Neurobiology of Delusion - [PDF Document] (2024)

Neurobiology of Delusion - [PDF Document] (1)

Progress in Neurobiology 92 (2010) 345–369

Toward a neurobiology of delusions

P.R. Corlett a,*, J.R. Taylor a, X.-J. Wang b, P.C. Fletcher c, J.H. Krystal a

a Department of Psychiatry, Yale University School of Medicine, Connecticut Mental Health Centre, Abraham Ribicoff Research Facility, 34 Park Street, New Haven, CT 06519, USAb Department of Neurobiology and Kavli Institute of Neuroscience, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USAc Department of Psychiatry, Brain Mapping Unit and Behavioural and Clinical Neurosciences Institute, University of Cambridge, School of Clinical Medicine, Cambridge,

United Kingdom


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346

2. Reductionist principles for a neuroscience of delusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347

2.1. Beliefs and memories share cognitive and neural underpinnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347

2.1.1. Neural instantiation of predictive learning and belief . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348

2.1.2. Oscillation signatures of match and mismatch events. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348

2.1.3. Delusions as aberrant neural learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349

2.1.4. Multiple neural origins for prediction error and its dysfunction?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350

2.2. Learning, memory and belief alter perception. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351

2.2.1. Neural mechanisms of the memory–perception cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351

2.3. Affect impacts upon learning, memory, perception and hence belief . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353

2.3.1. Neural mechanisms of affective modulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353

2.4. Simple synaptic learning and memory mechanisms of belief govern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353

2.4.1. Our sense of self, agency and free will . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353

2.4.2. Social learning and therefore our beliefs about others . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355

3. The fixity of delusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355

4. One or two factors? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357

5. A neurodevelopmental dimension? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357

6. Explaining delusion content . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357

6.1. Paranoia and delusions of reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357

6.2. Delusions of motor passivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359


Article history:

Received 11 February 2010

Received in revised form 6 May 2010

Accepted 8 June 2010










Delusions are the false and often incorrigible beliefs that can cause severe suffering in mental illness. We

cannot yet explain them in terms of underlying neurobiological abnormalities. However, by drawing on

recent advances in the biological, computational and psychological processes of reinforcement learning,

memory, and perception it may be feasible to account for delusions in terms of cognition and brain

function. The account focuses on a particular parameter, prediction error – the mismatch between

expectation and experience – that provides a computational mechanism common to cortical hierarchies,

fronto-striatal circuits and the amygdala as well as parietal cortices. We suggest that delusions result

from aberrations in how brain circuits specify hierarchical predictions, and how they compute and

respond to prediction errors. Defects in these fundamental brain mechanisms can vitiate perception,

memory, bodily agency and social learning such that individuals with delusions experience an internal

and external world that healthy individuals would find difficult to comprehend. The present model

attempts to provide a framework through which we can build a mechanistic and translational

understanding of these puzzling symptoms.

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Abbreviations: AMPA receptors, a-amino-3-hydroxyl-5-methyl-4-isoxazole-propionate receptors; D1 receptors, the D1 subtype of dopamine receptors; D2 receptors, the D2

subtype of dopamine receptors; DLPFC, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex; fMRI, functional magnetic resonance imaging; NMDA receptors, N-methyl-D-aspartic acid; NAC, N-

acetyl-cysteine; PFC, prefrontal cortex; OFC, orbitofrontal cortex; STS, superior temporal sulcus; TPJ, temporoparietal junction; VTA, ventral tegmental area.

* Corresponding author.

E-mail address: [emailprotected] (P.R. Corlett).

0301-0082/$ – see front matter � 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



Neurobiology of Delusion - [PDF Document] (2)

P.R. Corlett et al. / Progress in Neurobiology 92 (2010) 345–369346

6.3. Delusions of parasitosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359

6.4. Delusions of misidentification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360

6.5. Cotard delusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360

7. Why that odd belief? Individual differences in delusion susceptibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361

8. Testing the hypothesis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362

9. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362

References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363

1. Introduction

Delusions are the extraordinary and tenacious false beliefssuffered by patients with various ailments ranging from schizo-phrenia (Schneider, 1959), to traumatic brain injury (Coltheart et al.,2007), Alzheimer’s (Flint, 1991) and Parkinson’s disease (Ravinaet al., 2007), the ingestion of psychotogenic drugs (Corlett et al.,2009a) and, less frequently, autoimmune disorders such as Morvan’ssyndrome (Hudson et al., 2008) or potassium channel encephalopa-thy (Parthasarathi et al., 2006). Given this range of potentialdiagnoses, each with its own candidate neuropathology, it is perhapsunsurprising that we have not converged upon an agreedneurobiology of delusions. Delusions are particularly hard to studybecause of their insidious onset and tonic nature, their conceptualrather than behavioral basis (making them difficult to study usinganimal models), and the absence of a coherent theoretical model. Weaim to address these issues in the current review by developing atranslational model of delusion formation which we believe makesdelusions tractable for animal modeling, amenable to investigationwith functional neuroimaging and grounded within a theoreticalframework that makes testable predictions.

Our task is made more difficult when one considers the range ofodd beliefs from which people suffer; fears of persecution byclandestine forces (Melo et al., 2006); beliefs that televisions ornewspapers are communicating a specific and personal message(Conrad, 1958b; Startup and Startup, 2005), the conviction thatone’s thoughts and movements are under the control of an externalagent or are broadcast out loud (Schneider, 1959); an unrealisticbelief in one’s own fame or power (Karson, 1980; Kraeplin, 1902),that one is infested with parasites (Thiebierge, 1894) or deceased(Cotard, 1880), or the subject of a stranger’s love (De Clerambault,1942), or that family members have been replaced by imposters oreven robots (Capgras and Reboul-Lachaux, 1923).

We take a cognitive neuropsychiatric approach to delusions.That is, the starting point is to review what we understand aboutthe healthy functioning of a particular process, e.g. familiar facerecognition, before extrapolating to the disease case, when facerecognition fails and delusions of misidentification form (Halliganand David, 2001). This approach has proven successful forexplaining certain delusions (Ellis and Young, 1990) but not yetfor delusions in general. Perhaps this is because there aredifficulties defining delusions as well as deciding what they havein common (if anything) with normal, healthy beliefs (Berrios,1991; Delespaul and van Os, 2003; Jones, 2004; Owen et al., 2004).Beliefs are not easily accessible to the techniques of neurosciencewhich are more suited to representing states with clear experien-tial boundaries (Damasio, 2000; Knobel et al., 2008).

Furthermore, delusions are difficult to model in animals, giventhat they involve dysfunctions of what many consider uniquelyhuman faculties like consciousness, language, reality monitoringand meta-cognition (Angrilli et al., 2009; Berrios, 1991; Moritzet al., 2006). Computational models of core cognitive functions(such as working memory) are being applied to gain insights intoneural dysfunction in schizophrenia (Seamans and Yang, 2004;Winterer, 2006) and some are beginning to address the phenome-nology of specific psychotic symptoms (Loh et al., 2007), however,

these models have focused on circuit mechanisms within a localarea (like prefrontal cortex), they are unable to capture the contentof particular symptoms which involve information processingacross large networks of interacting brain regions (Fuster, 2001).

There is a need for a testable conceptual model of delusions, onethat is rooted in translational cognitive neuroscience. We, andothers, propose that beliefs (both normal and abnormal) arisethrough a combination of innate or endowed processes, learning,experience and interaction with the world (Friston, 2010). Likeother forms of information, beliefs are represented in the brainthrough the formation and strengthening of synaptic connectionsbetween neurons, for example causal beliefs may be mediated by astrengthening of the synaptic associations between pools ofneurons representing a particular cause and their counterpartsrepresenting an associated effect (Dickinson, 2001; McLaren andDickinson, 1990; Shanks, 2010). There are neural (and hencecognitive) limits set on the range of possible connections that canbe made (Kandel, 1998). The strength of those connections ismodifiable such that those conveying an adaptive advantage arestrengthened and those that are disadvantageous are weakened(Hebb, 1949b; Thorndike, 1911).

This set of sculpted connections is used to predict subsequentstates of the internal and external world and respond adaptively(Friston, 2005b); however, should that next state be surprising,novel or uncertain new learning is required (Schultz and Dickinson,2000). Our premise is based upon the idea that the brain is aninference machine (Helmholtz, 1878/1971) and that delusionscorrespond to false inference. This inference is necessarilyprobabilistic and rests upon some representation of predictions(prediction error) and uncertainty (i.e. precision) about thosepredictions. Within this framework, we see delusions as maladap-tive beliefs that misrepresent the world. They might arise throughany number of perturbations within this scheme, from anunconstrained specification of the possible or lawful set of neuralconnections (Hoffman and Dobscha, 1989); providing the potentialfor bizarre beliefs to form (Hemsley and Garety, 1986a), to anadventitious and inappropriate reinforcement of particular neuralconnections (King et al., 1984; Shaner, 1999); engenderingunexpected percepts, attentional capture and beliefs that deviategrossly from reality (Corlett et al., 2009a, 2007a; Fletcher and Frith,2009). Impaired predictive mechanisms have been previouslyimplicated in delusions of alien control; whereby the suffererbelieves their movements are under the control of an externalagent because of an inability to appropriately predict the sensoryconsequences of their actions (Frith et al., 2000b). We propose thatthis account generalizes from actions to numerous cognitiveprocesses, that predictive learning and prediction errors aregeneral mechanisms of brain function (Friston, 2005b; Schultzand Dickinson, 2000) and that aberrant predictions and predictionerrors provide a unifying explanation for delusions with disparatecontents.

