The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

1. A A ONDATE 7. 1919 CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER MOTOR TRUCKS. FOR SALE RESIDENT PROPERTY FOR SALE RESIDENCE LOTS, AUTO ACCESSORIES AND REPAIRS and Freudian ROCK BOTTOM PRICES BRUNSWICK PARK One of the best locations south of Euclid in East Cleveland for homesite. This is an exclusive section.

being surrounded by a beautifut ravine, giving lots of tine old trees and romping space. Lots are large, with all improvements in and paid for. Only a small down payment required, as we will take back a second mortgage, enabling you to get your building loan. We also help to Saance your building. Come out to Brunswick Park and see for Yourself what a fine place it is.

Take Hast Cleveland car to Taylor rd, turn south, making first tura to your leis, and inquire at our allotment office. THE AMBLER REALTY CO. 1 EDDY 6505. 135 THE ARCADE, Tell Your Friends to Call Prospect 3000 or Erie 280 and arrange to take an auto ride to Denison Home Farms, just to see the opportunity to own their own home farm offered there. The City and Suburban Realty Co.

Cleveland Trust Bank Bldg. Prospect 3000. Erie 280. Modern 2-Family Crawford Road month can he had Emm this property; has 5 pantry and bath tat 6 ad 1 Antbed Al white wumel hos water for each salie: gas and combination furnace: many extra funnes twat owner ament garage fur A with elevtrie beht, to water and cumetit chuten mar of garage: bot 40) 230; this a fur nine hame ur into ment; to ww be barvain for quick mie; $11.000: 000 a 1 Crawford rd. BEAUTIFUL HEIGHTS HOME 2853 Corydon rd.

Vacaut; price $19,000, Open for inspection daily, 3 to 4 P. 10 rooms, 2 batha, largo. lot, shrubbery and trees; double rage. Owner out of city. A real bomo and cheap at above price.

MARE YOU LOOKING FOR A REAL, 4-FAMILY 11 This one is Built on Honor by Owner Convenient to 2 rar line; 40 minutes from downtown; suites wish large very desirable; bide. 8 arm. old: lot 140. It will almolutely toy yoni to investigate this place. Phone Sir, Martin, Slain 2225 or 1040 W.

LA KEWOOD, Clarence av. 10 2 baths and sleeping porch; double garage; lot 55 by 148. Phone owner, A. 1. R.

Schneider. We builders per TUE furnish for BUILD BLDG. 20 piano CITIZENS easy and CO. terms, Call NOW HOME money 14. 10 Bi 718 Citizens Open evenings by 2039.

8560 W. 45th 4.. or, Bush av. up and down. $5,700 In Wet lark.

on Rock word aT B- maim branty, oak finial and Aura: lot fruti shrub very and in Br. car alary, Lorain 880 K. BRAN rd. Harvard E. 81ST 8T.

NEAR NUCLID AVE. Ten- room. house; and pantry down: lance bedroosus and bath two ished thing floor: newly daarated throughout; bard flors up and. W. Ang.

if 2-PAM 2 old; 3. rms, and twat.h; crate: firm, throughout, oak china dum to war; bal, 6 per TATTOR SORRIA HAYDEN AV. 5118. 1856 ATTRACTIVE SINGLE on 76th at. 8 34 hardwood Hrs.

up and 'down; comb, lee, lot; baa in $9, 00 Mine. Boyd, 407 Main CALM. IDEAL HOME Six rooms and bath, garage: hardword finish and Anors: nice decorations: Art class this hina must Da soon to be tad. laquira from 7-10 m. or 5-8 p.

1078 11, $2d. INVESTIGATE, 2 family, 0 rooms and. bath up and down: mod. ern throughout; Takerim bet. Superior and Duelid; bargain at $7.500.

Inquire 3007 Ivanhoe CASII Two-family, new, nily rooms anda bath, pared street; At. and 103th cars; deep lot; mite Suite 2 vacant: a bargain; must to mold at ouce. Eddy 5807. 8 mingle, parquet and dawn; coal large It; ly painted and decorated; vacant. Mirat north of Surerior, near drive: $0,700.

Eddy J. 727 15. 90th BOY FROM OWNER Baantiful modern house on lligbriew will if mold At onco; prop: erty unut be som to to Harvard 3415. Central E. 128 bath each: hardwand Boors and fatsh: 2 drive; all latest Gl through Inq.

j. 2440 E. 434 Central 7612 R. bonne On Aalbory and P. splendid, like new, anodern, all large shade trees: can.

bo evenings: call owner for Broadway Gart, 1467 eronings. 876 BAST 73D ST. 8-rm. house, double Call Gartrid 4185 wok days m. and 5 p.

m. 71 6 larro elort. light, bath: all Irit. 44 1. min.

from 1 unison W. 81th Harv. 1370 FINE location for a angle brick in F. on car tine: 8-roum bot host: doabie brick garage: deal with 1703 Hayden aF, 4001 J. BEAUTIFUL ebeap, E.

80th het. Cedar and cut atone base: 2 farn. carh sutto; 8 extra large down; 5 rms. up; see at 2208. E.

820, 1401 Sad. 10-rm. house, 3 will rent for $00 per price real snap: must he sold. J. Kinkaid, 1225 105th, Gardeld F.

house with bath: can easily be converted into a two family with little $8,800. Inquire Kinaman. 15road. 1521 or Princeton 2024. ONE FAM.

house, and At. Clair: all hardwond finish; largo Will sell able for quick sale. Ina. Lander Cent. $1.320 yearly rental: well but: wide GoADING.

near Park for quick male; termf. Si, Wuliger. 4108 Cedar, MODERN, garage: 7 tath, 8878 43d, Lear park; tunas. 8108 AV. Moderna cline to 2380.

THE CAMPBELL REaLTI CO. to bay, rel 420 Ride. house: KENILWORTH modern: terma. 4410 W. AV.

10 rin. NEW room 133d; all ven daisy telephone liddy W. 147TH, 307-All modern convenience, 7 and basis. Call 1950 W. TE rm.

honse on W. 45th, near Brook. park, Inq, W. 45th st. 2-fam, brain an Joan Dear Ionin Inq.

9713 Denison. TWO semar Welch, 819 Engineer Bide. Cleveland: principals only 1508 60th WEST 112TH, down. modern 8 and bath; balance rent. BRAND new home of Hir.

Ion. Burnett. HAMPDEN. 10118- TO to any time. Owner, W.

