon not unfreqDently produced pictures far acet ling the less perfect works of the greatest masters It is useless for such as have yielded their mind I to that idolatry to have ripened their judgment br InnwarMefanAa ImIa ikmt rnilr ansi mqiirea a more powerset sorrow than is felt in our community for the death of theamiable the talented the beloved Dr Linn ApuNic meeting of our citizens will take place on Wednesday Evening next to give some expres sion to the general fating on' this melancholy oc casion but justice to the character of tbe departed statesman patriot and pbilanthropistwiU require more extended and deliberate notices than the sud denness of the present ocaslon will admit oft and this justice trill doubtless be rendertd by friendly and competent hands picas Ml UTIL 13 IV 8 13 6 180 Aw' ELECTION RETURNS 5 3oltny'(Whig) is' elected to Con Sfle JE V4iMJ aistnct IS uwy one Dembcrat hai been elected in it the con fgreMional 'delegation from the State will ftand 13 Democrats and Whigs' which xi the same relative proportion that wu in Hhe last Congress from in jwjtich1 15 and the Whigs $13 members If the Whigs have carried She Erie district the delegation inthe next Congress from Pennsylvania writ be 12 with teBte andgenius which prove thft the Democrats and 12 showinga Dem 1 pict'tirehas great merit that it has power ocraticlow oftwk members compared BtronHy to affect refined minds which is with the last congressional delegation from the the i Whig paper and the Madisonian havesiated thatthedelegation Penn sylvania in the last Congress was 16 and 12 Whigs 'and upon that gtinof tArite members from the State we ghreei'names antf the politics of thePennsylvania members in the last Con frerewhich will prove' that the Whigs have not trained a sintrle member unless £J' xJ: Pf Neapolitan squadron will they have carried the Ene district and if beeq spoken off Cape rio they have succeeded in it their gain will then be ftoo members only 4i We 'should like know by rule the Whig and Administration editors work veto Ascertain Whiggains in Pennsyl (vania by 'districts before the result in the whole State was known They claim gains' in the first sixth and thirteenth di? when there never were such congres the5 State before this Ya waall I maa iL i 1L a I XT ruTauTTM Hedined withJdr day on ihe day after a8lrc With a State districted by the last Legislature his arrival and departed on the 8th instant by tbe I strict convention It is very desirable of Pennsylvaniain accordance with the I rankfort I that the Democracy of the several counties apportionmem lhade by the last Congress that jcfty Xfltefch fSdX URNITURE AT AUCM VEBSITY VttGWtA 1 AnnfitkflA nYt tn Vrarh mar I sesnoes QI tats JBSHQUOft UDUjly t(W on the 4th of July foliowin' 'i tZ sm scheola of tbe Univtnitywith tbMr tu specUvs Professors 1 Dr Gomer Harrisoa JJwlen Dr Chartes Kraksir 3 Mathematics Mr Edward Courtenay Phiknophy Mr William Rogers i CvilEngmeerfo he subjects of which ata divided between the Professors oiMalbeaaiica aad Natural PhiloeoDhv fi Dr Rofiert R'Ropi 7 Dr i 8 Anatomy and 8urjery James Cabell Si Moral Mr Geon Tucker A10 JudgeJHary St Tucker In bath schools of Languages are also tauaht ancient and modern history and the literature of the respective lannageK in the school of Mathe matics in included mixed mathematics in that of Engineering mineralogy and geology in that of Moral Philosophy beOes tettrn logic aid polilicar economy and bMhaiJf besides municipal law in all its branches the law of aatare anAaa lions the scienqppf government and constitutional li' To ba admitted into this institution the applicant tpxteen years of age but the hciuty inay dispense with thif requisition in ftvor of one whoso brothers a student a Dem Whig Dem Whig PflBMvl vania no 'ansa from the SOth riintnet bv SB maioritv 'f fWt twTA An I "XV'TO whiefi now retnains to be heard from' i 28 193 29 vymg majority in the 87th Congees Democratic majority in the S8th Congros jr isA Iff' tn utos I gn0BaI elections in them for members EGrJh O'BEak (27th) Congressand show I where ihe is In makinip the com I parison? we will concede to the Whitra in THURSDAY Evening oct iBa next Congresi the member from tbe 111 1 i ii i i I h'i' 'I Erie district 7 104 premature hopes of the Whigs Messrs lata rrend Dk I i ham esq was followed to foe grave on Sunday oster V016 'mocratic levening by a large number of his 'personan n0D1nee8) have by a large I friends I majority over their Whig competitors' It if HtalA of AfobUtj We are glad to notice an im 1 WB certainly be 10000f 'andnaay reach in the health of our sister city and trust 1 12000 or 15000 Considering the slim 1 tnrn glorious ma I Board of Health and aven on Saturday The nd proves that the old Keystone is number for Thursday wu five The still true as This was the test ques