A crucial distinction, which we will appeal to repeatedly, isbetween prediction errors per se and the precision or uncertaintyabout those errors. We will develop the argument that delusions(and their neurotransmitter basis) represent a failure to properlyencode the precision of predictions and prediction errors; in other

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words, a failure to optimize uncertainty about sensory informa-tion. Here, prediction errors encode information that remains to beexplained by top-down predictions (Rao and Ballard, 1999). Thisdistinction is important because it is easy to confuse the role ofphasic dopaminergic discharges as encoding reward predictionerror (Montague et al., 1996; Schultz et al., 1997), and the role ofdopamine in modulating or optimizing the precision of predictionerrors that may or may not be reward-related (Friston et al., 2009),for example by modulating the signal to noise response propertiesof neural units encoding prediction error. In what follows, we willassume that the pathophysiology of delusions involves a misrep-resentation of salience, uncertainty, novelty or precision (mathe-matically precision is the inverse of uncertainty). Biologically, thiscorresponds to aberrant modulation of post-synaptic gain that,presumably, involves NMDA receptor function (Friston, 2010). Thisfits comfortably with the role of dopamine in controlling signal tonoise and the numerous proposals that dopamine (at least in termsof its tonic discharge rates) encodes uncertainty or violation ofexpectations (Fiorillo et al., 2003; Preuschoff et al., 2006).

The challenge is to provide empirical data that test thehypothesis. Numerous investigators have accepted this challengeand, by sharing a set of common simplifying assumptions, we arebeginning to develop an understanding of delusions in the brain.Here, we review this growing understanding, beginning with a setof principles which, we believe, are important in developing ourunderstanding of the neurobiology of delusions.

2. Reductionist principles for a neuroscience of delusion

The four principles are as follows: Beliefs and memories sharecognitive and neural mechanisms (1); learning memory and beliefinfluence perception (2); affect impacts upon learning andmemory and hence belief (3); our sense of self, agency, free willand beliefs about others are governed by the same simple neurallearning mechanisms (4). By taking a reductionist approach,grounded in formal animal learning theory, computational andcognitive neuroscience we can begin to tackle the hard problems ofbelief, delusion, and the brain; problems often considered beyondthe scope of neuroscience. Below, we consider the principles inmore detail before discussing their implications for understandingthe cognitive neuroscience of delusions.

2.1. Beliefs and memories share cognitive and neural underpinnings

Beliefs are notoriously difficult to define (Dennett, 1995), butgenerally refer to the attitude we have with regard to propositionsabout the world. Perhaps a pragmatic analysis might help. Whatfunctions do beliefs serve? Like memories, beliefs help us to organizeincumbent information and coordinate adaptive responses (Den-nett, 1995). In other words, though beliefs and memories are basedon past experiences they are utilized to predict the future andrespond accordingly (Corlett et al., 2009a). The most rigorous andformal definition of beliefs appeals to probability theory, and inparticular Bayesian formulations (Bayes, 1763). This framework,which we use later, associates beliefs with probability distributionsthat are represented by the brain (Fiser et al., 2010). These compriseposterior beliefs that are conditioned upon sensory information andare constrained by prior beliefs. In the context of hierarchicalBayesian inference, the posterior belief (having seen the evidence)rests on empirical priors. Empirical priors are prior beliefs that arethemselves optimized during hierarchical inference (Friston,2005b). Assuming that the brain uses hierarchical inference tomake predictions about the world, most of the beliefs it entertainscan be regarded as empirical prior beliefs. From now on, we will referto these as prior beliefs or priors and associate these with the sourceof top-down predictions that are used to form prediction errors.

Some have equated beliefs with stimulus-response habits inexperimental animals: the behaviors that track previously experi-enced contingencies but are insensitive to alterations in thosecontingencies (Eichenbaum and Bodkin, 2000). Indeed, in view oftheir tenacity and tendency to misrepresent true contingency, somehave pointed out the similarities of beliefs to superstitious behaviors(Beck et al., 2007). Thus, beliefs, and therefore delusions, areregarded as representing adventitiously reinforced superstitions;predictions about the future that were formed accidentally andinappropriately but that nevertheless persist (Freeman et al., 2009;Shaner, 1999). Despite capturing aspects of belief phenomenology,these theories offer neither a mechanistic nor a neurobiologicalexplanation of belief or delusion formation. This is what we seekhere.

One compelling approach equates the process of human beliefformation with Pavlovian conditioning. The same processes thatdrive animals to learn predictive associations between sensorystimuli and salient events (rewards or punishments) also contributeto the acquisition of beliefs in humans (Dickinson, 2001). Expectancyand experience, or, more specifically, mismatches between the two,are crucial for learning (Alloy and Tabachnik, 1984; Courville et al.,2006; Waldmann and Martignon, 1998). This mismatch, orprediction error, is central to formal associative learning theories,driving learning directly (Rescorla and Wagner, 1972) and indirectly,via the allocation of attention toward potentially explanatory cues(Pearce and Hall, 1980). However, there is also a tendency to focuson, and learn about, highly salient stimuli that consistently predictimportant consequences (Mackintosh, 1975). Under one account(Grossberg, 1982), the occurrence of an expected event that matchesan active expectancy will amplify its representation in short-termmemory, increasing the likelihood that it will be consolidated withinlong-term memory as well as the strength of this consolidation. Bycontrast, when an unexpected event violates the active expectancy,an orienting system is activated which resets short-term memory(dropping active expectancies) and engages an orienting response,permitting the acquisition of new explanatory associations. Inessence, organisms learn associations between stimuli, events,thoughts and percepts to build an internal model of theirenvironment (Sokolov, 1960; Tolman, 1932). This model is itselfpredictive and, whenever significant novelty is detected due to amismatch between its predictions and actual experience it must beupdated (Grossberg, 1982). In short, the allocation of attentiontoward appropriately salient events depends upon the optimizationof the precision of top-down priors, relative to bottom-up evidence;both in sensory cortices [involving acetylcholine (Yu and Dayan,2005)] and in fronto-striatal circuits [involving dopamine (Fristonet al., 2009)].

This presents the organism with a challenge: to navigate theworld successfully, we must sustain a set of prior beliefs (ourinternal model), sufficiently robust that we do not react reflexivelyand chaotically to any incoming sensory stimulus. At the sametime, these beliefs (priors) must not be so immutable that ourresponses become fixed, stereotypical and insensitive to change(Corlett et al., 2009a). According to learning models of delusions,during the earliest phases of delusion formation aberrant novelty,salience or prediction error signals drive attention towardredundant or irrelevant environmental cues, the world seems tohave changed, it feels strange and sinister, such signals andexperiences provide an impetus for new learning which updatesthe world model inappropriately, manifest as a delusion (Corlettet al., 2009a, 2007a; Gray, 2004; Gray et al., 1991; Hemsley, 1994;Kapur, 2003). The insight relief that delusions bring engages strongmemory consolidation, furthermore, they are deployed reflexivelyin response to similar aberrant experiences (Mishara and Corlett,2009) and as such, they are rapidly rendered impervious tocontradiction (Corlett et al., 2009a, see below).

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2.1.1. Neural instantiation of predictive learning and belief

Midbrain dopamine neurons in substantia nigra (SN) andventral tegmental area (VTA) code a reward prediction error(Montague et al., 1996; Schultz et al., 1997). When primates(Schultz et al., 1993; Waelti et al., 2001) and rodents (Takahashiet al., 2009) learn, activity in these neurons reflects a mismatchbetween expected and experienced reward that is redolent of theprediction error signal from formal learning theories (Waelti et al.,2001) and machine learning models (Montague et al., 1996; Suttonand Barto, 1998). However, recent studies have identifiedpunishment prediction error signals (Matsumoto and Hikosaka,2009) and mismatches between expected and experiencedinformation (Bromberg-Martin and Hikosaka, 2009) in distinctanatomical populations of midbrain dopamine neurons, suggest-ing that these neurons and the circuits in which they are embeddedare involved in the processing of salient events that will guidefuture adaptive behavior, for both positively and negativelyvalenced events (Hikosaka et al., 2008a). In human subjects, acircuit involving the midbrain and its projection sites in thestriatum and prefrontal cortex signal prediction errors that guidecausal learning (Corlett et al., 2004; Fletcher et al., 2001; Turneret al., 2004).

Prediction error driven learning and memory may represent abasic mode of brain function, referred to as predictive coding(Friston, 2005b, 2009; Schultz and Dickinson, 2000), that is, brains,component brain systems and even single neurons minimizeuncertainty about incident information (either external or inter-nal) by structurally or functionally embodying a prediction andresponding to errors in the accuracy of the prediction (Fiorillo,2008). Rapid excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters (gluta-mate and GABA) interact with slower neuromodulatory transmit-ters to instantiate this predictive coding scheme (Friston, 2005b,2009), but the precise mechanism for computing prediction errorsignals remains poorly understood. Across successive levels ofcortical hierarchies, top-down signaling from neurons in layershigher up the hierarchy confers expectancies, possibly throughglutamatergic NMDA receptors but this is still not establishedempirically. Bottom-up inputs to a layer are signaled from the layerbelow through fast glutamatergic and GABAergic mechanisms. At agiven level, any mismatch between expectancy and experience istransmitted up the cortical hierarchy to the level above via AMPAreceptor signaling (Angelucci et al., 2002a,b; Friston, 2005b, 2009;Sherman and Guillery, 1998). Slower neuromodulatory transmit-ters, like dopamine, acetylcholine, serotonin and cannabinoids areengaged (Corlett et al., 2009a), mediating the post prediction errorresponse by encoding the precision of or uncertainty associatedwith a particular prediction error (Friston, 2005c). Such uncertain-ty signals engage subsequent processing such as enhancing neuralmaintenance of working memory (Lavin et al., 2005) andmodulating synaptic plasticity down the hierarchy thus tuningsubsequent responses (Grace, 1991; Herrero et al., 2008). We shallrefer this perspective on cortical processing, through feedforwardsignaling of sensory stimuli and feedback signaling of expectationand priors, as the Bayesian model.

According to this model, a prior belief is updated by predictionerrors to provide a probabilistic prediction of expected inputs.Input probabilities are learnt at synapses by virtue of experience-dependent learning (Soltani and Wang, 2010), and read out at thelevel of neural activity populations (Ma et al., 2006). However,beliefs and priors are more than expectancies; strong prior beliefscan enhance, attenuate or vitiate sensed inputs sculpting them toconform to expectations (Jaspers, 1963). The power of priorexpectancies can be observed in visual illusions, for example thehollow mask illusion in which a hollow mask is perceived as aconvex face as a result of extended lifetime experience that facesare not concave but convex. Likewise strong neural priors can

sculpt input signals so that they conform to expectancies (Rao andBallard, 1999). Beliefs then, not only provide a mechanism throughwhich current information is interpreted in light of the past; theyinvolve an inductive inference that ensures experiences conformwith expectancies (Clifford, 1877/1999). In associative learning,such behavioral inflexibility involves training in which expectan-cies are continuously confirmed (Adams and Dickinson, 1981). Therepresentations and neural circuits controlling behavior graduallyshift from more plastic goal-directed, knowledge-based frontal,temporal and ventral striatal regions of the brain toward moreinflexible habitual behavior, decreased involvement of frontalcortices and a shift toward dorsal striatal circuits (Belin et al., 2009;Daw et al., 2005; Eichenbaum and Bodkin, 2000). This shift ismarked by an increasing strength of the behavior even when thecontingency no longer pertains or when the consequences of thatbehavior are no longer desired.

