The Philadelphia Inquirer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (2024)

MALE KELP WANTED MALE KELP WANTED MALE KELP WANTED fENALE KELP WANTED KELP WAHTED Nali tr TtwnU The Philadelphia Inquirer MONPAY, OCTOF.IR 4. IMS Ad-lake, 39 INEIT Metal leyeut-pree oration of ea. ASSEMILERS MALE EILP WANTED lAHtMIN INSURANCE WIRERS 4 SOIDSRSRS. Men or women, trainees ar experienced, Apply lynni curate ocaie awgi or meet metal parti. Liberal benefiti.

Penn Ventila Electronics, 74 Tracey rd, Huntingdon TOOLMAKERS TOOL ROOM MACHINISTS tor, 3535 N. Amber St. rCNALE HELP WANTED i ey ro. fENALE HELP WANTED WOMEN V'2O0 Caryor for Jeterotlve borne SHEIT lock Taper, lit clan, top pay. products In high relief.

Full or port rnor.e lone, WA 2-4432. CLERK STENOGRAPHER First A Second class Men. with tab. EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA time ago no borrler, Good pay plus SHEET leckera wonted, oup'd only. bing shop experience on llgi I fix.

DIETITIAN A.D.A. Oooortunitv tr motur mi on with QOoH riCOl tk Ml In anant.arina Coll bet SltWt, 409-11 7-0421, oenetit*GA e-730i, WOODWORKERS, Giving Assemblers turn, top ratei plus plenty of ever-lime. All usual benefits. Nemco, 1523 MALE AGENCY AVAILABLE SHIP SUPERINTENDENTS. dpt.

Muif havt high Hg'ts typing I CHEMIST ANALYTICAL I S. In chemistry end a mlnlrmms of 3 years' Analytical experience desirable. Will w-k In control laboratory of Pooh area Fhormo. ceutleol p'ant. Good salary, excellent benefits.

Write toi l-3e, O. BOX J0A4 Philadelphia, Pa. 1910S An tana I Opportunity tmp'oyof self. rood rip-sow operators, shaperi mo. jfnq or.

Experienced In the luperviilon and co operators, craters A dowlers. Benefits ordination of all phaiei of ihlp repair, Union rate. Opnfy for Incentive pay. TOOL 4 dio repair men. Ee.

Repair simple dies, moke up ports for tool repair for metal goods mtr. Start $370 27 MANAGER 22)7 Hogert St. OA 4-2500. yw ar experienced In tigalth, hMpltalliolien and life lalu AAA-I CO. Imsreiting position for an A A.

Dietitian ot Chester County Hoip.toi, 500 E. Marthoil Wett Chester, Involving Ther. oneuties, pntisnt visltotion A lu pervision. Erellent working con. rt'tions, Cyilory open.

Opportunity for odvanrement. Apply to Hoipl. tnl Mnnngement ,5503 lorn, ba-d St, Fo. 1914. Kl -4600.

nour. runy paia company bonenri. Snvdor Mfa Co. IBA 1-30001 vgu can organise, recruit and Weitmoreland A Stokely S'l, 13300 I tram a tales to ret Will hove a soles ropresentatlvt In town to interview applicants for a good lob, eectrlcal equipment field. This co.

will tram you. The op pert to get Into management after a 1 TOOL A Die Makers. 1st does only. ana conversion work. Applicant! with reloted ihip repair ond convenion experience will alio be considered.

Aeoly lefhlehem Steel Corporation Shipbuilding Division 815 Key Highway Baltimore 30, Md. An ciual Opportunity Employer In the Plans for Progress Program I WlPPER. Thoroughly oxp man to take Phila. AAfr. Excel startlna rata A IP you art not satisfied with average fringe benefits.

Immed openings. Apr Loniten Monotype Ca, 3020 0" St. or 4 months training period art excellent. We will alter the men elected H2S sal. per wk ta start.

Report TOOL I Dio makers, 1st clan only. mini, will O'lO Opfift Vflilu OHiCt qu cvnt biuwmnf moehmt, mim- ftO'onh, tt'on and mleulaw Fp-t Call Mrt. Boyd IE 4 for inttJFvitw, UNION CARBIDE CO. Ellington, Pa, A Iqtwl OoDortunity Emp'oyjf CLERK-TYPIST Notlenel metol monufnrtvirer In Oermonrewn needs permanent, oc-eurore cierk. Legible hand-writing, snme tvpmg isleclric), some experience Write A-lJ.

O. BOX I0(S Fhiloaephio, Pa. 1910S An Fauol Opoorttm-ty F-o'over CLERK-TYPIST FOR OFFICE SALES DtPASIMtNI To type A orice orders taralved In $475 ANY DEGREE! exp on progressiva dies. Pull hospl. I if a ln Ukll.

Mr. tehwari. Div. uperviser ot htvg a faw e'erieal poi't'eni mo Scott A Fetter Ca. at George cnarge compiling aeot, distribution of orders flnlihed goads Inventory A Die Co, Inc.

221 Jersey ov, ouces An Equal Opportunity Emoloyer l( I ftlTIAN te supervise dispensing ef tood in pantnes of busv CC restou- rent S. day wk, every other Sun oH, Paid vns. sick hote A ms benefits. eaie sate age. educ A sal des Good eppoty for advancement.

258 Inquirer. Washington Motel, Routt ATI, Tre If veu hove been considering restoring the working world, Clif-TON PRECISION pfODUCIS may have lust rite lob for you If you are a S. grad and can attain a oh score on a series ot general ability and dexterity tests. Our evno loves work in modern air-conditioned plant ond onioy good fringe benefits, excellent working conditions ana na-portunity for edvoncoment, Theie posiont require excellent de. teniy ond the patience to work with small parts of oe 1 1 cote Instruments.

1st 2nd Shift Work INTERVIEWING DAILY A.M. TO I P.M. 100 TEMPORARY PART TIME DAY SHIFT Positions Also Availbl 10 AM to 3 PM Clifton Precision Products Div. of Litton Industries MARPLE AT IRODWAY fl E'eck from Soit more Pike) CLIFTON HEiOHlS. PA.

ter city, imj. eoy-oo pje i tonrroi ror largo ciornmg mtr. exce I. I) am, 2 vese, Oct. eptn for abeva avaraqa qrtdi.

You must hive 4000) typing, letna previous office eiperi. TOOL A Dll Makers, Steady cpporruniry. for appointment GA 4-JS24. overtime, a benefits. Aool ply tleb- Wil- Ing Tool A Die, Wyandett Rd, SNIFFER.

For lamp ihoda factory, TOP PAY success our nave we omoirion and ability fa bi up In aig-timt taming. YOU AH OUR MAN IF vau want complete competitive kit of guaranteed renewable life-tlma A hospitalisation and mo I or medical, and a full lint of participating Ufa inturanct IF you want strong vested contract with big first-year commissions and mplo renewals to give you sub-tontlal override you want agoncy-bulldlng help with loodi and proiptctlng ow Grove, rnurougniy ex per. to toe cnarge Men needed to work In expending Comoi Una Ih Dmmh. Fxrt anntv anca it deiireble, and ba abla ta thow potential for tdveneement. Apply in ptnon, Mindly through Fridty, :30 M.

to oca I factory branch technical mainte TOOL MAKERS, let sloes, top wages, olentv overtime. Comoanv paid bene. 1, 11-9 I wiii inquirer, HIRING IN OFFICE PUBLIC RELATIONS CLAIMS INVESTIGATION FINANCIAL SALES RETAIL TRAVEL fits. Vitole Tool A Machine Corp, 8931 Krewttewn Road. nance oquipt.

Jobs open In 3 depts, service, eales A personnel. Wonaer. ful apply to advance. SI 25 col per wk ta start. SHIPPER in supervisory capacity, eip handling orders, shipping It stock.

2:30, Parionnal Dtptrtmant efh mol. Good teteohone voice necessary to take orders on phone from estab- Boys clothing factory, Con. city. Reply TRAFFIC Clerk familiar with freight rates, routing A claims. OSAD oxp.

heloful. Life-time opportunity with CALL CI S-9900 rwo inquirer. thed Customers. AottHKIB for fiaurat MATURE, Intelllgont, oeMve men to co SHIPPER expd In clothing. Apply Irvki DRUO Stere.gen'l work A delivery.

ae Two. store. C-280 Inquirer. EMIROI0ERY.rolne're.ves. school grart.

