The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

IIU TSSSffiSEfii TT" I FrBeli iiUfHCe SSrtftJ NewOrlMBl. i Offer for aie a large assortment of ckxJ. lT?" ft iiMf.TThi ti" UilE Ar'L: Utt. I CffiSrelto i it f.blLantte leave, the Harvey Canal twice a AriSS'iriMih Tii PATEHT nSStCBXO' LEATHE BAKD1. .1 gwgRI8ETT, both in good running order, for THCR8DAY.

the aith at P. M. teamem flV, fttttttftttSSL L. Ji PATES BREECH LOADING RIFLE Wna. LCljrfflia fiSKm S1oX2SuhwSupt forth.

Situated In Hincounty. MIs. forty mile ftom VUpruMuToD. Marine Risk 11,873 68 and the q'uallty guaranteed. mhlgtr LIRELT NESRO MAN tr Beld hnnd nd ronning pnr packet rte.mer BT.

NICrlO Cabin passage to Bay and Pass. ferJnarSfar'L noTed wSteifn? Place for th. cure of ChronlcD, K6t Ufa of tbe Golden go Hejd No Maito re, sad aold low if application be made Apply to JVe above. For freight or passage apply on board or Deck 2 E5. Tiaftd.

97,334 88 SSSSS sixe. car Slrrli uCrtt to both unlifj f0 N. B. Itta well know tbattbeyeUowfererwaepreTa VKSd Bh JiakfrTcoronriain, one of tlM TLWriage and action alao, a welUmade light TOP bv applying to ber agent. awnaXoau Springs Bhoxi i MtJlZT.

Tocml Ma lMtrm. SJarinTKLe. MIS "'LoUeHS Cey. Md Peacoc Plongta, o. vlft iJIH JSllL tadte Th.

Maaical I oicoWTiVd pJSi takenweVhbeddg naed on LowS m'inn eyry derlption aniaiie. Valuable Property for Male. with the lllinoi. Central Railroad for the Pontrhartrain Ra.Iroad an the arriTal attCLi iacoidby ft "Lthe reaident Tpbyriciao. Ir.

J. 7lt aa ALIA I. O. O. Maauna and 8.

T. Regalia ano The two. tory Frame Building on the corner of 7 I'hr rSTTrn aud Weatern ritiea Tne elegant and the cara. a. follow.

acknowledged tn Parents are Mrxiti Lh In orVaenrTof witneaaea. and their Parapbemalia. of eTery dearription i Ae largrrt and maw fTS Walk and Philippa atreeta, in aquare bounded roomy paaaruger strainer ST. NICHOLAS. P.

Yore, maa Poutthartralo Railroad Leae Oceaa PorterMapTlyjtkeltaaja rvents are DerstB. BeMeiey.lanJ bornt in complete artment to be foaad in the dulled Statea Jtiby Julia and Circoa atreeU, b.ii.g a f.out ou Triton ter. will l.are aa above on ber neat regular trip. Sta Monday.

MondaVeTeBiS tedto lal UoT "''Jrly arrSrldo To "irDlA RUBBER BELTING, PACKING. c. Mm Walk of ftu feet, by 1.6 feet front on Phi.ippa at 1 he lower rtom. ran be aecured and plan of rabineen by applying Jueaday. A.

M. r.ra WdaelL. lib parior? ta oier toVcqa. the coming aeaaon i bot Eapenata, Intereat, fte 10 Knea i are the princip ageutt fore Boat.n BrIUnj i. a.

a large family grocery the upper.torj and Jyl to O. M. WHITE. Prontwreet. Jda, moruH i young lade "'JTrZl 1 ifUJiiin miJeto render tb lnralld com Company for the aale afludia Rubber BelUng and Packinf twow nga a.

dwelling apartmeuta The location of ihia pro il friday. 4 P. M. car. Raturdar aM!" ilMt hefr naceaaary to jo.M Wl11 tfj 1.

W. "75 Steam Joint, aud Hoae of eyery aire, togethe. prominent aud deairable. aud will be aold at a lave. on R111AY theMb low at ft rV 1 Saturday.

appear IM raona '52LT lo rfla tortb'e 101 Het progU for the year ending March It, 1. IM.70a complete aaaomneot of all dearription. of lodta to yicfd inmme of li aer not upon llie fT3 RKQOliAR ST. LOUIS PACKET The I LeaTe. Jefferaon Railroad iH" urt tlat IUO.i Point Clear Hotel.

lr wbirb tbey offer at the loweat market rate. TL'iK' pMeoger Taeaday. A. M. aird.y.: toMdfrBtaJbt.B.

proprietor, of the Battle Howe bare the plea The Company bare the following aawU, yil. "iaTLnok for Large Horat atanding the dour at For further inquire of afiawwaSawil John Maloy matter, will leae for theabaye The Creole, returning on Monday buS? 1 imencing September i. I8ft6 rfaimW tbe aMic thu aboje Bill. receWable bearing mortgage, aud for I Magazine Kreet ftft ly 8. L.

HILL, Real Estate Broker. and aii luiermediate a. aboe. For freight or I Saturday will not atop at PawTcarfcui? 9 yiiS fciaiTMMFR. RESORT will be opened onWEDNKS loao.on atocka 40,87.

II Conimercial Place paaaage apply on board, or to I Bay St. Louia. vamuaa. tag aa iMMia ollnandncud'br LORD iSf SolJaDe Bill. recelTable, at abort time, for lft.94 78 JyH lm IT con.mer.

ml Kiace. i BELL. BUCHANAN Magaiinest. I Preigbt eitra baggage, horaas row, carria a. rnHTBSbAlirtntmp lioJtbVgVoundV.

"dWde new Idition. BilU receirable. being note. m.ono 00 TKWRLRY. a For Sale or Kent.

PHI UAV, the Mh in.t.. at P. M. yand ThSa'. Snewf? 1 Soieeduonr pila ire admitted a bniidingi.

which are now in order andgreatly Doe premium, in courae of eollecUan 3.KH ff A A ery dcirahle oted Cat al PfS CAIRO. Ac. The eent to the railroad on tbe day. ula5 till their ed. augment conifort.

A new North Wharf haa been built. Due from other companies hTrrrVoarTstlwe Ml Fl LnZ KftlSihS. fJEK wl.rDngeVe tJmtaiamolet or Mdll the are prepared for their fa wbicb will leaaeo tbe diatanre and time conaiderahly. A Cashonhaud 41w" 71 TnO Store io. linip c'ircBa.

LJLtbe depot, and twenty minotea dnre from the city L'A" Tl TTl wiii iP.Ve a. aboyel or I the prevlou. or In time for the t'dvl rS2Tw prepareoior "ew iiahle ha. been erected and the road, much improred "TLrTa eBEe1Rf by the Common atreet road. The Hour l.

well built, airy 2 ol? on boaS or to It will be left imUJ tbe neat trip n.tihted i.b raea aecordin to their PoinlClear ha adautage. oer all place, upon the Vptal amount of aaaet. 18 a Dealer, la and very commodious, containing all the rneuiencea j'1 appiy ou toar or to I ParV according tne.r rt ind thte who elaited there Ian Man ran endotae Ir WATCHES requi.lte for a large family. There are alao Car Q. M.

V. HITE. a atrret. paaaagc to Mlailaeippl City Bnlori and i UJSuam the oes to be fonnd Im th. Salt Water Bathing.

Kiab and OyWera. STATE OP LOOISIANA. I CLOCKS. rige. Hou, Poultry Hou.e.

Senr.nt.' Houae. Leave, ou FRI DA Y. the in.t.. at ft P. 0eM" i JfTTJ.

recreaaon, ever, BLO rTS BAND ha. been engaged for the aeasnn. and Parish of Orleans. City of New Orleana. jiAj.

JEVYELET, The grounds are very extensive, tantefolly laid out and FOR ST I.OUIS. CAi RO. HlCtvMAN. pg wgV 7 "TV 5 dty, with ample space for eae rgse'M Tqq. efy amaaement attendant at watering place.