SIDE BY SIDE: rd. Weir 512 Bide. M. E. IMmI 5T favully.

0 r. each large lot. S4TII. 3440-8 double furnace, Nectri: lights. Call Marlo 6- room worth $4.500.

1077 W. I'bones. 10-mm. prof: tart. Gong J.

34 bouse from 7 174 Collamer 918T ST. AUTOMOBICE ASOLINE. WORD DELIVERY BODIES FORD TON TRUCK BODIES toil completa line the racy bodies made, black- far your bogaons repair trim, amith and woodworking shop. Lot interested you is quality, style, action and Los to GEO. C.

BELL, Authorized CARNEGIE Ford AVE Agent. OLDSMOBILE Light linder. 1915, 5- passenger ag: 3 new tires: excellent 1 M. condition; $1,050. Hosedale SELL OR NEW 1920 APPERSON -cylinder.

model, only min 800 miles: cond tires: extra wire wheel with tire; o. extras; car cont $4.000 without extras; win sacrifice for $3.150 cu account leaving city; will consider trade for. 1 or 2-family house vacant) lots: do not answer this ad unless are interested bich-riass car. and Olark will TAJ this price. R.

0. Schulte, Hafard 9: Central 2478; even DE4 Far. 319. J. HUDSON SUPER 6 SEDAN 1913 Ford Sedan C.

D. DUNKER Garage, 1171 105th, Open eve. Sun, HIGH GRADE TRED CARS 1. E. SOUTHERN MOTOR CO.

8920 Euclid Ave. arfield 9045 Princeton 775 016 FUPP extra tire and mot liebt. $750. A-1 extra fare. $730.

THE OVERLAND ROTII CO. DETROIT, MARLO 1479. RIVATELY owned silent audition; Stearns 2 D- extra pear CAT; rims and tins; winter and summer cartains; has been kept in god radiator brod; be to realize value. Can be seen 1918 107th st. NEW AND USED ord touring, roa dater and delivery bodies, fenders and gas tanks.

HE R. 14 MOORE 12507 Euclid WHITE '30" SEDAN our MT. just special overhaoled; Holbrook guaranteed A-1 audition. body; Goodyear For 603 M. Plain FORD DELIVERY Rabuilt and repainted.

Gardeld 6335 J. 9216 '19 PAIGE 6-39 inwood. 5-paas." touring. nearly new: spare tire and bumper; bargain. Garneld 5882 FORD ROADSTER 118: driven 2,000 miles.

Garfield 6733 J. 0216 Sopanor af. HANDLER coupe, upholstery A-1 like new; cool ex paint; 5 real bargain at $0.0 cash. Garfield tras: 5577 J. 1491 118th Suite STUDEBAKER caseengw: touring A-1; will Union act 19.

quick. 11415 Kinsman rd, 20. Boot magneto, 1127 Orchard tires; Grova, tip, in Sunday; 400 Huron Monday. Ana condition; $150.

HIS 6-OYLINDEIL wire wheela, 8.00 seat miles. tire; in good good as new; condition; price car $1.000. Phone Garf. 7003. FO, 1917; run only 0.000 like miles: new; motor must over- sell on hauled; acount orig of pal sickness; $630.

Rose. 1770 J. paint; materials; new model tires: cheap on of motgood condition; special Box 101 Main Dealer, Main 0119. Jots of Extras; Prosp, 2461, very Ask for Mr. Williams.

reasonable. Anly 1901 Euclid. TWO. WHEEL, TRAILERS G102 THE ETCLID AY, ROSE. 7173.

OLIO TRAILER ('0. -PASSENGER light touring: 9302 new Pierpont runt and af. tires; car apporiment. like new; Ont. 814 or Cent.

1036 L. $625. for ORD delivery cur, with panel body Call with after open- 6:30 ing doors 1245 rear: E. 71st st. losedale 1634 R.

worth 8400. p. FORD touring, equipped with every known acresory: bargain 4612 to Euclid quick AV. buyor; cash or and Super-Six overhauled; Hods good as new. Inq.

Mr. Johntouring. newly painted son Bids. Main 24. OU18 6, $800: Chevrolet $750; $350; Ford $275; Chalmers Cole 6, $525.

2179 46tb at, ROW ELKIIART, 1918, 6- all for also $750 portable cash. fireprout garage: learing city; 25 M. Plain Dealer. DANDY tour. car, $700; like W.

new and Madisou a bar- av. gain, Call and see it, 8313 2007 R. new tires and paint; good top: bargain for $450. 1418 Clark Harv. 3483.

010 NODGE touring; will make immediate 4612 delivery on Maine; cash terms. Couk, Enelid aF, Ralry Grand 1018: in danty see this for a bargain, Rackeye Motor Sales, 10217 Superior. Garf. 6828. HALMERS road.

1017, 10 all remarkably good 1418 now tires. extras. Clark av. Harvard 3443. like new: good tires, 2.

extra: brand new: 10- volt battery; $430. CrowElkhart 8005 Euclid, condition: will sacrifice for $250, Harvard UTALMER9 3-pasa. madater; good mechanical 3453. 1418 Clark ity; good running order, for sale cheap. Green WO.

AUTO BOSSES. 18 to 24-passenger capacLine Bus 4214 W. st. TU'DEBAKER el. Ita, and and Hupp el.

buth A-1 running cond. 3300 117th st. TUT Buckeye ERAKER Mote: Sales, umring. 10217 Superior, Garfield 1017; 0329, OR perfect: demon. any time.

2773 Lancashire rd. touring car, mechanically Inquire of janitor. ORD 1917; thoroughly overhauled; a Pros real buy; cash or terms, 2007 Prospect av, pect 8777. 917 MAXWELL touring can be Suporior, bought Garfield cheap. Backeye Motor Sales, 10917 5328.

CHANI.EE, trade, it a Dew: 2010 will Euclid. take L'ord or light Prospect 1661. 'ADILLAC 1916. Ane 8 condition, 9515 bargain; call bet ween 6 and P. suite 8.

for sale: Ane W. lie, Call Rose, 1804 or I'rinc. 2600 7714 amegie. SEE DEN INSURANCE BLDG. CHEVROLET.

5-pam. 1918: good ar. Model A. 5. 8000 Euclid FORD madater: late A-1 dem.

wheels, new tires; for male cheap. 3193 1. 1918 CHEVROLET 490, in good condtion. BuckMotor Sales, 10217 Superior. Garf, 5328.

