The Hamster Cage - Chapter 6 - TwilightTundra - Sonic the Hedgehog (2024)

Chapter Text

I ran past the character limit for chapter 5 so this is like part 2.

Warnings: Rape. Yeah, I'm running down list I guess.


-For some reason I thought certain characters were aged up in the series but apparently I came across false information and only Amy was actually aged up. I thought for sure Tails had been aged up too but apparently not. wtf. For this fanfiction Sonic is 19 or older (he didn't keep up counting for a few years >.>;), Amy is 18, Tails is 15 nearing 16, Shadow is 18+ (what a sh*tstorm his actual age is) Rouge and Knuckles are over 21. A certain surprise appearance will be 15 (because uh time travel is weird like that)

Dr. Eggman had lost it. He warned the rodent never to mention her again. He warned him! All he knew was he wanted to do all the damage he could to f*ck up Sonic’s life. He wanted the “hero” to go home broken, traumatized, and friendless. Death was too good for him! The doctor had started creating the tools for the worst kind of tortures he could inflict on his prisoner after the night of the first challenge. Hearing the blue blur try and twist it around on him, as if he would have sacrificed his own daughter to save himself! Eggman was going to elevate this rage by hurting Sonic deeply psychologically: hearing him cry, plead, scream in shame, pain, and sadness. When he had spoken about definitions and joked about rape it had been to merely scare and to warn Sonic of his helplessness. He didn’t believe he would end up getting enraged enough by the blue hedgehog to want to go through with it, but life was full of surprises. Ruining Sonic’s friendships had been his chosen end goal; he didn’t think he would ever feel the need to take it further. Sonic’s mouthing off altered his plan; the rodent would leave his headquarters with a panoply of traumatic memories.

Sonic had never heard such anger and grief from the villain and every instinct and impulse warned him he was in severe danger. Eggman opened the cage brashly and tried to grab Sonic, but the rodent kept jumping around the cage, avoiding his hand. Eggman said nothing before pressing the number 3 on his wrist causing Sonic to drop the ground like a ragdoll and then grabbed the doctor grabbed his prisoner, placing him on the desk surface like he was trash. The blue blur was so freaked out by Eggman’s verbal response that the paralysis wasn’t his primary concern.

“EGGMAN! WAIT! I didn’t mean to SAY THAT. I was angry! I DIDN’T KNOW YOU FELT THAT WAY! Stop! L-Lets talk, okay?” Sonic pleaded, knowing something unthinkable was going to happen if this continued.

Sonic had just ascertained his nemesis once felt the same weird sort of trust and friendship toward him too. The blue blur ruined it after Safe’s death with his reactions having been unintentionally heartless. He couldn’t understand how Eggman blamed him for Sage dying as it had been unpreventable, but he did see how he had failed to show sorrow, instead coming off as an insensitive, remorseless asshole while Eggman stood their grieving near the cliff. He understood why the man felt betrayed as far that part went. Sonic’s trust Eggman had been obliterated the first time with the gloves after his “accident”. At that point Sonic had expected his nemesis to be ashamed and apologetic and followed up by letting him go home, but when Eggman did none of those things, the blue hedgehog not only no longer trusted him but knew something serious had changed about the man. The blur blue knew that there could had have been some way of reconciliation before his capture…No the doctor had been simmering in his hate for months before Sonic had gone alone and attacked the doctor’s headquarters. The opportunity passed the day of Sage’s death. This whole string of events led here with Sonic unable to move, stuck on his side, as he listened to Eggman shuffle around, go through drawers or containers looking whatever he needed for some f*cked up torture plan.

Eggman laughed as he gathered what he needed but his laughter was manic, diabolical, and it was nothing like his typical sound that so annoyed the blue hedgehog. The doctor had created the designs for phallic object and 3-D printed them approximately two days ago. They were sized for Sonic using scans the madman had taken of the hedgehog the first day of his capture while the rodent was unconscious. They looked like penises for the most part with extra ridgling on the shafts and rounded heads that angled slightly upward: five in all with differing widths. The other contraption was a simple five-pound, square shaped metal adjustable slab which served as a simple surface for the blue blur to lay vulnerable and constrained. The slab was five inches in diameter and one-inch-wide with four shackles melded on its surface for the arms and legs; although, the legs had chains that could be adjusted. The magnifying stand, lubricant, anti-bacterial wipes, and a veterinary enema, ironically sized for rodents, were the last three objects he collected.

Eggman looked down in the box he had placed these vile contraptions and items concluding he was far too organized for someone who had been unsure it would go this far. Why else had he bothered to create a metal slab to hold Sonic so…specifically before even threatening the hedgehog with the act? Perhaps he had intended to fully torture Sonic from the moment the doctor failed to find, convert, and transfer his memories to Sage; she couldn’t read most of the data, let alone take the memories and reconstruct them from her own perspective. The captor giggled about his own self-denial of his urge for revenge, forcing himself to find reasons to justify administering these punishments. He flung the flakes left over from the downfall of his morality aside—it didn’t matter what kind of psychological impediments he had been using in his failed attempt at prevention of this outcome now that his decision was made.

He walked back over to the desk Sonic laid on paralyzed and crying in fear, but hedgehog wouldn’t remain that way. The doctor needed the rodent to feel. He picked Sonic up, whose body moved limply and placed him on the slab shackling his arms and legs. His captive wouldn’t be able to move his arms much, but his legs could extend out freely unless he adjusted their length. Sonic watched all this and understood he was being prepared for something unspeakable. Deep down he already knew but wanted to hold on it a tiny seed of hope for as long as possible. The hero had been breathing too fast this whole time to speak but tried to calm down to communicate.

“Eggman, p-p-please I lost my temper! I’m sorry! Let me explain myself before you…do anything crazy, please!” Sonic begged again.

Sonic wanted to explain he had not known Eggman had ever considered him a f*cked-up kind of friend too. How he had not known that he betrayed their friendship that day with Sage. Now that he did, he could explain what anger was lurking inside his captor because he had been going through it the last five days—the betrayal of an unspoken trust and the loss of a friendship based routine chaos! Eggman failed to respond to Sonic’s pleading, not caring to hear the rodent’s explanation.

It didn’t matter if the entire world would agree that he didn’t deserve to be tortured for failing to save Sage and not showing sorrow that day. It didn’t matter that everything the doctor had done to him was morally wrong in every culture’s eyes. None of that mattered because he was alone here with Eggman who felt betrayal, grief, and hatred that was driving him insane. Suddenly Sonic was able to move his body again, discovering his hands were shackled down and his back was laying on cold metal. He could feel there were shackles on his legs too, but he could move them.

“You refused to stop speaking about my daughter and now I am going to add a new crime to my long list of criminal allegations,” his nemesis replied.

Sonic listened to Eggman’s statement as his torturer tilted what he was fastened on to a 90-degree angle, first feeling himself hanging from his wrists before something was placed near his feet to stand on. The blue blur was now thinking and aware of his positioning. He didn’t want to believe the doctor meant what he thought he meant.

“Eggman, w-what do you mean? Please put me back in my cage!”

The doctor glared at him, “That’s not going to happen until I’m finished with you, failure! I think you know very well what I meant, and I’ll let you in on to a little secret you might not know! It doesn’t hurt…much the first time if it is done right and I AM a perfectionist. Hehehe!”

Upon hearing that Sonic freaked out trying to get his hands out of the shackles, but it was pointless. His legs were still bound, and he could be paralyzed any time even if by some miracle he did get off this thing. The hero’s eyes began to sting as he accepted there was no getting out of this. He couldn’t escape. He couldn’t fight. He could even knock himself out. The blue blur didn’t consider whether it was painful because he wouldn’t let himself believe it could happen. He didn’t want it! He wasn’t ready for anything sexual that wasn’t him alone masturbating and he wouldn’t be unless he was with someone, he loved and trusted. Tears started to flow as Sonic saw Eggman place some objects on the desk near him and forced himself to look over. There were two bottles, but he couldn’t quite see what the other objects were.

“Don’t do this! We all mourned her later! I mean it! Look at the detector! I mourned Sage! It happened on the way back home, for all of us. Don’t you see I’m not lying?” Sonic was crying and he tried to reason with his nemesis who had already made his decision.

Dr. Eggman picked up the tiny bottle with a nozzle, cleaning the tip.

“Tch. Should I give you an emblem for that? You resorted to telling me I was at fault for my own daughter’s death! I lifted her controls to give her freedom of choice—freedom, the heart of your own f*cking mantra, Sonic! I lifted the block on her so she could do whatever she desired. If that meant storing herself somewhere as safe as possible and leaving us biologicals to rot facing the coming disaster, she could have done that! In all honestly, I would have found that to be cowardly, BUT had I known death would have been her alternative, I would have given her my blessing. You blamed me for freeing my own daughter, a person I cared about more than my life, the essence of being truly human I thought lost to me forever after all the institutions, experimental treatments, and endless medications. Sage unearthed capabilities I thought had been destroyed and proved I could still improve, care, and love someone other than myself unconditionally. All over what?! To get back at me for that fool, Amy’s little feelings, as if MY DEAD CHILD compares to her years delusional f*cking thinking! I hope it was worth it, Sonic!” the doctor paused to lube up the tip of the bottle, “Now shush, I’m going to teach you hygiene! Heh,” Eggman smiled evilly.

The hedgehog watched as Eggman put an empty container under his legs, placed some substance on the tip of the bottle’s nozzle, took off his red shoes along with the socks, and removed what he was standing on. Sonic felt himself dangle until the doctor grabbed at his legs moving the bottle toward him.

“NO! Get that away! Stop it! Just stop!” the blur bur screamed.

Eggman had the magnifying stand to assist as he grabbed one of Sonic’s legs lifting it to reveal his well-hidden entrance, surrounded by blur fur. He placed the end of the nozzle right up against it, hearing Sonic gasp in fear, before saying, “Yoo are going to feel some pressure as I fill your rectum and your lower colon. Hold it in until I’m done and then let it out. I don’t need you dirtying everything else up later. I’m sure you understand how…unsanitary that would be.”

Sonic let out a scream as the nozzle was placed inside his anus, not from pain but mortification. He could feel the pressure build up inside him sickened by how it felt like needing to take sh*t. He knew what an enema was, but luckily never had the displeasure of needing to resort to one. There was now no doubt that Eggman really meant to rape if he was bothering to…clean him out first. It could have just been an unnecessary humiliation because Sonic didn’t know much detail intercourse other then condoms, let alone the practices of anal sex so he didn’t know if enemas were commonly needed, how else the area would be clean, or if it was an additional punishment the doctor added.

Eggman let go of Sonic’s leg before pulling the nozzle out. Sonic was nauseated having to feel and hear the water fall out of him splashing into the container beneath. He continued to fart more out uncomfortably as his captor laughed at the sounds. The blue blur was audibly sobbing now.

“Everything is a hassle with your size, you know that. I had to purchase an enema that veterinarians use on hamsters and other such rodents. Funny, right? A substantial amount of my time was taken to design miniature everythings for your safety and comfort! Hmmm. You’re not as filthy as I thought you’d be, so this won’t take as long as I estimated. It must be the lack of chilidogs! Haha!” the doctor laughed.

Sonic looked at his nemesis with dread. “I-I know it was wrong to low-blow you like t-t-that when I was yelling. I didn’t mean it. I didn’t! I’ve learned my lesson…please end it here. Y-you can’t really want to do this!”