Be It remembered, that on the itb March. I. before Wl GDNS. ll stocked with a variety of choice roaes and other Ltr ferNew Ma.lrid, Klen.pbis. Napoleon, and all SSSalariral w'u 'rovTded.

tenoit at watering piac me? the jMice of tb, snd for th. r'lSTOr plants orange tree, some in fuU bearing, Ac. together Tb liht' draught Children i I 1 TbiSelorTVerenUemeil of talent, ohoaeo wtu The Southern Star. Carson, will ply regularly city aforesaid, personally appeared a large Kitchen Garden steamer DELAWARE.

McMyrtre, mas New Orleans. June IK. 10 Wata. j. eT KSwIreia in the establislimeut.

and rlct during the season between the city aud Point Clear. ient, and H. P. Janvier. Secretary, of the Ioui.iana And every variety of Fancy Goad, of tbe newest an lat The term, will be very liberal.

ter. will leave a. above. For freight or passage apply on SEI 5ThoraJ conduct and Improvement Room, may be secured by addressing Mutual Insurance Company of Orleana. who being which we offer at low rates.

For further particulars, apply to board.orto ii a AN UiLK LEW.8aUS3 1 a attention I mid to th. moral cooauci auu mtff tH AM BrRI.AI! ft TO inly according to law. do depose and say, that th. Having engaged the service, of Mr. Joseph E.

Eater, a FELLOWES A Jyl F. ALLEN. AgenMR I Ptid Madisonville The new aad" the pnplla. mil.hand French Laogragaa, 1 bove accounts are jut and true, and a correct transcript experienced atch Maker, we are prepared to do all kind Jy3tn Common street. ATrmui a I 1 low preMure pasenger packet ARal t' JSihwJtmr, Mthenj3c, Lauderdale Hbite Sulphur from the books of th.

said Company. of work in that line M. inn i Vim I WritiBg, Arithmetic. Georapny, Lauderdale County. Miss.

CHAS. BRIGSS, President, Also. Diamonds mouuted and Jewelry manufactured tr foinlly Kealdence lor Sine. Oil ST. LOUIS, CAIRO.

HICKMAN (Tburadays excepted.) for the above named pUoeaiiv Book keeping, Ac. accomoltohm ent areta ught This fashionable and popular watering place, the P. JAN V1ER. Secretary. der gMa A very p.eaaant and comfortaoie FAMILI RESI lf.t? Memphis and all mterniediate landings.

In ronubinnl. HBliir tr ThefollowmgUage.aiidaecompiianinenaareo.ugu. medicinal qoalitie. of whose waters are I worn to and subscribed before me, tbia ith day of orN B. Old Gold and Silver boognt.

d8 ft ly RjT DENCE, situated on Louisiana Avenue, the oral will, the Illinois Central Rail val of the 4 o'clock P. M. cars, and retaraln, The charges are JkcAnow univeraally recognised by the medical faculty MircblHftri. C. M.

BRADCORD. aaUa. house from the corner of Nayades street, toward. rTU lor al. tl and Western citiea The elegant the 9 o'clock train In the morning.

On 1 VJSrSf oVin. 4 nd be public, la now eaai'y acceasihle by means of the geCOI14 Jurtice of the Peace for the parish of Orleana. Jo Western iHerrbnutj. Wagaiine atreet; three lota, meaaunng lfio feet in depth nd ilt running sa nger acket ateamer PLVI make an eacuraion trip, leaving at a A. M.Tua I Bpanish, German, or Drawing, per monin J' Mobile and Ohio Railroad and lines of four horse Coaches, CLOCKS AND TIME 1 Tne building, a very subsrantiai one, cintains ten rooms Ct.OL U.

Riclia'o Phillip. mater. will be In port ready io. the nmr evening in time tor 'he 7fc oWk rI 6 0P running tut and west, and Is now open for the reception The Board of Trustees have resolved to pay Sis per cent C. BROW N.

No. 3 Courtjoudt treet, Ne York parlors, chajuben, dining rm, kitchen, servannr to recci.e freight on Thursday morning aud wili leave a. Fare to M.di.onville SS'Mm'fvirclai'nVr" month of vUit'rs. interest on the scrip certificates of lHoft, payable on and manufacturer and deaJer in Clocks and Time Pieces oath room, Ac. The garden is handsomely laid above, ror freight or apply on board or to xcurslon nip on 8unday.

over and back i Fencing and Military Exerciwper month jtion to tbe baiWing, tncted on, the cond Monday of Moy next, ani nave declared ould call the attention of weern mercto to hh wt. with a great varietv of Prait tree, and Jyji ALI EN. Agent, Poydras street. freigbt taken it the usual and rtl SowJrta. sV annth leTm tt 00 other commodious and elegant rooms, with new furniture, rf diTiaeu(, of Twenty rive per cent on the net earned large and well asaorted of all wholesal' Apply to A.

T. PICRRELL. U4 Gravier rjr Tbe Flying Cloud i. uu.urpas.ed lu speed or com. ton extended to patron, of the line AppIytoeaoS" 17 3 SSdMimomli" 1.V."10C have been completed and the entire premise, rena pn.mrums of the past yeir.

for which certiarates will be andretall. i tf comer of Caaap forr, having very large room. In tbe ladies' cabin for faml on bonrd. fXl II 4 Sbfirander oKw pr nVonth! 0C v.ted. Ssurd on and after the' first day of June next, and they war Mercnant.

and dealers will do well to call befor. A plan of cabin can be Ken and state rooms se. pqimt lu.h II Eljnolaand 8 00 Tbe new Cottage, have large airy rooma conrtmcted have reserved tbe balance of tne net profits of the year purchasing elsewhere. VERY DESIRABLE SEA SHORE RESIDENCE, cured by applying to her agents. Jrnotf tt bodtH FRN II 0C njfin' ending lh March inftfi, to meet pendfng, but unadjusted' Jewelry A tuatld on I high bluff at Bay bI ThV iml Leave, on SATURDAY.

August id. at 5 P. M. ituCarsoo. motor" lui leave MoMi', 11 Ehlhoni from bf past 8 till 1.

ind from half past Tbe public generally are tbJ clai ma again.t the Company ST. CHARLES LOAN OFFICE, 34 ST. CUARLEI proveaieuts are extensive and in the best order. The gar nZ, FOR CAIRO, MEMPHIS AND ALL feuTeptedO "it Wr.M imoVlocIt to make a sojourn at the bpnngs agreeable, dehght Tb Company continnc i to insure against loss and dam opposite St. Charle.

HoteL Sens are in a high state of cultivation, and the property fjisgthe intermediate landing. WJSm Dve Vor WltvP! Wnw CT 0mtfS 'dl," J. A BEARD A MAY Arcade iSctyV H.F AKine Gold Lepine four hole. Krnif Kruit Fruit for All. W.

SHA A. ,4 Povdra. st. 1 Jyii tf about 6 cjgAkyrp fc FQRr)j Agent. I mfUere JKo splendid mail coaches leaving the Spring.

JAI4 U.a. aecretary FineGolo Detach'ed LJ'vVrV ANTHONY ASTREDO 18 Roy. and 09 Obi. River. Uladon and Oullum'a Se while new cUase.

of three different degrees, three time, a week, going ea.t and we.t cast by Livng. Trustees Golo Fnalueled Wtohe. for Caua street respectfully inform. Ii.s friend, and Leave, on TUESDAY, the iid at 12 M. I foi Gentlemen, compruiing Elementary.

Middle and Supe Bluflport. Forkland. Greensborough i. Cli.iton, Selma, A. A.

Foadick, A. R. Montgomery, go Hunttu? Eu lbf' b' 'n', Pr h. OR LOUISVILLE The fin, regular fJfeSON TVRado rior Classes, at his office. Cnlversity Building, comer of Benton, and to Montgomery.

west by Herbert, Dills Tbornbtll, S.S.Green, R. Nugent, Gold Hunting Watches which run eight daya. jSSr br)n' orchard, and six cr seven others in the packet A tigS Ssi Demopolia The fine light draogM aaalSJ I i SSonnaid Common streeu. Room No. I borougb, id to Brando.