BDICK. 7- big mix: in Ant class Central av. running condition; price $550. Inq. 3527 CAR in A-1 condition: bargain: must sed today.

Call at 6 p. 1044 E. 79t 60. FORD roadster, 1016: A-1 condition: $323; rash, Inquire 5107 Franklin aF. PACKARD ROADSTER.

1017 MODEL, ITTPLE USED. PHONE PAIR. 1816 J. CA DILIAO ROM cheap. 4804 Euclid.

Suite 4. WINTON T. model 17-0, $700; or trade for. 5- 1123 E. 144th.

1 ddy 5716 1016 CADILLAC CLUB ROADSTER. 1935 Frelid Av. 21. 1917 FORD TOURING 2037 Euclid I rospect 1930. SEVERAL Chanalen, in fina condition.

4400 Euclid ar. GRANT 6. 1418. for sale cheap, Call Harvard 49 1917 SAXON $600. Eddy 3890 J.

HUPP F- el: A-1 cond real buy. Mr. James Marlowe. 1216 E. COLE, touring; will sod.

cheap. Inq. McKenna. 4445 Storer ar. overhauled: deal with the owner.

603 Linwood. FORD touring; 1018: excellent andit ion: for sale cheap, Lorain aT. OVERLAND COUPE, $750. ROSE TOT W. REGAL touring: or will trade for madster, Mario 2168 R.

FORD coupe. starter. $130. 436 149th off Lake Shore bird. 1014 FORD roadster; very best mecbanical $300.

0715 Carnegie 1917 FORD roadster, 'like new; bargain, 6713 Carnegie OVERLAND, 1919 wring. 617 Plain Dealer. 1918 FORD touring; excellent condition, 6713 Carnegie DODGE 1017. first class condition: $825. 8517 Wade Park af.

BARGAINS 1n cars: east terms. I Euclid av. sedan, BEW. 2144 W. 104th st.

GRANT 8. 1017; wire wheels: A-1 mechanical price 7824 av. 8. E. LUCK.

5-paan. car; r.ew paint; good tires: (all Nosedade 1271 1927 STUDERAKER. 1a fine cash or terms. motor, Faculed. 5917 Quinby.

Rose, 4308 M. INES. 1917. 4-pasa, fust over newly painted; end. Huron 1917 ALLEN: A3 condition; four per tires, Woodland Central K.

STUDERAKER, 17: reasonable. Heller. 8010 Euclid 7-pasa. touring car: share; will pay you to fee 109 E. MACRIFICE my touring car.

2168 E. Garf, M. FORD touring; bargain: home 2101 W. 62d at. 1917 HOPP repainted: Jordan.

Ohio 4500 HUDSON SEDAN 1919, Brand 1 new. Driven 43 miles. 7-pass. Will sacrifice. Call Fair.

2292 J. CHANDLER SEDAN Late model, perfeet car has never been abused; car now at Cleveland Taxicab E. 107th st. Liebenthal Bros. 1430 W.

9th. 1918' PAIGE 6-cylinde touring car. and winter top, ciras all coe extra; excellent shape a bargain $1,100. The Carris-Franklin Co. Rose.

Asa for Mr. Knapp Cleat. $725. CADILLAC STARTER, ELEC. LIGHTS.


4137. Koclid at vitA. 391. MAXWELD TOURING, 1918, LIKE NEW, $650 6uperior Gardeld Special body spanister; this is one of the best louking cars in own; 6-ey linder, with 5 new nart car with more mom reason for welling. Ligewater for appointment.

CHEVROLET 1910, 490 demonstrator; $673; cash or terms. Cleveland Chevrolet Motor Co. 1920 EUCLID AV. PROSPECT 2070. BODY Packard roadster with rumble seat; would make ascallant badly fur truck: with windshield and mutaina; taken from 1180 wheel base chassis: will sell at sarrifioo; need tha space.

Box 1111 M. Plain 1917 CILANDLER Chummy roadster. completely overhauled; owner leaving cit: must sell at once, 'The Ashlyn Motor 8713 Cedar. Garfield OVERLAND 1918 5-pass. car; 6 Also tires elec, A-1 motor, cond used very little; price reas.

h. A-1 cheap; E. Sid (all after 3 m. A-1 condition: tires, Continental motor. Apply 300 E.

cor. Lake Shore bird. Business phone, Main 902. USED AUTOMONILES THE JUDD AUTOMOBILE CO. 1206 HURON HD.

2000 EUCLID AV. LEAVING CITY, MUST SELL '17 Paige roadster, newly painted. overhauled: gond tires, one extra; car looks like new $575. medale 1775 J. 1918 49 BUICK: like new.

Scrips- LEXINGTON OHIO Booth madater. 2027 Euclid av. Terms. P'rospect 3223. 1918 OVERLAND 3-pass, coupe: 8 tires.

trumper, spot light, new paint and Continental 4-cyl. motor. 1412 W. 116th st. Mario 3012, Highland 321.

FORD 1918; completely orerhauled, good new: cash or terms. 2007 Prospect Prospect 8777. REBUILT ELECTRICS Thoroughly overhauled, at the price you wish to pay. THE BAKER R. L.

CO. 7100 Euclid Av. ELECTRIC SERVICE GARAGEeler. car repairing. 4111 Euclid Gar.

870. CHARGING PLANTS SOLD AND ROUGHT. SALE LATE model, 1916. 5-pass. Rauch Lang; new tires, new battery, repainted and dry cleaned; Rotary charger if desired.

1915 double drive Rauch Lang, 42 giving GO miles; repainted, New metal "fenders, repluted and dry cleaned. 1913, 4-pass. Ohio; battery need 600 miles new fenders and repainted; $750 or best offer. model Rauch Lang; 40 cells, in perfect cond. througbout; price $550.

HOMIER D. HAUPT 503-9 Ilippodrome Bldg. Ontario 1257 CASII! CASII! ANY MAKE OR ANY KIND OF USED CARS We believe we are Ohio's largest dealer in new and used parts for all makes of cars. Ablisky Auto Sales 2195 and 2754 E. 55th St.

Central 619 Central 5091 Rosedale 6914 Rosedale 1558 WE want your old car, any condition, style or make. American Auto Wrecking Co. 2118 E. 55th st. Rosedale 5017 WILL ACCEPT FORD or other light rar 88 part rayment on beautiful lot on Derbyshire and arrange terma for when lot is raid for will finance and build for you if desired.