Eggman noticed Sonic wasn’t lying about not meaning it while angrily defending Amy, who was as much of a fool as he was for not confronting him, but he did not give a damn about the lack of lies about such an offensive accusation. The doctor thought about Amy and the absurdity of it all, recalling no one was THIS willfully oblivious during his youth; grown ass women didn’t wait two months, let alone two years to request where the relationship was heading. The rodent did have one thing correct. Eggman would much rather rip out Sonic’s quills from the roots and use smelling salts on him whenever he passed out: no special devices, set-up, or need of patience, just simple, painful, and bloody revenge.

That wasn’t a possibility because the doctor was aiming for long-term revenge; he wanted Sonic alive but suffering with side-effects his entire life, even if they became lessened of the years. That left all the fun, bloody stuff off the list, leaving a handful of psychological tortures with the most consequences: sexual/verbal assaults, rape, and gas-lighting to rip Sonic’s friendships to shreds. Amy had been very straightforward, but without her retort, it wasn’t a proven success. The scientist suspected it would be one of tomorrow’s highlights. The most virtuous outcome he could imagine was the love-sick girl refusing to make an appearance but if she did, he was sure it wasn’t going to end amiable.

There was plenty of fluid left in the enema, so Dr. Eggman lubed it up again and repeated the same actin as Sonic cried, begging him to stop.

“Ah, do you feel too full up there? Did you know some people enjoy this feeling of…bursting, being too stuffed full and the sensation of expansion? It’s a…kink to them, Haha. Maybe just a little more?” the doctor smirked, adding just a little bit more distilled water.

“Stop! It starting to…hurt! I can’t! Let me…ugh,” Sonic sniffled attempting to speak a comprehensible sentence but the queasy feeling of the pressure and the stretching made it strenuous to think.

Eggman laughed. He knew hadn’t done anything dangerous, but it had to be uncomfortable for the pest. He let the rodent release the liquid resulting in the same disgusting sounds. If there was a foul scent neither said anything and the blue blur didn’t risk vomiting all over himself by looking down.

“Well, I guess you are not one of those people! The more you know!” his nemesis started to whistle the tune from It Doesn’t Matter. Sonic was too crushed by his own grief to complain.

The doctor waited for Sonic and gravity to do the work. The hedgehog wasn’t begging anymore, just crying. Eggman looked at the contents of the container deciding to perform one lighter flush. He continued to whistle as he finished the last cleanse letting the rodent hang there to force it out. Sonic just had his head cast down with his eyes closed to hide his face, avoiding eye contact with his captor. He felt gross enough with his tears and snot, so he tried not to imagine or look at the container below or the water he felt still spewing out of him. The blue blur didn’t puke because either the angle. the fear, or something else must have entirely overwhelmed the nausea. Whatever denial of “no this could never happen. It’s only a scare tactic” was drained away leaving him hopeless, a sentiment that had become too normal for some as naturally cheerful. His eyes stung again reflecting on the notion he had taken for granted all the previous times in his life when he always had someone to call in to back him up.

“He’s not alone!” The memory of Shadow’s voice saying that came to mind. He wanted to hear him say that again. He knew he had to find something to grasp on to, to hope for, to do later now that he knew what was coming.

“This is crazy. I’m talking to myself to remind me of a promise I’m making to myself but as convoluted and nutty as it is I need me to promise I’ll do something as soon as I see Shadow again no matter what. No matter what Eggman does to me, who else is around to hear, how bad off I am, or even if I am on my last f*cking breath I promise myself to tell Shadow that I love him already and that I want to try loving him as more than a friend, if he’ll have me. I need to say that I will be truthful, faithful, and respectful of any boundaries he puts in place; I’ll never take any stupid competitions seriously and they will only be for fun and if he is actual interested. And last, tell Shadow I want to travel with him to show and share with him the most beautiful places I’ve discovered on earth, and he can share with me whatever he finds beautiful. That’s it. He’ll probably brush me off or reject me but I’m going to say it anyway. If Amy has taught me anything, waiting…just causes pain. Self, make me keep this promise!” Sonic made this promise and he had to stay alive to keep it.

When Sonic heard the whistling stop, he looked up to see the doctor use some anti-bacterial wipes to clean the bottom half of the metal slab and his legs. Eggman brought a clean dish towel to Sonic’s face, wiping away the tears, snot he blew out, and phlegm he coughed up. He finished by drying Sonic off with the washcloth, pushing down lightly on his lower abdomen to catch any excess water in the towel as the hero groaned in discomfort. The slab was rotated back to 120-degrees and Sonic began to look more alert, petrified of what was coming next while he could hear Eggman throwing some things away and washing his hands. He was so desperate to find a way to get his nemesis to cease he continued to reason with the doctor seeking out any residual empathy.

“I’m really s-s-sorry for not grieving for her w-w-with you on the cliff and o-offering you my condolences and support Eggman…if I had only known before then…I had your…t-trust and you thought… of me a-a-as some s-sort of friendly rival I w-w-would have stayed…I t-t-thought I was the o-only one who…felt that w-way… I t-t-thought you’d want me as f-far away from... you as possible while you mourned! It can’t be coming to t-this! We don’t n-need to keep hurting each other!” Sonic sobbed.

Eggman thought about Sonic’s words. Nope. They did not contain any lies, but his speech did lead to one memory the roboticist could not scrub from his mind. It was a mere minute of Sonic with a look on his face that had hurt and betrayed the doctor more than the cliff of or the plane.

He made that new insane laugh, “Hahaha! Staying with me on the cliff. Are you serious? Not smiling coming down from the battle would have been THE f*ckING START. What were you smiling for anyway, you dumb piece of sh*t? You didn’t win that battle? She did!”

Sonic tried to think through all the fear, and he didn’t even know he came down smiling! He felt sad while he was up there during her final moments. He wondered if his super form could have played a role, but as far back he could remember the only personality effect was coming off as more ”hyped” for battle. It didn’t make sense that it would cause him to smile because he sure had normal emotions with Shadow…and Chip while in that form and right after fighting; he couldn’t blame the seven chaos emeralds for his expression. He began to doubt himself and wonder if he ever thought of Sage as a real person. He treated her like one at the end, but he also needed her on his side.

“Did I never fully realize she was as much of a person as any of us even after the final battle? …I know I never separated her from being Eggman’s creation, but it sure seemed that Eggman had while still having great pride in their relation. She certainly was a person: a superior person in his eyes. She died like a real person screaming for her father’s safety. She didn’t die thinking of him because of orders; she truly loved him. She was free and she accompanied me because it was her choice. No, maybe I didn’t recognize her real person yet. I still thought of her as an A.I. It wasn’t until a several hours later that it all hit me—hit all of us that a little girl just died. He…he…might a small point, but even if it’s true it would not have changed her fate. I realized how special she was but not until after her death…BUT I didn’t kill her or let her die! It didn’t dawn on me how special she was yet…but that’s not why I displayed inappropriate emotions. I have always mourned sacrifices quickly…preferring to run…to move on. That’s not possible for everyone…nor would it be for me if I had lost someone closer. Shadow, Chip, Sage…they were all new friends.” Sonic figured it out but still felt guilty.

“I-I smiled…because I saw everyone else s-safe there waiting for me. I-I looked one last time where Sage h-h-had just been to pay my gratitude and respect…before going back down to check on everyone. Eggman…I’ve a-aways been like t-this. The day I thought S-s-shadow died I said “sayonara, Shadow the Hedgehog” and didn’t look back…When I l-lost Chip, I ran home and p-put his bracelet in a drawer, never looking back. The same wi—”

“So that’s how you deal with death, huh? You turn your back on it. Run from it. Tsk. I guess that’s easy to do when the people who die are ones you barely know! Shadow didn’t mean much to you back then. Whoever this Chip was but have been a short acquaintance. Sage was almost nothing to you…Well she may not have been much to you, but she was my DAUGHTER! I was going to raise her as my heiress. Shadow was still Rouge’s friend back then! It all comes down to self-centeredness! How would you feel if Tails died and Knuckles or Amy looked at him one last time meaningfully and then started smiling as if nothing happened, asking when you wanted to meet for dinner tomorrow?” Eggman watched Sonic’s face which changed rapidly from sadness to guilt to distress and then fear, “I thought so. Well, that is essentially what you f*cking did!” Eggman finished, disgusted by the truth, not caring that Sonic was still just nineteen and had never experienced real loss or had yet learned how to properly treat others who were going through it.

The doctor had nothing left to learn about Sonic’s thoughts on Sage. It all made sense now and he still found it all unforgivable. Knowing why Sonic smiled pissed him off even more: wishing he had never learned. It only meant Sonic had never learned how to empathize properly or comfort someone after losing a loved one, or at least not when it was Dr. Eggman. He flung those thoughts aside and concentrated on what came next, all too happy to torture the pest. The rodent had been truthful and provided the answers even knowing they cast him in a terrible light. He felt he had to reward this in some form.

“Rodent let’s forget alllll about that negative talk and focus on you! You seem so terrified, but I believe I already told you if it’s pain that you fear, there’s no need for concern. Let me show you something.” Eggman held up the five different phalluses for Sonic to see, all tan in color, “Is there a particular…width you fancy? I figured you’d go for the thinnest, but you are such a go getter with everything else.”

He watched Sonic go wide eyed and stark to shake and unexpectedly…hiss in fear. The doctor could tell the rodent was offended and disgusted too. He laughed, unable to stop for several minutes. He controlled himself and with a sh*t eating grin started giving Sonic I close-up of each one. The rodent began to hiss even more leading to the doctor suspecting it was a reaction to being threatened he could not control.

“That hiss makes me think you might not like any of them. Thank emeralds there isn’t a sex toy shop for two-inch-rodents, so which one do you dislike the least? Look. Which one do want inside of you? How about the thickest?” he asked.

Sonic kept repeating in his head that he didn’t want to be here, and this couldn’t be happening. Not to him. He was crying, shaking, and hissing. He couldn’t stop himself from doing any of the three. He heard his Nemesis and saw him hold up…those fake dicks and he feared each one of them.

“No, no, no! Leave me alone! HISSSSSS. Don’t do tHISSSSSS to me. Don’t. HISSSSS Put me back in HISSSSS the cage. PleaHISSSSSSS. Eggman. Don’t hurt me!” Sonic had great difficulty getting out the words,

Eggman gave Sonic a twisted smile and patted him on the head with a mock sense of affection. Ah, he knew how he could reward Sonic! The doctor decided he would fake tenderness, be as gentle and patient as possible. Oh, the blue hedgehog would know it was fake but why should he care if it meant less discomfort. Eggman needed Sonic in good condition tomorrow and leaving him with only some soreness would be for the best. None of this was intended to be physically painful anyway. In fact, the more pleasure the rodent felt the bigger the scar it would leave behind on his psyche.

“I’m so sorry Sonic, but I’m afraid you are not going back in that cage until this is over. What I can promise you is that I’ll be patient and gentle. I wouldn’t want your first time to give you a negative impression. Here look one more time and if you don’t pick one, I decide which one,” Eggman faked a kind smile, knowing which angle he wanted to play this.

Sonic watched the disgusting fake penises pass across by his face a few inches away so he could see them better. He hissed and flared his quills at each one. He didn’t f*cking want any of them!

The hissing reminded the doctor of when he adopted his cat, Marie; walking in front of the cages being hissed, meowed, or scratched at through the bars until someone rushed by him with a very sick cat who was in labor. He took interest in this nearly dead animal, trying to bring forth life into the world and it barely did. Barely was barely though and the result was one tremendously sickly white furred runt which he declared in confidence he wanted that half dead newborn kitten no matter what it cost him. They looked at him like he was insane, noticed who he was knowing that they were correct. It sure cost him money and time, alright, but he ended up getting her healthy, giving nature and fate the middle finger while also growing to adore her. Anything of importance to Dr. Eggman had to be a f*cking contradiction.

