The Indianapolis News from Indianapolis, Indiana (2024)

August 10, 1963 THE INDIANAPOLIS NEWS Page 15 Camp For Retarded To Have 120 One hundred twenty retarded children from throughout the state will attend Camp Pioneer at Bradford Woods, near Martinsville, which starts its seventh season Sunday. First to attend, for a oneweek session, will be 60 teenage children and young adults who have had previous camp experience. The next session beginning Aug. 18 will be for children 9 years or older with or without camp experience. The camp is sponsored by the Indiana.

Association for Retarded Children but the main financial support comes from the variety Club of Indianapolis. Camperships are available for children whose parents cannot afford to send them, said Mrs. Robert Younger, association executive secretary. Camp director is Dick Uhlir, who is aided by 1 11 counselors, a nurse, dietician, cook and waterfront director. Purse With $133 Taken From House A purse containing $133 was stolen from a home at 1439 W.

Ohio late last night while the owner, Dorothy Zike, 58, was in another part of the house. Miss Zike told police she put the purse on a living room chair and it was missing when she returned. Daily Vital Statistics BIRTHS COMMUNITY Boys Albright, Terry, JeAnn Digelow, Herbert, Janet Bush, Willard, Catherine Hadler, Henry, Rule, Claredon, Sharen Sticham, Debby, June Girls MIll, Richard, Betty Heckersmith, Robert, Paula Johnsen, Nell, Phyllis Lickliter, Oscar, Paula Schelli, Jehn, Francis Suttner, Edwin, Beverly Williams, Jasen, Mery ST. FRANCIS Girls Baughman, Jerry, Irma Nicholas, Rebert, Mildred Wetsen, William, Edith COLEMAN Cox, Frank, Jehn Hurley, Meredith, Phyllis Jacksen, Gerald, Roma Love. Jehn, Ann Pottenger, Richard, Edith Verberg, Ernest, Chariette Vincent.

Rebert, Corel Girls Mesier, John, Helen Murray, Ray, Wande Summers, Den, Patricia GENERAL Beys Biggs, Kelsie, Hazel Cox, Lowell; Judith Scott, Rebert, Emma Girls Brown, Rebert, Mary Miller, Samuel, Anita Phillips, Larry, Ester Smith, Arnold, Louise Williams, Richard, Betty METHODIST Beys Ballard, Curtis, Mary Cestelew, James, Shirley Clark, Frenklin, Bernice Deaten, David, Hazel Johnsen, Joseph, Janice Mize, George, Alconia Themes, Dale, Resemery Updike, Harold, Sally Wallace, Rebert, Betty Wrightsman, Jerry, Janet Girls Cuble, Raymend, Sharen Hughes, Denald, Barbara Richey, Robert, Patsy DEATHS Allen, Henry, 67, 903 Congress, arteriescieresis. Batcheler, Mary 0, Methedist, carcinema. Bauer, Ethel 73, St. Vincent's, carcinema. Braun.

Walter, 77, General, cerci nema. Brittain, Joy 0.: 67, 85 N. Addisen, arteriescleresis. Carbone, Sam, 3545 N. Oxterd, carcinema.

Davisson, Rose Emily, $2, Ity, hypertension. Esamann, Merry 75, 2405 Shelby, carcinema. Haugh, Charlette 4, St. cent's, leukemia. Haviland, Lulu Ruth, 79, 1619 Weedlawn, arteriescieretic heart.

Ketchem, Grace, 74, St. Vincent's. arteriescieretic heart. Miller, Edward 3902 L. Fell Creek Pkwy, pneumonia.

Nelson, Margaret General, arteriocieretic heart. Patten, Howard Ray, 52. St. Vincent's, emphysema. Pevinelli, George Reserie, 47, 3561 English, carcinema.

Shewman, hour, St. Vincent's. prematurity. Webb, Carrie Louise Harris, 76. General, arteriescieretic heart.

Zartman, Harvey 75, Infarction. 450 Oxford, myocardial Zumbehlen, Catherine, 77, heart. Bancreft, arteriescieretic COUNTY Stansbury, Clarence 47, 1910 W. com, carcinoma. BANKRUPTCIES FILED Robert R.

Barnes, 1603 Kelly, truck driver, debts assets none. Cecil Alfred Hughes, Kakame, tory worker, debts assets $355. Arthur James Baker, S. Lockburn, tree trimmer, debts $10,8247 assets $100. Donna Lee Singer, 1832 Lexingten, accounting clerk, debts assets $150.

Themes Glenn Waters, Greenweed. truck driver, debts $3,250) assets $440. Hugh controller, Lewis debts Calvin, assets 415 N. $250. Themes Irvin Peindexter, production 2044 Highland Place, debts assets $200.

James Eddie Maddex, Summitville, assets warehousem*n, debts $428.05. Raymend Cumberland, E. laborer, debts McDenald, 772.34; assets $252. Ruby McDenald, clerk, 239 N. debts Cumberland, drugstore assets $252.

Clinton Luther Andersen, man, debts 1475 Reesevelt, maintenance Martin E. Robertsen, 2008 S. laberer, debts assets $250. Kenneth Hamilton, debts Kentucky truck driver, 934.43; assets $75. J.

Moore, 440 E. 10th. debts punch press assets $100. Richard Ficherty, 1032 N. Tuxedo, firemen, $218.

Jayce debts 1002 N. Tuxedo, housewife, $210. CITY FIRE RUNS TODAY 4:17 1440 Lexingten, general Are. a.m., 3730 E. New York, first 8:43 aid, Elizabeth Wagner, Ill.

false 2:24 a.m., end Keystone, alarm. 12:01 a.m., 3425 Graceland, mebile fire. N. College, meblie fire. 10:19 p.m.

1501 Senate, general fire. 10:03 p.m., English, electrical fire. 9:59 p.m., James 16th Clerk, and 42, 1220 E. 160. first Columbia, aid, injured p.m., in Meridian end Bluff Reed, accident.

9:34 false alarm. 1238 Central, false Unien, general fire. 1452 Sumner, kitchen fire. 6:07 1517 Ringeld, general Daily Vital Statistics 11:48 Sycemere Reed. fire.

10:43 a.m., 846 N. Senete, first Juanita Campbell, 32. WI. 7:41 2050 Lafayette Reed, false clarm. INJURED IN ACCIDENTS TODAY Central, 1:11 a.m., James Wetsen, 17, Lieber chest injuries.

Washingten William and T. Southeastern. Debts cut Hazel Fields, 5917 Greenfield, neck and injuries. 37 Keystene. $:46 Mona shoulMark Rebinsen, 4045 Leselle, left shoulder.

Kentucky and p.m., Keith Baker, Ardmore Drive, right head furies. Reckville Road and U.S. p.m.. Sandra Sharp. North N.J., Injured left leg.

Michigan end Agnes. 5:30 Denald J. 2459 head Injuries. fire. 6:01 p.m., N.

College, automeNie. 5:18 p.m. and Shermen, 4:50 p.m., 1200 black of Werchester, 4:42 p.m., 622 Merris. wires Elm, electrical fire. p.m., Terrace and Werchester, fire.

1:25 Millersville Elmer J. rivel. 12:16 fresh fire. Public Notices These notices relate to matters that directly Indirectly direct the tax rate and the public ices of your community and ef vital to the reeder's this newspaper. INDIANA ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE COMMISSION 911 STATE OFFICE BLDG.