for the ending Saturday amounted to forty ltion upon which the party lines were dis wereof fcr tirictly drawn Philadelphia county hastody iThis village about forty mlla above nominees an old I Natchez hu been visited by the yellow fever in a I Democratic majority of 3200 I malignant The inhabitants have ell fled Montgomery 978 York 807 Northamp I from their residences even foe apothecqry doubt ton 1031 Betks 2475 Columbia 1100 tohte 800 York 800 i I Westmoreland 800 1 resr or Icc to The Natchez These returns folly realize our most san ree Trader ays that the "Hon 8B Tbacher I pin expectations and watrantn us in I Calcutta when the I assuring our friends that the Democratic ftJS b) 4 te ahd perhaps never hard of such an article and I ue blocks were rolled out on tee sands they I Who shall decide? Mr Webster in the speech which he made before the ag ly eold was unknown to them and they wqj 1 remark foe unpleauat feelingto tiMoppMiteaue Mieat do ray gentlemen that foe agriculture of When foe properties of ice became known to them I this eountry foe great matter wfiieh demands teV soon got accustomed toils feel and were de 1 protection It 'is a misnomer to talk about the lighted with lu grateful taste they gave it a na 1 protection of manufacture that to not the thing we ti ve name which signifies solid and the I want or need: it is the protection of the agriculture ue of this luxury is now general throughout Hin of the Repeated cbeersl I dostsn and the Birman resh Pood in I ui Caxnbridge nar Boston is more productive of weeks before this was stated richa to the owners than all the gold minra of I Mr Clay writing to the editors WPthe Georgia end Carolina and the ice taken from that I Tennessee Agricultural Journal was also pond is as much superior to the Alleghany ice as I nleased to remark the Damascus to the Brazil diamond It teas I leMea cold as charity and has a real New England mu 1 "Owing to foe peculiar position of the United lish sort ofa dogged propensity to stand ire with 1 S1 agriculture requires but little protection outrunning away Boston ice has done more for I confined to a few branches of it ft is I the South than all the whiskey and wine in the I otherwise with foe other two interests They re world could have 1 1 4ire some protection against foe selfish legislation I and the rivalry of foreign powers" Mtmnra Cold An aged man named I Either one or the other of these learned Abraham Wqnzon was basely assassinated at Cold I doctors must be in the wrong and we Spring oppositeWest Point New York on Tues 1 should like to be informed by some of day night last i 1 their admirers which one of the two is to To ih Editor of iMHiftiiindCoiiria believed As highauthority has Sranro October 13 1843 I nominated the gentlemen to run respect On Monday night last some person went to the I ivmlw ax the Whin ondidxtea for ito I in the last Congress' and 'the Democrats knocked I dency the7r Presidency perhaps wu nr? npxt Lon grass from that State iU': These facte 'were as well known inthis city yesterday mooting as they are torday and the Madisonian of last evening publishes editorially the following news relating to the Ohioelection: 1 urom Ohio we have returns (early complete) I frosx aU foe diitricts The Democrats have we I think secured 19 of foe 81 members of Congress In tbe last Congress if we mistake not there were itut twice as many Democratic members as Whigs Whijrs have certainly gained The Legislature is yet days ago we gave up the Legisla ture of Ohio to the Whigs upon the au thority of a "letter which we understood the edjtor School (a Tyler paper) wrote to the President statin would bate the Le gislature by two thirdsLor near it We shall not reZy again shortly on such au thority tZ si JERSCT i The Democrats hate elected four mem berefor themselves anjone' Independent Whjgfothej Whigsand'iqmajority of Democrato toHfoth brabchbf the Leip latureUic majorityto the Council' and twelve majority to the lower branch of the Aaaetnhly 'Weiwill now compare the recent elec tions tobiivhhtes 6f the next (28th) Congress with the con THE DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES OR 10 I VAHAU MJtaKtrrKp I The Harrisburg Democratic Union says If I We have returns from a number of coun 3 is I ties (some of them official and others I reported) which scatter to the winds the 104 I oremature hones of the Whinra Me II 1 W11 1 VW ffinl iQrh mtPmm AntiAMlA InMklbA yard her hoaabold and kitchen furniture amongst which arejhe following articles viz: ii ahdgany hair seat Sofa caneeat Cbairo 7 1 Gm and Crockery rench post Bedsteads Good Beds Mattresses and Bedding fv reT' Bureaus Wardrobes Washstands 4c oi Kitchen utemnb a "Y10 8 Stow several Copper Kettles and plate Stove a nV? St Of nd under 25 cash ARRIVALEXTP)INABY THE ETHIOPIANaSERENADERS TTTHO8E