Whilst Bayesian models are often considered rational andoptimal (Shanks, 2006), they have nevertheless been deployed toexplain irrational processes such as the spread of panic and rumorwithin a crowd (which occurs rapidly in salient situations with fewexplanatory priors; Butts, 1998) and, more recently, a biophysi-cally plausible model offers an explanation for base rate neglect inprobabilistic decision making (Soltani and Wang, 2010). Essential-ly we advocate an explanation of delusions as a disruption to thenormal Bayesian predictive mechanisms of the brain such thatpredictable and irrelevant events mismatch with expectancies andtheir salience demands new learning and explanation; a delusionrepresents an explanatory mechanism, an attempt to impose orderon a disordered perceptual and cognitive world (McReynolds,1960; Maher, 1974; Gray et al., 1991; Kapur, 2003; Corlett et al.,2007a,b, 2009a; Fletcher and Frith, 2009).

2.1.2. Oscillation signatures of match and mismatch events

In our introduction we alluded to the importance of dysfunc-tional neural circuits (rather than isolated regions) whenconsidering the pathophysiological mechanisms underpinningdelusions. That is, psychoses could be conceived as ‘disconnectionsyndromes’ (Friston and Frith, 1995). Inter- and intra-regionalneural connections and disconnections are still poorly understoodat the present time. One of the active research areas is theexamination of the role of neural oscillations in inter-arealcommunication (Uhlhaas et al., 2008, 2006a; Uhlhaas and Singer,2010). For example, oscillatory activity in the gamma frequencyband (30–50 Hz) contributes to synchronizing populations ofneurons in different brain regions, mediating the temporalstructuring of neural activity necessary for sharing, transfer andstorage of information (or learning) between these groups ofcoordinated cells or cell assemblies (Buzsaki, 2007). Suchoscillations are thought to reflect the engagement of high-levelcognitive processes such as attention (Joliot et al., 1994). A recentcomputational model of selective attention, consisting of areciprocally connected loop between a sensory circuit and ahigh-level cognitive circuit, found that top-down signalingenhances gamma-band oscillatory coherence only when there isa match between the attended stimulus feature (expectation) andthe actual stimulus feature (experience), and that this occursexclusively in sensory neurons selective for the actual feature andin memory neurons (that are the source of top-down signaling)selective for the attended feature (Ardid et al., 2010).

Learning from the violation and confirmation of our expectan-cies can both be traced in oscillatory activity of recurrent neuralcircuits (Grossberg, 2009). Match-based learning captures theHebbian notion of cell assemblies; collections of synapticallyinterconnected cells whose pre- and post-synaptic firing correlatesand becomes mutually excitatory such that when a fraction of aninput pattern is incident upon the assembly, the whole output is

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realized (Hebb, 1949a). In human learners, gamma oscillations(measured using EEG) increase during acquisition of newassociations, as does the coherence of oscillations in corticalregions representing the stimuli being associated (Miltner et al.,1999). Neural synchrony impacts on learning because synapticplasticity depends on the timing of pre- and post-synaptic neuralspikes (Bi and Poo, 2001).

But as we have observed, learning does not proceed bycontiguity alone (Konorski, 1948). Cell assemblies also representevents that do not match our expectancies (O’Donnell, 2003). Interms of synaptic machinery, one type of mismatch-basedlearning, which is based on expected rewards, appears to beimplemented in the mesocorticolimbic system through a tri-synaptic arrangement between pre and post-synaptic glutama-tergic signaling with a modulatory role for the dopaminergicprediction error input from VTA (Pennartz et al., 2000; Schultz,1998). Ensembles of neurons are defined by their membranepotential states; periods of very negative resting membranepotential or down states are periodically interrupted by a plateaudepolarization or Up state (Haider et al., 2006; Ros et al., 2009;Sanchez-Vives and McCormick, 2000). Striatal up states aresynchronized with those in frontal cortex (Goto and O’Donnell,2001). Dopamine D2 receptor signaling is associated with aninstability of prefrontal representations (Seamans and Yang, 2004),providing an ensemble-level mechanism for surprise drivenresetting of representations, search and new learning (Braverand Cohen, 1999; Grossberg, 1982). On the other hand, dopamine,acting through D1 receptors and their interaction with NMDAchannels facilitates the maintenance of Up states in target neurons(Cepeda and Levine, 1998; Wang and O’Donnell, 2001) andreinforces cell assemblies representing expected salient events(O’Donnell, 2003). In this scheme, the excessive D2 signaling,impaired D1 and impoverished NMDA signaling that comprisepsychotic states would lead to a poor specification of priorexpectancies and fronto-striatal cell assemblies comprised of cellsrepresenting merely coincident events and spurious associations.

But, how are predictions and prediction errors reflected moregenerally in the oscillatory signals of cortical hierarchies? Whilegamma oscillations are commonly enhanced under conditions thatinvolve cognitive control, the top-down specification of priors maybe reflected in beta-band (15–30 Hz) oscillations (Wang, in press).For instance, when recordings are made from the lateral intra-parietal cortex and prefrontal cortex of behaving monkeys during avisual search task, the inter-areal coherence is enhanced in thebeta-frequency band when the target and distractors are similarand visual search depends on top-down signaling, relative to whenthe target and distractors are dissimilar and target detection isbased by feedforward perceptual ‘pop-out’ (Buschman and Miller,2007).

Cortical areas have a well defined laminar structure and, in theneocortex, gamma-band oscillations are prominent in superficiallayers (2/3) endowed with abundant horizontal connections(Binzegger et al., 2004; Buhl et al., 1998). In contrast, deeperlayers (5/6) tend to display lower frequency beta-band oscillations(Wang, in press). Between reciprocally connected cortical areas,feedforward projections from a lower to a higher area originate insuperficial layers of the lower area. Feedback connections begin indeep layers of the higher area and project to superficial layers ofthe lower area as well as subcortical structures. Thus betaoscillations, produced in the deep layers, may be especiallyinvolved in long distance signaling along feedback pathways. Top-down beta oscillations may encode the expectations that guidematch-based learning and perception (Berke et al., 2008).Moreover, prior specifying, beta-frequency oscillatory feedbacksignals emanating from a ‘cognitive area’ project to superficiallayers 2/3 in a ‘sensory area’, hence are well suited to modulating

gamma oscillations that are locally generated in the superficiallayers, in a context dependent manner (Wang, in press).

There are competing theories regarding the roles of differentoscillatory bands in conveying neuronal predictions and predictionerrors (Grossberg, 2009). For example, the relationship betweenhigh frequency gamma and lower frequency theta band oscillationsin hippocampal neurons appears important for the recall of temporalsequences of events (Lisman and Buzsaki, 2008), this form of codingmay be especially important in specifying predictions about thefuture (Lisman and Redish, 2009) and, if it is disrupted, predictionerrors may result (Lisman and Grace, 2005); these aberrant errorsmay be propagated to target structures though inappropriateentrainment of oscillations between structures (Sirota et al., 2008).Furthermore, there are magnetoencephalography data suggestingthat, during a face perception task in human subjects, higher-frequency gamma oscillations at lower levels of a neural hierarchycan entrain lower frequency (alpha-band) oscillations in regionshigher up the hierarchy, which may represent accumulatingprediction error for perceptual synthesis (Chen et al., 2010). Throughnon-linear coupling, gamma oscillations in the higher regionincrease, providing a mechanism through which ascending predic-tion errors are damped down or explained away (manifest as adecrease in alpha-band power; Chen et al., 2010). More data areclearly required. However, we can predict that in delusion-proneindividuals, if predictions are poorly specified and errors signaledinappropriately, then low frequency oscillations, gamma oscilla-tions and their interaction should be perturbed. Consistent with thisprediction, highly schizotypal subjects have electrocorticalresponses to sensory stimulation in the gamma and beta frequencyranges that were slower to habituate following repeated presenta-tion of the stimuli, indicative of maladaptive prior expectancies aswell as aberrant prediction error responses (Vernon et al., 2005).Furthermore, patients with schizophrenia have reduced long-rangephase synchrony in the beta-band during gestalt stimulus percep-tion, perhaps indicative of aberrant prediction error. This aberrantsignaling correlated with delusion severity across subjects (Uhlhaaset al., 2006a).

2.1.3. Delusions as aberrant neural learning

Excessive and inappropriate dopamine signaling is thought torender merely coincident events highly salient (Gray et al., 1991;Hemsley, 1994; Kapur, 2003), this may result from a dysfunction inglutamatergic and GABAergic signaling and thence, the regulationof dopamine signaling (Carlsson et al., 2001; Grace, 1991; Laruelleet al., 2003). Either directly or indirectly, this dysregulation leads tothe inappropriate signaling of prediction error (Corlett et al.,2007a; Grace, 1991; Gray et al., 1991). Since prediction error mayguide attention toward events that may explain the feeling ofsurprise or uncertainty (Pearce and Hall, 1980) and engagelearning mechanisms (Rescorla and Wagner, 1972), we can seethat such a disruption has could lead to altered attention, learning,and ultimately belief formation.