While his tormentor was reminiscing, the blue blur was crying about not wanting to be touched, let alone having one of those inside of him. The thought of Eggman or anyone he didn’t love and enjoy the feel of…Ugh, even then he would have to work himself naturally to this specific act with the person he wanted, naturally desiring too mutually do it with the other. As insane as it sounded having a crush on Shadow and wanting to seriously be with the grumpy bastard potentially for his entire life, he had not gotten far in his sexual fantasies with the striped hedgehog. All his fantasies had primarily included kissing, tons of different ways of touching, and the explicit ones included giving Shadow oral, but none involved anal intercourse. Sonic knew it was a thing man did sexually but hadn’t thought about doing it himself yet. Having anyone put themselves inside of him seemed…unnatural and his chest had made his ache with anxiety, or sadness but those didn’t quite match the ache. The ache was like that gnaw he felt when his gloves were removed, his hands messed with, and had been unknowingly forced to climax. The difference was the ache was far larger and more painful now.

Sonic sobbed, “Why...Why do you want to do this sick stuff to me?! I don’t want any of those…those gross things. Please stop! This is…its rape…I never…thought you would hurt anyone like that Eggman! You were not that kind of person… So, stop doing this to me!”

The doctor hadn’t expected Sonic to choose one and he wasn’t going to explain to the rodent why he was only performing specific actions. He had been foolish enough in the past to blurt out his entire master plan in a fit of mania, but he had outgrown his fault.

“Never mind the why Sonic! Since you won’t choose, I’ll go with the thinnest. See? I told you I would be gentle.”

Eggman attached the phallus to a holder he could easily manipulate with his hand. He looked at his terrified captor knowing he had to get him aroused first. The doctor grabbed the bottle of lube and squeezed some onto his fingers and coated Sonic’s lower stomach with it, rubbing his bare finger gently over the area. All that accomplished was getting Sonic to scream for him to stop. He knew the easy way to get this started and quickly, so he took Sonic’s gloves and undid the left shackle on Sonic hand.

“DON’T No! Leave me alone,” Sonic screamed.

Eggman again faked the affection in his voice and touch, which he would do the entire act, stroked Sonic’s face.

“Don’t worry so much. It all feels much better if you are aroused first and nothing quite does the trick like your hands.”

The blue blur’s nemesis placed half of Sonic’s left arm into his mouth so he could lick the palm easier, careful not to bring his teeth down. The hedgehog couldn’t prevent himself from making sounds, the same chirps, and moans. He used his lubed finger to rub his prisoner’s lower stomach, trying feel the sheath, but could only feel a slight indent. Eggman tried to add as much suction, and he could without risking bringing his teeth down on the hedgehog’s arm. He couldn’t help but notice even with Sonic sobbing like he was in pain, the blue blur was a twitching, moaning, chipping mess and realized he was limiting himself with this. He returned to his pretense of affection to f*ck with the rodent’s head. Instead of running his finger along Sonic’s stomach, he ran two fingers along the sides of the hero’s face, torso, and legs. The hedgehog moved his face and legs away from the touch getting a hiss out between the other sounds, which just made the doctor more excited because he did enjoy a challenge.

“I’m going to force you to enjoy all of this, you pest! You are going to moan like a bitch in heat and you will cum from just that fake phallus inside you. There will be no way you can blame your hands this time around, Sonic. Try allllll you want. Be stubborn, but your mind can’t stop your reactions…well not in your case!” Eggman thought as he continued to fondle Sonic’s body and lick at his hand.

By the time he remembered to check on the prisoner’s stomach again, the blue blur’s co*ck was starting to come out. Dr. Eggman immediately took Sonic’s left arm out of his mouth and retackled his wrist. The rodent stopped moaning and gasped for air as his nemesis curiously poked around the sheath opening. It didn’t make him moan, but body twitched—figuring it was likely overstimulation. While Sonic was occupied trying to get enough air and thinking again, Eggman heavily lubricated the end the phallus and made a puddle on a random piece of plastic in case he needed more quickly like now, dipping a finger in it. Grinning, the roboticist lifted Sonic’s leg and smeared his hole and area around it.

Sonic gasped at the sensation and tried to kick at his assaulter until his leg was let go. He held his legs together, crossing his lower legs over one another. It was all he could to for protection. He heard the doctor let out a small laugh.

“Sonic, struggling is not a good idea. It tenses you hope and want to be the exact opposite: relaxed, breathing evenly, no kicking, fighting, just trying to remain calm and relaxed. Not that I will let you get seriously hurt even if you do act out. Normally, I would stretch your ass first, but it isn’t easy finding something I can control when it must be so small. I’ll just need to go slow. Go on and uncross the legs or I’ll just do it for you,” Dr. Eggman explained in a caring tone, that Sonic knew was phony.

The blue blur was conflicted regarding how the doctor was acting. The falseness of his voice and touches was icky, like some decrepit old pervert purposely touching you in line while acting oblivious, but he didn’t truly want the doctor to rough with him. This was going to happen. He couldn’t get out of it, so if it had to happen…he was so ashamed to admit this to himself but he’d rather it be done with sham kindness and done gently. He had cried and stopped himself many times since being pulled from the cage, but now he wasn’t even trying to stop it at all.

“How…bad is this going to…be?” Sonic asked shamefully, even his ears tilted downward.

Eggman was rather surprised that Sonic was asking. He knew the rodent would give up struggling at some point, but this sounded like feasible cooperation, or it could just be another dumb question he had already answered. The doctor decided to tell him what he knew he could promise.

“Hmm. If you don’t struggle and can manage to relax, the most you will feel is a light burning sensation fleetingly, if at all, and it will feel uncomfortable at first but not painful, but that will dissipate as well. The rest won’t hurt at all. If you decided to keep moving around, refuse to relax, or clench, then that burning won’t be slight and it will keep happening. Also, the entire act will take twice as long because I promised to be gentle with you even if you work against me. It’s all up to you,” the assaulter explained thoroughly, curious to where this was leading.

Everything he heard; Sonic felt disgusted with but the part about taking twice as long if he fought back was a no. He wanted this to be over with as fast as possible. He was going to go through this pain and humiliation one way or the other and he didn’t see how fighting back would change much.

’I was raped with some fake dick by a f*cking lunatic’ versus ‘I was raped with some fake dick by a lunatic while kicking and screaming’ doesn’t like sound much of a difference…If I were my normal size and somehow and still got myself in this f*cking sh*tty situation then that would be different! I would have a fighting chance of stopping him! Even if I didn’t manage to stop him, I would injure him constantly throughout the ordeal. He would be walking away half dead. That would be worth fighting back for, but like this. My damn bites can’t even break the f*cker’s skin!! That’s how pathetically week I am and the voice…it is telling me to go with the safest option. If I would have just…LISTENED and never put my foot in my mouth this wouldn’t be happening…yet. The perverted monster had this set up to fast so he was planning to rape me eventually…but I could have been rescued during the night or before he ever got to this point without me giving him easy ammunition to use some bullsh*t validation for me ‘deserving’ it.”

“I-It sounds like you sure know a lot about this,” Sonic couldn’t help muttering.

Eggman laughed. He hadn’t expected any sneaky little jibes.

“Heh. Well, it would be pathetic if I didn’t! I did my share of fooling around when I had a lush head of hair: giving and taking, men and women, human and non-human. Okay, I never had intercourse with a non-human as the giver, but the rest I did. Curiosity paired with being young and decent enough looking made it all simple,” the doctor bragged.

Sonic just looked disgusted. He hadn’t meant to say that out loud and now he knew more than he wanted to ever know.

“Enough chit chat, I’m moving on,” Eggman declared.

He moved to Sonic’s shaking legs, expecting to have to pry them apart but he didn’t. The rodent uncrossed them, not fighting or assisting. The doctor was surprised Sonic was being intelligent for once. Before getting on with it he noticed that all that talking at reduced the hedgehog’s state of arousal, so he dipped his finger in the lube and simply rubbed Sonic’s right palm.

“Why! I thou—”

“It’s easier if you are actively aroused and all that talking made your genie go back in the bottle. Once that’s resolved, I’ll leave your hands alone. I won’t be needing to use them to make you cum all over yourself,” his nemesis explained swearing he had said this already and unshackled Sonic’s hand beginning to lick at it once again.

Sonic heard the explanation and didn’t want to think about the meaning, nor did he understand how or why he was going org*sm from this. All he sought was this to cease so he would be left alone in his cage where at least he wouldn’t be touched. The blue blur hated his own self-betrayal by hearing his own excessive chirping. He would prefer it if he just gagged, but it all was involuntary or if he could stop making sounds he didn’t know how to stop. Abruptly his sheath spasmed and Eggman let his hand go as the air run across the shaft of Sonic’s penis, which was mostly out and Eggman lift his leg again. He was shaking and crying as he felt his captor’s finger on his entrance leaving behind some substance.

The doctor put the rodent’s arm back in restraint and made sure the phallus was covered in lube as he moved it up against Sonic’s hole teasingly before he shifted it around the area getting a sense for the natural angle. Sonic kept whimpering or weeping; it was difficult to tell which sound his captor was making. Eggman thought about how if Sonic wasn’t so stubborn, seemingly more ashamed or sex then the average person, or hated him less he could just lay back and enjoy getting a free internal org*sm, but it wouldn’t be revenge if his target enjoyed it.

The doctor remembered to keep up the kindness act, “Steady breaths Sonic and try to relax. Count if you need to and take your time.”

He wasn’t expecting a response, and he didn’t get one, but he noticed the rodent was starting to even out his breath like he said. Certain he found the best starting angle he gently pushed, but not far, knowing the blue blur would instinctively tighten, like anyone would do their first time having their ass messed with. The blue hedgehog did clench but the doctor had remained just pressed against skin, so nothing happened. This method of trying to confuse and trick Sonic’s body into not tightening by pushing before stopping over and over didn’t always work but it did cause lube to collect further inside that would smooth the process. It was like crying wolf and Eggman could tell the blur blue was frightened and not at all amused, but explaining would make it impossible. The doctor took his time to get used to Sonic’s body to make the best estimate when to press in for real. The sense to push forward came and the doctor pushed in the phallus as much as possible before the hero reacted. Sonic hissed, but the lunatic knew the worst part was going to be over soon. The blue blur grunted in pain, and he fought for control over his body to make it stop squeezing against the intrusion.

Sonic looked away and sobbed, not saying a word to the psycho as he assaulted him, trying not think about what was being done… down there but he couldn’t ignore each time his anus tightened in response to the coming intrusion, but the doctor kept stopping right near the ring of muscle. The blue blur had no idea why his captor kept pausing, but the reason being another form of taunting him suited Eggman’s nature wholly and that was an additional treachery. He was already shaming himself further by not fighting him and the ruthless scientist still wanted to f*ck with his mind. Sonic’s thinking started to drift away from the details of his vulnerability; instead, he was fixated on his weariness and exasperation of just wanting this to end: to be done and over with. That’s when he felt the mass sliding against the walls of his anus. There was no pain until he automatically squeezed around it, initiating the burning sensation the doctor had warned about, but Eggman had ceased movement as soon as he saw the sudden tenseness of his victim’s body right before the blue hedgehog clenched down. Sonic let out a hiss and then a pained grunt, going rigid not knowing what else to do already as a terrified, unwilling participant.