astonishing! performances haw at yv traded crowded houses in New York Bos ton Philadelphia and Baltimore1' respectfully announce to the ladies and gemtemen of Washing ton and its vicinity that they will give three differ ent Concerts at the Apollo Hall taaaedy on one years denosite their funds will iu dL a wi iuivu wuivu ac Kunonzeq io cnarge a The enactments formerly wqntrn tp war a prescribed uniform have been sasponded Reltaiows services are regularly perforthed at th iTvaivteWwt Basr a jsikmoalmlra wk SALE IRON OUNDRY TOOLS Ac from tea foar principal denominatfanaof theAND HOUSEHOLD URNITURE BY wfc And by a resolution of the aculty minis ORDER THE COURT On of Gospel and young men preparing ibr Monday the 83d instant at 10 I shall Ministry may attend any of the schools without rail by order of the Court foe persona) Payment of lees to the professors effects of Henry Grieb late of Washington county The exppiuea of the session of nine' months are deceased commencing at the oundry front MkEd thrnhVhmSl and attendance ano Wltu ID0 SIOCK KDQ lOOlS CRttuliSuQimt COI1 Rmnf rf nrmtlrarar fra kml If sistingof Thresbiag Corn Shellen and I Crashed Use of publie rodms iron Castings a large numberof patterns uel and candles estimated af oft I iron and brass twoao each Sy Turning Latha and Tools in use about a oundry I Also a frame Etable and numerous ofoer ant 1 ctes in and about the establishment 1 tuom And immediately after the sale of tbe abow 1" tWA a teailjNocced towll the Household and Kitchen in foesebool of Law there hanexirafee of 120 Maraku'd I payable by texdentsattending tee senfordara co*kcraub In speakfngof teecus I to Wcled weapons foe Albany I average aeiount expended by resident Argus forcibly remarks: Mahogany diniDg sndbreaktasi Tabla Tr students is found from foe book? to range "No man arms himself with a 4irk Jqtife for in 1 I 1001 fa Mltewdto be saffieientfor evidence indiserfmtodai ipnTuan I MEDIAL DEPARTMENT life Mithgp in Rflfiif frnrgt nr in mgtrrwtixjin I J5 tO SlOOj CWlt Of SiX OVCC $100)1 nlan nf inf rru iinn ta Ykf slmwMtwmraaO a proponion as in the naviDe in nossession! 1 counterfeit bills The deafly iptent oughtTbe ROBERT wr presumed from the fact of possession as the h7 rtpt ing counterfeit bills is proof of an in 1 vViaAuchqncers lention to utter )S teacheR uaairino We believe no one can be healthy 1 1' im wwayiiie jscweniy ini medid are usually assigned to six: apd happy Without occupatioffi eome regular em 1 in8 by the I nj tk students are seldom scoured toattend more nvment or nrniewiinn The ul I WLiwuiuiunu wc uusiccs wiau iu eu iu i i tuiLi is as Lvsrasa iii mmai na nn ilia mraiisra simw nw i YAfV tMeeeVMrHW WSjSUU IIIQUI UL ICd WAVS recliSM anil HneaheraeiAMa Sil 11 1 KMC LUS KI VHEBUI fifBllLlEUUfiU 1 LUUroUlf HI I i is edaninfo festen on humapjodginent Mhat we entered the ente in some reputable calling next Credentials of exemplary moral character room where thefEmbarcation of tbe is T1 I and literary acquirements must be' laid before the We are that such a picture is the work of: an American artist It refutes (in the way of the! man instead of arguing with the sophist tbit denied motion got up and walked) the idle theory! so often hid down as an absolute experimental truth of the unfriendliness of Republican institu tions to the healthy growth of (hearts 7 As if all the great monarchies of the world put together had produced one half of the master works which sprang i into yes I into life for they still live and will live forever) in one single city I As if lorence too tbq rival of Athens had not van 1 quished in foe glorious strife ot genius in arts in letters in science all 'contemporary 'monarchies! As if Holland Republic under foe glorious dine of her Nassaus under the guidance or her Barae 1 veils under ihe sway of her De Witts had hot con tended fy the palms of arts with Louis at the same time thatl her warriors met and foiled Tnrenne I and Condi together and while ber Bailors en 1 countering English fleets in battles of three days I of slaughter left victory undecided on which of I the two flags to alight i Without boasting of any superior knowledge of I we only anticipate tbe judgment of the nation I While examining picture we begun to comprehend why 'the Greeks (a people among whom the arts had no infancy but cante like I soldiers full grown out of a soil where freedom had deposited the germs of all that make I a nation renowned) were wont in spakingofpie 1 tores to use the very same expressions which they I applied to poetry or eloquence 1 "The drama the moral of are phrases as 'familiar to their critics when writing of painters as when dfe coursing of poets and orators' The silent address of the painter to the passions move then with as absolute a sway as the voice of the orator as the inspired lyre of the poet