Iia.n in fine lewlnq to Isorn special meoh. embroirtsrv must adapt to Oiialltv stondords. Apply J. Theo Cuthheruonjnc. 201 3 Sontom.

EXAMINERS, an shift 4 to 8 PVi, fod only. Aooly Rich. hne A Ind ana, EXECUriVS-Stenegropher-Secretery Muit be ecellnt Shoithand-Ivpmg A ICnow.eage of L2-2C-OJ FEEDER fer die llameing preis. Apelv Son 6S56. Ph.lo 32, er coll BA 8.0f0 growing Delaworo Co.

Manufacturer. Send detail resume to F-234 Inquirer. runif anorTiwaar. ini naMn Aui rloor. THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER 400 SROAD STREET PHILADELPHIA PA, CLERICAl-Rocent gred.

alert, energetic, for production office for women's IF you want to build fait, itrong and sm wm 1 1 vit Diversified Into'ostmg posit.on we. re. ion! oopty tor rapid odvonroment. Perm pontion, liberal benefits. ceuent soiary.

Apply OS 2nd St, 9 am to 5 om. ordinate functions of local, buying group. Information warehouse eurveilionce, damage control, check stores, attend meetings occasional NY trip. Challenging lob far permanently wim an old legal re oervo mutual company Deemed In SHIPPER-Rocolvor stock control, expd perm. Macbeth Arc Lamp, 141 (erk TRAINEES LO 3-7261 C-R ASSOC.

sportswear mtt. Some apparel enaer ley Phila. Gl 5-4543. all 10 notes THII If FOft YOU CLERK-TYPIST dedicated person. Start SI 50 week plus prof.

Must be good of figures, Aooly expenses. No specific exp rood. Par.iQueen Knitting Mills, 10175 Northeast 6 PENN CTR. RM 416 SHIPPER'S Holpor.ifeadv petition. An Fauol Opoortunlty Employer IMet ticulars a eoexgrounq to c-3f3 mquireriv.

Ltk 7-LtUOO. atari exempt, write r-H9 inquirer II1 VILCivll Rights Act lvM Ixecutlvo Interview will be held In File Clerk CLERK, SHIFFEIt, expd. Fleer covering bus. 1. Leod'ng Mfr in Kens ngton erea hai permanent opportunity tor bright a ert gal, Eipd In handling SALES 10 davt.

write today tor appoint shifts. Apply pent MinynoriBr, OIJ OOUtn at. WA J-34U raSTROCnOM-MALE ment giving full experience details vivra, viem Typisn ail -m Lr- --r Temole University Hoi- ASSISTANT teekkeeper. Expd In lei Dept 9 AM to 12 or'u work, tsar round employm Brood St. An eauol'n9 S'o't Immediately.

oymsnt. Pital, Ferionni SHIPPING I Receiving Clerk with por- clerical wros. iroocl An- Noon, 3401 nnil shoe. Will isip.i.ry. to I ain pOTi tQ In confidence to AliENCT DIREC-TOII.

write A-297 Inquirer. ot atiummg reiponsi ibi poii exp oeiirea ror pos in center opportunity employer, 5-J'01. ply in poison. Golden Petroleum Co, Inc. Erie ave ot low-ence st ci rv music puonsning tirm.

0-day week Permanent. 10 8-7555, ext. 4. IALI1MIN IAIII TRAINEES CLERKS-we will train responsible sniiMreiu'r-iei CAU-WRITEO STOP IN. for the NEW SALES BULLETIN lASYSITTER-Maturo woman.

mature women to onume were, SHIPPING clerk, typing net. Mini Itn IKa-mI Itaulll. BiKn ini r.m. 3 aavs, 3 children, age 4 Ill I In school. Phila rei dent 7..

-Tl I' A We s's Ilator Co. 3535 Amble'r. 8A 4-3900 The Salesmen'sAgency only. Re's DE 036.1 SHOE Salesman. Experienced In Wem.

LEARN IBM Data Processing too. Call eft 130 work is involved, Manv enplov.e! 'URHITURE Soles wenron7Vpd7sen.e -r ihonefils. Write stating eo. "ecorotor Prtckground pret. A variety of moohlne shop-type training positions available on both shifts for recant high school grods preferably with machine shoo courses and able to auallfy on general ability and mechanical aptitude tests.

Modern air-condi-tioned plant, convenient to public transportation. Excellent fringe benefits Including educational assistance for those who wish to continue lob related schooling and opportunities for advancement. If Interested please apply In per. son MONDAY thru FRIDAY, A to I M. Clifton Precision Producti Div.

of Litton lndustris MARPLI AT BROADWAY (1 Block from Baltimore Plkof CLIFTON HEIGHTS, FA, COLLECTION fer publishing printing firm. Exp'd person to hand.e oc counts receivable collection by telephone. Mtr A distributor accounts. Sal openlphOTejGeor9el(jiighxSlR-6700 DRIVSR-Sipd, private school In Ptilto, port time. 19 AM, 3,30 4 30 PM.

wihlote model car. Ml 3-0536. HAIRDRESSER wfellewlng. alto shorn-poo girl wllcense to work pa-t time. Fell Corner (entity Shop, S306 lus-tle'on ove PI 2 9tl6.

EASY Sitter. With ar Without txptrlenco A SALES JOB TODAY A MANAGEMENT CAREER TOMORROW evolutionary now NeevTeehnleal Elee- avte. vis em nne-i inquirer. ru" Pa" Highest eamini eyes Call 265-9864, 10-6 M. bury, 4 30 6 FM.

5 dv, f-2t? Inquirer rVAllUNAl XCLKUIItXS 1H MARKET (Fox Bldg). LO 3 o39 (2) SALES (2) SHOEMAKER-all around man, top pay 4513 Frankford ave. PI 4.1060. SIGN Lellsror-Cemmerclol A gold loaf UlinAmu imHmrlmm BANK IBM PROOF OPER. Opening for espd operator for IJ0I machine.

Mondays AM to opp'ok 7 PM. Tueidov thru Friday II AM to lit cnnilaered for lull te rl in Pub- 6.l- TRAINEES SPECIAL (4 OVER I. Iicotion dept of bio chemical re- 3' WKtY AL. PROFIT SHARING, learch Institute Apply Personnel Office fxP ef3 IN DVf'G, CREDIT OR Wisrnr Inititu, 30th A Spruce Sts LES FOR AMERICAN MARKETING An Fnunl Onnnrtmlh, lni. AS.SOCIATES.

INC IMMtfl Prestige Co raaufrtt top notch totee- Apply Hartlng Sign Co, (09 Shipley men. ourirannina ABarv far eoml. LABORATORY tosh. TeaT, trenlc Product. Wo have oponlnae In our Fhlla.

office which are truly unlaue. We retired sales mar or hanaleaBaed man or, Wilmington, uot, davs. 7 am.S Dm. Man thru Frl. f.

SIGN Painter's Helper, lip to work ere looking 4 mature men who can Cfli-10 Senior for fdiphone work oart lima FRIDAY fer esecutlve ef Ftille. ru j-bjiu WNi'na conds to work os inside eoios represenranve Constant public contact. H-earnlng tontlal. sw ma itnge. londau, VI 4-9000.

MAN er Wmm mm serial tec. ran rAmn'aM frlnna nanaflta 0nlt 0 Ci fill a tales lob which starts with 1160 a week minimum guaranteed SOMMELIER or person with vast No e.p necetlory. 10 hrs perl Som tvpmg HS gmdbusmeis for semi-Invalid. GR J-1530, GR 3 7 909, Bo024. Camden, OHOI, Knowledge of wines, to work In tine fiOirting prM, $tQ' oar du ealary.

w. set your own hrs. Juit rough copies required. Write, giving trhocil restaurant. Gd calory.

O-204 Inquirer An Equal Opportunity Employer Under CALL FOR FREE CAREER INFORMATION BARTACKIRS MEN or women, full er part time, leooe. Boitacking, luck'se ALmA ASSOCIATE! OF HADDONPIELD 25 CHESTNUT ST MA 7-0674 IPhlla) 428-0400 IHoddonfieldl Watchmaking mil SPINNERS-Weoleti eyslem axed. 2nd Title VII Civil Rights Act of 1964. porticuiars A phone number to P-24B; GIRL FRIDAY openings In Montg A Pel Co. We STEADY WORK FULL In Monta Thlt (alee lob le a stepping clone to a lolei management career In one 3rd thift.

a davs. SteaHv. Cnren n. rer. train, let us show veu how to earn d.k, 4224 N.