“Focus on breathing, calm down, and you will loosen up. The pain is coming from your muscles clenching, your body instinctively reacting. There’s nothing to do but wait until you relax,” the doctor said, wondering if hand stimulation would help, but decided it would be too sharp of a pleasure: needing to find a way to give a small amount of contentment.

“The pain is coming from YOU FORCING IT IN ME you fat f*cking evil rapist! The gall of you to act like we are participating in this together! I’m only going with the fastest, least painful method to get you away from me! Ugh. Even when this is over how am I going to keep from always recalling this…I-I can’t even be in my cage doing nothing with thinking about my hands unless I force myself to name and visualize food! What if I can’t forget about all of this when I am home? What in the hell am going to do if this prevents me from sleeping. I already have trouble sleeping sometimes as it is… Sonic worried until he was broken from his thoughts by Eggman running his hands over his body again.

The doctor decided that the hands and stomach were too much, and Sonic flipped out about it so he ran his hand along Sonic’s fur. Throughout all his experimental “playdays” he realized he never bothered to do the simple stuff like touching Sonic’s fur or the rest of him.

This fur reminded him of when his bots came back with a burned up, injured Shadow, far before Dr Eggman became the hateful piece of trash he was at present. Shadow had been awake when he was brought to him, but he was in extreme pain and was only uttering things about Maria. The poor bastard had radiation and regular burns, but Shadow could heal from those fine unlike everyone else. It took so much morphine to get that guy’s pain level down—far too much which was why he ultimately had to shove him in a healing pod to be kept unconscious while his body healed. After pumping the striped hedgehog full of morphine, he tried to talk to him but Shadow kept calling him “Nyx” for some reason. The doctor had taken advantage of the situation to gathering some quills that had already fallen out and data about Shadow but mostly he had just attempted to stabilize him normally and that’s how he ended up feeling the unburnt parts of Shadow’s quills and fur. Later he did end up making fakes, but he left the real deal to heal.

Sonic’s fur wasn’t as soft, knowing that was partly his fault for not giving him anything but soap. He reached out to touch the quills which for once were not dangerous because of Sonic’s size. He was able to easily ignore any pinpricks until he reached the part in between the larger bundles having a hunch about this area feeling satisfying when massaged and the doctor got lucky that his finger wasn’t too large. The doctor rubbed in between the larger quills with light pressure while looking through the magnifying stand. He noticed Sonic’s quills were not looking so great, reminding him of human suffering from split ends. He knew it was a mixture of things causing it: stress being the most significant factor, spin-dashing flesh and blood improperly, and not using the right grooming products, but this was a lot of damage, and he hadn’t had Sonic long. Either the hedgehog was far more stressed them he presumed or being at a reduced size had side effects but it didn’t matter because the size machine was almost fixed.

The doctor’s hunch was correct. Sonic had relaxed from the quill touching even if he didn’t look pleased. Dr. Eggman thought Sonic’s expression was one of bewilderment and shame, translation: “that felt delightful, and I don’t get why you did it, but I hope you die painfully because I f*cking hate you”. He began slowly pushing the rest of the phallus in, Sonic’s facial expression indicated when to stop and wait so he could adjust again. There was no hissing, pained grunts, or groans, just the tears and tension in the hedgehog’s face which signaled he was getting uncomfortable indicating to pause. This action was repeated until Sonic jolted and gasped a little past the halfway point. The doctor didn’t think he would find the area of the wall so quickly, wondering if it was the angled tip. Sonic’s nemesis grinned knowingly at the hedgehog who looked stunned, but the look twisted quickly into a hateful glare.

Eggman saw the glare and just kept grinning as he pulled out slightly and pushed back shifting the angle marginally to increase the pressure when sliding against that the spot’s location earning him a loud squeak. Sonic refused to say anything, which it didn’t matter; actions were louder than words and those actions were moans, squeaks, or chirps and whatever shaking the rodent was doing now wasn’t from fear. The doctor didn’t concern himself about getting the phallus deeper, as that happened naturally when Sonic’s muscles loosened. Sonic didn’t know understood why guys benefited from doing this together or how he was going to be forced to cum, but he wasn’t fond of the pleasure at all. His body responded but he had never stopped crying, even more so currently because his mind and body were so divided, unable to stop the waves of pleasure that ensued each time that area of his inner wall was brushed against.

“This…this isn’t r-r-right. All of it… There’s no intimacy, love, or security in t-this! It’s supposed to be done with someone, not TO THEM! There should be warmth all around and warm skin, not cold metal or objects that mock the real thing…I get why I felt like b-b-being in a void…w-w-when he touched between my quills. It was the o-only semi-normal act… but it was A MOCKERY OF THE REAL THING! f*cking touching me like it’s some…some ugh...caress. That fake massage…or whatever it was meant to be was the…w-w-worst part of all this because…b-because that’s what a ‘normal’ lover would be doing during the ‘real’ act. There would be so much…touching, caressing, holding! It is…it is supposed to be safe and fun…not terrifying…not disgusting…not a replication in some f*cked up form. Not like this…not like this…not like this! My chest aches so much…I want it to stop aching…when will it stop aching…there’s got to be away to stop it from aching…m-m-maybe when I’m back in the cage…it will stop…No, I know that’s a lie…I wish…I hope I am recued after this…I-I want a hug f-from anyone normal…I want ShaNO.NO.NO…he doesn’t belong here…None of them belong here!” Sonic thought throughout most of the experience, feeling part-way in another world some of time while he wept about how wrong it all was, the ache in his chest and the sadness of having experienced this fake thing.

It wasn’t just that region that felt enjoyable, but it overpowered the rest, leaving him barely able to differentiate between how the any of the less intense area that was being rubbed up against felt. The wave radiated outward, down his legs and up his torso, but most of it went right to his dick up the shaft and peaked in its intensity at the head. Sonic tried to bite his lips to shut himself up blocking one sound before slipping during the next thrust. He had never been so ashamed of his own f*cking body or been so humiliated and it to make matters worse it wasn’t ending as soon as it could because Sonic could tell his nemesis was paying very close attention to his stomach, slowing to a crawl, altering the angle slightly to reduce the feeling, or just not going deep enough. The f*cking evil fat piece of sh*t was roller-coastering him, but the blue blur also noticed Eggman was up to something because there were times his gaze would seem to look through him, and his other hand was busy underneath the desk. Sonic worried he had something else planned but solving that mystery was pointless when he couldn’t even see straight.

Dr. Eggman was indeed toying with something that he had never expected to be a part of the Sonic equation. Outside of what he watched for the purpose of biological necessity, it had been a long while since the doctor had become aroused by anything new or without planning it. He was agreeably startled for a break in this cycle to emerge after Sonic started moaning and glaring, feeling his pants tighten around his crotch. Using his unoccupied hand, he brushed over his genitals surprised to discover he had begun to get hard at some point during this endeavor, without realizing it, while placing all his attention into the minimal, controlled movements meant to keep the rodent from getting torn or from being too sore after. It meant not going over a certain steady pace, staying at the depth of fifty to sixty percent of the phallus, and only ever changing the angle slightly; there was a livestream tomorrow so roughing this had never been in the cards. Besides, he wanted this act to be about humiliation, through unwanted physical pleasure, the more intense the better and pain would ruin it. Because the doctor was sitting down, Sonic couldn’t see below the desk, let alone past his “egg” thus he didn’t even think twice about undoing the hidden buttons of his pants.

The roboticist discovered long ago pants going past the waist were too much of a pain to pull down every time he needed to urinate, so he made an opening that couldn’t be noticed unless someone ran their hands across it, which was unlikely to happen these days. Now he was using that opening to see if this could go forth to completion, giving his old buddy a well-practiced stroke as he watched Sonic look away from him and moan. It wasn’t anticipated but his co*ck was responsive, and the doctor found himself fondling two things at once, not an easy achievement, but he was managing. When he needed to focus more on himself and keep Sonic from finishing, he would slow it down on the rodent’s end while he stroked himself, alternating back to the hedgehog when he got close.

The rodent didn’t hide his agitation forever. First, there was more crying which wasn’t something he noticed right away since Sonic and been crying the whole damn time paying it little attention once he knew it wasn’t from physical discomfort. Second, the blue blur started to hiss at him in anger rather than fear which he noticed because the sound stirred him more. Eggman could have sworn Sonic had gotten better at hissing, was extremely frustrated and/or the listener now found it a turn on. That hiss was still nowhere near Shadow’s, but it still could catch someone off guard. It was fortunate the rodent’s hiss was different from his rival’s because it was just harsh enough to warrant a response while leaving out the guttural tone that made Shadow’s so unsettling. The hissing he was hearing right was a demand to let him cum. The villain knew he could edge this out another ten minutes if he really pushed it, but he didn’t feel the need and he was impatient; he wanted to give Sonic his surprise.

Sonic had grown furious from then up and downs, hissing up a storm in the weariness he felt himself at risk of becoming overstimulated. It was not painful yet, but if this kept going, it would hurt like hell when he did ejacul*te. The hero noticed the louder, nastier hissing he had managed to make grab the doctor’s full awareness. In fact, Eggman was looking at him in a scrutinizing way that Sonic had never seen before. It reminded him of the few times Amy had forced him into some clothes letting her eyes roam over him. He didn’t get to think about the look’s meaning further because the doctor finally picked up the pace and he was close, breathing raggedly moving and pushing his legs and feet against the metal surface. This time, his org*sm didn’t happen unexpectedly, so he was cognizant of everything around him as he curled the ends of his feet, made fists, and gasped for air while the muscles near his groin contracted multiple times, outpacing the amount of contractions he usually got, and the intensity was off the charts compared to any other org*sm in his life.

The tip of Sonic’s dick felt like it exploded, in…a good way. His hearing went to sh*t, as usual, but he noticed the doctor leering at him like the degenerate he was, yet that sh*t eating grin was missing. Eggman looked strained. As his hearing returned, Sonic could hear his nemesis breathing hard and making the occasional noise. He thought the f*cker was having a heart attack and that would normally be a cause for celebration but if the fat f*ck died now, it would leave him shackled to the metal plate. Never mind the cum, he would be unable to reach food or water, forced to piss and sh*t where he was as he began to get thirstier. He could probably convince the bots to somehow prevent him from dying of dehydration, but it would be a nightmare situation to be in when he was rescued. The prisoner noticed it wouldn’t come to that when Eggman stood up, aimed his erection toward Sonic, giving the blue blur a distasteful view of trimmed pubic hair and a dangling nut sack in the background. Once he understood the doctor’s gross intention, it was already happening, discharges of sem*n hitting his chest and face.

Sonic screamed in horror making it worse by allowing the sem*n to get into his mouth, causing a gag reflex from the bitterness while he shook his head trying to get some of it to fall or splash off with little success. His fur was like a damn magnate for the spunk and the only part he could be grateful for was none of it getting into his eyes by some miracle. Dr. Eggman paid his captive no mind while he sat, enjoying his afterglow. To say that Sonic was overwhelmed before this “surprise” was an understatement. When Sonic had come to the realization there wasn’t a f*cking thing he could do to fight or prevent his rape, he had done everything to get through it quickly with the least chance of incurring physical damage. Eggman was not an unknown assailant trying to hide his identity when he was caught, nor would he be subject to any official form of law. Sonic had done what was best to survive and the sh*tstain still felt the need to top it off with something f*cking extra.