Eddy 3140 DRIVE YOUR CAR IN AND GET THE CASH. 8920 EUCLID AV. CASH PAID FOR USED FORD Or for any style body: wilt exchange a new of old haxly for your badly, P'enn Square Body 5405 Euclid LOT 40x140, East End section, south of. Enelid near. car line: all improvements in; will consider good used cat as part payment.

Garfield 2680. USED CARS WANTED prices for used and wrecks. U. A. Wreck, 6806 Kinsman.

Rose. 6140 C. 2297 K. LIGHT touring or 1910; pay cash; stand expert's inspection; state price; full deBox 822. Dealer, I HAVE bryers for each in dition that naoll from $400 to $000.

Sir. READY cash at any hour for your used car. pay than others for Fords, 1975 W. 100th st, Edgewater 3013. FORD WANTED contrart painting I 20K0 or Prospect 35 Mr.

BEST Auto prices E. la 24th and Payne Papa, 515. wrer old The 1. 3880. 200 CAILS wantat.

evadition: tart price in city. 55 tb st. Rove. 503 Cent. 8464.

BEST prices 10 for cara. Anto ing 2364 H. 55th. 0. 8343 AUTO or wreck 1 hem.

1943 WANTED A good used car for rash. See Mr. Kurrie. 10217 Superior. Garfield 3328.

CASH paid for used bimEy Auto 2154 55th. Rose. 1655: lent. FORD WANTED IMMEDIATELT. ROSEDALE 1002 M.

('ENTRAI. 3814 R. FORD wanted, late model tour. principals Edgewater Lorain 620 L. MOTORCYCLES.

TE. Cleveland light transportation weight new and SOLVE your. problems with rebuilt models: no crowding or waiting: pays your ride. Arthur Mechanic. C'amegie, cot.

E. 79th st. Tore. 0949; Prine. 1423 W.

fuily, equipped, model, Try the L.INTER MOTORCYCLE 00. 1824 E. 55th BEAT Ofer Wednesday takes Thor twin. 3-uned and de. car.

good condition. Eddy 4G1 14. 114th. WANT to buy flat bottom rOW and Mr. la or.

14:04 WANTED Marley. Davidson. motor also ado car. Edgewater 2049. Lorain 040 late model.

side care: cheap if sold at once. 18243 Shane MOTORROAT for sale. 2007 W. Doth ply: between 5 and 1 evenings, FLEX TRIG Indian bicycle. AV.

DON'T WALK Ride a bicycle: anal milt medals, $13. to Arthur banic, Carnegie ax. E. 79th. 1423 W.

A WEEK Black Cds. On slightly used tires. 6,50 12.00 8,30 13.00. 1 la 13.00 priced accordingly. Empire Tire.

Repair Co. 617 Superior 1 N. Hours sin 1.314 7812 r. C. Pin Son roun Portable dtationary Garages 2526 Carnegie Aro.

Proa. 580. TILE AUTOMOBILE HOSPITAL CO. 9t Known for years as Cleveland's most capable and efficient shop for metal fenders, hood, body repairs; painting and top departments in connection. ORGANIZED FOR SERVICE AUTO RADIATORS, FENDERS MADE REPAIRED REBUILT MYERS AUTO RADIATOR CO.

5512 Successors Crone to Bad a tor 332. AUTO TOPS AND CURTAINS Universal Cpb. On, Caion 927 W. AUTOMORIE owners east of the river may Secure the services mechanic in owner's curaga. Fairmount 001 J.

A TRIPLE SEAL PISTON DING MY. PLEX." It dils the 2014 46th AUTO TOPS and trimming. Rehable Top Shop, Euclid. Fear of 4602 Market. Rose, 6331 AUTO al kinds; also welding done, 5800 Clark Ideal Top Dutn4t, 1600.

TOPS, TRIMMINGS, BEAT, COVERS AUTO tole acd Dust or Mtg 1000 AUTO drivewaya, all kinds. John Rankin, 12407 Auburndale av. Gardeld 7107 J. CILTWELL GARAGES Lowest prices. H.

0. Mayer. Kids 1301 J. AUTOMOBILE PIERCEY GARAGE 12520 Kuchid BODY AND FENDER REPAIRED Ideal Radiator Body Repair, 1521 Inclid COOK ROSECRANS, Builder of GARAGES AND SUMMER COTTAGES EDDY 4546 J. CARBON Burned out at 350 per cylinder.

Brown Radiator, 1521 KING. 3912 FROST A 6709. CHALMER9 HARLEY COMMERCIAL bodiro, atyles and sizes. Commercial Rudy 1021 Central, Pam. COMPLETE garage equipment.

dall Gar. 8165 between 5 5 p. CHANDLER car repairing specialized in. Madlion garage, 1800 Euclid. Rose, 2250.

CYLINDERS TO platons, rings, Bolivar id. 2973. GARAGE SPECIALIST Mow's work lowest price. Fddy. 1978.

Expert Cylinder Grinding Standard and oversized pistons, rings and wristpins; nuick service: write for price. Woodruff Eng. 5815 Euclid (rear), EXPERT overhanling. repairing: Chandler cars a specialty. 1452 55th st.

BODIES (NEW) With top, windshield, seat, etc. HINKET, MOTOR TRUCK CORP. 6519 Carnegie Ave. FIXIT BODY FENDER REPAIR CO. DAMAGED CAR EXPERTS 6600 cor.

E. 55th, Rosa, 5411. GET YOUR FORD overhauled by experienced mechanics: price is right, Smith Motor 1974 2 lat drive no. of Euclid, OARAGES $53 OP. EDDY 5871 J.



4400 PERKING AV. Wade Park care pasa door; phone; welding auto and machine parta; any metal, MAGNETOS, Coils and Generators repatred. 1g- bition sup. Minert Magneto 1216 IT spect, LEON JAFFESS tires ad tuben. 6100 Euclid Rosedale 678; Princeton 2903 R.

RADIATOIS. fenders, remind. The Auto Lamp Radiator 1611 P'rospert, Prospert 526; Central 8449 L. RADIATOR COVERS- Gort heavy quality: bargain basem*nt; cach $4. The May do.

RADIATORS, bodies. lamps, repaired: cars overhauled. 4429 P'ayne av. Cent, 8119 14 RADIATORS. FENDERS REPAIRAD.