Front St, DA 9-9650, br.aht, xpd. to aitum dvtrtlfi ri vmccR H.V.V of the Nation molt exciting new In duttriei, TRAINEES S2 50 to S3. SO per hour A up. Fuller Brush Co, SU 9-9-3T, CLIRK-Typls. Due to oapomlen pre- grii-n cipen.ngi tor goo.1 tvo sts.

aptitude for gursi, some BEAUTICIAN Nt. No Fee. SI 00. JAMES EMF AOY. Frankford Av A Margaret.

Pi 4-3500. If vou hove oar. A ce per. MULTIIITH Ootrot.r-lJJO. Eed en SPRAY PAINTER-lxperlenced on eon.

line. Call GA JW226. STATIONARY ENGR. eonollry. And a full shore of drive and ambition, hit may prove cover sreck 37 hr uitL AnUn wu prer Larererio eel ent fringe bsnef MALE HELP WANTED OVER 1R 36? In- to be turning point tor you.

Immediate possible openings of S200 Dura Mother Co, GA 5-305 NURSES, R.N.'s Rapidly expanding organisation In SUPERVISORS. For housekeeping de ou'iM mriuding occui-a't tvpmg of coirtipondnnr, tianwr from die-hittng machifi gnrtl of'f woik working fondttiOnt. Ail bn. iti, tiny Anoly in prifn KE'iy. 4th fff pEtnnF A.

POMERANTZ CO. "The Bi'insiifiion's Dent Store l.s?s CHESTNUT ST. GIRL ka ariilu. 1 Positions with department store In King of Prussia area os fiertroivsis Operator (Hair removal). Must be ovallab'e fot short training in New erk.

Fare hotel A training pad, S'a'e age A marital s'aius A phone. HOffMAN INSIITUTE 100 Weit 42nd New York ly, NY Sal or more per week proven to you Northwest Phi a has mmediote A Tea Company executive will Inter. Neeaed for tu or narr partment. Experience required.

Good the re ated fie as ef market na coney for llcenie deriglneer with high CLERK recent prod, with peeiPpen. monihlp accuracy with gurei te aunt Inventory control In CC Aoo oniy to Na lor Mtg. Ce, 1021 Col- brand identification and sales promo view applicant on Tuesday, Oct. 5th, 9.10 A. or 1,30 P.

M. Sharp INTERNATIONAL TABULATING INSTITUTE 1714 John P. Kennedy Blvd. Coil LOcust 4-3121 salary end benefits. Apply Temple University Hospital.

3401 N. Bread tion. Publisher. This Is a full time preiture lleam en burner expert ence. Rotating shifts.

Excellent poten mum of 20 hours part time. On 7i00 A to 3 00 M. to IliJO and 11, IS to 7,15 A.M. tours for Medical. Surgical at the Marriott Motor Inn, City line career lob with a tremendous future lowniu Mon.

thru Frl. 9 AM to 12 Noon, An equal opportunity employer, tion. For man details, call Personnel Phllo, As tor Mr. win i a mi. BILLINO Typist.

Exper pref. Interesting riieK.l -iT klm7 Ii For personol Interview call between Idina of Phlladtlohia Stare Hnt. lecatgi In I Director! SALESMEN oconv-painwro SUPERVISOR-TRAINEE br.rtqe, requires person or na i Vi 4-1522 AM to 2 FM. NO EXPFRIFNCS NfCFSURV TRAINING AT OUR EXPENSE CAR FURNISHED 0 toi, IS davs vocation, plus 13 holidays In addition to sick leave grant, ed per year. Integrated retirement and Social Security plan.

Attractive "'P. hnow enge OT Pkhpg helpful. Pieosnnt wnila r.vW t.h. H5 grad, aptitude for figures, ad Flltl TIM! PERMANENT POSITION start ml, liber co ben. Dt 3-3300! wk Send reiunie to 356-lnouirer.

CltRK. lypilt. Inlereitlng dlvenlfied starting salary, very attractive living conditions If desired, toll OR 3-8S00. MR. HARVEY MA 7-4289 occts rec o.iy.

Good tvong ob.l. fr. wk. 2 wselki vnc. Ksni ngron so.

S'ornng RF0 OIRI ERIOAY, SmollKen. ngton turn. Srn.Mi r.onVtoid FiinA CA 5 I.V0. BhJ)oion CIRl ERIDAY-light ihertfiend, occurote tvpist Oivenitieci dutiej. open.

Cull CU 0-4104 9.10-5.10 PM AVAILABLE FOR EXPERIENCED SALESMEN INi POS for loniSOna nnt Ih SURVEYORS Party chiefs, Instrument men, Rodmen. Salary commensurate emension 403 or 441, PHILADELPHIA STA1E HOSPITAL. huly. lioht shnithnnd JL,1 IINDERY WOMEN.

SHtthtr ftdtr Nqfifwerk. 10 3-flT72. IOOK llnrftrv, vrwing mtrthlni oDrnor or trnlnf. KK 7-Sol1, IOOKKEEPER Nl Phila firm hoi ptn- mg tor txpd bookMPf. Vvwk con iiiti ef acrtt rc, iom on'l office work rvpng, Sttwdv poi.

Hf k. Sfatt xd I. i dti. K-294 lnquirp, $575 with ability, Coll 265-2702 between IBM COMPUTER PROGRAMMER TRAINING FOR MEN A WOMEN WHO WANT TO GET AHEAD I BI NURSES RN POSITIONS AVAILABLE A.M. end 5 P.M.

STATIONARY ENGINEER licensed far ell-fired high pressure boilers. Schuylkill Forgo Company, 3d Luzerne Its. An Equal Opportunity Employer phone voite des rnh.e CC, ooy wk hnun to 5.LO .1 '808. CLERK Tvalif. Hwmm siii.u NS1RUCTORS, Immediate need, epe- nonce In Mcdical-Suraical Nursma SYSTEMS JR Free per mo starting salary to those accepted after 3-day indoctrination Nl 1 awa.

1 neis Mnchin.i nreHs womnn to hondl. rrldoy-Dr's office. Readv for some executive seasoning SPORTING GOODS Apply Personnel, lower Itvtl GIMBELS andor Maternity Nursing. Salary commensurate with qualifications. Good personnel policies.

Write or call to 0-52 Inquner oeneiol clerical duties. Tvnina only iend relume Sat only Send relume period. Also alternate plan Capitalize on your lower level back, around A learn the sophisticated now to A5 hrs per week m.nimum tt GIRL Fridov-far dlvanlllad mM.m Lutheran Hospital ot Maryland, Baltl. per hr. Call Mr.

Neal, LO 14416 CC. Music School. LO J-1 98 tor opnolntment, IGOVERNESI. a4urai.4 TRAINEE ever 21 for aen'l kelp In furniture factory. Must oe meehnicol-ly Inclined A ambitious.

No trlflers more. Director of Nursing 13011 V4S- procedures. Engineering Itmp Agy) LO 4-3101, Suite 820, 4 Penn Center ELECTRONIC COMPUTER STOCK Men. Hard werklni reieenslble 1600. ClERK-typlsl-ReiepHenlst, oble'te assist' 4 drive, live in Sisady.

MO 4-1780 tvoe of person who is aoklna for a 69TH WALNUT STS. need apply. 321 3rd tt. 9-12 AM PIOIOj ORGANIST Choir Director for nxkpr. Must have at lantt n.Au'uatariBECcra a perm lob with an excel oootv to aot TRAINEE P-23B Inqui rer.

eldce exo lnt.r..ima n. I'Tl. eppty Philo Church. TAILOR. Bushelmon, expd net for fine men's retail store.

Apply Mor UPPER DARBY tor the right person. Mult moke BOOKKEEPER, Applicant mutt be there enpd, capable ef handling occts rec. occrs pav, payroll A payroll taxss. EkcoI working cond. Sal commeniu.

rare wtability. Phone CE e-676 ROOkKEEPER Asilslant. Must be able to type. CC. 35 hr wk.