Eggman cum shooting his captive for a quick laugh was only funny to him. Once his victim got over the initial alarm of suddenly being covered in the hot substance, he grasped the extent of what had just occurred. Sonic realized what his nemesis had been doing the whole time under the desk while watching him, why he was so distracted, and why the whole act had been prolonged. The man hadn’t just humiliated him for revenge. Dr. Eggman had been sexually aroused while raping him and that was an ominous layer he never believed was in the man’s reasoning because every sexual act before this one had been framed in the light of scientific research. Discovering his nemesis got sexual satisfaction from him in any way, shape, or form was repulsive and a whole new level of terrifying. The blue blur chastised himself for not assuming it from the start, that every sexual deviant act had to have some sexual motivation, no matter how trivial. Humiliation, control, and shame were obvious factors but now lust was a confirmed justification.

Sonic stopped trying to remove the sperm. He wanted off this perverse bondage device and away from the sad*st in front of him. He began to scream, wail, hiss, and cry but he was so dehydrated by now his tears were mostly dry. Eggman rubbed his temple as the blue hedgehog screamed. He could tell by the look on the rodent’s face accompanied by the strange wildness within the screaming and wailing that his surprise had not been taken as a nauseating joke.

“I admit, I didn’t expect to get anything out of that myself, but I’m sure not going to complain. It has been over two months. Ah, the perils of growing old and eating unhealthily!” The doctor tested the water and laughed at himself while his captive predictively screamed.


“Calm down Sonic. I admit that joke was in poor taste. I’ll be taking you back to your cage and then we need to have a talk about tomorrow before we go to bed,” the doctor clarified.


The blue bur ran out of air while his nemesis used that time to pop the buttons of his pants back together and went to gather a dish towel and wet it with warm water. He needed to deescalate Sonic before taking him back. If he couldn’t get him to cooperate, he would have to make cruel threats to convince him to participate tomorrow, threats that the hedgehog couldn’t ignore. Eggman knew Sonic could be at a breaking point as far as cooperating with him and playing along with the livestream or its rewards, but he knew a cum shot didn’t make the rodent go insane. The only way his threats would not work is if Sonic had truly lost his mind to the point that he didn’t care about what happened to his friends and family. Dr. Eggman didn’t know if he could ever break Sonic to the point of not caring about Tails or Shadow without literally giving him brain damage.

The doctor came back with several wet dish towels and began to carefully wipe his own ejacul*te off Sonic’s face, careful not to get it in his eyes. Sonic hissed at him the whole time and tried to kick him. He mentally smacked himself for not thinking about that when he came up with the idea. The rodent must have shut his eyes at just the right time or else he would be walking into the livestream tomorrow with potentially red eyes, depending on how bad the reaction may have been. The hissing did not let up the entire time he cleaned the mess off. What was stuck in the fur would have to be rinsed off.

“Alright most of it is gone. Are you better now? If I unshackle you, will you behave and not doing anything stupid or drastic?” Eggman asked.

All he got was hissing in return.

“‘HISSSSSSSS’ is not an answer, Sonic. Are you going to be calm if I take the restraints off?”

The doctor watched him closely. He could just paralyze the blue blur and take him to the cage but getting the hedgehog there wasn’t the point. He needed to evaluate how angry or disturbed he was. He wanted to know the chances of Sonic staying up all night and refusing to do the livestream tomorrow or a variation of disrupting it by refusing to speak, screaming. or acting inappropriately in any number of ways in a fit of revenge.

Sonic finally spoke, “HISSSSSS f*ckING PERVERT! RAPHISSSSSSST. YOU. YOU WERE MASTURBATIG WHISSSSSSSS WHILE DOING THAT TO ME. HOW HISSSSSSS IS THAT REVENGE. IT’S JUST DHISSSSGUSTING. WHAT DO YOU WHAT FROM m-m-me n-n-now that you see me like…that…ughhh…,” Sonic finished, his wailing diminishing to crying from the dryness in his mouth and throat.

Dr. Eggman rarely felt shame, but he did a little for getting off…on Sonic at all. Let alone Sonic’s sounds, his pleasure, and his suffering. All three went together perfectly and they had stirred him. The sounds the most riled the doctor, from the chirps, squeaking, to the angry hissing near the end commanding to give Sonic what he needed to finish. There was a untamed streak to that hiss causing it fall between the realms of the conscious being and the wild, uncontrollable part of nature. Watching Sonic cum had put him near the edge, but as far as the suffering went, it was more about having total control over the situation and the rodent’s pleasure that did it. The actual crying and wailing hadn’t been much of a turn on.

“I’ve just never thought of Sonic in that way…until THIS. I wonder if I would have the same reaction if the hedgehog were his usual size. My arousal could have been a freak incident but if not…how much fun it would be to have him at my mercy without these size constraints, to try…sh*t! I shouldn’t think that way! It’s weird...It is too dangerous. A concrete scheme to place him in the most resilient bonds would still be too unsafe. One mistake and I would end up dead…Well, not if all I indulged in was running my hands through his quills to get hissed at. That would be fairly safe and funny. Now that I’ve thought about it once, the idea will keep popping up when I’m bored. Hmph…I’ll have to consider it if there is time.” Eggman thought of ways to milk this new interest for all it was worth with the few days he had remaining.

He called a bot over, “I need oil number 05, Pill 02 in micro doses based on sheet 227 in Sonic’s main folder. Quickly.”

The bot zoomed off. Eggman decided to give Sonic a chance first before resorting to threats. He would get him cleaned up, oil his quills, and then see how he was acting. The doctor went to the refrigerator and got a bottle of water and used the cap. At first Sonic just hissed persistently until he finally gave in and drank slowly, having to refill that cap several times.

“Getting hard…wasn’t expected: a freak occurrence, nothing more, nothing less. It has been over two months so yes, I took advantage of the opportunity. Knowing myself, it wasn’t you in a physical sense that caused it, but rather the complete control I had over you. I’ll repeat, the cum shot at the end was a joke that I didn’t think through. The good news is under 98% of circ*mstances you won’t do anything for me, so I don’t want anything from you in that respect. The bad news is during the two percent I got hazy enough to believe drenching you was just an amusing little prank,” Eggman explained, lying when he knew it was best to do so.

Sonic listened often looking disgusted but settled on anger. He was still sniffling.

“Y-you thank that makes better y-your depraved behavior somehow e-excusable or justifiable?!” the hedgehog asked incredulously.

“No. You asked what I wanted from you now that I saw you ‘that’ way and I was answering your question that it happened under very rare and specific circ*mstances, so the answer would be nothing,” the doctor replied.

None of what the doctor said helped explain his absurd reason of “it being just a joke” and the hedgehog didn’t feel at all reassured by the confirmation of his arousal being a rare event. All Eggman’s ridiculous clarifications did was reduce the blue blur to sobbing on the metal slab, refusing to respond again. Eggman knew the rationale he gave was sh*t, primarily lies or speculation, so he didn’t feel confident about tomorrow, deciding he might need to up his coercion strategy. The bot came back with the items he requested waiting for its master. There was a box located on a desk near the left side of the room containing all the Shadow and Rouge’s theme rewards Sonic had not chosen where Eggman removed several items but selected one of the scented body washes to use now and walked over to the bot, taking the oil. After placing the oil and body wash by the sink, the captor went to unshackle Sonic who skeptically watched before beginning to slide down the metal quickly landing on his enemy’s hand, allowing the prisoner to sit while he was being carried over to the sink.

“HISSSSSSS. What the f*ck are you doing? I want you to leave me alone!” the blue blur said angrily.

Eggman turned the water on spray mode and waited for it to reach a comfortable temperature.

“Not quite yet. You need to be cleaned and use this oil on your quills. I noticed they are splintering, and this will help get rid of the dryness. I suspect it might be a side effect of your size alteration based on how rapidly the damage has accumulated. Although, I’m not sure and won’t be until I have more information; however, the machine that got you this way is close to being fixed.” Sonic’s ears perked back up when he heard about the machine. “Under the water you go! Please behave so I don’t have to paralyze you. I’d rather not because it’s best to have your assistance when applying the oil,” the roboticist explained.

Sonic wanted to know more about the machine being nearly repaired because it added credence to his theory about how Eggman planned to escape right under their noses. It explained why the fat f*ck was even bothering to fix it. If the doctor had another way of safely fleeing, why waste energy restoring a wrecked device only his rodent needed, rather than leaving it broken for one last laugh? Sonic would be in a bind until Tails or someone else could repair it: a typical Egghead stunt.

The blur blue was let down inside the sink, all too glad to get away from his abuser’s hand, feeling the water falling on him neither too hot nor too cold. He wanted to roll into a ball, display his quills, and persist doing so but Eggman made it clear he would just be paralyzed enabling the pervert complete control over bathing him how he pleased. Wanting to keep some control over his own body, Sonic stood quivering and crying under the water. He was not happy to feel Eggman pour some fragrance on him. He hissed immediately and continued to hiss as his captor meticulously started to scrub his fur, beginning with his back. The doctor was making sure to massage the skin using enough pressure to knead the muscle below. The bathing massage felt physically terrific for the hedgehog and that is why it was such a profound violation. At the same time Sonic’s skin and muscles felt alleviation, the feeling of an achy emptiness began to expand within his chest—the same feeling he had when the roboticist caressed in between his quills waiting for him to calm down during the rape. Whacking Eggman away didn’t deter him nor did the increased trembling and sniveling.

“f*cking stop! I can clean myself. I-I don’t want your…hands on me…,” Sonic complained.

Eggman’s needed to keep testing he rodent’s mood while trying to deescalate him and a part of him…wanted to clean Sonic: to feel his fur. The fat ass always made what he wanted the priority.

“This is faster and I’m not up to anything, so why does it matter?” the doctor replied dismissively.

Sonic began to cry and sob again has he was forced to endure being cleaned with Cherry Blossom scented body wash, which smelt so good that he attempted to calm himself using the smell, but that wasn’t possible when it was obvious Dr. Eggman wasn’t giving him a normal bath; this was thorough and bathing didn’t include a damn message, even if he did require one sleeping on that sh*tty bed. The doctor was done with everything expect the rodent’s stomach and legs. The captor managed to clean the legs while ignoring constant hissing and wailing, but the stomach was an issue, as Sonic used his arms to guard himself, even moving to the edge of the sink to stand in front, falling to his knees rocking and hissing. Eggman didn’t expect the trembling hedgehog to turn his heard to look straight at him and speak.

“After everything, w-what the f*ck! You raped me, disgusting pig! So, can’t you at least have the decency to let me clean this one area my f*cking self?” Sonic glared.

It was a reasonable request, and it was not worth using the 3rd button over. Besides, the hedgehog did have a point. The doctor held out the nozzle and let the hedgehog gather the soap, after which he turned around and started cleaning himself, hissing to see if the doctor moved to try and bother him. Eggman heard some pain gasps as the hedgehog was cleaning the area of his stomach which was essentially his groin.

“Why is there pain in that area?” Eggman asked nonchalantly.

The doctor got hisses in return. The villain sighed in irritation.

“Can you just tell me, or will you really make me look?” Eggman asked.

He saw Sonic stoop his shoulders in defeat and shudder.

“Damnit y-you really are…a heartless f*cking p-person if you c-c-can even be considered a person a-anymore …It hurts because you had me w-watch…those films and forced me to…f-f-finish and…then the…the rape…you made it last too l-l-long so its inflamed…are you f*cking happy now, creep?” Sonic asked weeping while he finished washing off the soap.

The doctor certainly was NOT happy. Inflamed sounded like it could be visible which would pose an issue…for a short time during the livestream. Most of challenge, Sonic’s lower body would not be visible but at the beginning and at the end it would be. He could wrap a frozen piece of food in plastic and light cloth to make an ice pack and the medication could help. It was an issue to deal with tomorrow.