BECKER REPAIR 1027 CHESTNUT. SLIGHTLY need tires of every known size: also new 3585 Fisk Mason casings; cheap. Fridrich, 3821 Lorain STORAGE BATTERIES RE- REPAIRED: RENTED. SERVICE STORAGE BATTERY 00. 10104 ST, CLAIM.

EDDY SAXON and parts. Meveland Faron Service 1836 Euelid Ar. (rear). SAVE storage batteries. Faldy 3529.

All makes, guaranteed 1 year: all sized. STROMBERG CARBURETOR for sale, cheap. 2100 E. 105th 7387 J. THE JOLLY WELDERS He make offr custoners bappy.


WIND SHIELDS, repaired and new. B. 6525 pear 65t TIRFA AND TORE! Foll new and used: we buy, poll and trade. The Tire Shop. 5307 Kuclid Hath phones.

USED parts 11 cars, F. 24th and Payne. Prospect 615: Central 3860. TINES AND TUNES LOWEST PRICES. Rosedale Tire Rubber 0116 Euclid 3.

mire on your tires by calling Maratire Sales, 1818 Euclid. Pro. 1195. AUTOS AND TRUCKS TO HIRE. INCALA long-distance hanting.

The Motor Prospect 8701; Cent. 2577 W. TOURING CAR, $2 per hour. Advance Trans fer Prospect 2580: Central 4126 W. LIGHT moving and expressing.

5330 Superior Rose. 2738; Cent. 5260 W. CALL Frazier Bros. for trunks, barrage and light moving.

Rusedale 8862. NEW 7-pase, $2.50 per neat, classic; will contract. Garf. 8913. WORK for Ford delivery car, by day or hour.

Frige. 2 or Inrain 2. BRICK light six. $2 per hour; careful driver. Call Rosedale 6204.

MOTOR TRUCKS. REPUBLIC Guarantred same 45 new truck with large combination removable body. THE ELEY-KESSLER CO. Republic Truck Distributors Chester aT. at E.

22d st. Prospect 1100. Central 6100. 2309 Chester Ave. Prospeet 549 MAXWELL 1917; self -starter, closed body.

doors. Irks will 11415 Kinsman id. Cnico 10. Selden Truck Erreptionally One condition: bargain if said at once. Mr.

l'etre, The Aero Parts 3 St. Car REBUILT TRUCKS Bodies, some without body; capacity to 5 tons. Priced to sell. Terms if desired. THE TRUCK REBUILDERS REBUILT BARGAIN PRICES, CASH OK TIME 4 THE MALiN MOTOR CO PROS.

2818. 1306 E. A(ME Englander Motor truck, may be 0016 Euclid at The A mit yrair offer 1. nfirmation br pleas S.TON DUMP TRUCK Good. mechanical condition.

Garf. 8851 Cr to 1 MOTOR TRUCK THE OHIO TRAILER Co 6102 AV. ROSR. 7173, AND 5-TOS with work: terms to parties, TURNER TRUCK PALES, 2011 st. RAVE CASH real -Dodge or rolet 4 to 7 condition; a mast he reasonable.

4818 1018 17 or Puirt touring. Fairmount FORD, stape. baring F. Trunk in 2117. bbes Cant.

2447 IL FORD PANEL BODY: Al ea SMITH FORMA-TRUCK complete 9001 2-ton, complete 1050 These prices include body, cab, ready for the road. HINKED MOTOR TRUCK CORPORATION 6519 Carnegie av. WOOD IITDRAULIC Parta. SIMPLEX HAND HOISTS 4-10-1 STEEL BODIES rajadty. TEC HAND and Ford Trot Bodies, All to for mooutint at Hales and Service 36th and Cedar 8834 TRUCK ENGINEERING CO.

Factory Tint and liroad my, ORIGINAL 1914.15 WHITE TRECK Just. brand new 3515 tires all around: at $1,400. Park Amo Repair (Jo, in tart. 8347. FOR SALE RESIDENCE PROPERTY THIRTY PER CENT INVESTMENT Hough and 1 Toeh brick.

one artra in for, max doors, hard. wind Anish, china cabineta, fireplaces. front and roar at $3.180 year, frat per cent, can owner wail take tor 7 sure to in this wonderful MAIN OFFICE 120 The IT. H. do, First Mortgages We hare few first on single houste ranging froth $3,500 to $4.000.

They are 60 per cont, appraisals and They 7 make an ent. ideal, interest, payable quarterly. a nurrative and pruttable in further J. FREE 1002 Inspect Prospect Central 8160 W. CHOICE BONES We still hare Nome choice the East Side; few ideal fren $13,000 up, and 8011) 6 very nice doubles, THE J.P STOTTER CO.

REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 809 LEADER-NEWS BLDG, MAIN 6038 CENTRAL FINE SUBURBAN HOME The hone consists of 10 beautiful rooms, with sun parlor, shower bath and all modern conveniences. The finish is hardwood throughout, with garage attached to the house. You should see it. Call owner, Walling 25 Main 2674, for appointment. WOODSTOCK AVI, 11008 Single $4,500 WOODSTOCK 11004 Double $0,000 Immediate THE CUTANOGA HOUSE A CO.

KINSMAN CENTRAL ROSE 144. ARE YOU INKING FOR A NOME READY FOR OCCUPANCY? Wo hare it, rooms and modern in every way. near Clifton bird; lawn and shade trees, Only $6,500, $1.000 cab required. Co: 103 Society for Sarings Bldg. Ont.

044. CLIFTON BOULEVARD LAKEWOOD NEAR COVE AV. Modern Angle: 8 large Mona: fin. attic; double garage: $14,500. lot.

For sale 000; try large owner. Mario 1316 14 audi trem, Ror 101 M. Phin D. at to owner: fine location: riew, on bend in street; 8 rina, hot water heat; modern Call G. 107th or throne Fairy 1457 or Jain 2509.

Terms one-hal cash, no comminion W. 3000. near Denison and Brookside park-8 bath, elect. basem*nt, yre. Cottage, and bath, large attic and baneold: $3600.

ment: $2800; 0 yrs. old. a Call Harvard 3186. Owner, TWO DOWN Euclid SUPERIOR ins REALTY suite, 85,000, I'risc. Garf.

5053. 104233 Superior, 3114 1. 2-FAMILY New Trutch culonial style: 5 1g, brick fireplace; nr. Detroit; terms Marlo 4245 J. CASFI Remi-bungalow.

A nus. and bath, hardwood finish; garage, good lot. and near Word 57. and NEAR LAKE AVE. 7 and garage, sun tile Ar.