M. at the tern. inn. of the WA. Violett, A.

Wm.urqahar, oS to mapi vicinity of Vick.burg. from wnich he sell by Maid win master, will leave for Louisville ttZJZlTffi" ikoTm i I The classes will take place In the evening, at various vick.burg. Jackson and Railroad, tbus affording Brugier. M. Pilcher, D.

P. Logan. different watcnee. lie million, thousand box, barrel or doien and will de Vii iueTSiediate landings, as above. For freight or I JE AN KTTE, H.

K. Johnson, master, will run dortnathl from ft to9 o'clock, was to. uit any body. an easy access to one of the most valuable and desirable Frank ViUiam. E.

H. Pomroy, W. A. Johnson. Gold VTatchs.

which wind and set hand, wlthoat any hver to a I parta of the city free of charge a large atid pMW apply on boa d. or to I summer and fall season as regular packets to thelloivl The learning of the language wil be made extremely WBtering place, in the South. C. Fasy, A. Lecourt, J.

W. Burbridge, kev nmKU" wlc very choice variety of rru.ta ng of PEACHES, Jv.2J BELL, BUCHANAN A 9ft Majazine I and all Intermediate landing The ILLINOIS eaiy bya new method of amipUflcation. Carriage, will at all time, be In readiness upor ithe arri John Fii, Tboa. Byrne, N. M.

Benaghf, V1' AUo PEARS. APPLES. ORANGES, MELONS, and every tisV A plan of the cabin can be Men and state room, se I leaving MoniU' every TUESlfl, at 4 elock iuS Price, per month and perchtas o. payable In advance of the car, to convey paswrigers to or from the Depot. e.

eanocheaa, R. C. Wm. Prehn, A large assortment of rich new style Carbuncles, Pearl, thing in tbe line. As agent, be will also on coin cred by applying to tbe agent.

I tne JEANETTE every SATURDAY, at 4 o'clock PL Apply at the Professor's office. Persons wUhing to leave the Spnugs in any direcUou by J. H. Oglesby, G. W.

Dunbar, A. P. Nobtom, "celved m.on Juno, rruit Trees of every denptmn fFSDAY the in.t at ft Returning, the Illlnoto7Bell wiU Tleav. BuUoa eld 1 Ping, after ft o'clock. Jpm private canveyaoce, can always be accommodated C.

Honold, F. W. Rirchhoff. Henry Rodewald. JCLE8 jERGfcNSEN WATCHES.

Please gve h.m a call, and you will be sati.hed. Here JSI Fott I CI AT 1 Loni'svilLI 6pP er, hrtnliy, 4 o'ekk P. LOUIalana Colle.e. 1 MMti" AddUn Cammack. with certiflcte.

from him with watch, perfect U. I JandM.Cd!soCi Tlie' Located la th Building ibnn occupied by Jefferao. ilSSL riock. from a. aa Jvo tf 1 Koyal Vnd Canal street T.

nmnertv ol Rate, of Board New Orleans I nsurtlnce Company. MntIe 'rSpVWATrHES Please do not forget l.i. 'ra Bartlet Pears, or those matcr, will for the above and all intermediate Uud I Mobl HB LOUISIANA COLLEGE Is now the property u.wfc 10 00 COOPER aicmeo, nr Joule Peara of which he a sunnlv on hand ings. as above. For freight or passage apply on board, or to I eouewiay morning in ma 1st tat a company of among whom we observ.

Fe 9iom Office No. 106 Canal Duplex and some In hunting easel, perlccl nnejome rears, ol wm. i.e a supply on nana. ROGERS. McGCIRE A I New Orleans mail boat.

For freight or passage apply Louis Dufau, A. B. Roman, J. D. Denegre, L.

Labarre, Fr. children and half price This company. Incorporated in March, 180S, Insure v. vum JL9 FIFTY HOLLARS REWARD Ran away from UT The Crescent is of ve.y Ught draught, drawing only board, or to 5WViffiatel5 Cn 8 THOMAS ADAMS Propietor. against the pe'riU of the se.

river, and loss or damage by tnr lIJFSr the plantation of of the parish of iber a inche. light J(Wn, COX bW CO Simon. It has been chartered by the Stat oi smith Sunerintendent. i for timing horses. In gold and silver case.

ftA vi e. La on tbe IMh June, a mulatto man named M. I Jel Jm ua. naiuaAitu moous. Louisiana, and received diversity privileges In March myaft Sm SMITH, Superintendent.

fire, at the current rate, of premium, and retum ten per Splendid Gold Focket WILLIS aged alwut 2 1 or years, ft feet 4 or ft Leavesou 1 LtMiAY UiMrVyr Leaves every SATURDAY at 4 P. I last. It is administered by a Board of Truteea, composed While Hulphur cent, iu cash, to the assured ou all their premiums. CHRONOMETERS. 1 iumi high, clear complexion and mardless.

who n.urer A I FTTY Bald fP BLADON SPRING PACKET Stunaut ofMeIxHrkiUufao ex I These Springs will be open tor the reception of capital and Silve; Detached Lev.r. ad "(r wl)iu. alld a uro man nBmrd LjgmgyS f''f 1 bivS? Arrangeen "ReValar Bat urd.y I Denegre, L. Labarre.

Alex. Declouet, Fr. Dogus. visitors on tbe 1st day of Juue, lxflrt. all other style, of atchea.

HEN IS. aged about or 24 fret or 4 inches I. V. For Bladon and CnUom'. Sorui iiexiiFerry, Beptime Fortler JtlulL Tbey are situated in Montgomery county.

Asset, a. follows, vir All of the above for sale at retaU, much lea. tha. to. ur, olack.

There i. a suspicion they have joined J'Xon board o'fJo 8 The eTegJnt, tight Tang" penge? 22nS In it. last meeting, Board lof Trostees one nd hlf niile. from the irpni. sod Cash on hand 17 Pricefc Atao nv Heury aud ATred.

who ore advertised in this paper 'TO. joilN HYDE A CO f.i Povdras st I ADVANCE, Sam commander, will run regalsriy resolved, that the Faculty of Louwian College Railroad, from which there is a branch railroad to the BUla receivable bearing mortaage on JEWELRY, Pi. ajune) aa having run away from tne pantutiou of The a.m7 tiv 'i. a hail be composed of the following Prolessorsblps! 1st. Springs.

nuis receivaoie. Deanng mortgage on Diamond Rings and Pius. iiuduv Iwville Tbe above reward will he paid for Letty viry lignt rang tit. (only S3 I For naiaage having "auoerior m2ZH! English LlteSuTe: Sd, Mathematics; 3i, Natural Sci leav1n), Richmond or Petersburg afterbre.k Improved property in the city of SILVE SPOONS. recovery of encia, 4th, French Literature; 6th.

Ancient and fast, reach the Spring, by 3 o'clock, F. same day, ail New Orleau. VI Alao MENARD A VIGNACD. through without netenrion orrestnpping SMITH. 1 New Lew, WewOrteaaa I that in filUngsaid Chairs, the pecuniary compensation at the way by railread.

BilU receivable, at ghort time, for pre An Undi of go Chan, pare gold Weddlaf Rlyrt jyi.iMdA; 2tW Bienville street. Leaves ou TUESDAY, the iii at 6 P. M. I MONTGOMERY A RUTLAND, i I i tached to each shall be a matter of secondary consideratloa The accommodation, have been very much extended gold Key. and gold Pen.

and gld and snvei j. FOR LOUISVILLE The en I Front street Mobil. I with th Board of theiroblect being to nce last season, the rooms are laage and comfortable, and "w0 IT Thimbles Diamond Rings and Pius. Bracelete. Gold Lock VfB FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD Ran away from I JUTl W'irtly new freight steaner CRESCENT.