Perm pos. Excel we-klng cond. State oxp A salary desired, E-217 Inquirer, BOOKKEEPER. Expd, take complete charge, essential knowl of payroll taxes. City Sign Service, 1312 for odv Philodeiohia Tecknlcol PERSONNEL Director-Are you Interested Initi.

RESEARCH yillo, Cheltenham Av in the chaiienae of a new eitab- riire. JIN Broad St, Security guard, over 21, bow week, chance for advancement, no appearance, part styitng-part receo-, Muit be abe to do some tvpmo. Coll Mon-Sat1OR A-eiS'. TAILOtf. cms er sanls.

Iterations anead. call for appt. WA 3-1903 be-twene the hours of 10 AM I PM. STOCK MAN, over 21, single, live NlT Juvenile Bike Store. Mech inclined.

SI .70 starting, adv. DA 4-9993, bet 10-11. Lisen-te receive A oTieakh senrlre depts. Steady, Morvll le, 15th A Walnut esolice roe. send resume.

swo inquirer Cal is via telsnhana Int wall Position for High School graduate with llshed pos? Bo part of the administrative team at a progressive Institution for tha chronically ill In the Bala Cynwyd-City Lino area, with opprox 300 employees. Good salary range. TECH TRAINEE PROGRAMMING INSTITUTE CALL LO 7-7829 FOR FREE APTITUDE TEST 1612 Market Street (Opp. the New IRM lids. at Penn Confer! eeewire (Milan ManSMr.

Sinclair Re, Co in CC. Good sal. Automatic incrs riuueytnifi uuvnvj'vvitH uivivyti Xhtmiitry Phytlci, ute. Will S127-S15! wk. Free tinina Ca.

Ooenina for manager of STOCK ROYS A order pickers. Ixper oTner oene. s.noi or Phila helptu O-506 Inquirer. lauowniu sr Co operated training station. This lob 2-ttep training.

In the plant long enough to get your feet wet. Then trained at upvraring noom Ttainician to participate with surgical rtitareh xcel oersonne practices A policies. preferred Out not nec. Steady work entails record Keeping, aaminisrra- CERK, accts recelvokle, ererh lot Robert Bruce. Inc.

A Westmore Some exp required. College desirable. Reiume to K-260 Inquirer. Vocations, ti In. FvO nar.

tion. Instruction ot employes, appii nn mutt have arior oxd. have com land lti.EqualOpportunityEmployor, nam. cxcnnT atary cm opntjur p'o- gram during training ptriod. Apply HAIRDRESSERS, male or female, also full time manicurist.

New salon. Lonsdale oren, 5 mms off 300 eowv. Top wnars comm paid. 308-0000. 1 HAIRDRESSER Epd shampoo I manl.

tumt. lhun, frl A Sat. Apply Salon fnnco. 350 lantaner Wovns. Pa OS' HAIRDRESSER, mole or female7alie 2 manicur-its nut for elegant, ne salon in Montgomery co out to customer's plant to sit In en planning sessions.

No experience needed. Engineering lemo agcvl, 4 Penn Center Plaia. LO 4-3101, Suite 820. roughs Senslmotle electronic moch. Stote ep.

sal, phone C-200 PERSONNEL COLLBOB nlated military service, be mature STOCK Clerk-To stock shelves assist truck drivers in retail food store. No uinnni I. a. am a laaavr or man Inauirer. Administrative A counselling position.

Mln 1 to 2 years Industrial experience. WOMAN'S MEDICAL COUEOI mte wrk. Apply G. Parkhouse A Sons, TECHNICAL TRAINEE Excellent pay. Co benefits.

Apply In oerson to Mr. Stapleford, Sinclair CLERK fyplil, PrelpM stllllna sue 4. 1 1 3' Tor ta, ap i ngton Pa. 3300 HENRY AVE. VI 4.1522 Grad degree candidate prof.

Reply stat able. Liberal henetitt S70-S0 FREE Help keep the burglars away. Travel Service Station. Oxford Large its. STOCK bey, high school graduate.

BKKEEPER Assl, knewl of accts recelv, occts payable, payroll A tvpe. liberal fringe henet its. Reply E-3v Inquirer. ibOKKEE Asst. buty'but nice office.

Good oppor. Energy Control ore, 314' Pa BOOKKEEPER-1 girl CC bullder'seT-fice. Exp bookpg A typing. Buiv phone. Send relume to Inquirer BOOKKEEPER with exp.

In 1 girl office. Permanent pontion, Warrington Induilrlal Park, Di3-l9S. BOOKKEEPER, full charge, expd ali phaiei, supervise 5 g.rl C.C. office. Send reiume toP-202 Inquirer.

work week. Coll Perm Ventilotor, 1 1 th Allegheny. BA 4-3900. i air ti is. ai 4 ing education, experience salary re-auirements to 1-133 Inquirer.

An Equal Opportunity Employer Me phone colls. drivers license. Apply oiy German town after 11 A. M. to customer's location with the use of company transportation.

Engineer HAlRDRESSf mole wsales ability CIERK-Typli! Mature. aoaa1. aaaj TRAINS! positions 111, public contact work makino underwritina Inveltlga. Hons for Insurance. Must be over 21 hove cor A typing obilifv.

Call Employment mgr, MA 7-5709. PHYSIO AN-Houeo. Male ei female with STOCK Clerks, patent medicine, must ing Ismp agcvl, 4 Penn Center Plaia to ntannge wig liiep wig. evp. ic.

vceil. lal. comm. fnnaa banalut tvD na lossd for aanaml Penna lie. Dav shift weve calls It des.

drive. 2007W tstaugh. BA B-1550, SERVICE STATION MANAGERS Suite B20. Call IU 4-jiui. 4 relieve on switchhonrrl.

Vlr Eiank. Call Dr. Hume for Interview. Tayior STOCK MAN-shloolna A order flllna. BA 3 HAIRDRESSEI-Esp.

Od werklni Ridley Pk, Pa. 521-2000. Muit be bondable. MA 7-8350 for nppt. Motional company has Immed.


JE J-9'Sl lord IV Alleahenv. PE 0900, CLERK-TYPIST, epa-. accurate fail. Perm, position Call or wine, J. A.

Cunningham Equipment, J025 Trenton Ave GA 6650. machs. Cal or opolv Peak Cleaners, Assemblers, glazers, screeners, weld- Ice (taHton monoalng exp. Must be BOOKKEEPER fer New Car Auto Aasy HAIRORESER, wim enp te worlc In High uarrlad uith ratoanllhl itles. Excel 3543 9th St1BA3-785p.

PURCHASING Clerk-Typist, Pop. NR ers. Steady work. Paid vacation. Health A accident Insurance.

Only etortrna salary 4- fringe benefits. Call CLERK. Per Inventory eontrel. must be reildent. 5 davs.

1 eve. a frtnae exp a oppiy. 310 N. Moicher tt. OR 4-50VZ OOF 1.

lor interview, fM'- in oupurban Camden area. Send resume stating solan I30 Inquirer. BOOKKEEPER Auto exprhlgh solery, excel environment A working conds. 273 Inquirer stye shop. Guys DeMorios', Kensington oren.

Call HO 4-3248eveiJ HAIRDRESSER Monliu.l.l shampoo girl. tpd. Full or port time. Teds Salon ot Style, RA 5 5575 benefits. Sal commensurate wabil.

6801 Fkd ova. STORM WINDOW INSTALLER With or without truck. Highest rates. Mutt hove good wood working background, this knowledge to be applied in learning trade, excel future for right man. Health A Life Insurance benefits participated In by Ce.

Write full Information to H-25o Inquirer. TREE Trimmers. Expd. starting pay S2.ES per hr, paid vacation. Hospl.

talliation wgroup Ins. Guar 40 hrs. Work In Princoton, area. Must be qualified. Call 609-921-6251, Steady wrk.

Apply 3107 Maseher gooa at tigurse legible handwriting, typing helpful, onoly eli wk, osterL Honco*ck 4 Westmoreland. CLERK, lllllne. oblllty'ie write legibly figure correctly. Gd working conds. 40 hr wk Salary Manholm Laundry Co, 5344 fjermantown ave.

SERVICE Reoresentetlve Tralnoo-Ono with past office It business mach ROOKKEEPER Asst. Must be expd. HAIRDRESSER. Al leeif 1 ere ep. Pell STORM WINDOW Installer.