INDIANAPOLIS LEGAL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Local Alcoholic Beverage Board of Marion County, Indiana, will, at 9 a.m. on the 30 days of August, 1963 at the New City-County Building, Room 221, Delaware Market In the City (or town) of Indianapolis, Indiana in said County, begin Investigation of the application of the following named persons, requesting the issue to the applicants, at the locations hereinafter set out, of the Alcoholic Beverage Permits of the classes hereinafter designated and will, at said time and place, receive information concerning the fitness of applicants, and the propriety of issuing the permits piled for to such applicants at the premises named: Names Locations Classifications Slovenian National Home, Anthony Mervar, 1410 Medford, and Frank Sabotin, N. Haugh, Indianapolis, Indiana (Club) Beer, Liquor, Wine Retallers, 961 N. Warman, Indianapolis Indiana. L.0.0.M.

No. 17, by Wm. Curran, 4335 Carrollton, and Stanley Stickford, 2854 S. Oakland, Indianapolis, Indiana (Club) Beer, Liquor Wine Retallers, 135 N. Delaware, Indianapolis, Indiana.

Sol M. Mordoh (Restaurant) Beer, Liquor Wine Retallers, 340 N. Illinois, Indianapolis, Indiana. Bal Tabarin by John Hruban, 901 N. Concord, and Claude H.

Ludlow, 411. N. Lynn DBA Tally-Ho (Restaurant) Beer, Liquor and Wine Retallers, 211 W. 34th Indianapolis, Indiana. Rudolph Holmes dba Dude's Bar (Restaurant) Beer and Wine Retallers, 1845-47 Shelby Indianapolis, Indiana.

Schoener Drug by Gearge E. Schoener, 20 W. 59th and Martha S. HIll, 9401 Spring Mill Rd. (Drug Store), Liquor and Wine Dealers, 5601 N.

Illinois Indianapolis, Indiana. Thomas Clark dba Clark's Regal Market (Grocery) Beer and Wine Dealers, 5068 E. Tenth Indianapolis, Indiana. Mack Steinkamp (Package Store) Beer, Liquor and Wine Dealers, 2208 Churchman Indianapolis, Indiana. James McHugh and Bridget Cunningham dba M.

B. Tavern (Restaurant) Beer, Liquor and Wine Retallers, 1431 E. Raymond Indianapolis, Indiana. Mary A. Mercuri dba Chuck Wagon Restaurant (Restaurant) Beer, Liquor and Wine Retallers, 4230 Fall Creek N.

dianapolis, Indiana. West 16th Restaurant by L. B. Howse, 3107 Eagledale and David Goldman, 450 Reynolds Arcade Rochester, N. York, (Restaurant) Beer, Liquor and Wine Retailers, 4503 W.

16th Speedway City, Indiana. West 16th Restaurant by Eagledale L. B. Howse, 3107 Indianapolis, Indiana and David Goldman, 045 Reynolds Arcade Rochester, New York, (Restaurant) Beer Liquor and Wine Ritallers, 6301 E. Washington Indianapolis, Indiana.

Marvin D. Graves dba Swing Bar (Restaurant) Beer, Liquor and Wine Retailers, 1417 Prospect Indianapolis, Indiana. Fletcher L. Vivian Gainey (Restaurant) TRANSFER Beer Wine Retailers permit from Marie Sattler Davis, St. Rochs, Indiana.

UNINCORPORATED. (P.O. 3652 S. Meridian Indianapolis, Indiana). Herman and Lillie Mae Webster (Package Store) TRANSFER Beer, Liquor and Wine Delers permit from Rose Goldstein 252-254 Indiana Indianapolis, Indiana.

New Twist Club by Bernard Gallagher, and Max H. Plesser, (Restaurant) TRANSFER Beer, Liquor and Wine Retailers permit from James Taylor and Nellie Bowman, 1322 W. Washington Indianapolis, Indiana. SAID INVESTIGATION WILL BE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, AND PUBLIC PARTICIPATION IS REQUESTED. INDIANA ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE COMMSSION By W.

F. CONDON Executive Secretary JOE A. HARRIS Chairman ADVERTIsem*nT FOR BIDS Project No. CH IND 89 (D) Anderson College and Theological Seminary Separate sealed bids for (1) General Construction, (2) Plumbing and Heatin. (3) Electric Wiring and (4) Furniture for Men's Dormitory for Anderson College and Theological Seminary, Anderson, Indiana will be received by Anderson College at Lilly Lounge, Wilson Library, Anderson, Indiana, until 10:00 o'clock A.M., E.S.T., August 23, 1963, and then at said place pubIlcly opened and read aloud.

The information for bidders, Form of Bid, Form of Contract, Plans, Specifications, and Forms of Bid Bond, Performance and Payment Bond, and other contract documents may be examined at the following: Arthur B. Henning, Architect, 514 Anderson Bank Anderson, F. W. Dodge 1433 N. Meridian Indianapolis, Business Manager's Office, AnderCollege, Anderson, Indiana.

Copies may be obtained at the office of Arthur B. Henning, Architect, located at 514 Anderson Bank Anderson, Indiana, upon payment of $50.00 for each set. Any unsuccessful bidder, upon returning such set promptly and in good condition, will be refunded his payment, and any non-bidder upon so returning such a set will be refunded $50.00. The owner reserves the right to waive any informalities or to reject any or all bids. Each bidder must deposit with his bid, security In the amount, form and subject to conditions provided in the information for Bidders.

Attention of bidders is particularly called to the requirements as to conditions of employment to be observed and minimum wage rates to be paid under the contract. No bidder may withdraw his bid within 30 days after the actual date of the opening thereof. ANDERSON COLLEGE AND THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY By: C. L. EDWARDS Business Manager.

July 29, 1963. Previous Editions Obsolete. ADVERTIsem*nT FOR BIDS Project No. CH IND 89 (D) ANDERSON COLLEGE AND THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Separate sealed bids for (1) General Construction, (2) Plumbing and Heating, (3) Electric Wiring and (4) Furniture for Men's Dormitory for College and Theological Seminary, Anderson, Indiana, will be received by Anderson College at Lilly Lounge, Wilson Library. Anderson, Indiana, until 10:00 o'clock A.M., E.S.T., August 23, 1963, and then at said place publicly opened and read aloud, The Information.

for Bidders, of Bid, Form of Contract, Sans, Specifications, and Forms of Bid Bond, Performance and Payment Bond, and other contract documents may be examined at the following: ARTHUR B. HENNING, ARCHITECT, 514 ANDERSON BANK ANDERSON, IND. F. W. DODGE 1433 N.

Public Notices Meridian Indianapolis, Ind. Business Manager's Office, Anderson College, Anderson, Indiana. Copies may be obtained at the office of ARTHUR B. HENNING, ARCH'T. located at 514 Anderson Bank Anderson, Indiana, upon payment of $50.00 for each set.

Any unsuccessful bidder, upon returning such set promptly and In good condition, will be refunded his payment, and any non-bidder upon so returning such a set will De refunded $50.00. The owner reserves the right to waive any Informalities or to relect any or all bids. Each bidder must deposit with his bid, security In the amount, form and subject to the conditions provided in the Information for Bidders. Attention of bidders is particularly called to the requirements as to conditions of employment to be observed and minimum wage rates to be paid under the contract. No bidder may withdraw his bid within 30 days after the actual date of the opening thereof.

ANDERSON COLLEGE AND THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Date: By: C. L. Edwards, JULY 29, 1963 Business Manager NOTICE TO BIDDERS Notice is hereby given that The Health and Hospital Corporation of Marion County will accept sealed bids on the following, In Its office at 1941 City-County Building, Indianapolis, Indiana until the hour of 11:00 A.M. E.S.T., August 20, 1963, at which time said bids will be publicly opened and read. Specifications are available at the same address.