Well might Alexander tom pale at sight of that painting which Showed Panamede betrayed by hi friend It awakenedremembrances that evoked as an avenging 1 foe dread shade of the murdered Clytusl The Embaration of the Pilgrims to speak the I language of antiquity is a great moral drama in I which though the limits of the art bounded nim I within foe narrow circle of one single instant the I renins of the artist has retrograded far into foe I tloomy past and at the same time shown to the! mholdera bright streaks of light in a happier fu ture We fancy as we gaze on the scene the coming loneliness of that venerable pastor soon to I he parted from one half of foe flock he had fori years fed with the bread of life We see him I with hb eyes fixed on that point of the ocean where I the sun sets and into which the ship on the deck I of which he now prays gradually descending will 1 1 ere the day close disappear from his lingering I view We partake of his anxious fears both fori1 the aged in the land of uncivilized Heathens and for the tender infant in the trackless wilderness That L1 roung coupletoo so pensiv turning their rck on the rainbow whinh nrnclaiim th rlht s' IMS wrlD Mil UCVCr UpCCWCl serener days What romance bf love has foe artist 91 I purpose of enticing him out but did not succeed I teey intend as in the campaign of 1840 I On Tuesday evening' about 7 atone was I to adapt themselves to all" classes of opin thrown against the house' The old man at the JV Evenuw Post I time wan sitting by foe fire reading a Bible He I ron i immediately rose went out and was shot dead about forty feet from his door A post mortem ex 1 Dxnmbow Our election on Monday amination of foe body has been made by Dn Wm'l toky be perceived from our reports did not Johnston The charge entered on the leftside pas off without sundry acenes of rfct We un passing through tee stomach and bowels and like 1 derstand teat accompany of gentlemen three in wise through th spine producing instant date At number were stopped and aaaaulted near the cor young man arrested on suspicion of having com 1 net of Baltimore street and Marsh Market space milted the foul deed now undergoing an examin 1 on Monday night and one of them (Andrew Mua ationCircumatancaapparVfryuspiciousagainsttrave) waa most seriously injured oy those who him There great excitement in thia vicinity I met them some half dozen in number Mr Mus The deceased was a very peaceable inoffensive I right arm was broken and he was other man was about 73 years of age I wise maltreated bo as to render him unable toat 'J tend to any business for the present Wa may HoaatD The Hagerstown (Md) Her 1 add teat tee assault appared to be engendered aid of reedom of yesterday has the following ac 1 purely by the political atmosphere which seemed count of a horrid reorder committed near rederick to put everybody in a flnfo on Saturday lastThe murderer it will be seen I h2welrrtf: i'r iiL" 1 I Mzacra Brazcv Officer Campbell we were teat evening informed by a gentleman succeeded yesterday in arresting Patrick Graham: from rederick that a drover name not th young man who was rescued from the custody remembered waffiurdered on Saturday last in of officer Myers at th time of the violent assault opett diygon tke fotft tesdinv from thst night On th np Hanoven Pa When found he was lying in the proaeh him he took to hb heels and was finally rad perfectly dad his had and body pierced in I eaptnred after raee nf ahant avnii th Dumber of places with large buckshot and hb I borhood of ten Cathedral After being identified as pockets rifled he was taken to the Merest tavern one of those engaged in throwing brickbats into the where it was ascertained teat he had a large aam of 1 honae of Mr William Rochester one of which fr' VJ sUBck Wm the aca be was fully committed by Duong foe day a foot pad an ill tooking fiti 1 Justice McDonald to answer at court for the of T80 Thowy immediately fence Mr Myers is very seriously injured though taMMciM rf hayieg bad hand in tha tnnrden I ha la now hriiaved to ha nf 4RffT Aa attack and upon I being wrested and searched and 82000 1 made on an officer in foe discharge of hb duty money found in his shouldbe punished with the full rigor of th law tr? t0 I c4uintaMet to prMeh a armoa on tee be bm gBtSwa kmMri compiled: rad choose J0018180? Ih following passage info Psalms for text this land of plenty And let there abundance of peace while tee i tvsMUEia Bnil'll when an old coneapondent handed wjto following remarks jy toiwA a a portraitThe grouping of the ngQres Hhe there be often found peisons hot vitaed in the I de? asPrt the the heavenly reslg stady of the best painters who however decide I all speak the artist one who SwmL iiUL ennlit thna wnrk nn tlma hb own choosing into a'poeui of Epie' sublimity when he shall hereafter select