“I see. No, I am not happy about it since that wasn’t the intention. I’ll give you an ice pack and medicine for tonight. Let’s get the quills over with,” the captor finished by putting a towel over Sonic and taking him out of the sink, placing him on the counter.

The blue blur said nothing about the ice pack or medicine. The only sounds he made were hissing while getting his quills dried off, Sonic’s fur was left for the hedgehog to dry himself. Eggman didn’t want to keep causing the pest to cry by drying his fur, so he grabbed the oil bottle.

“Ok, this needs to be rubbed into the skin and placed on the quills overnight. You wash it out in the morning. I will spread your quills while you rub it in,” He didn’t ask, holding out the bottle to let Sonic to get ready to collect the drops in his hands, which he reluctantly did and then Eggman spread the largest quill bundle allowing the hedgehog easy access to the dry skin in-between.

The blue blur didn’t complain as much about letting the asshole continue spreading his spines because any oil that could keep his quills from drying out and crumbling was worth using. The hero felt a nice tingling, cool sensation on the skin he rubbed the oil into.

“W-what is that?” The hedgehog asked.

Eggman was confused for a moment until he remembered how he created the oil.

“Oh, I made it relieve any itchiness and to clear away any high concentrations of oil accumulating in one place to open clogged pores. What you are feeling is itch-relief, but mostly it is pores releasing what’s been clogging them while being exposed to the air. That’s why it must be washed out in the morning to remove all the excess old, released natural oil,” the doctor explained.

Sonic was startled that this was something Eggman MADE, and it was doing something helpful. He couldn’t imagine why his nemesis would ever make oil to help with dry quills. It didn’t make sense.

Sonic paused and looked up at him asking, “Why would you make oil to help with quill issues. You make death robots!”

His nemesis laughed.

“Oh, far back before I became the absolute monster that I am now, I made a lot of things besides death robots even while fighting you. I made this for a friend who had damaged quills. It may be surprising, but I didn’t hate hedgehogs just because you happened to be one. Hahaha! I think I wanted to…retire world domination. I would still make death robots to challenge you in combat for because watching you in action is like capturing lightning in a bottle, but everything else would’ve been helpful products to tidy up some of my reputation so she would have an easier time existing and starting a new legacy once I died…But that didn’t happen.”

“I’m like ‘capturing lightning in a bottle’ to him when I destroy his favorite toys? If that isn’t a conflict of interest, I don’t know what is. At the end of the day, it sounds like an obsession, and it has turn unhealthy for me…but it is also destroying him. I don’t think I want to know how deep this goes.” Sonic thought when that metaphor caught his ear.

The blue blur remained quiet in thought continuing to work the oil into his skin as Eggman moved aside the quills. He felt so…furious that the future could have been so difference if Sage were around: Eggman doing good to model for his daughter and finding peace. He wanted to kick and scream. There was no way to save her. It didn’t excuse one f*cking thing the doctor had done too Sonic either. Still, he couldn’t help imagining a future where he would only fight Eggman’s best creations for the sport of it, teach Sage emotions, and hang out with his former enemy. It was so crazy, but it could have happened or maybe in some alternate reality it did. He knew better than ever to voice any thoughts about Sage again though.

“Well…I hope you leave behind your helpful inventions when you make your escape. You’ll be given credit for them, but I doubt it will do much to save your reputation at this point. I don’t see you fighting to the death against Shadow when the odds are not highly in your favor and I don’t see how you can take all this with you,” Sonic said, hoping to get anything, no matter how minuscule out of all this suffering.

The doctor was surprised Sonic bothered mentioning his escape, let alone ask him to leave behind anything helpful so that it could introduced to the mass market. Part of him thought the rodent believed his escape to be giant lie; instead, believing he had a death wish to follow his daughter, which he would if there were a shred of proof of an afterlife, or that he planned to fight until the very end against Shadow. The rodent was right. The odds were stacked high against his headquarters. The blue blur knew him too well.

“Sure, why not. Take what you want and the instructions on how to make it. I would highly suggest you investigate my folder about cats…There are many therapies I created to treat lung damage and infection as well as physical therapy methods to safely rebuild muscle. I should have already released it myself but because of who it’s from, I assumed it would not be used. Might want to slap a fake name on everything unless you want to scare them off,” Eggman suggested seriously.

Sonic wanted to scream. All this wasted potential, all his pain, and his chest ache over some f*cking revenge for a death that was not his fault. He was just being used as a punching bag because he was the right next to Sage when she died. Eggman just wanted to torture someone to get his mind off his own f*cking anguish. None of this was fair and the f*cking fat f*ck didn’t listen to sense when the hedgehog made a case for himself, but he has a folder full new treatment sitting around that could save cat lives! Emeralds, what a disaster of a being.

“I know why he hates me mentioning Sage other than it being a reminder of her death. It also reminds him of the fault in his logic regarding his revenge while he’s taking such joy in it. He doesn’t want to end the party! If he admits to…being wrong, that means I didn’t deserve this hatred or punishment, and then he would have to face what he’s done to me. He’s too much of a f*cking coward for that! It’s easier to keep wounding me than to admit when he caught me in this condition, he saw someone who could not fight back, couldn’t help himself from humiliating in ways that couldn’t be seen by cameras, and kept going instead of doing the right thing: stopping immediately, realizing what a terrible mistake he made, explaining himself honestly, and getting me home safe. There is always time to stop; he could still cease at any time without giving me a reason or explanation and simply free me. The sh*tty, cowardly, worthless, piece of garbage! And he even admits he is going to escape unscathed, but I know the machine he is going to use and how he is going to use it sneak out in plain sight, which means I have a chance of stopping him and watching Eggman die! If I could somehow fit it into a conversation tomorrow, ‘Imagine I was so small you couldn’t even see me’ but…I don’t intend on participating in that sh*t anymore: not after…this. He can shove that livestream up his ass, if he can even reach it,” Sonic thought as he finished up the last of the quills.

Dr. Eggman watched Sonic’s reactions very carefully and two things were clear. First, Sonic was sane, deeply hurt, but not broken. Second, he was livid and was only cooperating when given absolutely no other choice. The doctor didn’t bathe the hedgehog because it was quick or to be nice. He did it to test his level of cooperation, which was low, only allowing it to avoid being rendered unable to move with his nemesis who might disgustingly touch, fondle, and abuse to teach another lesson. The oil was to keep his quills looking healthy enough for the cameras, and again, to test cooperation. Sonic had cooperated with the quills, but if he was trying to hide his seething, he failed with his glares, his breathing almost becoming growls, and the hissing. Most of Sonic’s hissing Eggman recognized was mostly involuntary, something his body would do in reaction to a threat coming close; everything about his captor was a threat right now.

It had also taken far too long to get the blue blur to speak to him, agree to be unchained, and to drink water. Everything about Sonic right now was saying: “f*ck you! You can’t hurt me any worse so go to hell with your f*cking games. I’m not taking part in any of it!” If he had a day or two before the livestream to cool off, the hedgehog would likely cooperate in the challenge just to keep his amenities and avoid punishments, but the livestream was tomorrow, and the blue blur’s emotions ruled his actions now. He could easily sabotage it without thinking or caring about the consequences. Negative reinforcement could only do so much in this case, so the doctor would use the carrot and the stick instead of just the stick this time around. He would give the chance to win Sonic an item he could use to help Shadow…and prevent his brother’s personal information from being made available. The livestream would go swimmingly tomorrow, in more ways than one, because Sonic viewed himself as a hero first and foremost. He would not give up the opportunity to help his crush or keep his brother out of the public’s eye.

Eggman sighed and decided to get to the point.

“I know you are aware of the livestream tomorrow, and I haven’t failed to notice the rage, dejection, and gloom when it comes to anything of importance to me, including the livestream; I must insist you participate in its challenge and present yourself the same way you did during the first. Not for me; of course, but for yourself, despite not caring what happens at this exact moment, consideration for your own wellbeing will return sooner than you think, and you do what to keep your brother and your friends safe, do you not?” his nemesis said sternly.

Sonic glared at his assaulter in awe of the audacity of this asshole grilling him on the livestream right after the man’s…filthy bodily fluids had been cleaned off his fur. Fury was bubbling inside him he had never experienced before. It had been no more than an hour after the rape and the f*ck was back to business constructing assurances so his stupid f*cking show would go off without a hitch. I loathed his nemesis, and he didn’t care about that f*cking livestream, but if it was important to Eggman; thus, the threats were already starting. Sonic rubbed his hands over his face wiping away fresh tears. He didn’t know how to “be the same way as last time” after what just happened today because he felt too empty and disgusting to be seen by everyone…like they would be able to see he was…tainted.

“So, you are starting in on the threats, you spiteful f*ck! Look at your detector. I feel filthy, tired, miserable, and yes, I am f*cking angry. Things are d-d-different from the last t-time, okay! Now I-I don’t feel like…I’m…me anymore,” Sonic finally said while he cried lightly, wiping his tears, trying to explain how he couldn’t just go out there effortlessly exhibiting the same devil-may-care attitude.

Eggman stopped looking at his detector. The rodent wasn’t lying, but he had accounted for it. Sonic could need motivation, something that represented a beacon of hope to guide him, make him strive to triumph. A mere threat would force him to go on that livestream and try, but his “spirit” wouldn’t along for the ride, risking the normies noticing the hopelessness in the rodent’s demeanor. Eggman had an ace up his sleeve. He could give Sonic the chance to gain a data chip that would provide the man Sonic loved protection. Putting something he could earn up for grabs that could be used against Shadow’s enemies would put that signature spark back in those emerald eyes.

Dr. Eggman sat down and leaned closer to the blue blur huddled in his towel but not close enough to cause a fit of hissing. He raised his goggles and glasses away from his blue eyes and looked at Sonic, who was fixated on what he’d never seen before. He wanted to show the rodent his entire range of expression and to give the hedgehog a chance to see how serious this matter was to him too. The data drive was almost as personal to the doctor as it was to Shadow. It was something he was planning to leave Sonic anyway before escaping, but what Sonic didn’t know didn’t matter.

The doctor drank some water before speaking, “Yes, as usual I do have a threat, but I doubt it will concern you much once you hear your motivation. You won’t be trying your damndest tomorrow to avoid punishment Sonic. You will succeed because it will help someone you love to maintain his relatively safe, peaceful lifestyle and provide him with closure. Do you recall your bother talking to the locals around town reporting G.U.N. nabbing people for questioning who would never be seen or heard from again?”

Sonic perked up when his enemy mentioned this “he” whom Sonic loved being part of his motivation. He knew he was falling into Eggman’s flytrap, but he wanted to know more about how it could help Shadow through its relation to G.U.N. If there was really something he could take home with him to give his rival more freedom to live normally, then all Sonic’s misery would not add up to nothing.

“Yes,” Sonic replied.

“Excellent. Those people are all dead: shot execution style by G.U.N. agents because they knew or saw too much. Any families who didn’t get scared off had car accidents and the like. You get an idea. I hacked their servers in advance, before the organization wiped all incriminating data from their connected devices once they knew Shadow was seen by the news media and wouldn’t be swiftly recaptured. What I have, hedgehog, is the execution footage of dozens of individuals dating back 50 years…along with Maria’s. An ARK camera captured the moment she was shot dead in cold blood; why the fools kept this, I do not know. Don’t you wonder why Shadow takes their contracts after all that organization has done to him?”

The hedgehog looked at Dr. Eggman in disbelief.