FIRE ALARM SYSTEM-overhaulIng Furnish labor and materials to overhaul the Fire Alarm System in Wings and and Surgery at Marion County General Hospital, 960 Locke Street, Indianapolis. INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS: Bids must be submitted only on Form 96 (as prescribed by The State Board of Accounts), said form completed In every detail. Bidder must submit a Combination Bid and Performance Bond for the total bid amount, Revised Form 86 (State Board of Accounts). Bidder must complete and submit in detail Form 96A, Standard Questionnaire and Statement for Bidders (prescribed by Indiana State Board of Accounts). Wage rate shall not be less than the prevailing wage rates, as determined pursuant to Chapter General 319 of the Acts of 1935, Indiana Assembly, The Health and Hespital Corporation of Marion County reserves right to reject any all bids.

THE HEALTH AND HOSPITAL CORPORATION OF MARION COUNTY. Carl A. Burris, Purchasing Director NOTICE OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF COUNTY COUNCIL special meeting of the Marion County Council of Marion usual meeting County, will be held at the place of said County, at the hour of 2:00 o'clock P.M., (CDT) on the 19th 20th day of August 1963, to consider and act on the request of the Board of Commissioners for authority to Issue tax to anticipation evlwarrants of said County dence a loan against current revenues actually levied and in process of collection during the current fiscal year for the General Fund, for the purpose of providing funds required by the Board of Commissioners for use during the current fiscal year, and to pay the Incidental expenses to be Incurred In the issuance of said tax anticipation warrants, the estimated amount of said proposed loan being $800,000.00. Dated this 9th day of August, 1963. JOHN T.

SUTTON Auditor Marion County Death Notices ALTENDORF Mr. Leo J. Altendorf of 5215 E. 9th passed away Saturday; husband of Matilda Altendorf, father of Mrs. Robert Wagner, Symrna, Leroy Altendorf of Jacksonville, Glenn Altendort of Chicago, Delores McGrady of Columbus, Ohio; brother of Alma Lang, Columbus, Ohio.

Services Tuesday, 9 a.m., SHIRLEY BROS. DREXEL CHAPEL, 4565 E. 10th. Callers after 3 p.m. Sunday, BASEY Mrs.

Ida P. Basey, age 68, London, beloved mother Dorothy Routier and Mildred Cox, sister of Mrs. George Braden, also survived by 5 grandchildren, 10 great grandchildren, passed away Friday Friends may call at the ROBERT W. STIRLING FUNERAL HOME, Acton, after 7 p.m. Saturday.

Funeral services Monday 10:30 a.m. at the funeral home. Friends invited. Burial London cemetery, BENNETT Mrs. Helen Bennett, 3530 N.

Penn. no Immediate survivors, passed away Thursday. Funeral Monday afternoon 3 o'clock Crown HIll Hausoleum Chapel. Friends may call at FLANNER BUCHANAN FALL CREEK MORTUARY from 6 until 9 p.m. Sunday.

BERGGREN Mr. Oscar W. Berggren, age 67 yrs. of 920 E. Markwood Apt.

5, husband of Gertrude M. Berggren, stepfather of Wallace K. Aiken, son of Agnes Berggren, brother of Mrs. Marie Briggs and Mrs. Eleanore Velte, passed away Friday.

Services Monday, 11 a.m. SHIRLEY BROS. IRVING HILL CHAPEL, 5377 E. Wash. Calling after 7 p.m.

Saturday. BRADEN Mary A. Braden, 520 Leeds wife of Mr. Joye Braden, sister of Mrs. Emma West, Indianapolis and Mrs.

Elmer Snyder, Napoleon, Ind. Services Monday, 2 p.m. LITTLE AND SONS FUNERAL HOME, 1301 Main Beech Grove. Burial Shelbyville, Ind. Friends may call after p.m.

Saturday. 15 Business Services Funeral Announcements Dervices BENNETT, Mrs. Helen BILL, Mr. Kenneth F. BURCHAM, Mrs.

Elizabeth H. DEVER, Mrs. Elizabeth FRANKLIN, Mrs. Jessie A. LEWIS, Mrs.

Anna M. TOWNSEND, Mr. J. Harold WEBB, Mr. Clifford H.

FLANNER BUCHANAN) Mortuaries Shirley Service ALTENDORF, Mr. Leo J. BATTON, Mr. Charles B. BERGGREN, Mr.

Oscar W. KUHNER, Mr. Leo A. MANNERS, Russell G. Death Notices CALVERT Mr.

Onell W. Calvert, R.R. 7, Frankfort, husband of Lillie; father of Austin Maryland, Ralph Mrs. Norma Jean Durham, Mrs. Phyllis M.

Jones, all from Indianapolis; Mrs. Deliah Wright, Frankfort; Marllyn and Janice at home; brother of Mrs. Helen Merkle, Mrs. Mildred Beck and Mrs. Wilma Black of Indianapolis, Mrs.

Lola Hood, Kentucky; Conley and Ira Dee Calvert, Indianapolis; Noel, Martinsville; Everett and Denver, Tennessee. Services Sunday, 3 p.m., at the First Church of the Nazarene. Burial Bunnell Cemetery. Friends may call at the ELLER FUNERAL HOME, Frankfort. Body will lie In state one hour before service.

CASSADY Mrs. Louise M. Cassady, 93 2646 Allen beloved mother of Florence Williams, Ruth Fancher, Harvey Raymond Elmer and Wilbur J. Cassady, passed away Thursday. Funeral Monday, 10 a.m.

at the G. H. HERRMAN FUNERAL HOME, 1505 S. East St. Friends may call after 4 p.m.

Saturday. CHANDLER Fred A. Chandler age 53, of 401 Eastern beloved husband of Thelma, father of Fred A. brother of William, passed away Thursday. Funeral, GRINSTEINER FUNERAL HOME, 1601 E.

New York, Monday 9:40 a.m. St. Philip Neri Church, 10 a.m. Friends may call after 7 p.m. Saturday.

Rosary Sunday 8 p.m. DICKERSON Mr. Roy (Bud) Dickerson, age 64, 24 N. Wallace, husband of Georgia Dickerson, passed away. Friends may call at the DORSEY FUNERAL HOME, 3925 E.

New York St. Funeral 1:30 p.m. Monday at funeral home Entombment WashIngton Park. EDDLEMAN Roy R. Eddleman, 7777 W.

Wash. husband of Mossie, father of Mrs. Mary Spisak, Mrs, Suzanne Ellis, Fred, William Jack and Roy Eddleman grandfather of 8. great-grandfather of 12, brother of Mrs. Marie Chappel, departed this life Friday, Aug.

9, age 80. Services Monday, Aug. 12 at MOORE KIRK BEN DAVIS CHAPEL, 7050 W. Wash. 10 a.m.

Friends may call. ELLIOTT Mrs. Anna E. Elliott, 74 1740 Panama Drive, wife of Asher V. Elliott, mother of Mrs.

Wylda Wagner and Mrs. Virginia Warner, 8 grandchildren, 2 great grandchildren, sister of Mrs. Kathleen Scott, Mrs. Elleen Ault, Robert and Thomas Byarlay. Funeral Monday, 2 p.m.

at ROYSTER ASKIN MORTUARY, 2310 W. Wash. St. Calling after 7 p.m. Saturday.

HANRAHAN Mr. Dennis P. Hanrahan, 69 years, 49 Wisconsin, beloved husband of Emma Hanrahan, father of Mayme Willoughby, Lula Carpenter, John F. and Dennis P. Hanrahan brother of Mayme Meyer, Katherine McConnell, Frank P.

and John S. Hanrahan, passed away Thursday. Funeral Monday 8:30 a.m. at the G. H.

HERRMANN FUNERAL HOME, 1505 S. East St. 9 a.m. St. John Church.

Recitation of Rosary Sunday 8 p.m. Friends may call after 6 p.m. Saturday. HANSEN Mrs. Elizabeth J.

Hansen, age 49, R.R. 1, Box 170, Clayton, mother of Mrs. Susan Pope, Mrs. Charlene Hasselburg, Miss Karla Jeanne Hansen, and Calvin Allen Worrall, sister of Mrs. Helene Harney passed away Saturday.