1 I Si aervices of soch only a are in an respects, capable of occa capable of accommodating persona compa rta. Cuff Pins. Earrings. Gold and Sdver Spectacles, Breast ZT the subscriber, living near Lake Providence, Jw. t.

maaW. will leave for Loui I Alabama Ulver. I Pytoe these position in the most respectable Colleges The Lyn hburg and Abingdon Telegraph Company are Fins, Finger Rings, Silver Fruit Knives. Sterling Silver TA on the Id day of April last, a negro man named Tllle W1 lutermrdiae landings, as above. For freight I Leaves every MONDAY, at 6 P.

M. I ffie Onkm. Reaolved. That candidate, for the above Pro building a branch of turir Un, to the Springs, which as w. Spoon.

Forks, Ac, at much less the osaa' JOE.aged about so or 3S 6 feet i or 3 inche. in.y boaTd or to fT REGULAR MONDAY NIGHT PACK i I feasorship. must make a written application to Louis Urn will be in operation early in June. course oi coiiecaon price. Watches and Jewelry exchanged.

All Watch jJLm high is 'ow spoken: color dark or black grid Jy JOHN HYDE A 66 Poydra. rt. I for Montgomery Tbe new elegant aad I fco. President of the College. A large Bath House ha been built sin re last season.

Invested in bang stock 4l, warranted to keep good time, or exchanged. has one of hi. upper front teeth out, and has a scar on his The Crescent is very light draught, (only! inches.) I rSttwai firt class passenger packet steamer C2A8; I Tbe course of education In the estaollshment n. both Address. RO.

H. M08BY. Wetcbee, Clock, and Jewelry repaired In the bert maa aml occasioned from bleeding. 1 purchased him of John and shippeis can depend upon their good, going through I Byrne. Aleauers, master bMO barrel capacity, and carry i perior and Elementary.

There is, consequently, a primary Jei4 Im Montgomery W. 8 8. Company. Total ner at mocb less than the usual prices. B.

W'ommack, in New Orleans, on tbe loth day of Jauu without detention or resbiooing I Ing wo barrels on three feet water berth loo passensen I i coarse and a collegiate course. Tbe Students bo know JOSEPH RAFEL. 34 St. Charles ttreet, ary last, acting as agent for W. J.

Martin. I will pay the I I ia staterooms, and accommodating comfortably ftOinire, how to write and read, are received at ail seasons of th LaFarge House, ftew lork, Director Importer of Watches and Jewelry, wholesale and retail. aboVe reward for tue boy. if delivered to me or iS for Leave, on TDESDAY. flie iid I will make regular weekly tripe aa above.

The Csar a. a year. 6i6 to fi70 Broadway. M. Lapeyre, L.

Ml 1 lan don, d8 'ft4 tf aurb information as will enable me to get him. fTt5 fe OR LOUISV ILI.fc The fine regular I wheel boat only 0 Inches light, and for asass" i Parents and Tutors wUhfng to send their sons Or This new and beautiful marble edifice Jnst com W.Vogel, L. Jyl3 lm L. 8ANDKORI).

Providence, La. IjrMS5WPuer Applyt can entrust them to Ul Captains of tbe Lsurel Hill of KiS pleted and entirely new and magnificently furnished. F. Pouts. J.KM.Rouxaa, ntchra utrt.ea.

tt.lBn trfit i wood master, will leave for Louisville aud LEWIS 8NAPP 37 Frontt. CaoitoL Xa knd will be opened to the public about the l.t of A. Rochereaa. i. Tuyea.

TfTJlPSri J. fjlL. TWENTV tl IJOLLARS Rt ARO for all interuiediate landing, a above. For freight or passage Jeii 1T MEAHERS A THURBER, Mobile For farther aarticulars, terms and prosperrnses, applv la June next The location of this House makes it very det J.Reed. JFjCfftL JtSS!" in heavy bunt Aa fl.

(Tf tbe apprehension of the boy CHARLES, who ran apply an boat d. or to I New CVs iTthe CiUxena' Bank, or directly to tie Ttransient bolder, being the J. TDYES. President. JL off from on board steamer City while landing VV' BELL.

BHCHANAN A CO 9S Magazine rt. l.eavea every Wku*msD A F. M. aidant of the College. api8 tf most central part of Broaoway.

and in the immediate L. C. ADAM, Secretary fVi untl ng Si IverWatch at the wharf on the 151 inat. He is a dark griff, JvSN A. L.

GAIN ES. 9 Commercial Place. ftwas SDMMER ARRANGEMENT FOR vicinity of all fashionable places of amusem*nt, and is March 16, 185. mhw ft ly Gold Lepiue and Anchor JisLa "ged years, 6 feet 10 or 1 1 inches high had ou tjr A plan of her cabin can be seen and state rooms se I Lw'jS Montgomery and Wetnmpka The new', KappahannocU Academy. better adapted to the comfort of families than any other T.

mT; i c.oiu Irwk coat and yellow bar pams. round top black cured on application to the agents. I fEa4aaissBe)rd elegant light draught paasenger steasser 1 I l3L Ud. WM.KERNAGHANCana. street, gJtN.

street, or in Jai. jj S''L .1 SuaVpoln, JH Fr CARRIAGE WAKEHOUSE. L2L v' 1 snencSintae 1st October, l6ft, and continue witho eririn n.f ad nnd J.M C' Tremom.1, TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS REWARD T4 senger packet steamer KATE tRISBEE. master. Jei34m 1T MONTGOMERY A RUTLAND, ri intorptionnntil the 3.

July, isk of Lonsda COACHES; HARNESS; Ste.tHt Captoia. Railroad and the PoUco will leave a. above For freight or P.geauply on board, opposite landing of New Orleau. fcgMfcy Irving Hou in this city. al of the Hou in Jh tlf JrT'tlSr1" wyTlft Jy JOHN DE FoV 'r Tbe Lower un.

MarcfflSo! Tbfprlucfpii ZrttteXMtob Philaaelphi. STONE A M. BURROUOH8 J. I. 0 ROCKAWAYS; WHIPS; He "abo tVye.

The Ka.e Fri.beewil pRy particular auention to JT I Milita InsHrnte ijads assisted bv Mr JOHM W. STONE A Al. BLiRKOUOHS, THOMAS 8I.OO. President. aTdTuuscular witb sullen expression of countenance, and plantation and way freight and remain in tbe trade the 1 steamer Amanda Tbe light draught sad I JONEZoftoeJnivetyof New York Ma 20 18.

Proprietor. JA8 3. DENEGRE. Vic. Preidenl BAROUCHES; COACH mirk on the side 5f thS forebei, Ild t.

whole leaving here every other Wednesday steamer FRANK KEELING Aciilaiar. eontaining'full information, can be had by New York. May 20, 18..6. Jel4 JAB EDWARDS. Secretary IT be frou the kirk a mule.

The negro was seen in tb. Leave, on WEDNESDAY. Md in.t.. at ft P. M.

MTinil'rfi addreaaing th Principal, at Port Royal Caroline coonty Bladon Kprintra. Alabama. lower part, of the city on Saturday and Snnday last, and hi REGULAR LOUISVILLE, PADDCAH, 7 fo? nlt Virginia. THOMAS R. THORNTON, Messrs.

CONNOR A WOOTEN. the proprietor, of ILf IJ no doubt lurking about the city. Steamboat men aad I JiglJCairo aud Memphi. Parket The fine fast 13 Principal. these delightful Mineral 8prings.situea in a healthy 1 IVVflN VVIrtlVO.

others are hereby cautioned from employing the negro, packet steamer I.IICV lt' as, ror I.adlea. JfcaLregiou of pine woods, fur mile, west the Tombig ilTifuTlT BUGGIES; TRIMMINGS; The above reward will be paid by bringing him to os. rfoSrSoTrSol Mafhou. will leave as above for oXtclxvonbVLdott' fright HU Joseph's AeMeniy ror onnsr I.aaiea, bee River and sixty mile, north ol Mobile, have lately again 5, warehouse or lodging him in JaiL Louisville, I aducah, Ca ro. Memphis.