In bath ani kitchen; vapor heat; good wooded lot, Mr. Staff, Marlo 4257. LKWD. SINGLE 6. large bdwd.

birch, mahogany finish: A11 built-in features, comb, garage; lot 50x130. Marlo 4218 J. LEWD. SINGLE large hdwd. birch Anish; lot Mix all in comb.

garage; 130. Marlo 1218 1212 HALL AVE. 6 sun porch: features: garage and drive: from 2 to barge Crawford. Marlo 4734. DUCLID IMMORTS NEW SIDE BY 8 bath, each CAr; 1 side leaved at STU.

Pair, 1770 EAST COR. 100TII Beautifal reasonable duplex price. For further particulars call cf rms. and AIn Harvard 326 or Cent. 1040 It.

BUY FROM OWNER Modern 10-rOl. house Spokane hot Central water heat, hardwind finish. 3415. 1008 K. after p.

modern; complete bath with showers, in LAKEWOOD BEAUTY- brick; range: Anished attic; the oak Anishing on lot, the 14t Avor is salued at also urge Inquire Trader Realty Central 711M fira. and to. date, Georgia vine up; lot 40x100; 40. terra. Detroit and Helle, Marlo Belle ar, New G- now horse, garage, drive: buy in Quo Oll Mario 1075.

CEDAR, stationary or. tutu: lot newly sainted. F. Call Mario 10A J. THE Catted fealty and 1400 620 Amer.

Trust Bide. Main 4589, Cent. buys, sella, exc. city and sub. BROOKLYN complete, with larva china cabinet, hot water Cent, heat; 719 large lot.

Inquire Lender Healty MODERN home Chagrin Falls; 8 bath, elec, lights, etcem: brat; slate and range; paved street; terms, Harv, 3180. CRAWFORD RD 1449. kA: inc, win and kfast moms; principals only: forenoona. CARLYLE 3527, Fulton 7 And bath: large lit and jand stroot; Harv. 3156.

FOR quick. results list your farro, du or subur. tan property with Cohn, 302 A cer, Trust. (owner. Harvard 172.

rose. bath on one hardwood firs. F. 1330. Take Duel 140th car to Garden, MODERN fra.

house on 113th, off Superior, War Inquire Neibel. Broadway, corner rent 120. Hird Single, 4. para. dol.

Diedericb, Madison, 20. Lorain E. 133D. 4209. of Mile -2-family; mm.

frota car; compl. 8 weeks. 818 Call Eddy 0058 W. 6 and bath fo. rma.

Sorta br. 1021; 18.500. Eddy $14.000. Diederich, 8018 Madison. Eddy 26; CLIFTON car.

Lorain 20. LEAVING CITY- or. and Prire $4,600 804 1931. buying that or THE HOMESITE 417 Hocked ellet Main 1220; Central 476. cacti, 13 or Superior $9, MN built -Garden Irise at nt.

low price lay den fut ourk 6 wen and hath, Jarge third floor: $1.00 balance 4-PAM. APARTMENT Cummugton 6. condition; and 1 to suite: without any trouble: price $10, cash year: to over useded. ARLINGTON AV. BARGAIN The Spent home in this by ow mar fur vuiy $2,600 cath.

16.500 tea 6 house buy: $9.000 rash, TUSCORA Fineat house on the and use bath will in each suite: double be AV. Wtt Supenor through line: 6 bath tr each ante; garage: bavala: only $8,800 cash. So, 6- num with sub nawn, of Dutch the corner: streets modern off llayden: etery only respect: (sO 00 cash needed. Bet waco Harden: 6 and and uh pard suite: complete house 1 uny; MORRISS KIRBY, 976 19. 123D.

oft Forlid: nus. and 3 hath: tin. sun rms, to attio: garage: everything in Al porch and Hoping porch each almost new: down. STEINBRENNER-TRUMAN Realty 124.40 dart. NR.

LAKEWOOD HIGH IMMEDIATE ring. and balla, garage with light and heat, This piere Your investigation; prinawning, screens: lot opal Itchinwond BEAUTIFOL Sir rory rms, and aleeping all built- in furti, firepl. garage and drive: almost new; nr. Clifton; CRAWFORD MANIA 4784, LAKEWOOD. Now 2-family, ur.

Madison, $9,800, tornit, T. CREAILAN Madison. cor. lobin wood. Mario 11AM.

MODERN SINGLE Price A bath, attic. cash required hardwood $1.400, count, furnace, fireplace: loraud (m 145th near (tolt Call Main chat r. for CASII Single, and hath, derping porch, hot water lot. paved Chamberm school; car; 4 nico in a fine 57. 1183 F.

112TJI ST. NEAR ASIBURY AV. 1. mm hone: krauon: torma cab; owner: principals only, 1052 PARKWOOD Six roomna, wing' hwd. and finish through.

brick Oreplace and built -In china cahineta. living rom front: garage: wire $8, MA, down, easy at 6. Inquire owner at Ostend FIND 2-FAMILY 4N AD, Built for a brave: A rum and rach mite: Anishal on 34 inane month: with owner. 14049 Waterhury mil FOR 1 FOUR On Fast. Side; suite 3 hath, A very in wwwment and very little cash to 144 THE J.P STOTTER CO.

REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE BROKERS 809 LEADER-NEWS BLDG, CLEVELAND. MAIN CENTRAL WADE ALLOTMENT Four brink apartment, routne macht, hard wol and birch now fur. quired. and incatment: Grrat. It.

INVESTMENT CO. 703 1 HIPPODROME Main 7153 7033 4 SUITE brick apariment; and 10 each ind host; double lot well rent $2,040) year: $5.000 must be men to be LET, Garbeld ATE 500 ria- Rent luxation; Income more than 1. waiting A. Smith 201 k3yria Elyria, brirk terrace: ong block -with Hurlid in Kant Clereland: cadi. Tarv, 3186.

SIX AN 105th and Euclid; Nighclass, Welch, 813. Af. 2783. OWN IN 1. 104d 6-mitte 10221 Columbia PArly Trine, 8000 6 FAST.

brick on rd. cash. P'rioreton 1, 17th NICELY suite, 1879 4 POI 11 4 TICH PER CENT. NET Choice downtown prinwrty neta on equity on of S-your lease anteed by cash de built fo carry 2 stories: land value idral fur inventors desiring, somethirg rubatantial. M.