Services Monday 10 a.m. CONKLE FUNERAL HOME SPEEDWAY CHAPEL, 4925 W. 16th St. Friends Invited. Friends may call at funeral home after 7 p.m.

Saturday. HARTMAN Henry E. Hartman, brother of Mrs. Lilly Schwomeyer, Miss Gertrude Hartman, Mrs. Estella VonWiller, Carl C.

Hartman, Herman L. man and Edward C. Hartman, all of Indianapolis, and Walter C. Hartman, E. Peoria, Illinois.

Services Sunday, 2 p.m., LITTLE AND SONS FUNERAL HOME, 1301 Main Beech Grove. Burial St. John's Cemetery, Five Points, Ind. Friends invited. 15 Business Services HOLSAPPLE Mr.

Robert E. Holsapple, 88 years, 1107 N. Lesile father of H. Guy, Fort Wayne, L. Lee, Dugger, Robert D.

Cloverdale, Arthur E. Holsapple and Mrs. Melvin 0. Gosnell, Indianapolis, also 8 grandchildren and 12 greatgrandchildren, passed the away JORDAN Friday. Friends may, call at FUNERAL HOME, 2428 E.

10th St. after 7 p.m. Saturday, Funeral Monday, Aug. 12, 2. p.m.

Burial Washington Park East. I JOHNSTON Mr. Elmer J. Johnston of 4149 MIllersville passed away Friday, age 54; husband of Mrs. C.

Pearl Johnston, brother of Services Tuesday, 9:30 a.m., at HARRY W. MOORE ARLINGTON CHAPEL, 5811 E. 38th 10 a.m. at St. Andrew Church.

Friends may call after 12 noon Sunday. KARRER Clyde C. Karrer, age 73, of 49 N. Beville, beloved husband of Katherine, passed away Thursday, Funeral, GRINSTEINER FUNERAL HOME, 1601 E. New York, Monday p.m.

Burial Crown HIll. Friends may call after 7 p.m. Saturday. KUHNER Leo A. Kuhner (Joe), age 69 years, of 6116 E.

St. Joseph passed away Friday. Husband of Sylvia G. Kuhner; brother of Lawrence R. Kuhner; uncle of Mae Rose Claffey.

Funeral mass Monday, 9 a.m., from ing at SHIRLEY BROTHERS IRVOur Lady of Lourdes Church. Ca CallING HILL CHAPEL after 4 p.m. Saturday. Recitation of Rosary p.m. Sunday.

LEE Mr. Clifford F. Lee, 6119 W. Minnesota, husband of Dora B. Lee; father of Mrs.

Mable Milhouse, Mrs. Edith Awbrey, Mrs. Naomi Stanley and Albert Lee; grandfather of 13; great-grandfather of brother of Roy Lee, departed this life Friday, age 78. Services Monday, Aug. 12th, MOORE AND KIRK BEN DAVIS CHAPEL, 7050 W.

Wash. 1:30 p.m. Friends may call. LEWIS Mrs. Anna M.

Lewis, 549 E. 40th widow of Frank T. Lewis, mother of Miss Jane Lewis, Mrs. C. C.

Hibbard and Mr. David M. Lewis, sister of Mrs. Katherine M. Smith, Mrs.

Mary M. Thomson and James McLeod, also grandsons and great granddaughter, passed away Friday. Funeral Monday morning, 10 o'clock FLANNER BUCHANAN FALL CREEK MORTUARY. Friends may call after 4 p.m. Sunday.

LEWIS Mr. Harry G. Lewis, age 82, 1727 N. Central, father of Mrs. Henrietta Kling, brother of Mrs.

Grace Hargett, great father of Mrs. Margie Andrews and Richard Collins, passed away. Friends may call at the DORSEY FUNERAL HOME, E. New York after 2 p.m., Sunday. Funeral 10 a.m.

Monday, at funeral home. Burial Crown Cemetery. LISBY Mrs. Vada S. Lisby, age 77, R.R.

2, Coatesville, wife of Ernest, mother of Mrs. Iva Harcourt, Coatsville, Mrs. Lucille Tincher, R.R. 3, Greencastle, sister of Warren Lewallen, Fillmore, Mrs. Stella Proctor, Bainbridge, Mrs.

Onevia Carlock, N. Vernon, passed away Friday a.m. Services 2 p.m. Sunday Fillmore Christian Church. Burlal Fillmore.

Friends may call at the POWELL FUNERAL HOME, Coatesville. LYNCH Florence R. Lynch, 19 N. Kealing entered into rest Friday, age 64, wife of Mr. William Lynch, mother of Mrs.

Betty Ann Ellis and Mr. William H. Lynch, sister of Mrs. Laura Jackson and Mrs. Olin Aley, grandmother of 6.

ServIces Monday p.m. HARRY W. MOORE PEACE CHAPEL, 2050 E. Michigan Friends may call after 7 p.m. Saturday.

NOE Charles Olin Noe, age 67, 1024 N. Belleview husband of Leota Noe; father of Mrs. Virginia Burkert; grandfather of Donna Burket; brother of Mrs. Dora Neal, Mrs. Laura Wynn, Mrs.

Rose Quinley, Mrs. Martha Russell, Mrs. Grace Ledford, James, Elmer and Garvie Noe, passed away Friday. Services Monday, 11:30 a.m., CONKLE FUNERAL HOME, SPEEDWAY CHAPEL, 4925 W. 16th St.

Friends invited. Friends may call at the funeral home after 7 p.m. Saturday. MANNERS Russell G. Manners, age 55, of 1019 N.

New Jersey; husband of Mrs. Ethel B. Manners, brother of F. L. Manners, Robert T.

Manners, M. L. Manners, Mrs. Pearl Herndon and Mrs. Ruby Rye.

Services Monday, 1 p.m., SHIRLEY BROS. CENTRAL CHAPEL, 946 N. Illinois. Calling after 2:30 p.m. Sunday.

MILLER Mr. Everett Miller, age 67, McCordsville, beloved husband of Mae, father of Mrs. Louise Thomas, McCordsville, and Leo C. Miller, Wallingford, Conn brother of Pearl Smith, Franklin, and Joe Miller, Edinburg, grandfather of 5, passed away Wednesday. Friends may call at the PAUL C.

CORY FUNERAL HOME, Fortville. Services Sunday 2 p.m, Burial Oaklawn Cemetery. PETERSON Sigurd C. Peterson, age 76, of 410 N. Randolph, beloved husband of Caroline, father of Caroline Walker and Lawrence Peterson, also grandchildren, passed away Wednesday.

Funeral GRINSTENER FUNERAL HOME, 1601 E. New York, Saturday 8:40 a.m. Holy Cross Church 9 a.m. Burial Holy Cross. Friends invited.

PETTIT 1 Death Notices James S. Pettit, 2005 Albany Beech Grove, passed away. Funeral notice later. LITTLE SONS FUNERAL HOME, Beech Grove. 15 Business Services Death Notices POULOUS Mrs.

Bertha Poulous, Brownsburg, wife of Argis, mother of Mrs. Mary Carter, Crawfordsville, Mrs. Kathleen Jones and Mrs. Ida Ingram, both of Mrs. Kekethsia Patterson and Mrs.

Georgie Anna Patterson, both of Brownsburg, daughter of Mrs. Nettle McKinley, Crawfordsville, sister of Mrs. Fern Roe, Mace, George McKinley, Raymond, and Richard McKinley, Crawfordsville, passed away Friday. Services, JONES and MATTHEWS MORTUARY, Sunday 2 p.m. Friends may call mortuary.