Helena, Napoleon, Ps8e PP'yon Tirr" fij22f i'f rdl thr iwitotlo. made gseat imnrovemenU to their establishment, and are "1 Baronne between Poydra and Hevia itreeta, WAOnN VARNISH Ac aaT" The negro hat been seen twW on the Levee darlaj areenvill. Lake Providence,, and ill intexmeU JACOB, DAB0VAL k. fmthlit nidriST, now ready to receive visitors and supply them with every no.r,n.d l.o.Jo fnml.h Pre or. WAGON.S, Ac VARNISH, AC.

th. iait PRICE, WALSH A diate landings. For freigbt or passage.haviug unsurpassed JZ25 48 Old Levee. f. Th.

tt. fc, comfort and e.joyment. A good steward and active and i PJ 7 aud Natche. apply on board, or to ITe a. BAL1ZE PACKET In Mail i 'annnm sbls sssW hs attentive servants from thiscity have oeen secured, and rriHera Pntiwra ilil bfri? Bnaea He wilTlao make For low for cash or city acceptance.

Hew October tg, IBM. JylM LEWIS SNAPP A 37 Front jJJmP of the OphellalTheT fto, vlaorThmKnttTrfflS the proprietor, pledge thenuelve. that nothing shall be SnrrS for ItoRe FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD Ran away e. jJKTffl cr nt "iL.1!!!? rat'thS most Irnmr Bar.h IS Pip 1J3 tJravler and 13 Union Street, jSKteJSr 1., freight. wu.

rn tP1jb of Flf aDla4. during tb' for the Primary Department, composed of pupils unde "'J wifii. hl nrirtnr. h. a Ac, Chimney, and Breeching, all of which will be Iberville, on the Stb a negro man uamed fP FOR LOUISVILLE Steamer NIAGA I TtYv in7f vry SATO Bine year, of age.arV.100 per annum, payable half yearly the vaJ Mer.

the furnished at the loweat foumirv pricel NEW ORLEANS. HENRY, a dark gnff, aged about io or years, Bpggj.jRA, Harry I. SpotU, master This splendid htrVMondaTorn 1 lnadvaace. rh TlT.n If 11 Jf All work done at this establishment will be guaranteed about ft feet 5 or inches high, stout and well made, jTrrTT .71 l7 the 'T Letter, of inoolry (honld be addreased to the Moth.l Lfor tS equal in point of workmanship and material to any In tbe Jaio 56 lv A LUM A CO. vTryTTitelligent and of good couutenaoce.

well kuown on teruiedlate landings, throughout the season, as followa "S'' "1 ff PP'j' on board.orto goperiorof St. looeph'. Academy, EmmetUborg Freder city, or elsewhere. 66 ly A. board of steamboats, having been employed as a deck Leave New Orleans on WEDNESDAY.

July i3, at ft P. I JJi. VrsonShlnf to tckC.onty.Md au4 ftft ly Planter, and merchant are respectfully Invited to call band And on the "ch a negro man named State rooms ran be by applying to 1 i BaJlle "carsloa, Phristin. Female Institute. and examine tbe work, aad prices.

Wall Paper. ALFRED, aged about 3fi or 37 about ft feet or 7 ap BELL. BUCHaNAN a'co Slngarlne rt. I i1 rpHE'lfonf" iJM rpHE and bfrteS stock of Wall Paper in J'J Leave, ou THURSDAY, i tn in.t..

at ft P. positively. Mart 1 Wtbofjuly. The nextiiou will begin on the 16 Ions beverage, tbey staud," as Dr. Riddell testifies, on ai7 ft ly DAY ID FQWLEB.

1 mt cuy, can be found at ti fiunuv lte a. FOR LOUISVILLE The fineregular I I Jttfc.tofJL AI j1'' 2 of October. Tbe Rev. Prof. Sill, for several years the surpassed in all this Southern section of country.

And illrrllls Iron Pipe Works. EW HALL HOTf fornm faal or twentTfire fjrJWr3 packet JaS. MONTGOMERY, I iEjQilMSniifJ r4 Principal of the Holly "prings Female Institute, will be though excelled in amount of mineral matter, iney hardly VI ERR1L JAviCES. Mi Centre street, New York BB and eo Cana street, dollais for each of saiu negroes. THIR AT7T Montgomery, master, will leave for I Futo.a".

Bf ton Rouge Part connected with the sub briber, and will conduct the de yield to any aa a pleasant and health Drinsing mineral Il Mancfacturers and Dealera in WROUGHT IRON Jelft Sm corner of Old Levee. Atuusjia lmoAui, Luuiiviiie aud all intermediate landings, aa above. For I IfeTh SJ "il Landing, partmentof Matbematic. and Modem Prof.

water." This is confirmed by many extraordiuary cures PIPES. FITTINGS. TOOLS, and every description ol jm11 touu street. freight or passage apply on boa.d, or to I vTrVentor land RolneT wraa Gulf, endela.bon a German gentleman of long experience and which they have effected. apparatu.

connected with Steam, Water and Gas. for New York, Cincinnati, TEN DOLLARS REWARD will be paid for Jy I tl BELL. BUCHANAN A SB Magazine B.pilirS rVnt i European reputation, tbe Music. M'me Julius, native of Carriages and horses are in attendance at all times to heating. and lighting Steamers, Churches.

Hotels, Private Washington Loui.viile. sfX the delivery in Jail or to the uuderrigned. fr the IssT A plan of the cabin can be seen and room. se I ,1 6F. la pUot Paris, a lady of great intelligence and refinemei.t.

will re convey passengers to and from the river, and for the use Dwellings, Hospital. Asylum. Village. Factorie and Baltimore. St.

LouU. JNU woman BETTY, who is a mulatress. aged to cured by applying to the agents. A I I side in the Inatltation, aud nave cuarge o' the French. visitors daring their stay.

Halla. Rirlinmnd Chirao TS.t3 a. vnri sneaks French and Fneliah weara her I JP1 AsnDurg, SATURDAT, attF. Embroidery aud other kind. otOmam.nt 1 Needle W.rk.

The agent in tbi. c.t, for the proprietor, is T. B. SMITH, Also, Valvea. co*cks.

Pumps, Gauges. Boiler, and Seller Austin Texas JgLL front sT'aM? to ring eta forrTieriy ti' JZ' OU nNlTrn' Mst, Th2 P'e Mrs. Sill will preside over the Household; Mrs Savage, as 4 Tchoupitoolas street. Je Plues ma le to MoWIe Sim AntouU. Texaa.

fEZtft Hl'L laldwell neaMhePontchart I JTSlfsic. FACKET The above mratioued splendid pasMnger ica wIIL' formerly. Drawing and Painting Tbe subscriber will Our Screw Cutting Machines are enyrely new, and our NatcLer Miss I she has been 55 WwTrt Md ess IjeHrTS C. TVi ICHELL, drawing only three feet leave on thefr regTUa days, without foil, at toho maintain hi present relationa. Teachers and Assistants frhndy Opove Hotel, BUoxi.

own Pateutr warranted to do double the work of any other Foraaleby JUDSON A CO Banker. i. TdooM ti fo" that part of rryL riT'l' i'r St? A'i to their care wiP.fiT innnmbecto meet every1 demand of the Institute aud Mr BOSSEL begs leave to inform all thoe invention. Z. rnr aJ TNewrlean jZa tf JOHN A 8TF SON 1 14 Navade.

Lout.v.iie L. o. mail packat T. ICHELL. Fawcett.

prompt and faithfully attended to rrelght take. i iMkeitiuferiortononelntheSouth. SO who intend vi.itiug Biloxi during the on Order, wlioited from ail sectioy. of th country, and mylH ft i ro, Canal and sts ew Orlean Jyi tf JOHN A. 8Tr.

f. bO. 1 14 ayades St. ma4ter, w.ll leave for the above aud all intermediate land consigned to W. M.