a subject more free from difficultia may give the reins to hb fsncy and trust to hb hands for embodying fitly all hb I 54 lfes DfiAtH SENATOR LINN' 4 I a Ouf city was' painfally excited on: Thunday moving a verbal report brought by the steam bo ht HtgtUander of the death of Senator Linn During all tee foretltfoh anaious friends were re pairing to tee boat to make inquiries and weighing circ*mstances of foe repqrt in th hone to find it unfounded but th arrival of th southern mail put an end to doubt and confirmed the sad in I telugence Several letters Were received making known foe melancholy fact one of them from Dr I roe broiber iiMawotDr Lion and member elect to Congress to Col Benton i rom these fet ters it was learned that the nd event took placebouts in the afternoon of "Tuesday the 3d instant at hb own house in St Genevieve and without the slightest symptom ofillnew He had lain down to sleep ana it was sleep converted into death I He awoke no more in this world I The event is too too too admit of tdf appropriate notice at this time but Bow an we refrain from repeating what we hear everywhere! The skilful physician the able senator the kind and generous num! many excellencies hart were united in him' and what a wonderful combination of va ried talentl a physician bis skill went beond learning Was intuitive and profound a a sena tor he was eloouent and sagacious in all the rela tion of social Iifebenevolentkind and generous tohuiucjiw ne juau jg pan to ieei anotoer wn and enral a 0fseoptur Wr aBl mdingrelfefwtW extent conceive a grater absurdity raiionem That such a man should have bran ent off ro and indocii What must deniy and in foe meridian of hkstrebgthjs fiot 10 ord8r whether foe merely private but a public calamity and fills the Ve7 whoe with Never has a death true to nature? As well might it be contended that insnired a rnnr tinivmml rapra ak 4 I artist only can Judge of tbe beauty of tbe scenes which tbe daguerreotype paints on a metallic tab let Tbe prepared canvass is foe tablet foe artist the light which paints the object with this differ ence only that a cloud may stop this wierdpro cess of mechanical delineation white the image of nature which genius has made stationary shines i more and more beauteous under the mellowing ac tion of the pride of rival nations the won der of successi ve age I That composition worth 1 fess indeed which annot make its beauty evident to all i isj The Ariadne of Vand'erlyn is a lovely woman whose sweet slumber is cbarmedbydreamsof faith ful love What rale of art need we invoke to teach usto admire the matchless beauties Which no en vious veil conceals? Tbe Elbler of Inman sits before the mirror in which she views delighted her own fairy she Ibtens she hars the glad 1 some tamborine the joy inspiring castanettes must wait erewe applaud till the nymph springs I from the canvass another Gatetea instinct with the mingled feelings of new born life and: new born love? And that Prison maid too which West I paintedat the Hague bfe genius kindling there at the emulous remembrances of the masters whose vraruAe nao oeneuvin tn version: we see her we rad tbe pride of conscious loveliness an the magic canvass: needs our admira tion for the image any other guide tat that love of the beautiful which inspires enthusiasm for the uiigiuail fe It was under tha inflaence oflhis strain ofrea ara a Travellers will find this a nleasant AT 133 of 9M 18 Ito PrereMt" be taken off or landed at foe dV 1 ferenttending on fo potduiac I She will atop id I foe abov Rptatdid lotterira addrm jT 2 ''y 7 'vBmvjuMo cone SatarSys going tad MomirtmAlt ilt I 'H'RANCR Rfer generally to th aaembers of the 27fo Con 11 MITCHKtfi4a'tef gJ4fkIs TRATE AND CONVEYANCER I Norma Dos AanilmpSal' and Castillos I AN DRRUBHES TRTriWTO avenue aextdoorto I Cigars CH JAMES i 1 4 K7 baa just opwaed a cboiee assortment ef 8h fours from 8 a till 1 June 22 5 4 i riv 4x5 11 nTTrtrwa Wvnts rk r'A 1 Nail Ptete and Shaving Brash Ab VT 'SARSAPx! I 'WlBUlMUl 1 IV Blushes 1) oC which are emMantlytoM ttJB2dJ'ni ports for Suaday and 6 the eventual Admitted of Tettnv of yellow fever Died of yellow fever cTntmVMaa lUa out th 30th of September 1843 and ending trt the I delegates there was but one 7th of October same Vote in favor of district ruDlisned ty order of the Board of Hahh1 ield of yellow fever 77 Cvoress Grova IS in Catholic' St St Protestant Total The corpse of our kWM UaieMUUfEVVm 3 Slat of October 1843 dSr A 1 prtee of 2300 apportionment frtade by the last Congress We are confident that only three districts out of the twenty four into which the State is divided are the same as they were whenthe: State was entitled to twenty eight 1 members: and those three are the 8th 9th 5 I vi yc and 21st The Democrats have carried Discharged i the 9th and21st at this "election