To consider the nature of this disruption in a little more detail,inappropriate prediction error signals could be conceived of asresulting from a change in the signal to noise properties ofdopamine signaling (Grace, 1991; Miller, 1976; Spitzer, 1995); dueto deficits in glutamatergic regulation of VTA dopamine neurons.Physiological noise is perceived by the system as real signal thatengenders the cascade of events that a true prediction error wouldengage, namely a search for explanation and new learning.Ultimately, both of these possibilities; inappropriate predictionerror and an altered signal to noise ratio of the dopamine system;are reflective of poor precision in the estimation of prediction error(Friston et al., 2009; Preuschoff et al., 2006), which will vitiateinference, biasing it toward misrepresenting inputs (be theysensory or neural). If persistent, this imprecision may ultimately

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Fig. 1. Neural instantiation of predictive learning and belief. Theoretical model: Schematic of reward prediction error signals before learning, following learning and during

extinction. Health: Right DLPFC prediction error response during casual learning in healthy subjects (Corlett et al., 2004) – V: violation of expectancy, C: confirmation of

expectancy. Disease: Aberrant right frontal prediction error response in patients with first episode psychosis. The more profound the disruption, the more severe the delusions

(Corlett et al., 2007b) – C: controls, P: patients with psychosis.

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lead to the formation of a new explanatory prior, or delusion, thatconsolidates the misrepresentation allowing it to pervade thedeluded individual’s future perception and action (Jaspers, 1963).Aberrant mesocorticolimbic prediction error signals have beenrecorded during causal learning with functional neuroimaging inpatients with schizophrenia and furthermore, the magnitude ofthose signal aberrations correlated with the severity of delusionsacross subjects (Corlett et al., 2007b) [see Fig. 1].

The relationship between conditioning and delusions has alsobeen confirmed in the context of a reward learning task(Schlagenhauf et al., 2009) and an aversive conditioning task(Holt et al., 2008); in both cases, aberrant learning was related tothe severity of delusional beliefs. It appears that the brain systemsthat govern normal causal belief formation are internally andinappropriately engaged when delusions form.

2.1.4. Multiple neural origins for prediction error and its dysfunction?

The computation of VTA prediction error signals involves theinterplay between the basal ganglia and the prefrontal cortex(Soltani and Wang, 2010), especially the anterior cingulate cortex(Matsumoto and Hikosaka, 2007; Behrens et al., 2009) and theorbitofrontal cortex (Takahashi et al., 2009). Other studies point to

hippocampus, specifically for signaling novelty in the form ofmismatches between actual and expected information (i.e.prediction errors) which may then be transmitted to the VTAvia the striatum (Lisman and Grace, 2005). This signaling ofunexpected and salient events causes the organism to stop itsongoing behavior and search for explanatory cues (Gray et al.,1991). Patients with psychosis have increased regional cerebralblood flow (an indirect measure of neural activity) in CA1 and,those in whom this effect is most pronounced have the most severedelusions (Schobel et al., 2009). Likewise, individuals in theprodrome (the very earliest phases of psychosis) release morestriatal dopamine than controls and again, the magnitude of thatdopamine release correlates with the severity of delusion-likeideas (Howes et al., 2009). Contrary to the predictions of Gray andKapur, this dopamine dysfunction has been observed not in thelimbic striatum but in the associative striatum, a sub-region that isreciprocally connected with the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex(Haber, 2003; Haber et al., 2006). The latter is a part of the circuitengaged by prediction error driven learning and, moreover, showsaberrant responses in subjects experiencing disturbed perceptsand odd beliefs (Corlett et al., 2004, 2006, 2007b). We discuss theseobservation in more detail below.

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The rapidity with which reward prediction error signals areregistered in VTA (of the order of milliseconds) may beincommensurate with the calculation of a reward predictionerror (Redgrave and Gurney, 2006). Instead these signals couldrepresent unexpected sensory events through cholinergic inputsfrom the pedunculopontine tegmentum (Dommett et al., 2005), orPPT, inputs which are combined with context representationsfrom the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus as well as motorrepresentations from the putamen in order to ascertain whetherthe organism or the environment was responsible for theunpredicted event. This agency account suggests that dysfunc-tions in dopamine signaling could explain both the sense ofexcessive agency for events in the world associated with paranoia(Kaney and Bentall, 1992) as well as the externalization of agencyassociated with delusions of passivity (Blakemore et al., 2002;Frith et al., 2000a). See below.

A further candidate site for prediction error dysfunction inpsychosis is the habenula (Shepard et al., 2006). The habenula, inconcert with the prefrontal cortex, is responsible for instantiatingnegative prediction error signals in the VTA; the dips belowbaseline firing that engage extinction learning; abandoning whatwe have previously learned in favor of a new prediction (Pan et al.,2008). A deficit in this signaling would raise baseline mesocorti-colimbic dopamine levels (Lecourtier et al., 2008) and impairextinction learning (Holt et al., 2008; Waltz et al., 2007), perhapsexplaining why deluded individuals stick with maladaptive anderroneous ideas (or corticostriatal cell assemblies) despite theirdemonstrable falsehood (Corlett et al., 2009b).

Bringing these observations together, it appears that themesocorticolimbic dopamine system codes numerous types ofexpectation, their violation and the new learning that expectancyviolation engenders; permitting adaptation to prevailing environ-mental contingencies (Schultz and Dickinson, 2000). When eventsthat violate perceptual expectations are experienced, the hippo-campal projection to the striatum engages a broader population ofdopamine neurons in the VTA (Lodge and Grace, 2006a).Furthermore, the prefrontal cortex maintains higher level expec-tancies representing goals and the actions required to achievethose goals (Grace et al., 2007; Sesack and Grace, 2010) as well asreward values for sensory stimuli (Takahashi et al., 2009) andactions (Behrens et al., 2009). When events occur that violate thoseexpectancies, PFC modulates the responses of active VTA dopa-mine neurons: engaging burst firing through its influence over thePPT (Lodge and Grace, 2006a,b), allowing updating of expectanciesthrough new learning. Furthermore, PFC enables the quiescence ofthose same VTA neurons (through its influence on the habenula)when contingencies change and learning is extinguished (Hikosakaet al., 2008b; Pan et al., 2008). Reciprocal connections betweenVTA, PFC, striatum and hippocampus are involved in this updatingprocess so that future expectancies conform to the prevailingenvironmental contingencies.

We predict that delusions are associated with a threefolddisturbance in this circuitry: (i) Excessive hippocampal drive toVTA (via striatum) engaging a broader population of VTA dopamineneurons; (ii) Inappropriate engagement of PPT due to PFCdysfunction, instigating burst firing in that expanded pool ofrecruited neurons and (iii) Impaired habenula mediated inhibitionof VTA dopamine neurons (which would normally instantiateextinction learning when an expected event fails to occur).

These three deficits would confer the cardinal characteristics ofdelusions, their bizarreness and tenacity: Bizarreness; due to theaberrant recruitment of VTA cells and their incorporation into cellassemblies which sculpt future expectancies; and tenacity; due tothe failure of PFC to control the habenula, and hence coordinate thedips in VTA neuron firing below baseline that engage extinctionlearning when the predictions of the delusion are not borne out.

While this model begins to implicate aberrant learningprocesses in delusion formation, it does not address the range ofdifferent themes that form the content of delusions, nor does itfully explain the behaviors in which deluded individuals engagewhen confronted with evidence that challenges their belief (seebelow). In order to extend out explanation to encompass thesecharacteristics, we discuss below what we consider to be keyfactors: the role of beliefs in instrumental conditioning (learningthe relationships between our actions and their effects in theworld) and the impact of repeated recall and rehearsal of thatinformation on subsequent processing.

2.2. Learning, memory and belief alter perception

Perception is substantially constructive. That is, our expectan-cies (based on previous experience) contribute to what wecurrently perceive by sculpting sensory inputs (Bruner et al.,1949; Helmholtz, 1878/1971). The concepts and categories wehave learned through experience can influence what we perceive,for example, if subjects are shown simple objects and asked toreproduce their colors, their responses are heavily influenced bythe shape of the object (Goldstone, 1995). Motivational state, itselfinteracting with learning and memory (Berridge, 2007), can impactupon perceptual judgment; poorer children judge coins to be largerand heavier than do richer children (McCurdy, 1956). Whenpresented with noisy, unstructured visual inputs, hungry subjectsclaim to see food objects (Atkinson and McClelland, 1948). Theimpact of motivation on bottom-up perceptual inputs may bemirrored in the mechanisms we use to imagine given percepts, amechanism which, when inappropriately engaged may elicithallucinations (Grossberg, 2000) and the impaired reality moni-toring associated with delusional ideation (Simons et al., 2008)).For example, the spontaneous confabulations of patients withorbitofrontal lesions represent an excessive influence of pastexperience on current perception (Schnider, 2001) and delusionalmisidentification may reflect a failure to specify perceptualexpectations such that known people or places lack a sense offamiliarity (Fleminger, 1992).

2.2.1. Neural mechanisms of the memory–perception cycle

Predictive coding and prediction error may be a basic mode ofbrain function (Friston, 2005b, 2009; Mesulam, 2008). This theoryis best encapsulated by sensory cortices, in particular the visualcortex; whose anatomy recapitulates the idea of a hierarchicallyorganized predictive coding system. Further up the neuralhierarchy, more distal to the site of sensory input, approachingassociation cortices, the representations of sensory stimulationbecome more abstract (Mesulam, 2008). But the percept does notemerge as a consequence of a simple uni-directional progressionup this hierarchy (Sperry, 1990). Rather the hierarchy is nested(Feinberg, 2000; Feinberg and Keenan, 2005) or enriched byinteractions (feedback as well as feedforward) between its layers(Friston, 2005b, 2009). These interactions are instantiated bysparse and rapid feedforward AMPA and GABAergic signalingmeeting feedback (possibly NMDA-mediated) signaling represent-ing predicted inputs embodied in the layers above (Friston, 2005b).Any mismatch between expectancy and experience (signaled viaAMPA receptors) can serve to update future priors. Dysinteractionswithin this Bayesian hierarchical arrangement may be responsiblefor the symptoms of psychosis (Corlett et al., 2009a; Fletcher andFrith, 2009). For example, in the absence of stable priorexpectancies, certain perceptual illusions may not be perceivedby patients with schizophrenia (Dakin et al., 2005; Dima et al.,2009; Emrich, 1989) nor individuals administered NMDA receptorantagonists (Phillips and Silverstein, 2003) perhaps indicative of acommon underlying mechanism [although see Passie et al. (2003)

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Fig. 2. Learning memory and belief alter perception. Theoretical model: Feedforward and feedback thalamocortical projections (adapted from

Neocortex). Health: The rotating hollow mask is continuously perceived as convex due to our consistent experience of faces as convex. Disease: Individuals prone to or

experiencing psychosis report the hollow mask as a hollow percept (Emrich, 1989).