All year TECHNICIAN MECHANICAL Position In Philadelphia Must be capable of being trained In the mechanical repair of public vending devices. Applicant must ba bondable end have a valid driver's license. you art Interested In finding out more, write, Hot Ing ealary requirement toi A-293 INQUIRER Part lime. Call 125.1035. atlar- state sal desired, auallfleatlene, etc SALES service exaer needed.

Perm. Gd oppfy 189 Ridge Avenue. IV 1-3224, 5 PM coil CH 2-2)94. round work. Cell FU 9-027B.

STUDENTS (OVER I4I wrire rwi inquirer. EARN NtOH WADES tiiVICI Sta attendant. Seme moch IOOKKEEPER mw'i loir, tharva listl exfll mil sft a.l.;sV U. fnoU. CLERK beekkeeplna op le work Frl To work in lead dept diitrlbutlng ta- Tilt HIM Na nes.

11.11 hr. NO EXPERIINCI NECESSARY Rocoma a Professional Tractor Tie Her HAIRDRESSER. Female only, Tnvrs-Prl. Sal. fp, stylingjpbllltySH 7-956 H'RDRESSIRt, Male or female, Wdl nd Av Vic, Call SA 9-931 7 or MA 1-8599 1 lection cards, oooa soiary -r periodic Work In Sumorvllle.

NJ vie. VI 1-4600 IOOKKEEPIR. Thru Ivial CC mt oot. eocn wk. gooa Pnowi, ot check writing, bank reconciliation 1 oxp.

No phono calls. Jim I Flying front Lehigh Ave. ItRVICI STATION Atlendont. Exo'd, Experienced telatmen wltS asd increases. Loll KA B-ttl 1 0 TOUfK Driver's Meleer fee turn store.

cena ottica. ovo locuit it, posting occtipay. perm, pos. give prevpn BarfsrmMc racordc will SUPERINTENDENT 4 Wife, toko tare Must be ill na worker a nave. full' or part time.

Apply Report: HAIRDRISER-Warmlnlitar p. saiarv on. nnu Carl or sue Driver, immed lobs avail, JOt GUIDANCE TUITION TERMS For Free Info. Write AMERICAN TRAINING SERVICES Dept Sox 1970. Camden.

NJ. area. sse aaiiipa mmrmmf I'ln evweexsywsl driver's license. Apply to 13, 3337 ot elevator apartment buildina In $imatit Pohh pmg iMcnin, ba foniiderod for in Immacf'eta Hair Styling. OS i.M9.

C1IRK Typisl-Wlvere wrk. releptteno ICanajnntAn 1 US West Phila. Must be handy and have amount ihorthand A (Veina. Persenoilfv. Itnawl atirkaW K.lMr.,1 HAIIDRfSIRR.

I.d. Ml feno ar pari. knowledge of heating system. Salary TIUCK Merhaale. let elaes.

J-11 sfltft. Hunsborgor, Ql 42 Rising Sun Ave. SERVICE Station Attendant. Gd pay. Apply Eiio Sta.

Frankford Levick, lERVICE Station Mechanic. Exp in all epininq. Parson with craefive or oall PHILA. GR 1-40401 accounts rrlvabia i gtn. of fica work.

Small efflca In eanttr ploniant working cond. S-day wk. BAI time position Phone MA 4-0390. 2 0326 for appointment, HAIIDIISSfl. Earn TIT Must have tools, neasanr wereing CAMDEN, I-P09-966-5I50: SJ00 month plus apt.

Start at once. Call DE 2-9502 for apt. Mr. Morris. flair whs likot fo worlc with aifib city rttoll firm.

Ph 10 3 S848, Aik conditions. EL 6-15r4 oft 7 PM AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER lishad iccounfi end alio creete CLERK-Typisl. Expd A accurate with nASal. 1813 Cottman Ave RA 5-4841 figures. Good ieaib'e nation work.

Good pay, no b-ouou SUPERINTENOENT-Marriod to take full for offica manogtr for ptnonal lntr TYPIST See our ad under "Audio- ViW TECHNICIAN Viiual Clerk." today's paper. Unl inir eiy rtr. nwr iryi UiVerSlt fd WOrk. WA 5-1047, kammnlnn awa Wf i.liVt nec. new buiinm.

If you're self charge of elevator bldg In otn. Mutt know all phase of maintenance. Previous apt hie exp nec. Apt ovail. AUTO MECHANICS SCHOOL Day and Evening Classes Get Free Booklet UNCOLN TECHNICAL INSTITUTI 4201 Wistahlckon ave, Phila, Pa.

Phone, BA 3-3040 ROOKKEEPER Assistant, payroll A accts divers duties. Must bs'tisii ciHn.r..u 1...1. 1-. CLERK-Typlit OPERATING ROOM iterter ind cm produce raiulfi versify of Pennsylvon io. TURRET lathe operators, 1st class, set in JL Anarnte.

43-hr wk. Everite Ma- pay, Monroe moch, 3-WyU GE 8-0557 until 12, Later 10 7-1583. with I minimum ef tnininoj, BOOKKEEPER-ASST. CASHIRRS. lank Tellers, FAX Stockmen Muit xpd, knowl ef ftirrounn person, Mondsy fhru Fridiy chine Products Co, 2616 Iroddock St.

TYPEWRITER A add. mach. mechanic, SUPERINTENDENTS 2 Construction. One expd in, Apartment building. One exp In building shopping centers.

Call 600-11 7-1300 IN. JJ needed. HI Sch not read. Ca I anv iii lenS 1, Nottheatl shop, wtollowing pret, itartmg iaLWA2ja08Mrs.Wallak but not neceisory. Alio I manlcurlll CLERKS lor dry cleanlni store, sorting IA I ihampooer.

Call PI HAIR" Slyll.l," male f.mele. CdTpt- Dovlsvj.lleroodWillowGrova1.a bul NE Following CLERK-TYPIST. Mature. Expd. KnewP pref OR 3 -9JO0 or M2-SI9 edge Of bkkpg mach.

5-driy wk. gd MAII alviial aarthaatl lacllaa Miat bkkpa mach for accti rc aeeft la7- 9:30 A. M. to 2:30 P. M.

Surgical-Research Dept seeks expd A trained Technician for research project Involving animals. Will consider trainee If background Is related to working with animals or medical research. Excellent salary A benefit hr. Train now pay later. Free plcemt full or part ti me TR 7-5615, Mon SET UP PAPER BOXES service.

Air-conditioned cashier Train. UNDERWRITER obi dtpf. Divin duti. Pltm ur-roundma. 5-day wk, 8 30-5, Gd inl, Vic of Tiogd, Call GA SUPERINTENDENT 4 wife wanted for largo suburban opt bldg.

Apt plus Ina nst. Fox Blda. loth A Mkt. Room Pvnarteneed In commercial accident 609, IO 3-2465 NJ PQ health underwriting. Opportunities; salary.

Pleas work cond. Coll VI 3- nnia oi.n. m- inquirer, va a.ner ence. fa OR 3-4303. program.

Call personnel uept. THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER Pinonml Dipt. 6th Floor unlimited. 35-hour week. Center City.

6211 for appt. snn, i iw nyvri', VI 4-1522 TECHNICIAN fer Anatomy laboratory BIECTRONICS-RADAR-TV-RADIO Realster New for Oct IB Dav Class BOOKING GAL $70 ROSEMARY'S ROSTER 1 One ef the best known com Please send resume. All replies con- SUPERINTENOENT-Molntenanco, Mar ficient Ri accurate with figs, Treico, Inc. 3824 Terroee St. Manoyunk.

fiantinl If. 9X7 Inauirer. ried, for lovely garden apts In Jen. Tuition $15 wk. Registration Foe SI0.

UPHOISTERER-AII around man. Guar- CLERK-Drv Cleanlna store. Pt time kintawn. Must be expd S300 per panies in sown Is seeking an alert In a Veterinary Medical Teaching program. Full tlma, permanent position fer man with mechanical aptitude nnd strona Interest In BieloaV and Free Cotalog I Phila Wlrelete Tech 1533 Pine st.

Kl a-0745. anteed 52 weeks a year work. Apply month including largo opt. Tt y-343i. lal ta learn ta schedule educational vs A Sat.

5612 Chew Av, Vl 4 8554 CLERK-fvplst. Immed placement, knewl I ot store, 1103 Kaighn Av, Camden, NJ. ilms and book their promotlona mn laSAUl Exten Unlv offers HS prods A adults college level courses, law SUPERINTENDENT A wife for main, tenance general care of modern opt Comoaratlva Anatomy. Apply Personnel UPHOLSTERERS Outside Makers Matt or aieraohone. ror appt.