and the Whigs the 8th(Lancaster) which gave and five thousand jit the last presidential election is srtiVrr Jl Utt vf membert the but Ctmgreas from Pennsyfeimw Charte fogmoU Joseph Ingersoll Joseph orBance George Toland JohnWaibrook Jeremiah Brown toswhmd1: rancb' James George Keim John Edwards James Gerry Robert Ramsey Amre Guettaa 7 William Simoaton Benjareh John Snyder Almon Rad Albert Marchand Henry Beeson Wflllam Jack Arttold Charles 15 Kl Utuv A 53 Last mail brought us nb addi tionaljeturns from this State' The con grestional delegation from the State is twelveDemocrats and nineWbigs beyond a doubt and it is almost certain that the I)emdcrats Save four majority in'the Senate' and the Whigs four majority in the House ofRtpresentatives ofthe' State Last year (if we recollect right) the Democrats two'jmajority in each branch of' the StaifXesfoti The congressional from the StfoinheXla' Congresa twelve Whigs and seven Democrats' as follows: I i jfrt wUr John WeUwrt4ktk NatbaniejG Pendleton William Dosto Patrick Goode i William Morrow James Mathews' Calvary Morris George Sweney William Ruarall Juha'Hartiaga Joseph Ridgway I Ezrs DaaO 7 i Samson Mason i Benjamin Cowan 'IT Andrew i :3 c' Giddings Samuel 1 will be seenfrom the above that the Whigs bad almost two one from Ohio part of bis every day tires In that ara during I ad the I a more beautiful polish tn fess time than any other periods of peace adventurous spirits sought for myRT nven nn i eign fields of fame Though still in foe strength of 5011 linen and Shine manhood be ha nodoufi already SBT Oct 19 ts Auctioneers alike in damp and dry weather or wholesale climes perhsps WlthJ young Gustavus he fought QT0VE8 The subscriber hw now inlhose early campaign in Russia which were I 0 in aiork for aafethe eomnletM If 83a4w tjtSKu hl Jtniiilu8 0 nd perhaps assortment of stovnever offered in this place and I pnR'Nnnrmrir Twrmt a wkrk 1 SL than ever sold before Radiator of emi re NOROLK TWICE A WEEK hitherto alluded only to what: artist: term the I idral of 4he composition but? it an in 1 justice to th artist not to speak of the laalorM eze cution of the whole picture (if ought be materiai I on which tbe handof genius has been laid!) Weir 1 is no no ftmatiaLdiscipte of one wor i shipped master He copies nature but he huL studied the immortal worka of the masters who copied it before him i rotn among them we are inclined to believe that be prefers the domigodt of landers as the Italians are wont invidiously to characterize Reubens and his pupils for be palnteLdraperies with all the finish of Nethertend artists Metzue doa not give more downy softness bright er reflai of light to velvetmoa graceful folds ft more glqss tol satin he doa npt throw more gor 11 geoux tints more varied and undulating rhyson silk and broade The awning thrown over teel deck is wrought with so much skill and know! 1 1 edge of perspective that we an compote the exata i space which it coven There needed no rainbow I to inform us that the sun has got the better of the iignt snower on the peariy drore ot wntch ita ray street fronting the avenue next had pautfed it colors feel it glowing on tne 'J Aneiinei awning Jt nrMiwa naHsnf I sea nn I eilrhr 1 1 in CUTS XTOm I june to aunsnuic a iinijnnH VEGETABLE BITTRRI L8? 01 pictare0 ATENTBARLE YLOUR PREP ABED vTSANDS CELEBRATED SARSAPJ tv merit fob eom Gomer J4thudBt Ctrw'hiipsi MVUA MJ tt VlCUll Ul HA lUUUUJSj UVCC I I in no other School of Medicine in the Union Th lectures commence on the 1st of October and ter minute on the 4th of July ensuing I Owing to foe Jengfoof the session which em hrfiMfl Mrirvirtf annatenlt ihrae DMWMrAiw A Th nnmtam I ewwew Kiai av a iviwwte IW OoMTiowWe believe no one can be Keidtiiy th8 institatiS arewwShN I baPPy Without some regular eito in8 hy I and the stadents are neldora rwqtured to auend mwe rangement tbe students have an opportunity of be ing well grounded Anatomy Physiology and fore they investigate their applications in connex ion with the study of foe DMctice of Medid and i muu iHerarv acauiremenis musi oe lain oeiore me i Semsm A lad named Lawrence Shea 17 before the 26th instant A Stately hrfnrn WadUtalm yean ot age was sentenced on Saturdavin As 1 interview if practicable be pre 1 1 7n3 irt th in to sen cars imprisonment The a donSc fcg1 7ectareW taitioifewhfeh seholarawragins TO whtehThe Auburn prison the Eastern Penitentiary I S900'per annum Rockville fs fourteen toiles tenhe ttudenttorommanceuwe'ftaTiOMnu I hi medical rtudia in foe institution and bre 1 communications be addressed to foe nrntrtinn hvrinre Apailjull of fey with a piece of copperas half! Rev John Mines President of the pupilage and that as big as a egg boiled in it will produce a paid By order? fine nankeen color which will not wash oud RICHARD BOWIE LJrL wwa veeMwee'vy eoav witliAHt