RESER Mrs. Dorothy Leftler, wife of Riley Reser, mother of Patricia Alexander, Phyllis Negovan, Dorothy Bayne and Michael Leftler (coach at Beech Grove H.S.), sister of Kathryn McCarty and Lucy Glass, 9 grandchildren, passed away Safurday morning. TOLIN Services HERR Monday 10 MEMORIAL a.m. of CHAPEL, 1308 Prospect. Calling after 7 p.m.

Saurday, Burial Greenwood Friends may make contributions to American Cancer Society. RINKER Mr. Paul Malcolm Rinker, husband 42 2227 Harlan, beloved of Alberta Rinker, father of Joyce Shumaker, nephew of Naomi Jones and Mary Teague passed away, Friday p.m. Funeral services be held Monday p.m. of the N.

504 E. F. CHANCE FUNERAL HOME, National Prospect Lodge No. 714 F. A.

M. Friends may call after 6 p.m. Saturday. Prospect Chapter No. 452 O.E.S.

services 7:30 p.m. Sunday. ROBY Mr. Chester Roby, age 73, Jamestown, beloved husband of Lula, father of Blain, Plainfield, Doris Denny, Indianapolis, brother of Essie Weltch, Myrtle Newhart, Mrs. Merle Massolo, Leon, Jack and Clyde, passed away Thursday.

Services Sunday 2 p.m., WALKER FUNERAL HOME, Jamestown. Burial Jamestown. Friends may call. SALLUST Mr. James Rayburn Sallust, Bainbridge, husband of Edith, father of Clyde Sallust, Greencastie, and Mrs.

Elaine Lawson, brother of Mrs. Ray Vaughn, Greencastle, passed away Thursday. Funeral services 11 a.m. Monday, HOPKINSWALTON FUNERAL HOME, Bainbridge. Friends may call at the funeral home after 7 p.m.

Saturday. Card of Thanks ALLEN-We wish to acknowledge with deep appreciation the kindness, sympathy and many beautiful floral tributes extended by our doctors relatives, friends, neighbors, nurses of General Hospital at the passing of our beloved mother and grandmother, VERNA ELIZABETH ALLEN We especially wish to thank Rev. Ralph Adkins and Shirley Bros. Chapel for kind, understanding servIces and Families. KETCHAM-We wish to acknowledge with deep appreciation the kindness, sympathy and many beautiful floral tributes extended by our relatives, friends, neighbors, staff of St.

Vincent's Hospital at the passing of our beloved mother and grandmother, GRACE E. KETCHAM. We especially wish to thank Rev. Paul Hubele, the Eighth Christian Church, Speedway Eastern Star Chapter, O.E.S. and Royster and Askin Mortuary, all for kind, understanding services and Grandchildren.

SOGEMEIER-We wish, to express our sincere appreciation to our relatives, friends and neighbors for the kindness, prayers, sympathy and floral tributes extended to us at the passing of our beloved wife and mother, BERTHA SOGEMEIER. We especially wish to thank Rev. N. H. Schultz, Southside Turners Ladies' Auxiliary and the G.

H. Herrmann, Funeral Home, for Albert their Sogemeler Daughter, Mrs. Kathservices, erine Brown. WALTON-We wish to thank our kind neighbors, friends and relatives for expressions of sympathy, lovely floral offerings and other courtesies extended at the passing of our beloved wife and mother, MARY E. WALTON.

We also wish to thank Rev. Rothman for his comforting message, the singer and organist, Oak Park Volunteer Fire and Farley Funeral Home for kind and thoughtful and Children. 3 In Memoriam TOMAW-In loving memory of LELAND G. (LEE) TOMAW who passed away August 10, 1962. His smiling way and pleasant face Are a pleasure to recall; He had a kindly word for each, And died beloved by all.

-Wife and Family. Funeral Directors RILEY-HURT PROSPECT CHAPEL. 1509 Prospect ME 8-1474 BEANBLOSSOM MORTUARY 1321 W. Ray ME 7-2431 CONKLE FUNERAL HOME 4925 W. 16TH.

CH 1-6333 1202 S. CH 1-8381 1934 W. MICHIGAN ME 7-9622 DORSEY FUNERAL HOME 3925 NEW YORK FL 7-1173 7604 WASH. FL 7-8349 FARLEY FUNERAL HOME 1604 W. Morris ME 8-2388 2050 N.

High School Rd. AX 1-1193 GRINSTEINER FUNERAL HOME 1601 E. NEW YORK ME 2-5374 Want-Ads, ME 8-2411 15 Business Services REPAIR GUIDES LET EXPERIENCED HANDS DO YOUR SERVICE OR REPAIRING DO 0 ANSWERING SERVICE WHY RENT an Answering Service when you may buy one on low monthly terms. Hear Ansa-Fone now. Dial CL 3-3913.

ASPHALT DORSEY PAVING CO. RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL ST 6-2905. SOUTHSIDE-ASPHALT PAVING Free est. ME 7-7589, ST 4-4776 BAsem*nT BAsem*nTS Dug and Finished Under Houses, Houses Raised, Floors Leveled. Work Guar.

E-Z Terms. R. J. Horsley Construc. Co.

LI 7-6900 WET BAsem*nTS Made dry by exclusive process. Written guar. Backed by yrs. of exp. TRIANGLE WATERPROOFING CO.


Cement work, patios outside frpic. CL 3-6939. Eves. NEW OR repaired, brick, fireplaces, walks, pointing. Reas.

WA 6-6637. BUILDING AND REMODELING HOUSES FRAMED, by sq. completed project or spot houses; or compl. bidg. remod.

20 Yrs. exp. No money dn. 3-5 Yrs. FL 9-9766.

ROOM ADDITIONS TERMS Free est. WA 3-2246, day or night. COMPLETE REMODELING SER. Int. or ext.

Terms. days. LI 5-1540 FL 6-5275 nights and Sun. BUILDING AND REMODELING WA 5-1896 CARPENTRY CARPENTER WORK WA 5-7275 CEMENT WORK DRIVES, patios, porches, steps! Walks, footings. Exper.

all types. Paul Horvath, FL 9-7179. CONCRETE Repair specialists. surfacing, crack repair. Free estimates.

ST 6-1296, FL 7-7002. CEMENT WORK-Specialize driveways, patios, walks. Work guaranteed. LI 7-7583. CEMENT BLOCK work, any type.

Workmanship gar. ST 4-8588. CEMENT, WALKS, porches, steps, repair. Bonded. ME 4-6792.

CEMENT WORK. Steps, paties, porches, all kinds. WA 3-2152. WALKS, paties, porches, drives, steps. Sub.

contr. Reas. WA 5-2042. DRIVES, patios, perches, walks. Brick, block wk.

Ref. FL 7-9798. CONTRACTING RICH TOP soil, fill dirt. Cr. stone, gravel.

Reas. ST 4-6822. DITCHING, TRENCHING. ST 4-3472 fill dirt. Cr.

4-7022. CINDERS, driveways, grading, TopTOP SOIL, fill dirt, white er stone for drives. FL 6-5611. 4 Funeral Directors G. M.


4-4305 2428 E. 10th ME 6-4304 LITTLE SONS 1301 Main St. Bch. Grove ST 4-1476 N. MOORE Funeral Peace Arlington Chapel, Chapel, 2050 5811 E.



WASHINGTON ME 7-4308 ROBERT W. STIRLING 1420-22 PROSPECT ME 2-6576 GEORGE W. USHER MORTUARY 2313 W. WASHINGTON ME 2-9352 C. FUNERAL HOMES ME 2-9433 Indianapolis Southport Greenwood Florists- Memorials "Say it with flowers Madison AVENUE 2457 MADISON ST 6-0431 Mausoleums--Lots 2 CRYPTS In Wash.

Cemetery East Obelish Court. ST 6-6330. 2 CRYPTS-LINCOLN MEMORY GARDENS. CH 3-0438 Lost and Found LOST BEAGLE, MOS. OLD, BLACK, WHITE, AND BROWN, MALE.