Shaw, the agenda of thawS Jyr 3m THOS. 8. SAVAGE. JULL.

or pleasure, that the SHADY GROVE promptly attended to. a i Korwood and ea TWENTY FIVE HOLLA RS HEW AkU Raa a. above. For freight or passage apply on board, or to I V.cksborg, who will forward It without delay, Jitik. I 77 HOTEL has bean fitted op during the past winter in a 'pHB would miorm the cabiuet manufactn gX away from the subscriber on or about the M'.

ol BELL, BUCHANAN A 5 Magazine st. I out auy.extra charge, il FOVO AC" "'ill, i siyie that will compaie fav rabiy with any hotel in the J. Ban miller M. H. Goodwya.

1 rrrs, uiana forte niskers. aad others of this city and jgf4 April last, a mulatto woman named SALLY or JyJg A L. GAINES, dv Commercial Place. I These boat will not be responsible ferfany I4er ar sack Jeaj tarrouton, A.a. South, great care having been taken in the interior ar Kaumlller OC Goodwyo.

vicinity, that tbey have opened a yard with suitsble buili SAUR Y. ahou ft feet 7 or 8 inches high, aud Sri A 4, i 1 money, jewetry, or other valVaTL VLl, Tuv TBrMini thil ls raugementa to make it an eligible atoppiug place for fam VawJL'iJiJL af Iron Bai ing. at No. 37(1 Wa.hinaton in the city of New 2 a years old has large featur. high forehead, bad 'sa'nri' Montgomerv master I b'" lading ate taken, apecifyf.

tcoateau SEVENTH SEMI ANNUAL ilie. safcaeroaj couiea. OtBre Railing. Vaulta. Door, aud ork.

where they have on hand a large and very superior sickly and delirste dressed in black when she svaas., tht friiiht piili Mt to Wtil! rttuaonwiU commence on i MONDAY. March The location of the Shady Grove Hotel i. one of tbe Vi Straight and Circular I roo of i he finest wood to be found iu tbe United State, left. Tbe aboie reward will be paid for her apprehension JISLlwlll w.

ii.fTo2r.e. rh. Imoort o.t delightful on the Lake abore. Tbe table ol tbe hotel 5SnwS n'1 Iron Work in ge We offer and delivery, or imprisonment so that I can obtain piese th' their baggage. toatatos a The locatton of thta scheol comttlnes the seye Import ui be at all times fornisned with the best markets of eral l.V..,.

feet fiue and extra fine Rosewood Veneer. of ber. and the same amount for the conv.ction ol fJll "uwsm THUkJlAr Jnl. a.h I For freight ar p.saage apply on board OT'o SlwrVtrInd.hs New Orleana and Mobile afford a win Also Hois Wheel, and Derrick Marhinea. aW No 7 mot.

led Mahogany Veueers. iny one harboring her Leave New Orleans TH RS )A Aoniii iith it Ml I CARROLL, FRITCHRD A CO and, above aJl from the pernicious and unwholesome moderate, nothing will be omitted on the part of the Carroll street, between Poydra and Perdido. east of tht 3.,., Mahogany Shaded Veneers. Je'H tf J. T.

BELKNAP, Gravier The MoT.tgomrv is un.urnaw I tf D'on Row ccJaisA moral influence of the city. nronrietor to make her establishment one of the moat com 'wns awves ini wiT 1 uc is unsurpjKsea lo point nt speed ane I tT A freight for Tar no 1 aroaaeiesss. COD RSE OF INSTRUCTION. ForiaWe famllv hotels GZ Crofch Veneer, various sizat AO FIKTY DOLLARS REW AKD Kau away from commoiiat oy any boat in the trade. Root, for ant I hoit Vfck The eonne of insrruction embrace, all the usual branch lovable family hotels In the outh.

Je4 Jm iie si s.v rsaa, o. TJ, fio. yiTwbnf; HTl the sobsrriber.on the lh of May last, the of the above trip, can he secured on application to nouse at vicksborg a esof a thorough English Education. Latin, Greek, the instill Springs, LOOK A FALLC4N. Iron Founders, and Man.

.2 "22 Urawbutt Veneeta. Tv man RICHARD, about year, old, about ft feet ft aplfi BELL. BUCHANAN A Magazine t. I Leave every SATPBVlAY at 6 Modern Languages and Book keeping, fitting tbe pupl Eatill County, Kentucky. fTf3 mSH "Sl'Z aMeVt tinS BUstered Figured Walnut Veneer.

41 jnche. high, dark brunette, scar on his upper Leave, ou or abou El.N ESD AY 30tt iuat at ft I FACKET FRANsV LY0FJ, for boainess or tb University, aa the parents may dasire This fine summer retreat is situated tbe Hen oV'W rTmn 8w Mills. Draining une pwuma rigurca amui euecra. ,7 lin running from one of his nos'nls down to the r. FOR I.OD IS II I ViT ti.r.

I Xtln P'ae! of ateaner Natchea Beealar toteth.T"f"bW xw zsz uH cte hjcvzvr. day and English on the following. road Arrangement have been made with tbe Kentucky facklng for Steam Cyhnders. of all kinds, made to order al S''T, way from the end ottbehn.erto the hrai joint; ha. been run BELLRnmNA" rn I 8r Roago.

and all landings oe Ttoressst." sssps Esiiiiiis jfimMmm mzw Thai rnstltntloa a free from all sectarian uiflnencM 6ne condition and is now open for tne reception of Luther Home oth.7 t.b7iument to the roun.rv Orders w.U be ny oue, aellTf b'm Krd River. fre ght for Yaioo River above YaxoVcityiaw I y.ry pupU being iUowed the most perfect freedom in th. visitors CHILES. Successor to Homes A Bennett, with the umosTc this city, or by securing him so I get him. Leave, on WEDNESDAY.

Wd inrt. at 5 P. M. be con.igued to some house at Icksbur Jviit I profession of hi. religion The pupils from Catholic fam myii tf JOHN CHILES Foundry and Ornamental Iron Works, corner of Benton ielTt' JAS.

SAUFLEY. spa. RED RIVER PaCRET For Gorton'. Leaves everv SATtm a I Die are, however, required to attend the Catholic Church and Eunhrosine arrita rA Residence on St. Mary street, between Laurel and An aJaT Alexandria and all intermediate I scares every aA i H.IJ A at ft P.

fls. Rockbridge Alum Springs, Virginia. Not im sT between Beach aNorfb Mooe treet 2awanding5 Thr.pbT on the SabbattL a. Celebrated for Ita cure of scrofula, chronic dlar Manufactures tbe Sate and moat approved pat Jy f.m TT na 'i? 'y0r FIFTEEN HOLLARS RE' ARB Ran awav CK KuLt. i.

Hill master, will leave aa 1 Orieaua. rort AJa s. Each pupil should come supplied witn the following ar fT3 rhea, diseases of the liver, of the skiu. and of th. terns of Railings.

Veraudaha, D.ri,P Shutter frm prrmiw Tof the subriber boat Is Urge aud corn'ortable. and unsurpaaselTfor speed 153 ail "STn Aod wltoth a kidneys, bronchi, bthal fiATab Straight and Circuiar S.air. Hanna fc Beebe, jRm .1 Melm eferncealMlnorRenne PrUh Jeffenon affection, and complaint. pecuW to Store Front Capital, and .11 other kind, of COMMISSION PAPER WAREHOUSE. 7Si

4th of June last, the negro woman SNAHP A CO :.7 Front street. fo, Fort t. 7h. fcfeSSj.SwS?S ffiAff iVf iSdVf Leave, on WEDDA at is ewfnFShHSFN SwtffinM 55a? hypely, ZIZZKA fjlopllu th. in.rle.

Virginia. Bv mile. from the Central Railroad, and twe. oftf ly infi ST. CHARLES STREET their Order, carefully and promptly filled.

Having o. Gravier tnM, Jjfel 'rg. gP.L.OL.?AS' al piarter, wi JnTne" n1 '''J j1 JSrSn UM and draper. Bind'a Jy.O THERESA EHLERS. gfSSH L7.

Hfe4tooh fl bB 'F 'at Rockbridge Alum Spri.g. aafdTy.Efor. GREAT LABOR, SAVING ''K'l J'B" "JTl A FIFTY I WXABS REWARD Baa to'je MICjVh NVnS Ar apply I Leave every THURSDAY, at ft P. M. Colleslate Deoartmenl.