reforMirdi tA 11m tlmm luh km hm Nwro Exroar Among the exports from Bps fnTR LABBE has the honor to inform e8M ln the rtudy of medicine or tff joining1 tbit ton to Calcutta last week were wdundred dam 1V1 foe tedia and gentlemen of Washington acbool provide he undergoes in a aatirthctmy praefes carefully packed in ice! Capitol Hill and Georgetown that his Dancing tmmnerthevariom examinations prescribed by the I 1 Aademy will re open on Tuesday October 17th enactments' ITTIRGINIA IRON i WORKS OR his dwelling house on Pennsylvania avenue The Professors are: John Alexander plaintiff Baxter I Ghysof mition Tuesdays Thursdays and Satur Robert Roger Drofessor of Chemistty) administrator of John Irvine deceased and John I dayfrom 3p Hi to for young ladies from Pharmacy ana Mate ria Media Jordan and others defendants tc 5io7p mfor young martam and from 7 to 101 Henry HowardM Professor ot Pathology Pursuant to decree pronounced in this cause forgentlemen and Practice iif Medicine Obstetric and Mdioal bythe Circuit Superior Court of Law amt nhn BThoae ladiaand gentlemen who may Jurisprudence eery for Rockbridge county on the 23d day of Sep 1 desirous to receive instruction at Georgetown Jama Cabell MD Professof of Anatomy tember 1843 we shall proceed on the premises I wiH Pleas leave their nama at tbe Union Hotel Phyaiology: and Sorgery foe 20fo dayof December next to sell by wey of I OTtMr residence in Washington WILLIS "W00DLEYfi public auction that extensive iron establishment Oct 17 2aw3w July 14 cply tee tateffirmy ouS 4 frvi "I TUVE DOLLARS REWARD between UNIVERSITY PENNSYLVANIA consisting of orge and urnace with every 1 7th street' and Good Hope 'Prince sA i thiagtatteched for the convenient and successful county my bank book containing a check which oe 184344 operation of the works Was intended to be signed by me for sixteen bun rjjHE LECTURES vill commence cm Monday 'The forge is situated on river one dreddoiters datedllth October 1843 marked good November the 6th and ba mile above its confluence vwith tbe Cowpesture I by Boarman book keeper and made paya belbllowingarrangement to the middle of March which form the Jama river The furnace i dis 1 bl to the order of Henry Totoon' 1 xs tant from the forge about six miles and both ire I 1 forewarn all persons from receiving the above Practice end theory of Modidne by lyMMUttU directly on foe Lexington and Covington Torn check a I have notified foe Bank or Washing Chapman MD pike lion that foe check has been lost and will not be ChemUiy by Robert Hare MDV The wotks are of superior construction and ms 1 paid if presented i Also two atgaatures of Isaac Surgery by William Gibson terials and are now in full operation There' are Clarke upon ruled letter paper Anatomy ire William Homer i also two mills on the' a merchant milll eo3t i a JOHN Institutes of MediciupJy Samuel Jackson and sawmill I "a The real property consists of about 50000 screslT? AD1ATORS I fcavq just received al Materia Medics and Pharmacy byGeoqgoB of land containing an inexhaustible supply of ore AL new supply of Radiators very handsome (Wood MD' woodjand water In a word there is no iron es wafeh I can very cheap for cad Radiators Obstetrics and the dtseaaa of Women and CHI tablisnment in Virginia which can compare with nreall foe rage thia season (Call quick dr they dren by HtihlZ Hodge Mr this1" 1 hi I will be gone A course ot Clinical Lectures and Damcnstra The forge flirnaee attached' wftl be I l0 all other kinds of Staves veiy cheap The tions in connexion with foe above ia given nt foe I sold separately or together as foe commissioners I Companion Cooking Stoves Coal and Philadelphia Hospital I may dam best on the day of ale and will tel WoodStova of all kinds Grates Cast iron Pat 1 Clinical Medicine hy WGernardMD' sold on a credit of one two three and four team I cnt uiaps and the Self regulating Air tight Stove Clinical Surgery by Dre Gibson and Homtfi Wi the purchaser giving band with securitv and the have one of the Self regulating Bloves up ln i Clinical instruction in Medicine is also kiven title withheld as ultimate security my store which can be sees in use by calling at froth foe 1st day rf Novetnber to tha Slrt uay Of 'At the same time and place quantity of per 1 March by DrWood in the Pennsylvania sonal property belonging to the forge and foriiaoe1 bove Stoves will be sold very cheap for pital and about twenty shares of Lexington tad Covina i at foe siga of the Stove and Grate between 'The rooms for Practical Anatomy will open ton Turnpike Stock will be sole I on accredit of 1 10th end Ufo streets Pennsylvania avenue Jed October 1st and continued to to tht end of nine montbs the purchaser giving bond with tabdr Oct eol March They are under th charge of Paul Beek security' 6 1 rr Goddard Demonstrator with a supervbiog The