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for a dissociation between the effects of ketamine on a perceptualillusion and its psychotomimetic effects]. See Fig. 2.

The thalamus has also been strongly implicated in consciousperception. Thalamocortical circuits have intrinsic resonance inthe gamma frequency range which is critical for consciousperception, prediction and learning (Steriade et al., 1991).GABAergic neurons in the basal ganglia projecting to the thalamusexert an inhibitory influence on thalamocortical neurons thusprotecting the cortex from sensory overload (Sharp et al., 2001).Hyperactivity of dopamine or hypo-activity of glutamate in thestriatum would compromise these protective mechanisms leadingto excessive cortical stimulation and psychosis (Carlsson et al.,2001; Carlsson and Carlsson, 1990; Geyer and Vollenweider, 2008).Such a deficit could conceivably alter the sense of background andforeground that permeates normal perception (Conrad, 1958a).This could explain why other Gestalt principles, which involvegrouping the perceptual field on the basis of learned environmen-tal regularities (Fiser, 2009; Vickery and Jiang, 2009), are impairedby psychotomimetic drugs that alter dopaminergic and glutama-tergic function (Kurylo and Gazes, 2008). Gestalt organizingprinciples are similarly disrupted in patients with schizophrenia(Silverstein et al., 2006; Uhlhaas and Mishara, 2007; Uhlhaas et al.,2006b).

Like other systems, thalamocortical circuits and their interac-tion with cortical information processing have been subject to a

Bayesian analysis (Koechlin et al., 1996). According to this scheme,thalamocortical information represents the feedforward aspect(the information being represented) and cortico-cortical proces-sing represents the prior expectancies, the operations to beperformed on that information. Similar models have beendeveloped to account for perception of coherent visual motionand mental rotation, as well as the predictive functions involved inenacting adaptive movements (Koechlin et al., 1996; Llinas andRoy, 2009).

Inherent in all of these related schemes is the notion of abalance, between bottom-up and top-down (or feedforward andfeedback) signaling. This balance is necessary in order to meet theafore-mentioned challenge of a system that is robust to noisyinputs (through reliance on empirically derived prior expectations)but is also flexibly responsive to new contexts and situations(through the capacity to alter priors on the basis of bottom-upsignal). With this in mind, it is clear that, in addition to poorlyspecified predictions, excessively strong priors may be profoundlydisruptive and psychotogenic (Corlett et al., 2009a). Perceptualassociations between sensory modalities appear to be learnedusing mesocorticolimbic prediction error signals (den Ouden et al.,2010, 2009), which may explain the phenomenon of sensoryconditioned hallucinations (Ellison, 1941; Seashore, 1895) where-by, learned associations between sensory stimuli (a tone predictslight stimulation for example) alter perception, such that

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presentation of one stimulus (tone) induces experience of the other(light) even though the latter is not present. Learned associationscan alter perception; Hallucination-prone individuals are moresusceptible to experiencing sensory conditioned hallucinations(Kot and Serper, 2002). Likewise delusional beliefs can alterpercepts such that they conform to the delusion (Jaspers, 1963).Excessively strong top-down predictions may explain the psycho-togenic effects of LSD and sensory deprivation (Corlett et al.,2009a). Furthermore, individuals prone to abnormal experiencesand beliefs are more susceptible to the Deese–Roediger–McDer-mott memory illusion whereby they claim to have experienced anevent that was strongly expected but nevertheless did not occur(Corlett et al., 2009c). We predict that such expectation-basedpsychotic phenomena would be associated with inappropriategamma and beta oscillations, reflective of inappropriate reverber-atory activity in recurrent neural circuits and of pattern comple-tion within Hebbian cell assemblies that are not relevant to thesituation at hand.

2.3. Affect impacts upon learning, memory, perception and hence


The aberrant percepts that drive delusion formation often occurduring periods of stress and are themselves anxiogenic (Keinan andKeinan, 1994). Furthermore, individuals with a low tolerance forambiguity are more prone to paranormal beliefs and oddexperiences (Houran and Houran, 1998). Some models posit avicious circle in which fear and aberrant perception are mutuallyreinforcing and demand explanation, culminating in a delusionwhich then subtends future aberrant percepts and inappropriatefear (Lange et al., 1998; Pally, 2007). These models aredescriptively compelling but are expressed largely at the highercognitive level. We seek a more fundamental neural and cognitiveexplanation. Simply put, we argue that affectively chargeduncertainty drives delusion formation, through establishment ofpredictive associations that, whilst maladaptive, representattempts to render the world more predictable.

2.3.1. Neural mechanisms of affective modulation

The uncertainty engendered by aberrations of experience isaffectively charged (Vinogradov et al., 1992). Affective learning isalso prediction error driven, involving a circuit incorporating theVTA, amygdala and hippocampus as well as the striatum andprefrontal cortex (Delgado et al., 2008b; Laviolette and Grace,2006; Milad et al., 2007, 2004; Schiller et al., 2008). Dysfunctionswithin these nodes could engender fear in the wrong context,leading to maladaptive learning about the danger of adverseconsequences. The top-down instantiation of extinction learning isparticularly interesting in this respect; the dopaminergic andGABAergic mechanisms that override old fear learning with newextinction learning (Bissiere et al., 2003) may be impaired inschizophrenia (Holt et al., 2008). It is clear that paranoia could beaccounted for parsimoniously by appealing to an inappropriateengagement of the brain’s fear system and its persistence by animpairment of the brain’s mechanisms of extinction.

The amygdala is crucial for fear learning in rodents and humans(Critchley et al., 2002; Morris et al., 2002). However, its role maynot be limited to fear; the amygdala is involved in coding,processing and learning about salient stimuli (Balleine andKillcross, 2006; Paton et al., 2006). The link between fear anduncertainty is emphasized by theorists who posit that theamygdala is also engaged during conditions of uncertainty aboutbiologically relevant stimuli that warrant vigilance (Sander et al.,2003; Whalen et al., 1998). For example, fearful faces representambiguous stimuli, since they signal the presence but not thesource of threat (Whalen et al., 2001). Amygdala responses to

appetitive and aversive events are modulated by predictability,being more marked when salient events are uncertain (Belovaet al., 2007). In this respect, it is noteworthy that animals withlesions of the central nucleus of the amygdala do not allocate moreattention to surprising events (Holland and Gallagher, 1993b).

Cholinergic interneurons in the substantia innominata/nucleusbasalis and their projections to posterior parietal cortices areimportant for the surprise-induced enhancement of attention(Chiba et al., 1995; Bucci et al., 1998; Han et al., 1999). In humans,cues that predict aversive events engage both striatum (Delgadoet al., 2008a) and amygdala (Schiller et al., 2008) but only thestriatum codes aversive prediction error (Schiller et al., 2008),suggesting that the amygdala is involved in representing thesalience of events learned as a consequence of prediction errorsignals transmitted from other regions. Aberrant prediction errorresponses in the midbrain or striatum could therefore encourageinappropriate assignment of significance to stimuli, thoughts andpercepts (Kapur, 2003) which are then allocated attention in theamygdala (Laviolette and Grace, 2006) through changes in fronto-parietal spatial representations (Mohanty et al., 2009). Theseenvironmental contingencies are also subjected to strong consoli-dation through changes in synaptic strength in the rhinal andentorhinal cortices (Hikosaka et al., 2008a), hence, future encounterswith similar cues will engender rapid and powerful predictions ofaversive stimulation which would engage avoidance behaviors.Impairments in this system could then contribute to the mainte-nance of paranoia (Freeman et al., 2007; Moutoussis et al., 2007).

Uncertainty is a powerful and uncomfortable experience. Aconsequence of such perceived and unsettling lacking of control isthat subjects strive to find consistent relationships. Theyconsequently become prone to finding illusory patterns, seeingfigures in noise, recognizing correlations between unrelatedevents, creating superstitious rituals and endorsing conspiracybeliefs (Whitson and Galinsky, 2008). We contend that thesehealthy coping mechanisms are magnified in individuals withpsychosis, culminating in the formation of delusions. These ‘fillingin’ processes may result from top-down influences of orbitofrontalcortex, which receives information from the each modality-specific cortical pathway specifying what a particular sensoryobject is (Rolls et al., 2008), for example; the inferior temporalcortex where object and face identity are encoded (Rolls, 2007) andthe superior temporal sulcus where face expression and gestureare represented (Hasselmo et al., 1989a,b). Furthermore, theorbitofrontal cortex has inputs from the amygdala and the ventraltegmental area (Takahashi et al., 2009) which may drive its abilityto learn affective value representations (Padoa-Schioppa andAssad, 2006) which appear to modulate perception in a top-downmanner (de Araujo et al., 2005); when affectively charged externallabels are applied to percepts, OFC responses bias cingulate andstriatal responses in the direction of the label (Grabenhorst et al.,2008). Furthermore, damage to the OFC can result in spontaneousconfabulation, a delusion-like disorder in which patients confuseongoing reality with past experiences (Schnider, 2003). Thus,hyper-engagement of top-down attentional biases may contributeto the aberrant salience underpinning delusional beliefs (Kapur,2003) as well as to their maintenance (Corlett et al., 2009a,b).

2.4. Simple synaptic learning and memory mechanisms of belief


2.4.1. Our sense of self, agency and free will

Like beliefs, the self is difficult to define and multifaceted(Mishara, 2007). We will focus on one conception of self, that of anagent that is responsible for actions (Wegner, 2004). In this respect,excessive agency accounts of paranoia (Kaney and Bentall, 1992)may be enriched by a consideration of the phenomenon of

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superstitious instrumental conditioning (Skinner, 1948), in whichspurious associations are learned between an action and a salientoutcome and the action persists despite there being no causalconnection between it and the salient outcome. An excessivelynoisy dopamine system would be fertile grounds for superstitions,which are essentially delusional associations that are reinforcedbetween merely coincident thoughts or actions and environmentalevents (Shaner, 1999). According to action reselection hypothesesof dopaminergic prediction error signals (Redgrave and Gurney,2006), inappropriate dopaminergic prediction error signals wouldconfer a spurious sense of agency for events.