Wuliger, 4103 Cedar, WHO WANTS TIDS CORNER! 206 feet 00 Ivanhoe rd. and 200 fett. the Collamer at 5 wow. If interested write to Zajo, 310 mty. BUILDING ArTS E.

1.81h, and Central: 101120; alley; at wanted make excellent 13. immediate future devoirmanent. 4103 Celar. Javanjart freight mat lot 033 1:42 with mingle farm. house, bargain.

Richards, Main 6431 On 00: in downtown well ted and well bargain. M. 4103 Cedar FOR SALE FACTORY SITES. AKRON MANUFACTURING OR WAREHOUSE SITE 40 ft, railroad frontage whh 40 ft. on R.

High 150 fb. deep: te sold at unre. land Hie M. Greenberver, 611 Seoond Not. Akron, 0.

Both 03 PENNA. near Kuchd. building with Ra1. ft. and extra 11 yard wave, f.

Lewis. 1400 Willian kg. Main Central 1040 FOR SALE SUBURBAN PROPERTY. ROCKY RIVER, QUI0 acre, 2. bonuses Detroit id.

next tor 800 Methodist Ameri church; for mie by administrator. can Trust Bide. AN shade trams, country with garage, gas eta. bast ideal with plenty fruit and Jorated acre lut on Miles bet. and Center rd, Addrena 0.

Poi 127, North Kundall, 0, or phone U'nion 534 W. BARGAIN at Bedford: 10 11 im: proved slate rod, stone and shingle; hardwood plate glass: acre; fine trees: at 241 North st. $3 MONTH buys lot Gonna Mirin Tafferty. 787 Hoe, for FOR TO sh*tLE ENTATE. 10 city on Sea hir, 4075 DO Union 112 4 FOR SALE RESIDENCE DESOTA AVE.

Un yd. sear the 40140, co this impromt. mighty cheap, RYDALMONT RD. Another sad In ado a AUTAMONT RD. Chis attractive Duckid At.

and owner will ides bare. one nice HARRY H. STAIR 10312 Wilbur Garbald 221 W. 100K Only $200 required as a down payment on any of our lots and we take back a second mortgage, giving you deed and enabling you to get your building loan. For further information read our BRUNSWICK PARK advertisem*nt in this edition.

The Ambler Realty Co. ONE ACRE Near Rocky River. Thia is latel, wall drained and brautifully The and outer walk are for; there fruit and shade platy of me for camping while raising mar cardon truck nad Wit accent $50 band dyer payment and the balance to will dinde this P'hone Garfiell 8100 and 1 will drive Fog 4a acre LOT 40x170, with all improvemeuts inclod. ing paving, paid for; will take ond mortgage payment or will arrange terms. Read our BRUNSWICK PARK advertisem*nt in this edition.

The Ambler Realty Co. BUILDERS Will take mortgage as payment on any of our lots. Road our BRUNSWICK PARK advertisem*nt ju this edition. The Ambler Realty Co. 1-2 ACRE This beautiful homesite Land pa at rout our Ala at an ride from the two car line; bear a Tema (all Sob 404 CHOICE LOTS for to An St nour tr AT.

$50 Down and $5 per Mouth AN LINCOLN AVE. of 3 lot 40 140: all parias: developing will Miah tail RAVER ratmi near AGAIN W. MIC Bind: lot 403 130. month; owner, 7401 (dark Fawn. 14 cash, bal.

SCARBOROUGH RD. Neautifully price fat sale by owner. 1484. LAKEWOOD Two urar araliable for family. Owner, Stark LANK angle dudes; $2,300 I terms.

101123, 3. 10 min. walk Ire id. street pared, Kiddy W. harvain: easy Walter.

41 MAYFIELD RI MinD A lad 601120; or rent for purines 8482 J.A 401181 on owther, Pally 8184 LoT. 401175, ON ANDERSON INQUIRE 5313 E. 1 ALLOTMENT 3 it cash. 2078 NOt LOT Heights. tall CANTON 40 lots, 11 143d Harvard 172.

Konsinuton road, nO. W. I st. Firewater 2116 ON oft Lawwin to quirk sale, 4103 GLADYS for cash, Harvard 101x J. NAVI A GOOD LAND CHINA Rained One grain, fruit and truck; -in Michigan's counties: $10 to $30 pur easy markets; churches; no to tern frat A no or 10 to 110 land offer U.

8. write for free Swimart land 8.1248 Pirat Nat'! 1 3 unproved 20 to house: barn, granary. ard; One crop, wheat, cm, bay, tor, curumbera, boa carrots, on horses, pow, hiaw; Loris; in this motion: MIND, H. 1. u0 from Pub, on land, stork, tonia: dorwit payment; bal, wilt trade for avne property.

Call 401 or 10811. va E. 105th near St. Chair. MEDIA 58 with and IT hank ham; on main rd, trade in 10 days for city property, Inquire Leader 320 Cont 11 1 1 mm: fruit mile this sold won; oil in will for farm in Lime to man, 01.

1. Prank, Now and mice than half KATA of larat: will free $3.0 for quirk 16 mul, frun 1 car Apring tar to dO 12. 11701 Tana. WA 128 $40 down; larva barn. other timber, nearly lowel rich land; to other from; will he at Am, Truat Bldg.

July D. 10. 8. Hubert, 0. 240 A.

28 head of mite chea month: 2 family huame; bad barus, Ali. and tools; neat Nell trade. Sialo 934 Contral 43.91 la, 11 ACRES, 15 miles and lublie waith MAMA, our. terina, 31AA Can to to 11. for $1,100 rach.

BAORE farm. miles from aty. on 441 minute rido fritt Public atreat; plenty of frust: tanna. Harvard 8186. WHITE Midd the to Jut In the Grant on res Dow alertion Write fur free 1.

MARTIN A GENEVA. 0. things, and for sumner plane. J. ohh, Pox 25.

3 place AGILIN for Mayfield A. Honor, fruit: fine CHAGRIN and property, 11 Kar 0. MENTOR AND R. M. ATOP 1'H, TOIL WARMS of Cleveland.

A. Amits 201 irria FoR farm idea propertine Wirls, 250 Arcade, FOR A INGH-CLASS GARAGE Nour leno: surage para rent: terms principals only. Th 1323 Plain Iwalor. MONEY TO LOAN. REAL ESTATE.

L. 11. WAIN MOANS Insurance l'unds on Improved real estate at to 10 yrs. 2d mortgage money available. 706 Williamson Bldg.