Ki 5-1004 teriall Accurate typing is all you need Office. University of 3025 Walnut be expd. Apply 1517 spring st. leading to LIB dog. Accta ar but od- bldg.

Salary -t- opt. Apply Orleans to start todavl See me, ROSEMARY FORD lemo aavl. 41 I. 15th. LO 4.

CLERK-TYPIST, expd with figure ooll tude. end reiuSme to C-260 Inquirer mlnls. Writa Box 37. Levlttown. Pa.

A Co, 100 Rockland st. USHER Neat appearance. Apply. 9 to 12, Monday through Friday An equal opportunity employer undei Title VII Civil Righfi Act of 1964, person, 10 AM, Capitol Theater, izsv CLERK SUPERINTENDENT husband A wife knnrila AD unit. West Phila OOt da All CONDITIONINO REFRIGERATION to fait eharea of tat up and oust.

BOOKKEEPING Clerk- rec. hlen school arad. Must have some bankkaaoma North 52nd 5t, USHERS, locust Theatre, Slnd A Locust, Draftina and Advertising Art PHILA TECHNICAL INSTITUTE Quarters A salary. Triestcr, SA 7-0600 maintenance ef automatic Stokas bet 1 A 4 M. No phone cons.

l-33 Broad st LO 3-4S47 knowledge. Expdi pref. must be able to type Excel, eppty. te learn automo TECHNICIAN QUALITY ASSISTANT S600-S8OO FREE Non-routine, new protect stuff, Enalneerina load and Smith Wrapping Maehina SUPERIOR Cook Manager Fee a usy Reitaurant and Delicatessen. Must VENDING driver, expd full line.

Also Exfraet'nq nd tabulating marUt data from standard reUranea be willing to relocate. Pleaie write. bile business. Apply in person, Emmel Bulck Rt. rJ8.

al Madnon vending trainees, bright men, military obligation fulfilled, to learn busl. Sal BAR TRAINING STERLING INSTITUTI Bldg. 16th A Mkt. LO 8-3038. A-270 Inquirer.

4 Penn Center Plaza, Suite 120 COLLEGE GRADUATES Travel All Over the United States Mating Consumer Surveys For A com. No Invest. HA 4-5200 bef noon publicationi and turvay raporti. Posting, tabulating and limp'a SUPERVISION S650.00 FREE HIGHEST WAGES per Coll LO 4-3101 II A WILDER. ILEC.

GAS. SPOT tMini IrnntulftHaa ef the lob. A SVm WASHING MACHINE MECHANICS Mt, Holly, J. lOOKKEEPINO ASSISTANT Exo'd knowledge of both payable A receivable routine. Office machine exp TECHNICIAN-COMRUSTION KALIX TRADE SCHOOL, 439 1 1th tt EXPD ONLY.

GOOD SALARY. PAID manent position. Will pay pathetic ear for the man's problem computation of tigunai with dait HAIR llyllst, busy CC she. At least 3 yrt ep. High sal-fcom.

WA 6-44 HOMEFURNISHINGS B. ALTMAN CO ST DAVIDS, PA INTERVIEWING FOR FULL TIME 21Vz HOURS SALES POSITIONS SILVER CIA For testing A development ef Industrial oil A gos burning equipment. HOLIDAYS A ADVANCEMENT. PHONE Raquirai tpaad and A hard noie to bcrck up your decisions. Noted, growing producer train ANYTIME.

DAY OR NIGHT. HA 8-5806 helpful. Aptitude tor figures-typing. Liberal benefits excel salary. Perm Must be fami tar with combustion con moving expenses.

5end information and background HELP WAMTED MaU tr FmaU accuracy with figurai, You muit trol A electronic flame safeguard, Abil prtiitionAppjy 65N2nd amjo pm ity to make detailed reports. Send re. you tor Management, suite Bu, tngi neerinq lemp agy). LO 4-3101. SUPERVISORS Da a ntqh school grad and whiia BUNNY Olrl Types.

We neesl 3 mere sumo wexpAeducn. M-276 Inquirer. xparianca In similar work is pro experience to Diclcinson, Allen Associates, 182 Palmerston Road, Rochester, TECHNICIAN-ilectro-mechanlcol, Recent techniclal scfii grad with itrong farrad it is not abiolutaly noeas-lay if you can show oxcallant No belling Involved SALARY PLUS EXPENSES If vou or ling a woman, a collaat graduara, and hav a dnvar'i fi-cania, phona Mill Jonat Doy'a ot LO 8 -746 batwaan 3 and en Wadneiriay, Octobar for lntarvawi appointmanr ond Information oboufl gals ta work In Roaring Twenties" atmosphere. Something new A differ ent. Apply in person Beofers Inn, Providence rd ABaltimore pk, Medio.

BUTTON lowers, flat on cation. Day or mte shift. pm. Apply 123 bckgrnd for position in engineering test lab. excellent working conditions New York 14618.

A benefits. Call LU 6-7500, Eaua ability with fqurai. Intaraitad and qualified parsons apply in opport. Employer, SET-UP Mon for metal roll forming I elittina. First class, aood pav, pleas- 4th tl TELEVISION TECHNICIANS CANDY.

We need a bright attractive ant working conditions. Apply Penn TRAINEE person to manage fine candy stoie. Permanent position! food working conditions for man qualified to set-up and uie electric ire wild equipment. Must reed blueprint, nd be capable ef welding ill positions. Phone Mr MacDonild, Windsor 9-3600.

fxotrlinctd technician! nttdtd lmmt opaningi the Market Research Dept. Supply A Metal 1 bji am. SEWER Foreman, fully experienced parson on Monday throuqh Fri day, 9:30 AM to 2:30 PM. MRSONNU DEPARTMENT 6TH FLOOR PHHADEIPHIA iNOUltfft 400 BROAD ST. diatry.

RCA offtrs a good itarting salary, 40 -hour work wttk, plui Cony to CC Call for Interview, Mar- 5-4280. CASHIER. fully expd. Apply Write 0-238 Inquirer. avirtim It fiooortunitv for add mono The Procter Gamble Co.

daily except Mon. Midvaie Supermar MERCHANDISE DISPLAY SET-UP SUPERVISORS arningi, A rnodtrn btnttit program Prefer gollega qnduafi, with IfWINO MACHINE Mechanic. Steady1 employment on Govt contract. Apply! er write Newell Clothing Co, 7th A Guinea st, Vinsland, NJ, 609-691-2696 ket, 3725 Midvole Drovidai do id holidays, TICHNICAL PROMOTIONAL WRITER- AN EOUAL OPPORTUNITY UVPlOYF paid hoioitol lurgical inouranca for pirl fer pen man CASHIER A sales gi sales Ouf Public Ralafioni DDOrtmnt of. Ret req.

H.S. grad over 21. No calls. COMPANION te help care tar em.fn. valid.

Live In. Call ES 9 0918. trt a ehalltnging and divtrnfitd op portunity for txprincd men er worn Ao in person 903 Market, Mr. Brooks wri are on equal oppry employer. fsWINO Machine Repairman.

Exp en administritivi ibilify. Should be able to iiilyii, iveluati ind report on statistical e'ericel iltuitiom. Should be flexible ind STRICK vou your Paid Ufa Iniuranca roflramant plan. For partonal intarvitw contoct Mr, Willlomton at SA 6-8600 or LU 3-7100. COMPTOMETER epr.

eip, neceii. CASHIE-Te work doily lunches II AM an to Croat information bokit, bro churat, ptwi raltmei and tnli lt GLASSWARE knowl. of aceU. rac'b'e. ddfountmg single needle, double needle, button bales, etc.

Apply Penn State Coat A to 4 PM, S75. Call MA 7-1700. RCA SERVICE COMPANY ttri for wM foblnhid componv in Richmond, Virginia. Minimum of thr qeni ftiiting procar1urii dtiirnb e. willing to laorn Burroughi elactronic Apron Mtg Co, Broadway it Kaanor CHAMBERMAID.

Main Line, recent rate, sleeo In. other nolo kept, family ol abli ta mum nipeniibilitiit in pre, uitton rteignts, ra ytart Dtnnc, isnd compift 7 adults. Write Box 508, Roiemont, Dotting morh, If a 'a exp, id I phone Innulrar. kVEXTON. Lge Germantown Protestant fiat moving operation.