eale will commence at 12 and continue 1 ANTED a situation's teacher by an Irish 1 00 be part of Dr Homer 7 from day today till finished man whois a graduate of a European coL BORNER' D1' urther information can be obtained by address 1 le8e HavingbeenengigedinihatprofessionduringL Dean of the aculty' ing foe undersigned" at Lexington Vs the test eight or nine yars as principal of acade 4 Nov 4 BARCLAY I mia and tutor in private fiunilies in the United! il si feit HiLi' JOHN RU States he is enabled to produce ample testimonials SPLENDIDLOTTERIES tawn rt WM a LEu)is'" for morality and ability to give tiwrooeh inscrue 1 titrnm ma muu ano ureeg languages and all I ammlahihua LOrTSKi' written in the downcast eye the quivering lips of iitEW TWO STnRYhRrrirwrinsiE profound English education in Class No 52 for 4 niMfit not! th WlMdMto art A rw rw 11 a I Jri on mis aay or ber di orcing th society and civil mi I ttnmcauiieiy auenaea i C1 iratioo precisely as shewas on that 4ben eiov 1 1 Oct2 8aw3t nn 1 1 A 1 I wva VU IMQ UIVMUOM 1 VgintVl 1 twin maitAiM ciajiv I Mlw street south of tbe inaiLmThe loca 1 TTT PISCHKR hu 1 1 nf dmn at effi teh fflft kViqf Inimitable btackingwS I ot his bart in devnnt asntrations it is an hnhtrnat I 5" desirable Lihexnly standard article in foe country ft affords 1 1 of 2fi00 138 it xxaivesap 1 1 Certificate of a package of 25 whoteticktis 8130 iZn ri' nTT Do do ir 26 half 66 loners Hati 1 Pq: do 26auartar 10 I it 354 Dollirif THE new fast tad rape ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY rior steamer OSEOLA will tvv sis Class No 63 for 1843 'rrirpa eT8rJ To be drawn at Alexandria DX) gMToeeday and Saturday at I the 98th of a and Alexan UJ ir 't ii'isz z'I Returning will tear Norfolk i I every Monday and Thursday at 6 prireof 60 prfoesotTtI)OU ntctouMlSaaaiar' THE SYRACUSE CONVENTION AND DISTRICT ELECTIONS'4 The Martinsburg Republican ia the last ua iiiB inrpR iMmnrrRiirnfEMeBz ui wmrn we appealed for their opinions on the sitiona taken by the Charleston Mercury Aa we have published the replies of the Charlottesville Jeffersonian and the Lynch burg feel bound to notice in like manner reply of the Martins burg Republican' It fullycoincides with those paperp in opinion Tht(epublican adds: fesJ 1 rack champions such a' eanse 'ruled by such a spirit as they manifest hold a con troversy to be interminable And we are sure Mr Ritehi must see that they will alwaya have th test wordi Iris no sacrifice of honor or ability to retire from aeontest where none is to: be gained and if pre desired to point out to Mr Ritchie an evidence of this truth we would go no farther than the article from the Charleston Mercury to which he "It is positively intimated in the Charleston Mercury and the Petersburg Republican (the lading Calhoun organ in Virginia) that Mr Cal friends will notpermit the York dele gates appointed by the Syracuse eon veation to take seats in the oronosed national convention because they were not chosen as these gentlemen 1 would to wit by the people of the several districts in New York So we presume? they will insist in foe case of every other State which may am mint or has appointed delegates in favor of Mr: Van Bnrenin any other way than (their favorite one" Ac 4c popular sentiment of this region of Virginia concedes to ach Stat the pri vf ilegeto appoint its delegates to the national vention as it pleases Having thus republished 'the replies of viu wncu 4Wuuuiivaii uitfburcU wc uioil The published at the city of Jefferson on the 28th: ult states' that have now been held in Washing ton Ralls Marion Monroe 4 Callaway Platte Salinej'Mprgan Miller Green Dade Osage Jasper Newton Barry and Jeffer son in all of jwhich counties the Democra cy have declared in favor of a State con vention Clay county and the city of St xiuis have expressed a preference for dis xict conventions But while Clay county las expressed this preference she hta ap pointed delegates to a State convention and instructed them vote for foe appoint ment of delegates to the national conven tion provided the other counties of that wazai mhUa aUk La I miuvkv way uva uuild? TVfiUl UCi IU I that the Democracy of the several counties lowing day for Erie on his way to Niagara I W1U ourfnend6 in the i otate may be known presuming that there Tu Yzuow CtusrrT Re 1 8 no portion oi Democracy of the State but what are wffimg to be governed inthis 'I jvaj svgMuivgg vi mull AfcndayIown individual 22 couny "ex Governdr Dunklin presiding it oectarea tor a state convention and for Mr Van Buren In Dadethe votestood for1 Van Buren 63 for Johnson 32 It is said also that in taking the vote on' the mode 23 21 9 10 10 11 10 11 9 a I rf i fl I i 1 1 I I 0 I.

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Name: Dong Thiel

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