“No…I thought it was weird that he did, but I didn’t want to pry, but wait! How do I know you are not lying about this, or you won’t screw me over…and how do I even use th—

Eggman smiled wickedly but the grin wasn’t meant for Sonic. This was revenge against someone else and the hedgehog could tell there was a lot more to this than Shadow or even the livestream.

“‘Seeing is believing’, right? You can be the judge of whether it’s a ‘lie’ or not by plugging in the data chip and watching the material tomorrow morning. You might want to have a puke bag handy since it is over an hour of people getting their brains blown to bits…Now I’ll get to the point you care most about. G.U.N still has it out for Shadow because of what he knows and what he is regardless of his mental stability and dedication to protecting the innocent population. What they can’t subjugate and use, they destroy, so the pricks are still bidding their time waiting to take Shadow down and I deeply suspect he takes their contracts to keep his enemy close. How to use it? Hahaha! Imagine what this footage would do to G.U.N.’s reputation if it were to say…fall into the hands of someone who already has a bias with influence in the news media industry? All those enraged families, government laws, the marching for justice, the riots around their recruitment centers, known bases, etcetera. It would weaken them to the point where the target would be off your dear future boyfriend’s back. Give Shadow the footage, let him know about Maria, and watch him do what he does best. Enjoy the sight of G.U.N. burning to the ground, along with that heterochromia-eyed scum with it!” Eggman paused to catch his breath, having gotten more zealous than he meant as Sonic looked at him intently trying to gauge his nemesis’ intentions.

“You may have noticed I have a personal stake in this as well. I admit my grandfather created many dangerous subjects and performed horrendous experiments to find a cure for Maria, but G.U.N. had alternative methods of taking over the ARK and shutting people’s mouths. Mass murder, pinning everything on my grandfather before executing him, and ruining my family’s reputation was the quickest and easiest way to accomplish their goal. If you fail tomorrow, I’m going to release the footage before escaping but it won’t be done delicately. Shadow was created to save another person and didn’t have control over his own life until relatively recently. If you earn this data chip you can give it to brooding Ultimate Lifeform, allowing him to fittingly control when and how this fifty-plus-year old feud finally ends. I don’t think I need to explain how therapeutic that would be for him or why I want to see G.U.N. wiped off the face of the planet.” Eggman paused again and saw the spark of determination in Sonic, “Do you understand now?”

The hedgehog had been looking into Eggman’s eyes the entire time and saw an old festering grudge. It made sense. G.U.N. did kill the doctor’s family. He wanted them destroyed and…Shadow deserved to have the final say more than anyone else. Sonic had no doubt that his rival would make use of the recordings, especially when he learned they kept…Maria’s death like a sick trophy. If this footage would help Shadow take out G.U.N. to keep himself safe…then of course Sonic f*cking wanted it! There was just one thing that didn’t sit right.

“That would mean helping Shadow…who wants you dead. Why would you want to help someone who is a threat to you?” Sonic asked, still paranoid.

Dr. Eggmn gave out a laugh that sounded…normal, even healthy before closing his eyes for a few moments and sighing…sadly “I made Shadow a threat by choosing to take my revenge on you over all else. I have very little to lose in terms of what I truly hold dear, and Shadow isn’t going to harm my cats. I have no ill will toward your rival: quite the opposite. I met Shadow while I was young on the ARK where my mom wished to end her long battle with cancer. My memories are hazy, but Shadow and Maria helped keep my mind off her impending death, but I don’t believe he recalls me. Either way, I sure as hell don’t want Shadow taken down by the likes of G.U.N.! He’s no threat because he won’t be able to find me where I’m heading. I lose nothing by helping you destroy a fellow adversary. You are one of the few people I can trust to give the chip to him, Sonic. You do love Shadow, right?” The doctor asked, waiting to see Sonic blush under his tan fur and nod.

“Good. Then you have your motivation for tomorrow. I’m fixated on the here and now while you have a whole future to consider Sonic, and a safer, happier Shadow is a good start, eh? Go ahead and think for five minutes while I start to copy the data onto a new chip for you. Take this pill while you are at it. It’s a low dose pain killer that will prevent aches and relax your body. Before you ask, it’s not going to make you sick, knock you out, or get you high.” Eggman finished and walked away somewhere over toward the other side of the room, not worried about Sonic trying to run away.

Sonic grabbed the piece of pill and swallowed it using the cap of water. His nemesis had no reason to want him incapacitated right now so he did not hesitate. He didn’t care to feel the aftermath of the assault. Turning to look, he saw the doctor was still going through similar drawers facing the opposite way. Sonic took a breath and hesitantly brought his hand downward feeling his opening to check for injuries. This was unfathomable to the hero—having the need to feel around and inside slightly for such a terrible reason before pulling his shaking hand back up. He saw no sign of blood on his fingers, only having noticed some discomfort while poking around, which was at worst soreness.

The hedgehog was relieved he wasn’t technically injured along with the respite of sensing the voice starting to return from whatever edge of his mind it retreated to when he let his emotions overtake it. Sonic centered himself using the scent of the body wash and listened to the inner voice: “You did what was best to survive and avoid injury; there is nothing to be ashamed of. The livestream is going to happen so think only of its positives: you will see your friends, you can get that data chip to help Shadow, winning might net you something to keep your mind off things, and you might be able to sneak in a hint about Eggman’s method of escape. Keep your emotions UNDER CONTOL no matter what he says or threatens. Listen to Eggman carefully for his f*ck ups about your current location or his escape. What has happened to you here is awful, but you can’t heal from it until after you escape so keep your mind off those memories using the notebook or whatever else you have. Even Eggman knows his time is limited because rescue is coming. You are going home with people who will understand your pain and support you. Trust in them. Don’t forget you are Sonic the Hedgehog. You make mistakes, yet you always survive and beat the odds. Never give up!”

What the voice insisted was easier said than done but Sonic knew it was correct and most importantly…it felt like himself. As arduous as it was going to be, he had to make it through until rescue got its ass here. Sonic had not realized it, but he had partially accomplished Shadow suggestion if the worst started to happen.

While the blue blur was basically meditating, Dr. Eggman had started loading all the recordings on the tiny metal chip. All that was left was to wait for them to copy over successfully. He wondered if Shadow would end up letting the world see Maria’s heroic sacrifice or if he would destroy it, letting her memory rest forever. It was a tragic, brutal clip of the frail girl bravely refusing to let that soldier deter her in those final moments when she displayed her courage, determination, and love.

“I’m glad this will be off my chest because both decisions are simultaneously correct. Shadow might know what she would have wanted. Either way, this will be the final nail in G.U.N.’s coffin. Even if there are only a few left alive who were part the original massacre, the source of its well is poisoned. The father of the sh*t stain of a commander was part of that source and that man’s fascination with my cousin is disturbing, not that I have room to judge. Hahaha. As if I care! I’ll judge him anyway. Have fun watching you and your daddy’s work burn. Sorry, but you will have to find another way to get yourself killed Shadow. G.U.N. doesn’t deserve the honor.” The roboticist mused.

The loading bar still had halfway to go. Eggman decided to get on with the threat, deciding to try and make that story short when he really wanted to tell it in a dramatic fashion, but it wasn’t worth getting the rodent aggravated again. He walked back over to the blue hedgehog who immediately looked up at him with a glare. Seeing Sonic’s bare foot popping out of the towel, he went and grabbed the familiar red footwear and gloves, placing them near the rodent, who was able to prevent himself from hissing. Just as he suspected, most of it was involuntary when the hedgehog felt exceedingly threatened, proof Sonic was starting to calm down.

The doctor started to speak, “You’ve heard the motivation and now I have the threat. Again, it’s information that I will post for everyone to download and gawk at. Oh, save that glare until you hear it. You might not have an endless supply like Shadow. Hehe! In a village over one hundred miles away from any large city there once lived a beautiful daughter of one of the more influential famers it the community. This daughter gave birth before dying years later of an unknown wasting sickness. I know this because the city has laws and regulations requiring even the smallest villages to keep various records to be granted a trading license to sell their excess crop. I interrogated anyone who had anything of value to impart. To make a long story short, the daughter was young and had no husband, which the villagers judged her for, until they realized the truth, which was evident as soon as the boy was born. The grandfather was also the father. The father ‘disappeared’ the night after and was never seen again. They might have a building that they call a court for the city’s regulators, but in truth, they have their own form of justice, which I found rather refreshing. By the look on your face, I think you know the last name of the woman and her son.”

Sonic knew. This had to be the story of Tails’ mother and it was a miserable tale that his brother did not need to know. He expected as much from Eggman but that didn’t make him any less appalled. He crazy f*ck must have gathered this information awhile ago likely doing the same type of “investigation” on every single person close to him. Sonic sighed angerly.

“Yes, you f*cking freak. I know the last name and you won’t be posting sh*t. I’ll play along with your livestream, but after this bullsh*t is over how do I know, you will get rid of that knowledge, huh?! What’s to stop you from posting it later?” Sonic asked; he couldn’t trust the doctor.

Eggman tapped his fingers against the desk and thought of how to prove something like that.

Eggman pinched his temple, “I have nothing against Tails personally. He doesn’t matter one way or the other so I can only give you, my word. In the first place, there’s one thing you might want to consider before having me just ‘delete it all’ Sonic. Have you mulled over the possibility that not everything I heard and found in that village was problematic? I was able to recover a photo of Tails’ mother holding him before she became too ill. I have recordings of two village women would spoke about how much she adored Miles and was proud that he was able prove she was the victim and bring her father to justice. It kept her safe. Because she could not walk much, she was the one who taught your brother everything including encouraging him to take things apart, pestering the other villagers to hand things over they did not use. I also took her items which besides the photo, includes a necklace, baby teeth, a tuff of wrapped up fur, and her journal. Don’t you want to go through it all yourself and keep some or all of it after the livestream?”

Sonic stood up, wide-eyed, letting the towel fall. If all that existed, then…it wouldn’t be right to keep it hidden. He had to at least give Tails his mother’s belongings, but doing so would mean explaining Eggman got them from the village. Someone as clever and curious as Tails would put together all the pieces. Destroying it all to keep his brother in the dark would be disrespectful to the mother and a betrayal to his brother.

“f*ck! Why do things always have to suck!” Sonic screamed.

Eggman wasn’t stupid she he knew what Sonic was grappling with.

“I think you are looking at this entirely the wrong way rodent. Aside from the crime of one sick f*ck, it all rather uplifting. It’s mostly testimony about what a great person his mother was, and her journal chronicles her illness along with her desire to live, but just as importantly, based on the symptoms in her journal, she likely died of cancer like her mother before her. The family health history on Tails’ mother’s side that she penned is something he should know to be checked for regularly. The villager who kept these items was planning on giving them to Miles when he was older. She didn’t know he would take off. I also…promised her I would pass on the items to him. Why would giving him all this privately even be an issue when it was all meant to be his in the first place? My mother died young and was sick for years, but I wouldn’t want to forget her. Hell, I wish I remembered her more!” his nemesis said with some actual emotion.

The doctor was a monster at this point and had done the unforgivable but even someone as f*cking toxic as him could have a point on occasion. The threat of making it publicly available without consent was the moral wrong: not the actual content. If he was the one to hand this to his brother explaining how Eggman had dug up dirt on everyone and left this stuff behind, it would be… proper for Tails to have it. It was real confirmation of his mother’s love. As upsetting as the incest aspect was, Eggman did have a point about his bro needing to pay regular attention to his health more than the standard person.