Inter- A Division of Radio Corp. of America 7 Jackson Collingdele, Pa. An Equal Opportunity Employer TV A HI-FI Servicemen, experienced. fa. churcn.

slots age, soiary aesirea a fium, Including tolory rtqulrt manti. have on txcalltnt salary supdI-mtnt program. Apply A-372 lnquirv. CHAMBERMAID, live In. One In font etted ind qualified persons ipply references to t-267, Inquirer.

Other help keot, Must hove recent lo Apply Soundex Electronics, 4J Mondiy thru Friday A. COOK. Plain, Heht hautakeapina. Neat axpd, Willing to ralocnte ror fine pmlfton In Waiifiald, NJ. Pvt rm, bth, COOK A hauiawark, tleep fn, am fam- cal rets.

Write 348, Bryn Mowr, Pa TRAVEL AGENT Lancaster ave, Ardmore, Pa, NEW SUN RAY DRUGS Is In the midst of to 2:30 P. M. U.S. Rout. 1, Fairless Hills, Pa.

CHI'-eied seafood, toko choree small Installation a bold A exciting 3 phase progromi TV Antenna Systems A electric wirina. APPLY IN PERSON Monday Thru Saturday 10 A.M. to 5 P.M. B. ALTMAN CO.

LANCASTER AVE. ST. DAVIDS, PA. pret. Apply reitaurant, oooked seafood to go.

S7S wk A percent. Main line C-256 own rm, nth, TV. Other help, to iarf. od. rme rafa.

tma Marco ElecfronlcSj 462; 3 Nistnj it, An Equol Opportunity Employer TU 7-7f)V. TV Serviceman, expd. Gd sal, steady seatlna hostesses, hat WELDER Oes Exp. light gage cabinet COOKheuiewerh-lawnrJry, Mult be inquirer, CIOARIT el check girls, ME 5-5194. THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER 400 North Broad St.

Personnel Dipt. 6th Floor work. 6040 Caitor av. JE 3-9666. NEW STORES EXPANSION REMODELING.

OLDER STORES REMERCHANDISING Alt OTHER STORES MECHANICS Waitresses. Sal Comm worx. uooa ooporruniTv. orate exo. TV Servicemen, Ideal working cond.

Experienced In all phases of travel work, Including P.l.T. Center City, Philadelphia Coed Working Condition! Permanent Poiitlon Pull Employee Benefife Send Resume tor R-259 INQUIRER An Equol Opportunity Employer ercellent co*ck, 1st clan type. No triflers. Recent references. 5 dnvs wages desired, cj-zy? Inquirer, Main Lino area.

High sal. LA 5-4040 WINDOW Cleaners, lead. Must drive. 3-0037, TEST Mechanlt. Work an Cemm'l Dish- Call TU 4-0100.

COOK. Ese ereearlng Jewlih feeds HOME WORK fer retired lody-te make washlna oauipment. Expd In Wirina. AOUATIC DIRECTOR mole or female Sol open. Dny or mte.

D-242 Inquirer Clerical Piychiatrist'i Secy. $105 ROSEMARY'S My ovorlr wvchfatriil will Mrt We are seeking experienced drugs A variety store merchandise set-up supervisors, A experienced display or WIREMEN vear round Jewish Community COOK I NO light Hovlew.rh tar TEACHER, iipd. Eve. Degree' in Rus Piping or appliance repair. Paid Holidays, Vacation, Insurance, Pension Plan.

Insinger Machine Ce, 6245 State Center, 501 Margate, eovp.e whole children ore otf et col- Education for CC Pvt school. Expand-Ing. Call LO 7-5195. set-uo men who can bo trained for supervisor's positions. BOOKKEEPER, full charge smoll office.

lege. Country living, so must sieerr diicrftt and diplomatic mfM to Rd, Phila. 1st Plonf South ot Tacony Bridge. Apply 10 AM to 4 PM, Mature, experienced, 5-4Z33 fENALE Ha? WANTED -n unlu you hove car. Lovely pvt rm, radio, TV.

3 day wk. Other employart Call TU 7-5434. Till MEN Ceramic A resilient, ther- wig cods, iviuit nave iemg moch lge home HOSTESS-Manager. Merning hrs. Ceed pny Exo diner.

NO HOUSEKEEPER-plein seeking, slee In. Own rm, I child school oge for mothe''eis home, NE section. 5 dovs. Call WA 5-994; bet 9 3. HOUSEKEEPER'- Asst te the ee ksker.

tia tor iqe Center iny nofei. Pieat- ant working conditions. Eicellent Co hene'i's. Write PO Bo, 1 (170 tn vvtleom patltntt and on il with kn-portont hutortnl Suthl (fOSeMARf FOffD itmp oflyj, 41 1 5th LQ 4-083). ouah expd only, exce lent salary BUSBOYS ACCOUNTS PAYABll CLERK Knowledae of bookkeeoina essential.

start immed. House of Decor, Bun f-4633, wkdvs, MO 7 '-537Q, COPYWRITER lee wjr nd in dnv's nipe vnder "Heln Wanted Mole" CUrUt MO 1m lie to hour week. Prt Richmond eecr I- 1- s. 1- 1' i. Metal Finishers Bench Mechanics Able to read blue prints Work to close tolerances Profit Sharing, Major Medical Paid aVcation, Holidays Hospitalization Highest Wages in the Area Industries 7612 Route 130 Coll Mrs Voraca.

ot GA 5-8000 Immediate long term assignment! for A-1 chassis and rack wiremen. Day ond evening shift work available, local and suburban. Apply In person, TECHNITROL 1401 PSPI Hdg. 11 I 13th It. WA Mill An Equal Opportunity employer TIME STUDY ADDRISSOORAPH-iSraphetypd Operator, EXCELLENT STARTING SALARY PROMISING FUTURE DUE TO OUR GROWTH JOB SATISFACTION Forward a brief resume toi NEW SUN RAY DRUG INC DIVISION OF MARRUD INC.

1000 PENROSE PHILA. 19141 SA 4-1000, PERSONNEL DEPT. A-365 Inquirer a "Sound of Music'1 Receptionist expd. Pleasant surrounding Po 3-350S AND BUS GIRLS Man with Insulated wire A coble PK-perlence preferred. ADMINISTRATIVE Assistant Secretary.

COSETIEII-Eed fer fittings, HOUSEKEEPER, gen'l heusewerk end'' Henry Sour Co. S15 n. 8th Streer., eep 5V, days, I ctiild CCHNTBRiTrisJin.rdry,l,onln,!J, A TV Sociol Service Orgoniratien. Downina- ESSEX WIRF CORP.

CONSHOHOCKEN, PA. town orea. Tyoing. office management fof if happitst to-jp In lawn. Your bo-tfii will ba out of ttrt effic a pionr, eiceiient salary working cond.

Apply only of 556 Rising Sun ove TIRI Service Mi n. exp'd truck tires. Call SA 9-0310, THE RED COACH G'tt. GALA CYN- Mature, Coll LO 9-1400 ext 230 WYD, NOW HIRING FOR PHILA- ALTERATION women fer dry DELPHIAI NEWEST LUXURY DINING ina store, port time. BA J-8446 ROOM.

AM-12 noon: COUNTER Girl, 5 days wk, day wk. Mony benefits. HOUSEKEEPER. Cen, sere fer 1 chil-area, In pef 5V, dovs, no' Sins or eves.NE lct. P-J96 Inaulfer HOUSEKEEPER, elein seeking," It clean- WIREMEN SUPERVISOR to actually handle A Apply Mario E.

Cor 12th Hd TIRI Service Man, expd en track tires. direct all phaiei of busy mail dept. COUPLE, hiker gardener, ed. Rsfl Driver lie. Steady.

WA 2-66BO, VSVrTftTC uiKT es ftuee oi tilii lANESTHETIST-reg. RN. Me. th, frl. mg, srnooi oge ch-ldren, sieo In, 5 srnooi 03 tnnartn, liaro in, r.

rrt. Dw. a. ua A I ran Jtsody. Live In Pvl Apt, MO 4-1 780 Hfw.

oH ME TOOL MAKERS, 1st class with en FORMS FURNISHED AMD PAID COM. i' PM' Waflli Jf 7 Experienced men needed for permanent position with astab Phila machinery mfr. Should possess knowl Pennsauken, N. J. grtot dtal to you II top- thir phona miitogM and tnd Jo)ftrp to thttf muiic d'Onti.