REWARD! IV 6-3706. LOST-Tan and white female collie shepherd. Med. size. Vic.

East side. FL 6-4548. Reward for return of personal Items In car on Kroger lot, 16th and HardIng Aug. 2. Box 877, Star and News.

LOST Male long -hair Dachshund, brown ana black, vic. east side. "Honk." Reward. ME 6-8215. LOST, prescription glasses, brown, ornate metal frames, reward.

CH 4 4639. Tri-focals. LOST white, brown female dog, long hair, 1 brown eye, brown spot on back, 6 mo. N.E. vic.

Rew. LI 7-3619. FOUND SMALL BLACK DOG ME 6-5877 LOST-Fem. Dalmatian. Vic.

U.S. 52 and 52nd St. CL 5-2898. LOST-Wh. toy poodle, male, Peewee.

Pink collar. $50 Rew. Li 7-1154 LOST-Grey Weimaraner, female, vi. Southport. duch*ess.

ST 6-8211. LOST-Brown bi-focal sungaisses. Reward. WA 6-0000. LOST-Wh.

toy poodle, male, Peewee. Pink collar. $50 Rew. LI 7-1154 LOST 2 Prs. lady's glasses In case.

North. CL 3-0961 4-mo. fem. dog. Vic.

65th-Rd. 37. TI 9-0120 aft. 5. 9 Personals WILL NOT be responsible for any debts contracted by anyone other than myself on or after August 10, 1963.

Richard D. Stewart, 2825 Baltimore, Indianapolis, Indiana. TO BOB MAY HAPPINESS BE YOURS TODAY AND ALWAYS. WILL NOT be responsible for any debts contracted by anyone other than myself on or after August 3, 1963. Carter W.

Osby, 1632 Churchman, Indianapolis, Ind. WILL NOT be responsible for any debts contracted by anyone other than myself on or after August 10, 1963. William E. Mead, 428 N. Post Road, Indiana.

LICENSED MATERNITY HOME Can offer protective care and planning to unwed girls and their babies. For information. ME 9-3461. WILL NOT be responsible for any debts contracted by anyone other than myself on or after Aug. 10, 1963.

Gary L. Legan, 401 N. 20th, Beech Grove. BIRTH CONTROL CLINIC Planned Parenthood Center, 615 N. Alabama, Rm.

108, ME 4-8019 and Lockfield Gardens. "BURGER CHEF" 100d-500-000 delicious! Hamburger, French Fries, extra thick shake 45c. Get the "Burger Chef" habit! WILL WITNESSES of auto collision at 11th-Meridian, July 23, '63-2 p.m. Call CL 3-7718. FUR RESTYLING DAVIDSONS CL 5-3161 BOOK Toy Party with "The Toy Chest" and receive many free gifts LI 7-4669.

SPECIAL-100 Each Child and Adult vitamins only $8.10. For delivery call L1 5-1256. EVERYDAY LOW PRICES AT your nearest HOOK'S DEPENDABLE DRUG STORES. WE SELL HARD TO GET AUTO Insurance. All risk, full coverage.

Mo. pymts. SR 22. CH 4-1223. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS may be reached at 414 Peoples Bank Indianapolis or ME 4-1708.

TRIPS ARE SAFER-MORE FUN Trip Mate Insurance Call Thompson Agcy. CH 1-2893 EXPER. is a wonderful thing. It enables you to recognize a mistake when you make it again. WARREN Warning taxes are Up In Johnson County.

Doll. VOICE and piano, $2 per lesson. My home. CH 4-5239. WITNESS-Parked car hit in Meadows.

July 31st. Rew. LI 6-7263. GERTRUDE FREE-FUr Restyling Reas. Guar.

work. 620 S. Lyndhurst 10 Cabinet Baths BETTY G. MASSAGE SALON Stm. baths.

Lic. opr. 7208 E. Wash. Appt.

FL 9-3653, CL 1-9952. JO'S HEALTH Center, 11 a.m.-7 p.m. DAILY. Sat. 11-4.

Steam, massage, 2 Oprs. Air cond. 139 S. Ill. SULPHUR LIC.

opr. FL 9-3044 Daily 10-10. Sun. 11-6 3606 E. Mich.

Side entrance BETTY ANN'S, 6314 W. WASH. 3 Operators, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. WA 5-1791, 1640 N.

Meridian, No. Stm. baths, Mass. Mrs. Mitchell.

J. and 3825 W. Wash. St. CH 1-9842.

2 Opers. 11:30 9 p.m. GLADYS' lic. and cooling shrs. 2120 E.

Mich. ME 1-1587 STEAM MASSAGE-1004 W. WASH. 11. a.m 8 p.m.

Sat. 11-5. Alr-cond. 13 Transportation RENT A NEW CAR or TRUCK AVIS RENT A CAR 42 S. Illinois St.

ME 5-6444 MAN wants riders from Arlington and U.S. 52 to town. FL 9-6264. FLYING back to Texas Aug. 12.

Room 2, possibly 3 pass. SH 5-4929. 14 Special Notices PRIV. PARKING SPACES. Bik.

from Bldg. Paved lot. In and out privil. $15 Mo. ME 7-4606.

16 Sleeping Rooms HOTELS ROOMS FOR MEN ONLY 1434 E. Wash. (Andrews Hotel) Sing. $10, dbl. $14 wk.

Mald serv. Lobby, TV, free parking. ME 2-0854 COMFORTABLE rooms for permanent guests at reasonable rates. SPENCER HOUSE, 248 S. Illinois SLEEPING Rooms with, without bath and shower.

Penn Franklin Hotel, 1409 N. Penn. LORRAINE HOTEL, 12 S. Capitol Rooms, $2 up. Weekly rates.


127 E. MICHIGAN. 720 N. PARK. Sleeping rm.

Clean, TV, fan. Gent. $30 Mo. 801 N. PENN.

CONV. LOC. Cin. rooms, maid off-street porking. $8, $9, $10 wk.

ME 4-5263. WINTERGARDEN Hotel, 538 Mass. Rooms with frig. NORTH 645 N. ALTON.

Nr. Allisons Med. Center. Priv. bath.

1 Or persons. ME 9-1191. NORTH 6315 BROADWAY-Convenient Bread Ripple location. CL. 1-8221.

4459 COLLEGE. Priv. bath. ige. twin barm.

tiny kit. Emp. quiet men. Ref. 1832 N.

quiet parking. Gent. $8. WA 3-3289 3055 N. MERIDIAN.

TV. REFRIG. WA 6-6990 MERIDIAN, 3800 Bik. N. Rm.

Emp. Young man. $10. WA 5-2235 eves. 4120 N.

PARK AVE. Extra Irg. front room. 1 Or 2 gents. Twin beds.

Also single room. AT 3-1534. 2426 N. PENN. New dec.

rooms, frig. In hall. WA 6-7394 eves, 327 N. PENN. Sleeping, share bath.

$15 wk. 109 W. St. Clair $6 and $7 wk. N.

TALBOT. Clean, room Emp. gentleman. $9. WA 3-1913.

219 E. 11th. Priv. ent. Clean.

Nr. bath. Man. ME 4-3182. 549 E.

32nd. Nice, rm. Walk closet, emp. gent. WA 3-7088.

812 E. 46. Well turn. 3 desk, pvt. ent.

1-2. Good trans. AT 3-4666. LOVELY ROOM for lady teacher. Close to Washington Twnshp.

schis. Call evenings after 5. CL 1-8739. MASTER (Twin beds) Pri, bath. air cond.

$10.75 ea. Meals and garage opt. 3148 N. Penn. NR.

GLENDALE-Emp. girl er lady teacher. Lg. bath. CL 1-9141 DELAWARE TRAIL Vic.

Lovely rm. Emp. girl-lady teacher. CL 1-0094. 33RD AND PENN.