LOANS On Residences FLED A. TORE Both Planes, 1630 Bide. WE MAKE, BUY AND SELL MORTGAGES V. C. Taylor Son WE BUY second mortgages.

1435 Wililamson Bidg. GOLDSMITH BROS. CO. Mortgage 333 Sidely for Sar Ride. SECOND MORTGAGE LOANS Fred C.

tonine. 633 New Guardian Bida. FRED SECOND MORTGAGE them. UNLIMITED Care Do available 214-225 fur 23 Ride Maly 10: Win ROY The Bide. (Hereland Realization 1513 TN VORTOAGE lona, the B.

Raythe 200 Erie Bide. I Bite Mort 603 Williamson -Fat. PETER SAMMAN Government Farm Loans 1330 WIIdJAMSON BLDG. FIRST MORTGAGE. 21.

3d on city and sutrarben property: small or amounta. low intonwt; bay 415 bide. Cent. 65A: Main 1723. FARTGAGE amount: lowest quick actin, Lil Suns Banker, 1001 ppudrume blished 1895, SALE MORTGAGES.

PRIVATE noonid A the for Is ed wall secured end rond internet art, Tho H. How urd COLLECTIONS, Property vents on the B. attorney 3180 EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. 4 tam. tn esotango for Mail to 370) May433 3 residence lots on by Main Central 1940 W.

to $6.300. st Goardian LIGHT cond. and rash, family or lot, Bade. Faldy 3211 Rica. 1100 Main Market tradios Eurikt.

rash are or WANTED ESTATE, HAVE home and South Sid THE BAT'S REALTY CO. Hart. Central $397 W. WANTS East Ent cash and quick for 4 Market Arcade, 3003. TWENTT :3 R.

772 Bide. bay. or Cent. R. OR modera bungalow UI price and ration.

datrem Mr, 601: Century Brie WILL for in and gidet Guinea Realty Gart Prior. 23J 10T WANTED buts. priced Maia 2 F. Coot PACK ARD run 19.000 .00 for sate trade for particulars Misin Contral Two PAMiY in End. 3 or 6 wait pay Ban Karp.

Central W. for sell: full 5339 Word and. Cent Home. RAVE NUT for in Wet Side. H.

DURNEY. in Ifarv. 3186, mat for dinte or End. north owners valy, SC 10X Hayden to pay $10.000. Hurt buy at once.

in W. CH Marlo ANTED quirk results, Mark tia Martas A Frede. 14300 WANT State roit av. and Detrat at. FOR quit 12 and Elis will cat detail to 1041 1 Mar ml, TWO PANTRY duperie and tall 1793 WE realitence What for mate? 1305 NEED house.

lie 835 Fast Onio and single wetting. John buy, sell. exchange quick. Tho Spears 111 WILL. fAT Cedar S.

WANTED 71. A. mite in rite to 2410 51th Principals poly. for Past Ride homer, 414 TO OAR to on WANTED JAVA buyers for in the vicioity of variant. 2004 farrant 3184 PIANOS, MUSICAL, Player Pianos Wonderful Bargains Three slightly.

used Player Pianos, 88-note, beautiful plain styles, latest improvements and genuine standard makes, 50 rolls with each. Prices lowest in town, Home Piano Co. 5108 EUCLID AVE. 20 Used Pianos PRICES $75 UP All good standard makes and every one of them sold with a written guar: antee. Come quick and you will get real bargain.


Wirth Pianos, 2007 Euclid AWAY FROM HIGH. RENT DISTRICT Used Upright Pianos Martin mahogany Awoley At mahogany. 395 THE D. COMPANY, id 1 to $770 all for matin bie huuch time music rut la most than mix piano had careful st, 10 USED a upright pianion: our complete repair chop insures efery one baing in a Art conditino. The Harmony Mung Shoppe, Tin Arcade, DON'T to the talk if you wish to money co player pianos and talking marhines.

With Piano 2007 Polid aT. WANT p'ayer you tr hare grand bargain club. from and tall Answer Box Til 31, Main I WANT tray piano for my daughter practice you must state lowest mako piano and how old, Bot dIT K. J't in I mart lar, WE BUY used take them in on or rictrolas; The Wolfe 14 1 Prospect at, Main Cent, W. MUSIC ROLLS-300-65-NOTE Player piano, rolla.

1918 W. al; 25 200 music leaving city: will very able. 975 74th, rear. USED Opera Upright, fino tone, only $75. llome, 5108 Euelid.

VIOLINA REPAIRED I sold. Schmidt 2003 4 Much lhaunet Tiros. 1013 Euclid 1700 ROY OH TRADE SUPERIOR ROSEDALE 1349. SOS, players, phone money: 02 tent; par mo. Lind.

E. 62d. FOR BALL- Ombestra drum and mores: can afternoons. 613 F1. 117th J.

sell Hi plann for good Dow. at 905 Inron rd. CELLA, handmade; fine tone, 800. 4498 DAVIS mah upright; bargain. M71 TICTROIA with used; only $85.

W. rth 3N7 01.0 GOLD AND SILVER. OAR OFFER AN TO PRICE BEFORE jay for old gold. alverw ware, platinum, false marneto teeth in points, crowns, bralges. any chart bric-a-brac, all valuablea, ani Fachid, Open to G.

sure to here. We are Olio Refining 216 We Have the Reputation For paying pia bichest um, old PRICES gold for and silvict, DIAMONDS. watches, tin Na quantity large cab. Get saur offer before send to quall. ROTRART BROS.

Opp. Miles Theater. 2070 F. GET HIGHEST PRICE FOR OLD GOLD SLIVER, PLATINUM 252 and COLONIAL false ARCADE SECOND FLOOR Pay market ralue tor diamonds, WE mercury. bus old brutin cold, jewelry.

theral Jewelry alter, 201 Clarence Ride. 812 Enrial paid old gold, 345 HORSES AND VEHICLES. FOR SALE Our cadre wagon equipment, consinging of roll then trucks, quickly, sir we have put 111 under prices on these wagons which make them to more ba in, The Curd Drawing Da venport and 14th st, DEEP and to a toot The Pattison Suppu Ca 771 Bork well 1.250- general par horse, Woodland wagon car), and harness. 1 E. MOVING VAN.

INQ. AFTER 6:30. PEAR DOGS, POULTRY AND PIT STOCK. CANARIES Singers and for i-. real Win TN 1 7P.


The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)
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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Author information

Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.