Initial lesion studies suggested that hippocampal damageincreased superstitious learning in experimental animals (Deven-port, 1979). However, more extensive investigations implicatedthe parietal cortex in superstitious responding, suggesting thatcollateral damage to this region of cortex may have occurred whenthe hippocampus was aspirated (Mittleman et al., 1990). Elevatedsuperstitious responding has been demonstrated in chronicketamine users with delusion-like ideation and perceptualaberrations (Freeman et al., 2009) and patients with schizophreniawho have delusions (Roiser et al., 2009), although the rate ofsuperstitious responding in (presumably non-delusional) controlsubjects was high in both of these studies.

Lesions of the parietal cortex grossly alter bodily perception andrepresentation, for example, hemi-spatial neglect involves a failureto appreciate half of the body, external world and mental images(Bisiach and Luzzatti, 1978). Perhaps another function of theparietal cortex in instrumental learning involves keeping track ofthe sense of self as agent in the environment (Farrer et al., 2008).Wegner and others hypothesize that a sense of self agency may belearned through experience; having an intention to act veryfrequently precedes the action itself and this contiguity bindsintentions with actions through associative learning (Glymour,2004; Hume, 1739/2007; Wegner, 2004). This system can be fooledusing subliminal prime events that alter the contiguity betweenactions and outcomes (Aarts et al., 2005) and furthermore, subjectsjudge the time between performing an action and producing anoutcome as shorter when the action was intentional, a process ofaction-outcome binding (Moore et al., 2009). Schizophrenicpatients with severe positive symptoms show a hyper-bindingeffect, an exaggerated binding between their actions and theoutcomes they produce, consistent with a disturbed agencyaccount of paranoia (Franck et al., 2005; Haggard et al., 2003).This process of learned intentionality has been modeled usingBayesian mechanisms; in essence, the task of inferring causalagency involves conditioning the evidence (whether the outcomeoccurred?) over the priors (was there an intention to act and wouldthe outcome be consistent with the outcome performed?(Hendricks et al., 2007; Lau et al., 2007). Inappropriate engagementof this inference mechanism could account for excessive andinappropriate agency underpinning, for example, beliefs intelekinesis or telepathy, but what about delusions of passivityor external control?

The parietal cortex has also been implicated in passivityexperiences through prediction error; in this case, the mismatchbetween expected and experienced consequences of movements(Schnell et al., 2008). Producing movements over which we feel asense of agency also involves predictive learning and predictionerror (Blakemore et al., 2002). Again, a Bayesian mechanism mayunderlie motor control; an internal predictive model of motorcommands which is used to predict the sensory consequences ofmovements and compare them with the actual sensory feedbackduring movement execution (Wolpert et al., 1995; Wolpert andMiall, 1996). The cerebellum appears to store internal worldmodels and compute discrepancies between predicted andexperienced sensory consequences of actions (Blakemore et al.,

2001). Event related functional MRI studies of the period before amovement show that activations changes in the cerebellum andPFC occur several seconds before movement onset and the degreeof cerebellar activation correlates with that in prefrontal andinferior parietal cortices (Allen et al., 2005).

Internal ‘forward’ models use an efference copy of motorcommands (Von Holst, 1954) to make a prediction about thesensory consequences of an action (Blakemore, 2003). Thiscomparison can be used to cancel sensory effects of performingthe action, compared with identical movements that are externallyproduced (Blakemore et al., 1999; Weiskrantz et al., 1971). Animpairment in such a predictive system would result in a failure toattenuate the sensory consequences of self-produced actions,making them appear indistinguishable from externally generatedsensations and engendering the inference that one’s own move-ments were externally caused (Blakemore et al., 2002; Frith et al.,2000a). This theory provides an elegant explanation for why wecannot tickle ourselves, since we cancel the predicted sensoryconsequences of the action (Blakemore et al., 2000b). However,patients experiencing passivity phenomena and hallucinations, inwhom sensory cancellation is presumed to be impaired, rate selfgenerated stimulation as ticklish (Blakemore et al., 2000a).Impaired cancellation of efference copies has likewise beenimplicated in the pathophysiology of hallucinations; here inter-nally generated speech is misperceived as externally generateddue to this impairment in the cancellation of forward modelpredictions (Ford and Mathalon, 2005; Ford et al., 2007).

There are some rare patients who call the proposed model ofpassivity into question; subjects who have suffered hapticdeafferentiation and therefore do not perceive sensory feedbackfrom the actions they perform (Fourneret et al., 2002). Since ahaptically deafferented subject does not suffer from delusions ofpassivity; some have argued that aberrant percepts of one’s ownaction are not sufficient to explain passivity delusions; invoking afurther belief evaluation dysfunction that is necessary for thedelusional inference to occur (Coltheart, 2010). To clarify theprediction error based explanation of these phenomena; patientswith passivity experiences do not use forward model predictions tocancel the predicted consequences of their movements so theyexperience the sensory consequences of their actions and thereforeattribute the source of their actions externally. Haptically deaf-ferented subjects should therefore be protected from passivityexperiences; since such experiences do not depend on absence offeedback but on inappropriately large or unexpected feedback. It isthis persistence and unexpected nature of aberrant predictionerror that engages delusion formation.

Parietal cortex receives inputs from the cerebellar internalmodel (Ito, 1993), possibly combining them with a multisensorysalience map of the external world and the motor plans necessaryto approach or avoid salient features (Mohanty et al., 2009).Activity in the parietal operculum is also attenuated during selfinitiated movements compared with passive movements (Weilleret al., 1996) and during self-produced compared with externalstimulation. Patients with lesion to the right hemisphere in whitematter underlying the parietal operculum delusion that their limbbelonged to their niece (Bottini et al., 2002).

Even healthy individuals can be tricked into accepting that afalse hand belongs to their own body (Botvinick and Cohen, 1998).If subjects perceive the false hand being stimulated at the sametime as they feel their own (occluded) hand receiving the samestimulation, they begin to feel that the false hand belongs to them,incorporating it into their body schema such that, when asked toestimate where their own hand is positioned, they point to alocation closer to the false hand (Makin et al., 2008). Patients withschizophrenia are more susceptible to this illusion (Peled et al.,2003). It appears that the processes of multisensory integration

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involved in judging ownership of a body part involve synapticlearning via associative Hebbian mechanisms, representing theconfluence of seeing a hand stimulated and feeling a handstimulated (Keysers et al., 2004). Furthermore, top-down atten-tional biases seem to influence the illusion (Tsakiris and Haggard,2005). These biases again emerge through associative learningand are subject to the same formal rules, a surprising mismatchbetween the expected confluence of sensation and vision weakensthe illusion. Likewise the illusion does not occur for a stick: peopleperceive rubber hand illusions more readily than rubber objectillusions (Press et al., 2008). Physiological noise in the multisen-sory integration process that confers bodily ownership mayengender mutated prior expectations about the body which biassubsequent perception, resulting in somatoparophrenias, delu-sions of body representation and agency (Vallar and Ronchi,2009).

2.4.2. Social learning and therefore our beliefs about others

Social neuroscientists also appreciate the power of predictionerror and predictive coding (Behrens et al., 2009; Kilner et al.,2007a,b; Lee, 2008a). Reinforcement learning circuits are engagedwhen human subjects make social value judgments and a furthernetwork of brain regions is engaged when subjects makejudgments about the intentions of others – including the superiortemporal sulcus/temporoparietal junction (STS/TPJ) (Behrens et al.,2009). These data build upon previous suggestions that associativeprinciples like prediction error govern various social attributionprocesses (Miller, 1959). For example social attributions madeabout worker productivity are susceptible to associative learningphenomena like Kamin blocking (Cramer et al., 2002).

fMRI studies of prediction error driven reinforcement learningusually require participants to learn which of two stimuli to choosein order to win the most points (Pessiglione et al., 2006). In anextension to the standard paradigm, Behrens et al. gave subjects anadditional source of information, the suggestion of a confederatewho may or may not know the appropriate choice to make. Hencethe subjects learned simultaneously whether to choose the blue orthe green card and also whether they could trust the advice of theconfederate. They were able to distinguish brain regions coding amismatch between expected and experienced reward from brainregions coding a mismatch between expected and experiencedtruth. Intriguingly, these analyses revealed that adjacent butdistinct regions of the anterior cingulate cortex coded reward andtruth prediction error. The STS/TPJ also appeared to reflect socialprediction errors about the truth of the confederate’s advice(Behrens et al., 2008).

The analysis of social learning in terms of prediction error hasrecently bridged theories of both reinforcement learning andpredictive coding. Building upon the empirical Bayes model ofbrain function, this approach combines the forward model ofintentional motor control (Blakemore, 2003; Blakemore et al.,2001; Wolpert et al., 1995; Wolpert and Miall, 1996) with theobservations of social prediction errors in STS (Behrens et al., 2008;Hampton et al., 2008) to explain the function of the brain’s mirrorneurons system through its direct link between action andobservation (Kilner et al., 2007a,b). Here, the most likely causeof an observed action can be inferred by minimizing the predictionerror across all levels in the cortical hierarchy that are engaged bythat observation.

Observing, imagining, or in any way representing an actionexcites the motor program used to execute the same action(Jeannerod, 1994). Mirror Neurons discharge not only duringaction execution but also during action observation; they wereidentified in non-human primates, using neural recording, in areaF5 and the inferior parietal lobule (Fogassi and Luppino, 2005;Gallese et al., 1996; Rizzolatti et al., 1996). Functional magnetic

resonance imaging data have been used to infer the presence ofmirror neurons in the human inferior parietal lobule (Chong et al.,2008) and inferior frontal gyrus (Kilner et al., 2009). Howeversome have failed to find evidence of mirror neuron-likeactivations (Lingnau et al., 2009). Indeed, the spatial resolutionof fMRI is such that it may be inappropriate to ascribe theresponse in a particular region to a specific population of cells.Furthermore, some have questioned the reified status of mirrorneurons; that is, instead of being indivisible, they may simplyreflect conditioning of an association between a motor programfor an action and a visual representation of that action; learned byexperience across the life course (Heyes, 2010). The presenttheory does not depend on the exact origin of mirror representa-tions and, given that the regions in which mirror neurons havebeen identified with direct recording in non-human primateslargely overlap with those regions that responded to actionobservation and execution in human subjects, we proceed bydiscussing the potential role of mirror neurons in human socialcognition (Gallese et al., 2004).