This will be the afler the l.t of July evl Vind of al wh.T JnJ of STRAW WRAPPING PAPERS will find the largeat from the about three years ago. Iron. Jy'H to J. M. JOHNbTON A a Front Levee.

fTS. a. Tne U. Mail packet steamer SO'CTH 11 lV III TI rPl on I 1 1 II i The cars now run west of Staunton, and the track being wspJBwsawB eTerv "dof soil where any io the city, and at the lowest possible prices W'1 street, the mulatto woman FANNY I ERN BELLE. J.

BroadweU. Jlil fourth "auJLf diptrtment wn rapidly laid to Alum Spring. Depot, which when com' OiX M.h rneoT Vor Th" atteutton of manufacturer. I. dired to tPte'r Pa dW een mon in the city since ha.

sboat B' Harve. bavin, reunted her" iXwT Commence he Koreiber follow P''d 11 lve but five miles staging Aaa ghly recommended. For Mis Wwiiing Machine. They have purchased JOL been gone about five feet five or six inches I JrfZ maitr Till rf CV.Il 1 1 fZ.J. Frincetoa, Ashton.

PllchJr'. PointT WjriuV. 1 lng nauTed ffrihlpTrtled? LMguaieT Tb ce'orated Volandt Band of Baltimore Is engaged watrm a tf a rh nrn exclusive right for the United and are prepared h'" I the inside of each arm. straight hair. DertrVaT'onLTt.

Landing. Lake Providence. Mllllken's Beud, LXrt afVathatlos, NMoand Exp. PiaioSphy an for the season, pe baU room billlanU, and A TERMAj BROTHER. to furnish them at short notice.

Cop waste for Steam gray eve, front teeth out. Tbe above rewa.3 be ffi y. S.ock aSdfng Uestrahan.) opposite Jefferson Grand Gulf. St. Rodney.

Natch, I rEESt a nouV iolecx Che UtVy in better than aU these a refluerf intelligent and sociable ne corner of Common Engines. Agenta for Hanna, Carpenter A Abbot's fine 'o1' 'he paruh pruon. ana be Bobb'rsteamferry leaves everv fifteen minute German and Hebrew Language: oTncb LanVuaA comimnyvejconmbntod in past years to render this one B. K. Bennett.

Francis urges. Chandlers' i.k. am JCLIA ANN SIVILKrU landa within one hurid. MdLlteratur. 7 Spanwb Language oi tne most attractive, as it has long been on of the most NEW ORLEANS When arrested, please leave word with W.

C. Palm iliJIi 1. now in complete ord er, and will attend taf aS Th. pToVcaoV of" MMheroanw give his claaaea era aseful. of aU our Virginia watering place Ornamental Iron Worka.

To Speculators and rXettlera. er. at Leeds foundry. Jylfi lm we, ttitirwxv ZT ol. entrustod to ber care.

Kwna JtoL Mb Suloi, in rSSJhSvSS: Famphlet with aonlysU. and9 certific.teto ThrSnderfignedbJgTervete inform the public A A A I 8 I A A John Coadoa Uu.rhe, dn77litVd.r Freigte for all po.nU River rff i JSSS1 Proprietor. AStfBld a iu'Sri excengiu wiU b. prented at th. cloa.

Sd ChrUtova, VaUey. tTJ ffBfnl a7'triJSL'llm SSISSSSSSSSSaIm co CornerofC.mP.treetNLWaRfrt iron gj My. IhlMS" altit'J ine rrgTi" hot' remJn They keep conrtantly on hand Cart Wrought Iron ener 1" to P0 11. fre.h ete 2 ticket uvkeu by toe student M. toe summer months tor the accommodation Columns, Ventilator and Sash Weight, Ac; and fill all 'J'?" Fuento de Piedra Cx.

fcr ahIr mhta Fare Each wa, ai 60 in cin I ten order from Uie oiu or clerk, ajSUWIafinaa 1 Foil Information glv.a at th University Building, cuy and transient boarder, lu healthy and orders of every description of Castings, Columns, Store i' 1. deck. tacU Wtty' 2 in cabin, and meal 60 cento; on panted at the officTof tbe boat I i Comssoaatraot. C. W.

SEARS, ally Mu.tion is unsuxpassed to thi. city. and House Fronts, with despatch. Chiltipm Creec. la any part, of the city, free of charge anas i.

FreiKht taken at low orlce. Thursday, for approval, which wU'. bo nd wSintoliwl 4 Peantoth.Folty. mb3l Mn If JNO. T.

JETEB. ol ftft BENNETT A CO. Zgg; Steamboat, and Fa ml I.e. Dra'clu cross BoJo'TFery eeh way i School For Isnbsiellesi fl. Lenoir, Stoves, Tin and Jannnned Ware.

jIbho T. Me lioCreek 'Vf 'Wi yPlteA wltt BEEP, PORK, MUT 4T Particularly good accommodations for liIie anc I a 1HB DnctorsoPth School fot "ATOU ST JOHN HALpVaT HOOSE. near AUSTIN A GOODWYN, In Milan District, tivpolnay. Ci( TON and VEAL. SAUSAGES.

TRIPE famine, on the VVelueaday trio. ior laoie. anc BROAD V. EL JIROAA COl idioticaneebie minded 'rtl3 toSdtB Kf the toll gate, will open his Restaurant aiid BaMoom Ho. 1 Front Levee, corner of Customhouse street, 347 IT wtiiAJ and everything In tne butchering line LUSK A Agent I Jeo tf or lot oserarier soeet, PaTwTthin PMsdelpL.

cito forthe reception of customer, on the 1st May. Have conrtantly on hand and are daily man. in Braioris Mustoo, Sloaga Barrel, and hair barrels of choice ffortie, 3ro S3 New Levee street, near Foydraa. li? or to I. H.

MAfy Pydra. tentiooof pareatoaiSgiardianS factoring every description of TIN WAR Beef, put no to order, for cabin or foratiy Passengers bound to Harvey'. Canal to get on board I fTr?" kk, FOR BAViTd1 SARA Foar Tia I tocorporated oy tit*tate if Penlvto to Vn si 1 awwarl which, together with their rtock of 8TOVE acre. aae at 8UU No. Poydra.

Market, by rteamboat Lahtte. can take the Carrollton Rjlroadanc I fjJU4vVv" Week. Tha In i SewIStJylutu.te "A'' Ttbe most complete assortment of any iisiTtold. 'I AUGXJSTUS C. ERR EL annroa.

ni JT." f. MTLL uZLTtZiT" noods. having ample grounds wosSwds ir Wu2a Wl11 be opened ou the hr day June under the establishment in the city. 1ST Steamboat and ships suinlied with all kinds of terminus Just at Bobb's Ferry. naiiroao I Uave New every SDNJJAY aftJali togsnd educaUonof imbecilwdidiX, chUdrer? atU KM frnal attention of JOHN McDONNELL.

of 147 Their rtock of Stoves are of every variety of pattern. l33.14o anaold. LIVE STOCR a. fre.h Milch boat. I and every WEDNESDlY i o'clock lnstitnrioo.tonowaueduponfhelulltw both Eastern and Western manufacture, con.brting oi These land, are rico.

well watered and Umbered, un Kheep. Qese. Cblc.en.. Ac. I TJnitod State avail atoamer C.

Jrfj AfwaaO Pie known In thuVountry or lo Europe. heBoarderf bear to make the at home mvi7 tf Cooking, Parlor and Office Stoves. Tbey Invite country raed for grazing They have been and ocated nnrni. ir Uti In 1 FALL ARRANGEMENT I lve New Orle Director having been successful In obtaining the eervt merchants and others to call and examine tbeir stock ano above, and will be sold in tract to uit purchaser, aud a 11 nonncing to their friend, and tbe oobUi Irgj. tiew r.leana and Napoleon Trade Tb.