A paaianf pafftonoliry ond occuro'a lic.Mi Oft oil vou nd. Saa ma, Min Amai, Ama Fmploy-want Sarvly, ftth jtj.0907 cVlllCAL. pait racalvabla I toy-ooia ganl' off'ca dutat. mult hova loma axp. en Burrougnt lani-matic or o'har moch mat.

Typing raq. small progressive dies. Top rates. PANY BENEFITS. McNulty Co, 501 Armstrong St IGtnl.

with Delaware Co. Manufacturer. Knowledge of postal regulotions, reproduction equipment, etc. desirable. Challenging life time opportunity.

Would also consider retired postal employee in excellent physical condition. Send detail roiumo to K-106 Inquirer. COUPLE, ceek, beller. enly tee refs 1 HOUSEKEEPER," Geed heme A "sol fer 1 woman. Ca'e for home (, chu-CREDIT manager.

Eied In genl office dren Call 609 6o2-4IJ3 aft 6 pm. edge in area of plant maintenance APPLY IN PERSON TOi SHEET Metal Workers, must be able to read blueprints, some layout work TOOLMAKER. Apprentice lg borer op or electr'cal drafting. Call ar write'MISS DEVLIN. BETWEEN A I PM erator.

Some machine shop A tria National Drying rWaehlnery Ce. RE 555 CITY LINE AVE. BALA CYNWVD proceaurei. rr round employment, unutiKEieie Ova. ie.

knowl. Write for intervw.D-295 Inauirer Fringe benefits. Srart Immediafetv 9-4496. IAN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Sleep In or 2 nttes. Care ot I cmld.

CAM WA ON STAGE ASSEMBLER ftmgll eMMmKllfft dtflirtd. HS rgd. Mutt eo: rod b'utpnntt. fr MMintmnf fllli Mt t290. MOORE PRODUCTS CO, Spring Houil, rV Appiy In person, Golden Petroleum Co.

Inc, Erie ove of Lawrencest. DAT! work, 1 days. Erl. 10 till aft dinner. 1)0.

EiP rets. TE 7583 CLERICAL pee eeeretlng pen key colculotof Shift work 5 pas I em. Cany puolic tranip. Excellent gdvemt. SA e-4040.

ran pill full er earl CLERICAU-Recent semmerclel grads DENTAL ei nec rq. 1st clasi up to $3 25 per hr. T-M Vacuum Prod, Warrington 1 Row-land its, East Rlverton, J. 609-B29- SHEET Metal man, most have at leaet 3 yrt. exp.

In sheet metal or metal plastic eign shop. Start S3, hr. Gd ref. eohom Mlg Ce. 1222 Ridge Pk.

Conthohocken. CH tjPZ55- SHEET metal working foreman. Read blueprints. Set up oil power mo-chines Including Wales Strippit. Apply Goldsman.

Inc. 1328 N. 4th St. Equo I Opportunity mplovor. SHEET METAL Men.

Expd In shop or ind Saturday. No eves. No for production office. Robert Sruce. I U'ilTZLl pete's tact! )rr poBLkrrr I rjt mianixhiii.

we you AoWrVf I eno 1 7Sn i AWOty THAT HE'S OR THE KAY, rJf WHAT TOR I've TV TSi OAUDe MV STAK ANP TOO, WMEN AUC YOU itl. ALRSAPy SEEN A I HAVE T0 VO eVT ONLY SM SurPOKTrlS WMEVnoW Jl tfONO- TO SEE rVS eZZlSili WVSCEhES Au THESE fi AYf BUT HE COUIO AT -ardltj ASAIN. HOP, HOHtrfjr' Vot, causes WTHA ltASTACrvmAMfJSmm' fc Ogonti Av. Wed. Vie Cheltenham TU 7-3C44.

Pa vac 4 holidoyi. DE 6-6o37 off 6. HOUSEKEEPER genl hewsewerii, fend of children, sleep In er 3 mres. Epa -t, refs nec. Phone ES 9-4855.

HOUSEKEEPER. Sleep In er fond of children 131. Cneerful home. Engliih not necessary. TU 7-2228 HOUSEKEEPER.

MedfersTiakes, NJ vie, id in, wkeads otf, one 2 yr eld, excellent salary, Coll e09-654-5285, HOUSEKEEPER. Sip In, gd pee with congeniai tamihy. Cen hswk, assist withcildren1CollMt5-l537. HOUSEKEEPER. Core of infant, sleep in, pvt rm, no cooking, 5'A Inc.

Westmoreiand Srs. ClEEICAl. NE. U. SH, $7S7ivr.

James Em Agy, Cettmen fkd Av. ASSEMBLERS DENOTAL Asslstent. Part time. Ph.ia. Ekp pref Mon, Tues, Thurs eves Dt 3-7390, oi Wi.

ml aim. mwn te emplgymenf for esserr biers i IT as s-. M. ice ci, ion CLERICAL. NE.

figures, 60. Emp Agy, Coftmon i FVd DE 3. 308O1 DENTAL receetienist-secretary, esc typ ipssmwi ist only, retmect, maruce. no evfs, Sdt', dav Jenk.ntown. TU 7-7579 installation of residential heating djc'i.

S'eady work, top wages wben. i CLERICAL. NE. Accts Res. SI0.

Jemes Irro Agy, f-kd It Margaret. Pi 4-3500 I DICTAPHONE Operator, knewl ef iPeon Valley Rets. Call SA 9.6921. CLERICAL. NE.

PtX. $70. James Emp eemeonents oeserrsbty, printed etr-culf boards, ec. Must be 1st slase selderere end able to read pr-nts, Appiy in peton sot TECHNITtOL, 3401 PSFS eutidng, I te, IJrh Phile Pg. WA Mill vDenter orocenurei Agy.

Fud Av Margaret Pi 4-3503. tt 6-277Q. SHEET METAL MAN-lst class, precl. on electronic work, nsust reod b'ue. prints, lavout work req'dL VI S-750J.

CLEtKry cleaning store, will traln- iIm. vTA-Vv OiiwS' FV1 till ll-rtli "WTs -VW A 1 ki recid. eas surroundings. PO 3-3505. DICTAPHONE.

I Pee ed SIS Jon-es Emp Agr, Cotrman fr.d DICTAPHONE. NE. 3S hrs. Sll Jemes HOUSEKEEPER, gen'l. Live in own rm, bam.

TV 2 school age children. Srore sal, e0 4 8-154 Inquire1 HOUSEKESPER-Ceok, edull. eipd I re Peoiy D-239 Inqu'rer. HOUSEKEEPER unencumbered ever Fionas for winter. Call PO apo I 0-1 I AM.

lues. I ii I5W t. CLEIK-Typist-Manvfactvring concern, Ksns ngton. Call Cf-K 5-5500. CLERk-lxporienced fer dry An Equal Oppertuntty fmplyer ASSISTANT large et kM.

I T'TVc, ZZ. V. cleaning re Aaveriisn Manager, aaencv seees br'onr. amcnt oue il -1 -r-r 1 DIETITIAN. Per ito-ked accredited eiec'ronic work.

Close tele-once. Od Jk Fl I 11 llf JTi JTL Vl for gd men. Apo 5420 Po.choll ov Jtt fr 1 I Hi 14, All I 5 Nv5Kj In, take charge. HOUSEKEEPER live wl'h en tvomg, efca far cai. 1 CLIRK-Tyis fer rey oeet iarge, general hosoi'ot nimom 1 veat Ref.

HA 4-404 nanrerf l.reftina rJiOtarv: sxj'n seal Air cond ehce. fO 'S. tr.nee; n-lD -a a-r rv D. An Eauai Osoortunrty Em- CIERK-Typlst, knowledge ideoartinent ef mititutian. iHOUSEKEEPER-Cemp, Plain cooking, lite' 'ilucvnlt resume Ml Z53 Inguirer.

I pXities. S10 in, Cd so ary. TU Vina tl. before pver. coil M.

Ineoves, LO 4-107. i CaH kO 2-400, jeVtiiaf.

The Philadelphia Inquirer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Author information

Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

Phone: +186911129794335

Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.