Implicit in the description of mirror neurons is the idea thatinformation is passed by forward connections from low-levelrepresentations of the movement kinematics to high-levelrepresentations of the intentions subtending the action. Observa-tion of an action activates the STS, which in turn drives the inferiorparietal lobule which drives the inferior frontal gyrus. Formallythis is a recognition model that operates by the inversion of agenerative model (Kilner et al., 2007a,b). A generative model willproduce an estimate of the visual consequences of an executedaction given the causes or goals of that action. By inverting themodel it is possible to infer the cause or goal of an action given thevisual input (Kilner et al., 2007a,b).

Again, bottom-up or top-down biases in this inference processwould lead to gross misrepresentations of other’s intentions.Those biases may arise due to aberrant prediction error signals,forging maladaptive social expectations manifest phenomeno-logically as intense feelings of social uncertainty and ultimatelyparanoia. More recently, it has emerged that beliefs aboutsomebody’s mental experience can influence how we perceivetheir physical attributes (Teufel et al., 2009). While the fullconnotations of this have yet to be explored, it seems that we mayperceive someone’s behavior depending on what we think thatthey are thinking.

3. The fixity of delusions

By inappropriately updating subject’s priors, delusions areapplied to all subsequent experiences (Conrad, 1958b; Misharaand Corlett, 2009). Why might this be? Indeed, if we are arguingthat delusions form under the influence of inappropriate, uncertainand imprecise prediction error, why do delusions become sotenacious? Here we turn to a process that has received increasingempirical attention in recent years; memory reconsolidation(Misanin et al., 1968; Nader et al., 2000). We conceive of beliefsand delusions as a kind of memory (Eichenbaum and Bodkin,2000), that is, a means through which past experiences andprocessing organize responses to current inputs. Memories serve amore dynamic function than simple storage; they can be recalled,returned to a labile state (Misanin et al., 1968; Nader et al., 2000),updated with new information (Estes, 1997) and strengthened(Lee, 2008b); a set of reconsolidation processes that appear to beengaged when unexpected events occur (Eisenhardt and Menzel,2007). This updating process involves a streamlining or schemati-zation of the representation (Stickgold and Walker, 2007). We havepreviously argued that, once delusions are formed, futureprediction errors engage a reactivation, reconsolidation andstrengthening of the delusion; rendering it impervious to

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contradictory evidence; each time a delusion is deployed, it isreinforced further, conferring resistance to contradiction (Corlettet al., 2009b), rather like the formation of an instrumental habitwith overtraining (Adams and Dickinson, 1981; Lee, 2008b;Stickgold and Walker, 2007). That is, when subsequent predictionerrors occur, they are explicable in terms of the delusion and theyserve to reinforce it, hence the paradoxical observation thatchallenging subjects’ delusions can actually strengthen theirconviction (Milton et al., 1978; Simpson and Done, 2002).Neurobiologically, this reconsolidation based strengthening wouldshift control of behavior toward the dorsal striatal habit system(see Fig. 3) and would manifest as immutable prior expectancies inBayesian cortical hierarchies (Corlett et al., 2009a,b; Mishara andCorlett, 2009). Delusions may be maintained despite beingfallacious through disruptions in fronto-striatal synaptic meta-plasticity, a form of ‘plasticity of plasticity’ (Abraham and Bear,1996) that allows old associations to be overridden by newlearning. Metaplasticity can be restored with N-acetyl-cysteine(Moussawi et al., 2009), a drug which increases the availability ofglutamate in extrasynaptic spaces by stimulating the cysteine-glutamate antiporter (Baker et al., 2008). This analysis of delusions,in terms of a shift away from computationally expensive prefrontalprocessing toward striatal habit (Daw et al., 2005; Mishara andCorlett, 2009) may also explain the waxing and waning ofdelusional conviction and the paradoxical double book-keeping;patients endorse particular delusions but do not act as if they trulybelieve them (Bleuler, 1908; Sass, 2004); such situations would

Fig. 3. Neural circuitry of goal directedness (knowledge) and habit (belief). With repetitio

directed ventral corticostriatal control toward control by the inflexible dorsal striatum

transpire if the goal-directed system occasionally won thecompetition for control of behavior, a state of the system thatcan be engendered by enhancing plasticity in prefrontal brainregions (Hitchcott et al., 2007; Moussawi et al., 2009).

Here we draw upon advances in the cognitive neuroscience ofaddiction to make our case about delusions. Like delusions,aberrant prediction error accounts have been outlined for thegeneration of addictive behaviors (Lapish et al., 2006; Redish,2004) as well as their maintenance as habits despite maladaptiveconsequences (Takahashi et al., 2008). We posit that theinappropriate prediction error that occurs in endogenous psycho-sis is internally generated [rather than a plastic response to drugconsumption, although see Corlett et al. (2009a) for a review ofdrug induced psychoses] and that they track merely coincidentenvironmental stimuli rather than cues that predict access to drugand drug induced hedonic states. However, maladaptive predictionerror responses in addiction and psychosis may be indicative of afronto-striatal system that is sensitized toward aberrant learningand may therefore explain the strong co-morbidity between drugabuse and psychosis (Kalayasiri et al., 2006; van Nimwegen et al.,2005).

Reactivating a delusion (perhaps having a patient engage withand ruminate upon it) may drive its representation into a labilestate; providing a novel therapeutic window in which to interveneand destabilize the delusion. This approach has been takenpreviously with some success (Rubin, 1976), however, futurewell-controlled investigations are essential.

n, rumination and reconsolidation, the control of behavior shifts from flexible goal-

and motor cortex.

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4. One or two factors?

There are competing accounts of delusions in cognitiveneuropsychiatry (Coltheart et al., 2007; Freeman et al., 2002;Garety, 1991; Garety and Freeman, 1999; Gerrans, 2002; Kinder-man and Bentall, 1997; McKay et al., 2007). Some argue thatperceptual aberrations are all that is required for a delusion to form(Gerrans, 2002; Maher, 1974), others that delusions result fromtop-down reasoning impairments (Freeman et al., 2002; Garety,1991; Garety and Freeman, 1999), others still posit somecombination of both factors, a two-factor approach in whichperceptual and reasoning abnormalities combine (Coltheart et al.,2007; McKay et al., 2007). The latter derive from observations thatneurological patients with delusions often have two sites ofdamage; a lesion in a perceptual region (such as the fusiform facearea) and an additional lesion in ‘belief evaluation’ regions,possibly in the right frontal cortex (Ramachandran and Blakeslee,1998). The first damage engenders odd percepts and the secondgenerates bizarre explanations.

Prediction error driven Bayesian models of delusions (Corlettet al., 2009a; Fletcher and Frith, 2009) subsume both factors into asingle deficit in Bayesian inference; noise in predictive learningmechanisms engender inappropriate percepts which update futurepriors, leading to the formation and maintenance of delusions.Prediction error signals have been registered in right dorsolateralprefrontal cortex during causal learning (Corlett et al., 2004;Fletcher et al., 2001; Turner et al., 2004), psychotogenic drugadministration and endogenous psychosis are associated withinappropriate responding in this region, the magnitude of whichwas predictive of delusion severity (Corlett et al., 2006, 2007b).

Two-factor theorists have recently equated the inappropriateprediction error signals that we reported in dorsolateral prefrontalcortex with their aberrant belief evaluation process or factor 2(Coltheart, 2010). However, a single deficit in Bayesian inference isable to explain more of what we know about the interactionsbetween perception and belief-based expectation, the neurobiolo-gy of the delusions that occur in schizophrenia and themaintenance of delusions in the face of contradictory evidence.That is, unlike two-factor theory, our model allows for dysfunc-tional prediction error to be calculated in PFC and imposed uponthe rest of the brain or, alternatively for surprising perceptualinputs to arrive at PFC engaging surprise and demandingexplanation. Both of these possibilities (bottom-up and top-down)are aberrations of a single factor; Bayesian inference.

We recognize the strong neurological evidence that perceptualaberration and delusional ideation are dissociable (Coltheart,2010). However, we emphasize the potential consequences ofprefrontal cortical damage alone (their factor 2) as well peripheralperceptual dysfunction (their factor 1); there are patients whosuffer from delusion-like spontaneous confabulations followingdamage to ventromedial and lateral prefrontal cortex (Schnider,2003; Turner et al., 2004) and at least one patient in whomperipheral sensations are perturbed (following damage to thebrachial plexus) who has somatic delusions in the absence of anyapparent structural damage and by extension any deficit in factor 2(Ghoreishi, 2010).

In short, the present model suggests that inappropriatemismatches between expectancy and experience engender pre-diction error where there ought to be none, driving new andaberrant learning directly and through the allocation of attentiontoward irrelevant but potentially explanatory cues (Corlett et al.,2007a). This learning normally provides the basis for a variety ofvital perceptual and cognitive functions that govern our interac-tions with the environment and other agents so when itmalfunctions, gross misrepresentations of reality, delusions andperceptual aberrations, result.

5. A neurodevelopmental dimension?

Developmental studies suggest that children who go on todevelop schizophrenia and therefore likely delusions (althoughnot all patients with schizophrenia have delusions) have subtleneurological ‘soft-signs’ indicative of aberrant sensorimotorintegration (Mohr et al., 1996). In healthy individuals, thereare relationships between motor developmental milestones,structural integrity of the frontal cortex, striatum and cerebellumand executive cognitive function, associations which are notpresent in patients with schizophrenia (Ridler et al., 2006)suggesting impaired bootstrapping of cortical pathways intosystems that can predict and respond to their inputs and thus, animpairment of adaptive interaction with the environment andother agents; individuals with impaired sensorimotor integrationthroughout development would learn impoverished or maladap-tive prior expectancies about the world (Hemsley and Garety,1986b).