I and every FRIDAY, at 9 o'clock A. k. Rstoro ce of practical teacher and assistants, whose efforto to The fllammoth Waahlnn KistabHBhmenl. before purcnasing eisewber. Their price are low map showing the location of each and every tract can general, that they are still at their old Sf fast running paaaenge, I lgg.

ono of the boaa wlU leave Bayoa Sara every Mooday, i devetope the physical and intellectual qn all lies of their THE undersigned begs leave to inform the punlir that and terms easy. niH ftft ly oeen by application to the undersigned. Title tally tall. No. 61 Old French Market where tJi aEPUBLIC, (capacity of 5Uin bale cot I Tuesday, Thursday and Satart arrrrtogtoHswOtw puplU wlllbe entirely given to this institution.

Terms 1 his SOUTHERN MAMMOTH WASHING ESTAB J. g. Simonda. Jame Machiiisou fuaiwnteed. Apply to C.

F. HATCHER, they are ready to supply them with th. tend.V wiU. as a regula. I theaama day.

I T. wiU be made known upon application directed to Penn LISHMENT. on Perdido street, between Johnson and a wimH 167 Gravier or 0 New Orleana, beat quaiitle of BEEF, PORK; MOTTON VEAL SAD PnclIet ue New Orlean and Napoleon trade I Ageaas ay lvania Training School for Iinklle, Germantown, Pa Prieur now in uccea.ful operation. After year. ortoJ.

M. 8MOOT, SAGES, and every, other article appertaining ia the "mneucing on tbe 1st of September next, leaving Net I Jd. GORDO. I rfr eSS1 of diligent attention to tbe buBueaTthe erection of spa TIN fo rS din ly Alton. Denten county.

Texa, Agent. outchering appertaliun, to th. ean. ever, Irt ujh and Slrt of each mouth, doring th. A7 RAOEr A LAJfTJaTi ALEX.

FPt.LERTON. Treasurer So. otous buildings, and the purchase of new and costly ms, CBjSa FINISH ERSAND WoftR Klorlua yellow fine 1. Mm her IA. WAGN PR A no.

uL. BORBRIDGB ADAM chinery, never before used in any establishment of the BxtAB lg KK 8. AN ORRERS IN iHlTZl a 77 Columbia. Greenville, Kentucky Bend, Lak. I HALL.

RE MP A CO i AoUce. kind, either in this country or Europe, he is now prepared Manufacrnrert of WP.monS Kn'J Aw Oricais and Cairo Dally Blall Lla. PSiut Worthlngton, Grand Like, Princeton I agT A clerk will be on the Levee, at alTtmiwat Taw CEDAR CEDAR. to execute all orders entrusted toilm with a rabidity jfc of El8nt 1 fCrr aa, The Pket carrying the meii betweea Caroline Landing, Ashton, Piicher'a Point, Skipwith'. I toy moraing to Satorday nhrhtTand a i THE BdeTaifned are now receiving andyardtog, at hitherto unheard of, and in a far to any aT Buhner, Brass, Copper fT iJfYIS" JjJWSJNew Orleans and cJro wUl leiTtSe, Providence, Vicksborg.

and all in irmed' I toodand hav bill lMttditej their yard, large ClTUAR, efforta made by tbe most careful and band procea. w. hand a KT. either RosjIL. A sT TlfL place every day at 6 o'clock P.

wUl Plantation Luies. attended to promptly boat', absence. dl? able for tupping aad building purposes, and are prepared of women. The advantages to be derived frt.m tbe Sooth jf ni'i 2d iP1? fJi aaaortmeat atop at tbe following inaifatations going up Agent. Pmpu, The janl Hm nU1 ber every Wdnsi to furntoh feuililer.

with any ouannty. cut to order, at the em Mammoth WasbtuT Establishment are too clear to BraT Flange, s'd Gu aWs? CvlTudTrlTls dT.t?Iti7D MFRITT Mr n.r.I Baton Rong. Gaines' Laildlag, al' I 5. LEWIS 8NAPP 37 Front St. day to Morgan.l shortest notice.

hava alao some Twenty Thousand require demonstration. Clothe of every description, from 5. Tve.w.if "ld 8top MERRITT A McCOHNEI.L. Natcbes, Napoleon, Freight takfn for all lauding on Yazoo River wit I tAf'aiT 1 RAILROAD TIES for A large tot of BOAT the roughest sheetings to the finest cambric nsed by ladies, iVL' i 'sJ LRJd flf "J' llntets. nnrl tvr tin.

I. or. Vicksburg. Helena the privilege of reshippingat Vicksburg a thebat'TV. I I oitabl for foundation or flooring All order are not only washed getter than by thand proceasfbuulre SJlfSZlJ FXfJSiJL ukU ah" TL? rffj? Lake ProVidenc.

Memphia. freight, from Viciirtnfg fortheBeVi left in our box, No. So Mechanics' Exchange, No. yo little njured by the operation, that one hundred wash Hose.

Cast Md 8heet Irou Cooking and Heating Staves, T77Z i 'Frid I ,1 Grand Lake, Randolph Agnt at Vickshorg.V. MTshaw I "T'l every MONATATa Cnarlea street, or sent to tb amce, Tcboupttoula tret, Iturs would not do the articles aa much injury a. Tone wash Common and Planished Tinware, Ac jiHA. LLS? J'7i clo5k Point WorthlngUm. fi Midrul I atf'aocF.

and FRIDAY, at a'elock A. between slcWdudThitreet iourth DUttrtet. will bo log done by the most careful and akUlful waThiri 0., on Worker, in Galvanised Iron. 'J returning will leave Port Hudson at 3 o'clock GreenUle Blgjbee Hlyer. I lng down, leaves Thibodaux Tueaday aud arsaf I.

vxmy de 0. wiu o. jMhboard. The kS to Plantation and P. aame days, from this further notice.

CoWbla! Leaves ever? TUESDAY, at ft M. ST5inf the eVedwada, asd aJAttaf a "fc" COfiRRTLL A CARTER. will or commeSd Ittell to rtewmUi? wneri! SteamW order, and exuto the work to toe oert yle H. W. RAYNARD, Agent Cairo.

I JIT2l ES AY EVENING hotel and boarding bouae Keepera, and famiUea who from of the art. Clinton. May II. IWA myl Coming do Will atODat the Lr" tTFcket for Demopolia The sew elegant I A. LAFO REST.

New Odfssa, CONFECTIONERT. any cause, have to leave sheeny raddy ordC? They employ the moat workmen, and hope, by Nw Orlean. Kn.lgr.tlo. "an wiu atop at the aame places, Urmlnating a f7, rhand Ught draught poanger packet EN I T. DAUN1S A J.ILVCENT, however extensive, even if it amounted to a tbouaan rict attention, to merit the patronage of the pubic.

Orlaj EmlfrmD! Hd lUialtialM Freight will be raien foTn. fr tik.iL. S. G. Stone, commajder.

willleair for the ahoV I 1 or A. GINGRY, Donaidaonvi i I Te, SaceessOP, pieces, can be executed and the clothe, reTurned tthe mhlft tf svt al JwH aenger. to ylnt ot Points, and pat and all Intermediato abov" Fot fre'ght I. I nr l.ll.H I CorneroffftP. I comer'of and jwne TWO "ffM stt lb SrA 2 1 ssy fajlafc ABlfES L.

SAINES, Agent, teSS fede.r.r I 0 fl M0NT0M feVUJ I ladieane aiVSgantJv clrt rnt olace. to the cft7 for ieref I dered tocUwe forthwith, a large a wtth WerUn. sight Lfu; 0.110 ayort town into. DeparrmVnto PreP BasrwIeKnwl. forth.

balmnr of th. aeaaon. Returnklg. will tear. La AwlendklsaaxeutofcreTed biaeuit.

of wWctTue of Gun. RIHej. Ptotola ve na IntioSl to Mm. to'sSST iltolw. the ftolfof ttatSTto vhVfirC? Cv3LjI SlfW'JnV Terr iiS SSSss Ssi4 StsiS 1 f1.

The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)
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Author information

Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.