Emp. girl. Priv. kitchenette, prkg. WA 3-9811.

WIDOW will share home or rent rm. Emp. Refs. WA 6-9642. PRI.

ROOM. All home privileges. Phone, color TV. Man. WA 5-8789.

MEADOWS VIC. Lovely kit. privil. Gent. LI 7-6459, LI 6-9348.

NICE RM. N.W. $10. Refined emp. lady, references.

WA 6-3851. MERIDIAN-36th Vic. Large, cool. Nicely furn. $14.

WA 6-4870. RM. FOR MAN, priv. ent. Nr.

bus and eating places. WA 5-8646. 38th Rm. in apt. like home.

Emp. sgl. $12.50. WA 6-9225. rm.

near car line, privis. Emp. person. WA 6-0081. COL.

30TH-N. Capitol. Nice room. Working man, $10. WA 5-6171.

Butler Unver. Fine rm. Emp. person. AT 3-2633.

EAST 2300 EAST 1105 N. Beville. Priv. ent. Empl.

ME 6-9114. 1728 BROOKSIDE. One front room near bath. Walk-In closet. Emp.

man. $8 Wk. 1501 N. DENNY. priv.

family with kitch. privi. Emp. lady pref. FL 9-8708.

774 E. DR. Woodruff PI. Lge. rm.

Lady or gent. $10 Wk. ME 9-1149. 352 N. RITTER.

Sleeping priv. entr. Gd. location. FL 3-1762.

228 N. RURAL. Emp. person, sgl.dbl. rm.

Reas. Gd. trans. ME 2-4755 Eves. 933 TEMPLE.

Man-sized turn. Priv. bath, off-st. park. ME 1-2055.

5714 UNIVERSITY. Nice sgle. or dble. Walking dist. of Ford Plant.

5714 UNIVERSITY. Nice sgle. or dble. Walking dist. of Ford Plant.

4924 E. 10TH. Spacious well turn. rm. Gd.

trans. FL 3-0976. COLLEGE-22ND. Nice rm. Priv.

ent. Also kitnet, apt. $8 to $10. WA 3-4848. NR.

HOSPITAL, nice, lg. I walkin LI 7- 7958 days, ME 6-2755 Sunday. NR. MEADOWS. Home privis.

Lge. clean carpeted, quiet, 2 to emp. men or students. FL 6-3481. EMP.

LADY. Nr. Howe and School 82. Garage avail. FL 6-4141.

3100 nice front kitch. privis. Private ent. Lady. ME 6-1664 4300 E.

PRIV. HOME. Emp. person or teacher. $10.

FL 6-3141. EAST. Comfortable, light cooking, shower, phone. $9. ME 8-2193.

4100 E. Clean, nx. bath, refined young man or lady, emp. FL 6-4382. SOUTH 1030 ALBANY.

Nr. Garfield Pk. Emp. girl teacher. $10.

ST 6-4132. 2752 NAPOLEON-Lge. clean. Reas. After 6 p.m.

ST 6-5097. SHARE lovely sub. home with widow or business woman. 4 TE 5-7227. WEST 459 N.

GOODLET. Clean ber refined man. ME 8-8935. 30TH-KESSLER area. Nice rm.

for refined person. TV, phone, kit. privileges. ME 6-7133, WA 6-2245. NICE ROOM.

Man only. Nr. Wash. HI Schl. ME 7-2748 18 Rooms With Board BARTON HOUSE NURSING HOME Announcing the opening of the 3rd floor.

All new hospital equipment. Downtown (Riley Center) location. Reg. nurse supervision. Call Mrs.

Renihan, R.N., ME 4-5310 or ME 5315. Write 505 N. Delaware for free brochure. GOOD MEALS, ROOMS. Christian home, ladies.

$20 wk. WA 5-1825. WAGON Wheat Guest House care, eld. ladies. CH 4-2907.

CONVALESCENT, chronic cancer. Senile, elderly. 3000 N. WA 3-1018. ROOM And Board.

Elderly people or patients. FL 9-6313. SENIOR CITIZENS. Clean home. Good meals, laundry.

WA 5-7675. PLEASANT Country boarding home for the elderly. VE 1-3635. LOVELY Pvt. home.

N. Will rm. care elderly lady, Reas. WA 5-3621. GOOD FOOD.

Laundry avail. Residential. $16 Wk. Men. FL 7-8188.

LADY TO Share home or room and board. LI 7-9234. WASH. BLVD. Elderly, Room board reasonable rates.

WA 5-1553. PRIVATE, 1st floor room. Elderly lady. WA 6-9589. 18A Child Care DONNA'S Day Nursery LIc.

Supervised Creative Play 3202 Central WA 4-1126 8195 N. MICHIGAN RD. (Hiway 421) Ins. ref. AX 3-1021.

EAST SIDE. Will care for children Up to 6 yrs. Lic. home, fncd. yd.

Gd. care and food. Reas. ME 7-3977 CHILD CARE. My home.

WIT board. Suburb. N. Any time. AX 1- 1272.

NICE HOME. Dependable care. Day or week. Refs. FL 9-5827.

CHILD CARE East, near 10th. Fenced yard. ME 8-6322. EAST-DEPENDABLE, reliable, our homes. FL 7-3969, FL 3-0842.

LIC. Christian home, fen. Refs. W. Morris St.

CH 4-4319 N.E. BRIGHTWOOD, exper. Daily or board. Fen. yd.

Refs. LI 5-8382. 4700 W. Nr. Lyndhurst Dr.

Day or night. Care, my home. CH 4-3513. BOARD BABIES BIRTH UP Doctor's Refs. ME 1-7286 KIDDIE KARE.

Dally or wkly. rates. Board. 2226 Shelby. ST 6-1296 BABY SIT in my home, day or night.

Vic. Long Acre. ST 4-3745. CHILD CARE. My home.

Northeast Nr. Schl. 53. 7-3740. 3900 E.

Bet. E. Mich. and E. 10th Days, my home.

$10 wk. FL 6-6282 CHILD CARE, My home, 4048 N. Elizabeth St. LI 7-7107. CARE SMALL CHILDREN-MY home Sat.

and Sunday only. N.E. CL 1-9723 33d N. Care, hour day, night, my home. WA 6-8026.

2 up, day and night, my home. 28th Blvd. PI. WA 4-4485. 19 Light Housekeeping WALKING DISTANCE 717 E.

OHIO. Bdrm. kitchenette. Everything furn. TV.

ME 7-7983. ELD. OR EMP. Christians. 6-0615.

No smoking. 1 or 2 rooms. ME NORTH 1559 PARK. 1-2-Rm. Clean, effic.

$10 to $14. ME 6-6962, CL 1-6127. EAST 16 N. LA SALLE. Priv.

ent, 1-rm. up, all utils. $10. FL 7-2912. 3724 E.

WASH. FL 9-3653 3 Rms. 1st fir. Priv. bath, parking, near schools.

Child welcome. FL 7-0538, CL 1-9952. WEST 2614 WEST WASHINGTON For gent only 1 rm. effic. ME 8-7511 Bright.

1-Sm. rm. furnished. Priv. gas ht.

ME 5- 8826 aft. 6. 20 Trailers and Trailer Space NOW leasing spaces. Longacre Mobile Home Park. Large lots, concrete streets.

city water, sewers, free swimming, fishing, etc. Adults only. 4701 Madison Ave. ST 4-4894. Large 10' Wide.

$20 Weekly Rent and own with modernized lots. 3800 W. turn right. at signal to 3844 Rockville Ave. NEW ALL elec.

Mobile homes for rent with garbage disposal, hdwd. 1-bdrm. Awning over, patio. Adults only. 7777 W.