Sonic spoke, “I f*cking hate to say it but you are right. I want to keep it all so I can go through it and then pass it on to my brother and I should also fulfill that promise you made to that lady you prick. Did anyone say where the father was buried, or did you already exhume the asshole and store his bones by any chance? My brother…is going to want confirmation he is dead.” Sonic tightened his fist after saying those words because it meant he accepted that his brother might be the type to hunt the man down.

Eggman chuckled, “No, I did not go and dig up the body, but I did look at the graveyard. There were two unmarked graves that matched the timing. If your brother wants the bones, I suggest unearthing the unmarked graves and performing a DNA analysis to confirm relation and then shoving it in his medical records before he obliterates what’s left of the guy. I don’t know why…but Miles seems like the laser type. Man, you are going to have to put up with a light show at your hou—

“Please just shut up. I already know I won’t be able to stop him from secretly digging those bodies up. That’s f*cking nasty enough. He will have to find somewhere els—”

“Uh, you might want to have someone go with him for that or go with him yourself. The older villagers informed me how he was bullied, and I doubt it will be a nice reunion if your sweet, innocent brother happens to see or accidentally runs into one of them. I know what I would do to them, or should I say, what I would not do.” His nemesis smirked at the hedgehog.

“He’s not like you!” Sonic hissed.

“So, there is absolutely no way that a kid who is going back to dig up his father’s remains to make sure the man is truly dead so he doesn’t have to hunt him down himself wouldn’t have a curse to yell or a fist to swing at people who once terrorized him into running away? Riiiiggghhhtttt. Whatever. Take your chances then. It’s not like anyone is going to care what your brother does to some morons so far away from civilization. Hahaha!”

Sonic snarled as his nemesis continued to laugh. Again, the bastard was right. It wouldn’t be safe to go alone to dig up a f*cking grave in the first place. The grave SHOULD be left as is, but the blue blur didn’t want his brother resorting to lying and sneaking either to get whatever closure he would need and the DNA for…medical purposes—Sonic wouldn’t have thought about the significance.

“Ugh! Can you take me back to my cage now. You heard what you wanted from me for your dumb livestream and took much more, you twisted bastard! f*ck you on your definitions and technicalities. Bastard suits you perfectly! Also let me sit on your gross hand instead of grabbing. You wouldn’t want to risk injuring me before your livestream, would you?”

The doctor broke out in another fit of laughter before calming down enough to answer.

“Very well, rodent. What would like to listen, read, or watch tonight?”

Eggman placed out his hand as Sonic walked on dragging the towel with him before sitting down.

“Since you have access to my social media, playlist number 4, dickhe*d.” Sonic rolled his eyes.

The doctor went to the freezer first grabbing a small piece of frozen something that he started to wrap up.

“Are you sure? I have access to…Shadow’s social media you know. The guy’s not big on pictures, posts, or anything for that matter, but he does have a playlist that accidentally got linked. Don’t you want to know in advance what he likes to listen to? You could use it for…setting the mood or to—

Sonic hissed, “Fine.”

Eggman laughed at the answer. It wasn’t what he expected. Sonic said yes because listening to it would make him feel closer to Shadow by just knowing he had put it together. He wasn’t being creepy or looking for ulterior motives even if the bastard’s suggestion wasn’t the most terrible idea.

“Oh, it sure is a breezy night! I chose this music based on your playlist Eggman took without your permission, but don’t those stars look pretty? Oh, I have a gift for you! It’s a data chip full of people getting their heads blown off. Please don’t ask how I got it. It’s embarrassing. Now, where’s my kiss? That was perfect...You want me to go with you and watch as you destroy an entire military organization? That is so romantic! I’d love tag along.” Sonic imagined satirically.

Once Eggman was finished Sonic walked off Eggman’s hand with the towel he planned to air out for a blanket. His captor peered at him while the hedgehog tried to figure out what the son of a bitch was looking at hissing when he figured it out.

“f*ck off!” Sonic sneered.

“How long did it take the last time you over did it?” The doctor asked about the swelling over region on Sonic’s stomach resulting in the rodent covering the area, glaring, and blushing.

The hero thought about it, and he had never “overdone” it. The most was three in one day, but they were quick.

“I’ve never overdone it, jerkass! So, I don’t know. Maybe it is something you should have considered. I had no choice in any of it!” the hedgehog growled.

“You have…a point. You said it was painful. Is the pain gone? I want to know just in case the dose of the pain killer was too little to be of help.”

Sonic had his hands over it which was painful earlier but wasn’t now. His entire body felt relaxed and pain free.

“No, it’s not…your pill worked,” he answered.

“Well, that’s something at least. Try to use that the icepack. Amy and Shadow will notice if it doesn’t go down and think you got really bored in your cage,” Eggman bluffed because he wanted to tease the hedgehog and see his reaction.

Sonic kicked the cage bluffing back, “Or I can tell them that you forced me to ejacul*te to p*rn and raped me!”

“You could most certainly tell them, but I doubt you want to share it with hundreds of thousands of people. You should get sympathy, but I’ve noticed many of the viewers are not what I’d call nice people. Not to you. Not to me. Not to any—that’s not true. They all lick Shadow’s ass metaphorically speaking, but they would probably do it literally too. You do you,” the doctor bluffed again smirking.

Sonic hissed and glared at first, but then he started to look worried.

“Oh, for f*cks sake, it was a joke. I would make a fake device to put over it. Unless that anxiety is over your amount of competition. I can’t do anything about that.”

The blue blur sighed giving Eggman the middle finger while the villain placed a paper towel with chicken, sweet bread, and two cherries on it closing the lid to the cage afterward.

Eggman started to glue down the bottle of body wash near Sonic’s shower while the hedgehog ate in silence as his tormentor attached a string to the bottle’s nozzle since he noticed the soap wasn’t doing much good. He didn’t benefit from the rodent having dry skin or smelling bad. The stress he was under made his prisoner susceptible to sickness. Adding any factors to make him uncomfortable wasn’t worth the risk any more which is why he dropped the pillow and blanket from Rouge’s reward set inside the cage and removed the semi-dirty towel. Sleep? Check. Food? Check. Cleanliness? Check.

“I’m putting on the music and leaving. Get sleep. Remember what you stand to gain tomorrow,” Eggman finally left.

Sonic let his body to let go of the built up tension, focusing on getting everything in place. He used the old blanket to lay over the bed, added the pillow, and neatly folded the comfortable new blanket on top. It was the first time he had bothered making a bed in…it was so long ago he could not ball park it. The music began and it was something by Pink Floyd if Sonic had to guess, remembering how out of sync Shadow was with the time. Sonic smiled. Everything would be fifty years behind for the striped hedgehog and that was something he knew would be important. Naturally, the blue blur gravitated to the lavender scent and reapplied what had been washed off while hoping Rouge’s message was based on fact.


-So, I’m leaning toward a Sonic/Shadow ending WITH an alternate ending pairing neutral ending to leave myself open for writing something more hurt/comfort. Nothing explicit pairing wise is going down in the fanfic so if you are one of these readers who hates a pairing taking over a fanfiction, that’s not going to happen. The only real pairing locked in this fanfiction is this non-con Eggman/Sonic sh*t and Knuckles/Rouge (which is a sidenote)

-If you notice a decrease in quality during the motivation and threats section it was because I was sick of this part and trying to get to the end of the chapter and move on to the challenge which involves...WATER...and other fluids.

Longer Notes and Commentary:

There isn’t much here because I stopped caring. Lol This is a crack fanfic so whatever is OOC, doesn’t add up with canon, incorrect, etc. is what it is because I’m just writing it for fun.

+++In General. So, I’m a game-only person with Sonic (I’ve seen the TV shows but those are separate in my mind with the exception of Sonic Prime) so I do not go off the IDW comics. I go off the games and the games give surface level characterization to everyone. Shadow is one of the exceptions who has a full backstory, but most of the character’s pasts and social lives outside of fighting and adventure are left up to the fan. So, everyone is going to headcanon past a certain point and that’s apart in this fanfic. I’ve heard the IDW comics give everyone more depth but again HAVE NOT read them and when I do it’s going to be separate to me like the Satam. Most fandoms I’ve written in have far less speculation, so this is a bit…weird for me lol.

+++Eggman on Painkillers. I just wanted to make two things clear. 1. Being on pain killers is not an excuse for anything he does, nor does it influence what he does to Sonic. He’s on it because his mouth is cut to shreds, and I needed to explain away how he’s talking normally.

+++Hedgehog Mating Behavior. The video Eggman makes Sonic watched is based on what I read and a few videos I watched. Yes, the behavior is that funny. The male can actually run after the female dragging his tentacle dick around. Just a fun fact. I don’t feel the need to link this since its easy to find if you want to laugh.

+++Why does Eggman say Sonic would have been aroused if he were female? He remarks that Sonic didn’t get anything of watching the two animal hedgehog’s mate but would have if he were female. That’s because females are more likely to get aroused by seeing most types of sexual activity. There are multiple hypotheses explaining why but one is to a protection measure against injury should rape occur. Yeah, I know how wonderful.

Here is the research:

Here is an article summarizing the research paper:

The more you know the worse it is. lol

+++Sonic’s humanoid Hedgehog penis vs. normal hedgehog penis. It’s no secret that I find alien biology interesting and hilarious to write. That being said, I wasn’t going to pass up the chance to make give Sonic’s some throwbacks from his animal pal. Male hedgehogs’ dicks sheath is located on their belly, I guess so they don’t have to crawl all the way on top of a spined female (they just need to get about halfway up on her). Apparently, the females are not always nice and will stick out their spines during the act. Not so nice. The actual dick looks like white tentacle with a purple tip or furless tail but most of it is just whiteish tissue that exists to allow it to reach where it needs to go. It makes more sense in the mating ritual why it has to be like that, but I’ve included a link of what it looks like up close after dissection please don’t click it if seeing dead hedgehog’s junk will bother you:

I didn’t care to read what each part is for why the head looks like that—I was looking for a basic idea so if something is inaccurate in the story er, oh well, not an animal dick expert. rofl I figured my time was better used doing something else rather than finding sources and reading hours about it.

+++Political Human vs. humanoid sh*t. So Sonic thinks about a right-wing group who believes humanoids and humans should live apart, not be together as couples and yatta, yatta. He assumes they are the ones making sure hand sensitivity information and the videos he’s watching are difficult to access. It was a bit of a joke. I dislike the far left AND far right in real life so not trying to single out far right anything. I think there would be a group on each side wanting this kind of sh*t in an Adventure era Sonic universe. People are assholes.

+++Sonic having a low sex drive/feeling gross out after wanking. No there is nothing more to this, there’s no trauma in his past, or any other bullsh*t. Sex drive varies among people and many people have reported feeling disgust after the act, either because of cultural norms or some built in biological protection mechanism (just guessing but I doubt our ancestors had the luxury of laying in their own spunk of 30 minutes in the wild, just saying) or something else entirely.

+++Feeling Depression after wanking/org*sm. Yes, this a real thing and it is called postcoital dysphoria (PCD). The disorder is like the most severe form of it where it almost always happens every time but plenty of people experience it rarely. Not scientific evidence here but its common with edgers I’ve spoken with. It has happened to me randomly. There is no PROVEN 100% reason as to why yet, but the most popular hypothesis is that you deplete your dopamine and serotonin wanking or waxing the pearl and it takes a few hours for the body to restore it to equilibrium. Hence why edgers who can go for…I don’t know what the record is, but you get the idea why they’ might get this more often. People with this don’t need to have any other underlying issues to experience it. Link with a study about it:

The Hamster Cage - Chapter 6 - TwilightTundra - Sonic the Hedgehog (2024)
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Name: Edwin Metz

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Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.