Wash. CH 4-4241 LARGE Mod. spaces, some shaded $20 Mo. 4-TE 5-7450, TE 5-7227. trailer, sgl.

son. CH 3-0232, CH 4-4212. SELL THOSE EXTRA ITEMS WITH STAR CONTRACTING DRIVEWAYS A SPECIALTY ASPHALT, CEMENT, STONE Drives and parking lots seal coated. Asphalt patching, yard grading. Crushed stone, $26 load.

Fencing. Free estimate. ME 8-3615, LI 7-3613. BULLDOZING- dump trucks. Rich top soil, fill dirt, sand gravel.

Crushed stone, cinders. CI4 4-5579. D-4 DOZER. $8 per hr. ME 7-6757 ELECTRICAL SERVICE J.

C. ELECTRIC FL 7-9816 60 and 100 amp. services, new outlets, appliances wiring, repair calls. NEW AND OLD WORK. Lic.

and Bonded, free est. WA 3-6306. HOFFMAN'S ELECTRIC SERVICE Small jobs a specialty. ME 6-2973 EXTERMINATING Average house with basem*nt $75. A PEST CONTROL ME 1-7134 FLOOR REFINISHING FLOOR SANDING AND FINISHING WM.

G. INGLEY CL 5-5339 FENCING R. CEDAR POSTS ea. Lawn fence $16.95 per 100 ft. HOOSIER FENCE CO.

WA 6-2434 FURNACES CLEANING SPECIAL Have it done now before the rush and while the price is low. COAL $5.90 Gas $5.90 Oil $6.90 ANCHOR FURNACE WA 33-1-33 FURNACE CLEANING Thorough cleaning and inspection including nozzle and oil filter cartridge, $10. Coal $6. Work guar. SAFEWAY HEATING FL 9-9671 FURNACE CLEANING SERVICING All kinds repaired, Installed Get our low price.


15 Yrs. exp. ME 9-2719 HAULING HAULING. Day or night, all day Sat. and Sun.

ME 7-9673 MOVING? Gammon's Rent-0-van ME 8-8088 TRASH HAULED- -ME 1-7553 FILL DIRT, top soil. Hartman Bros. ME 6-0366. MOVING Cheap, insured. Covered van.

White. ME 4-6714. TRASH MAULED- ME 5-6714 MOVING, hauling, cheap. Van and stake trucks. ST 6-2760.

TOP SOIL, fill dirt, crushed stone, gravel. FL 9-9324, L1 7-2562. DON'S MOVERS-Free est. Covered van. Insured.

White. ME 8-0554. HAULING LIGHT HAULING AND MOVING ATTICS, BAsem*nTS, GARAGES Cleaned, trash hauled away Free estimates Call ME 8-8165 JAY'S MOVERS ME 8-7033 Covered van. White. Free est.

Ins. MOVING VAN- ME 9-2745 2 White men. $10 Per hr. MOVING Hauling, Large-small. You call-we haul.

ME 7-3764, FL 9- 2756. LIGHT HAULING. garages, cleaned. Trash hauling. Whife.

Free estimate. ST 6-2092, ME 1-4141 LIGHT HAULING-Eves. Sun. White vet. Reasonable.

ST 7-0389. LOW COST-FAST SERVICE Trash Hauling, $5 Up. ST 6-5602 LANDSCAPING TREE TRIMMING and removing. Lot clearing, spraying, insured. ME 2-3326, UL 6-4238.

TREE REMOVAL, Topping, ins. Estimate. 847 Dearborn ME 2-6936 COLLIN'S LAWN SERV. Trim, bedwork. Peat moss.

ST 6-9971. FINISH GRADING FL 6-4101 FL 7-4506 RICH TOP Soil, $12. E. Side del. Humus, Lawn work.

TW 4-7592. PAINTING PAINTING, ext. Gutters taken care of with each paint job. We use elect. sanders.

Repair work of all kinds. Patch plastering. All work guar. Ins. Bonded.

Immed. serv. White. ST 6-9305. PAINTING, ext.

Free estimate Insured. White. 15 Yrs. exp. C.

W. BELLINGER FL 9-6411 INT. PAINTING, quality work. Free est. Ref.

White. WA 4-1633. YOUR PAINT, or mine. out. 10 da.

only. WA 3-4735. PAINTING, ext. Insurance, reference. TU 1-6205.

EXT. PAINTING. White, free est. 36 Yrs. experience.

FL 9-2692 and ext. ins. workmen. Earl S. Cox.

ME 6-2959 PAINTING, ext. Wall wash. Paper clean. WA 3-4922 tIll 2:30 p.m. INTERIOR and exterior painting.

Work guar. White. ME 7-3721. PAPER HANGING PAPERhanging, $6 rm. and uP, painting, plastering, steaming, most jobs one day service.

Free est. Ins. ST 4-2979. PAPER HANGING, painting, patch plastering. All work guaranteed.

Free est. Immed. serv. WA 3-9238 A-1 PAPER HANGING, Reasenable 35 Yrs. exp.

Shepard. ME 1-6716. PAPER HANGING. Free est. Samples.

Paul Spaulding, FL 9-0902. Papering-Painting-Patch Plaster 25-Yr. exp. Insur. Terms.

FL 6-9889 PAPER $4 RM. UP. PAINTING Guaranteed LI 6-4288 PAPER Hanging, paint, 2 reliable white men. ME 2-1983, ME 8-9660. PAPER HANGING PAPERING, plastering, painting carpentry, Christian man.

Pointed wallpaper taken off. Our CH specialty. 1-0834. cementing. Work guar.

PARKING LOTS SWEEP PARKING lots, 1 time weekly. ME 8-3615, LI 7-3613. SPECIALIZE IN STEAMING. Free Insr. Wh.

Mr. Gray. ME 7-7277 PLASTERING PATCH Plastering (dn. cheap) Free est. Smooth work.

IMM. SERV. Sm. or lg. Guar.

CL 3-6589, ME 6-9828. PATCH Plastering of all types. Work guar. Free est. Clean up.

White. Spears. ME 9-1031. PATCH PLASTERING all types. Large or small.

Free est. Dry wall finishing. White. FL 6-4619. PLASTER, paperhanging, steaming, painting, wall wash.

WA 3-9626. PATCH plastering, painting, poper hanging, steaming. ME 1-5417. DRY WALL-SPACKLING ST 4-6955 PATCH Plastering, all types. 20 Yrs.

exp. White man. ST 6-6727. PLUMBING SEPTIC TANK, sewers, fingers cleaned, repaired. 17 Yrs.

exp. Personal attention. ME 2-4829. EDDIE WILLIAMS Plumbing and Htg. Co.

Gen. remodI. WA 6-7085. PLUMBING STOPPED UP? CALL Roto-Rooter. Free est.

WA 5-8988. PLUMBING New, repair, 24-hr. serv. Ins. Lic.

Bank fin. ME 7-8079. ROOFING LEAKY ROOFS REPAIRED New metal gutters and down spouts. Repair overhang if needed. Guar.

stopped. ME 5-2928, FL 6-0805. ROOF- GUTTER- CHIMNEY New or repair. Call for free estimate. ME 8-6161.

ROOF LEAKS? GUTTERS DRIP? QUICK SERV. TERMS. Good work ME 2-7722 MORTON'S CL 3-6136 EASTSIDE ROOFING and struction. 27 yr. exper.

WA 3-1144, 24 Hr. service. J. P. Thompson.

ROOF AND GUTTER REPAIR MILLS ME 2-2806 TOP SOIL WE ARE LOADING top soil and fill dirt at 2801 Kentucky Ave. Regular load top soil $5. To obtain further information, CH 1-3407. UPHOLSTERER UPHOLSTERING -Free estimate. 2408 English Ave.


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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

Address: 4653 O'Kon Hill, Lake Juanstad, AR 65469

Phone: +494124489301

Job: Marketing Representative

Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.