Different homeobox genes are responsible for controlling thedevelopment and patterning of the frontal cortex (Tabares-Seisdedos and Rubenstein, 2009), midbrain dopamine neurons(Maxwell and Li, 2005), the striatum (Long et al., 2009), theamygdala (Tole et al., 2005) and cerebellum (Sillitoe et al., 2008).Some of these genes and their expression products have beenassociated with psychotic symptoms, for example; DLX1 expres-sion is decreased in the thalamus of individuals with psychosiscompared with those without a history of psychosis and matchedhealthy controls (Kromkamp et al., 2003). Likewise, the home-ogene Engrailed 2 which controls cerebellar development isassociated with schizophrenia (Gourion et al., 2004). Knockingout FGF17, a gene that controls the patterning and organization offrontal cortical development, leads to profound deficits in socialinteraction in mice, perhaps indicative of a relationship toparanoia (Scearce-Levie et al., 2008). Indeed, a human geneticassociation study revealed a link between the chromosomeregion where FGF17 is found (8p13) and delusional beliefs (Chiuet al., 2002). We acknowledge that we are speculating here andwe appreciate the dangers of anthropomorphizing social beha-viors in rodents; future work should address the validity of FGF-knockout as a model of paranoia by exploring other predictionerror related processes in these animals; do they have a deficit inconditioned avoidance learning, for example? We believe that thedifferent themes of delusional beliefs entertained by differentsubjects may have their origins in subtle developmentaldysfunctions in the circuits we have outlined, biasing predictionerror driven deficits in glutamatergic and dopaminergic proces-sing toward a particular set of experiences and a specificexplanatory belief. Normal variation in these same genetic locimay underpin individual differences in perceptual aberration aswell as the themes and severity of delusion-like ideation in thehealthy population.

6. Explaining delusion content

We now attempt to account for different kinds of delusionwithin this framework. While the scope of this section is by nomeans exhaustive, we believe that the range of delusionspotentially accounted for within the framework is compelling(see Fig. 4).

6.1. Paranoia and delusions of reference

Referential delusions involve the belief that objects, events andagents in the environment are communicating specific andpersonal messages (Conrad, 1958b) ranging from the inanimateto animate, from newspapers, to television newsreaders (Startup

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Fig. 4. Putative delusion circuits. Salience/reference: A circuit incorporating the midbrain dopaminergic nuclei, the associative striatum and frontal cortex. Aberrant prediction

errors in midbrain update expectancies in the frontal cortex leading to aberrantly salient percepts. Agency/others: The midbrain, PFC, parietal cortex and cerebellum as well as

the bimodal cells of the putamen. This circuit describes forward model predictions used to discern whether sensory stimulation was internally of externally generated. A

breakdown in this predictive mechanism would manifest as hallucinatory tactile percepts and inferences of external control of intentional action. Fear/paranoia: A circuit

incorporating the midbrain, amygdala, frontal and parietal cortices. Here, neutral or irrelevant stimuli, thoughts and percepts come to engender fear and anxiety. A

dysfunction in fronto-parietal circuitry engenders inappropriate social predictions and maladaptive inferences about the intentions of others. Interaction between circuits:

These circuits interact and likely mutually reinforce one another.

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and Startup, 2005) and even the fictional television detectiveColumbo (Chadwick, 2007). The psychotomimetic drug ketaminetransiently induces delusions of reference in healthy volunteers(Krystal et al., 1994; Oye et al., 1992; Pomarol-Clotet et al., 2006). Itblocks NMDA receptors (thus impairing the specification of top-down prior expectancies) while at the same time enhancingbottom-up AMPA signaling (Jackson et al., 2004) and engagesacetylcholine release (Sarter et al., 2005). Low, sub psychotic dosesof the drug engage the right fronto-striatal prediction errorsignaling system in response to unsurprising and highly predict-able events and the extent to which it does this showed a strongtrend toward predicting the severity of heightened perception anddelusional ideation (Corlett et al., 2006). We argue that delusions ofreference form due to the attentional effects of aberrant predictionerror (Pearce and Hall, 1980) mediated via surprise-inducedacetylcholine release from the nucleus basalis of meynert (Baoet al., 2001; Holland and Gallagher, 1993a, 1999, 2006; Lee et al.,2005); subjects find their attention drawn toward irrelevantstimuli and events in the environment and impute personalmeaning upon them, an experience that demands explanation,culminating in delusions of reference.

Paranoid ideation is associated with excessive fear or anxiety(Moutoussis et al., 2007). In the context of the present analysis,paranoia would result when aberrant prediction error in fronto-striatal learning systems engages the amygdala, engendering afeeling of fear and a state of hypervigilance. Relevant to thiscontention, delusions of reference and paranoid/persecutoryideation tend to co-occur in patients with delusions (Startupand Startup, 2005), that is, hypervigilance and the perception ofmeaning in irrelevant and innocuous events may engenderparanoia, since uncertainty and unpredictability are inherentlyfear inducing (Vinogradov et al., 1992; Whitson and Galinsky,2008). However, paranoid thoughts are commonly about other

people (Melo et al., 2006) and, as such, they may involve aprediction error driven dysfunction in the social learningmechanisms that we use to infer the intentions of others localizedto fronto-striatal and parietal circuits and the superior temporalsulcus/temporoparietal junction (Behrens et al., 2009, 2008).

Physiological noise in this system, as a result of NMDA receptorhypofunction (which would disturb the specification of priors),AMPA receptor hyperfunction (which would signal predictionerror where there should be none) and elevated dopamine levelswithin the mirror neuron circuit would impair the sufferer’s abilityto use what they have learned about their own actions andintentions to make inferences about other agents (Kilner et al.,2007a,b). Those disturbances in predicting and learning theconsequences of our own actions may also have their origins ina disruption in the extended fronto-striatal-parietal reinforcementlearning circuit; as we outlined, the midbrain dopamine neuronsimplicated in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia (Murray et al.,2008) may report an error in prediction, which is then processed ina circuit incorporating the frontal cortex, striatum and hippocam-pus (Redgrave and Gurney, 2006) as well as parietal cortex(Mittleman et al., 1990). This signal may be used to discernwhether the organisms’ actions caused a particular outcome, orwhether the outcome happened due to external events (Redgraveand Gurney, 2006), while hypofunctioning of this circuit wouldlead to a decreased sense of agency for one’s own actions, perhapsmost relevant to delusions of external control (see below), we positthat the hyper-engagement of this circuit could engender paranoia.That is, paranoid persecutory ideation is associated with supersti-tious biases in action-outcome learning (Kaney and Bentall, 1992).When playing rigged computer games paranoid individualsclaimed to control both negative and positive outcomes when infact there was no programmed contingency between their actionsand the salient events.

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Haggard et al. have reported an excessive binding betweenintentional actions and the outcomes they produce in patients withschizophrenia, however they did not relate this effect to delusionsor paranoia in particular (Haggard et al., 2003). This maladaptiveperception of contiguity between actions and outcomes wouldseem to offer an explanation for bizarre beliefs about telekinesis orenhanced predictive abilities, however in the context of the mirrorneuron system account for computing and inferring the intentionsof others (Kilner et al., 2007a,b), an individual who had learnedspurious associations between their actions and salient environ-mental outcomes would also be expected to use those associationsto infer the intentions of other agents. They would then ascribesupernatural abilities or excessively powerful status to individualswhom they encountered. In the context of prediction error inducedamygdala responses, this inference would be affectively chargedand result in a fear and distrust that is incommensurate with thecurrent situation. This model makes some progress towardintegrating neurobiology with psychodynamic explanations ofparanoia (Kinderman and Bentall, 1996, 1997) in which attentionalbiases toward perceived threats are driven by mismatchesbetween current self perceptions and how the patient believesthey ought to be, focusing or projecting a threatening attributionalbias onto external agents (Colby, 1977), patients with paranoiamay attempt to avoid feelings of low self-esteem by attributing thecause of adverse experiences externally (Bentall et al., 2001). Webelieve that impairments in the brain’s mirror neuron system andits ability to infer the intentions of others based on inverting itsown predictions (Kilner et al., 2007a,b) may underpin theseprocesses of inappropriate external projection of threat.

6.2. Delusions of motor passivity

‘‘My fingers pick up the pen, but I don’t control them. What theydo is nothing to do with me’’ (Mellor, 1970). It appears that theseodd beliefs result from an impairment in the cancellation ofpredicted sensory consequences of motor behaviors (Blakemore,2003; Blakemore et al., 2003; Frith, 2005), involving a defect in thespecification of motor predictions by the cerebellum whichsubsequently inappropriately engages parietal and frontal cortices(Frith, 2005; Schnell et al., 2008; Spence et al., 1997). An actionproduced without apparent forward model expectation is there-fore ascribed to an external agent. A similar aberrant efferencecopy account has been made with respect to auditory hallucina-tions (Ford and Mathalon, 2005; Ford et al., 2007; Heinks-Maldonado et al., 2007).

However, some have criticized this model for failing to explainhow patients with these delusions (and underlying brainpathology) can engage in any behavior at all. Having a sense ofone’s self as the source of our intentional actions may be essentialfor goal-directed instrumental learning (Glymour, 2004). Thissense may be learned by the contiguous association betweenperceiving an intention to act, executing the motor program andencountering the consequences (Hume, 1739/2007; Wegner,2004). Prediction errors due to physiological noise from dysre-gulated midbrain dopamine neurons projecting to prefrontalcortex could render those predictive associations unreliable(Corlett et al., 2007a). However, there is a less computationallyintensive brain system that can control instrumental learning inthe dorsolateral striatum. This system is said to mediate stimulus-response habits (Daw et al., 2005; McDonald and Hong, 2004;Reading et al., 1991; Tang et al., 2007; Tricomi et al., 2009; Yinet al., 2004). The information used to guide behavior in this systemis insensitive to the current value of the outcome (Daw et al.,2005). Habitual organisms behave reflexively, emitting motorresponses to environmental cues irrespective of their conse-quences (Adams and Dickinson, 1981). The dorsal striatal habit

system is believed to govern compulsive drug seeking and taking(Belin et al., 2009). The goal-directed and habit systems areconceived of as competitors for the control of behavior – thesystem that is least uncertain about the appropriate behaviorgiven the context may win that competition (Daw et al., 2005).Competition between them can be biased towards the habitsystem by extended behavioral training (Adams and Dickinson,1981); boosting synaptic dopamine levels in the striatum (Nelsonand Killcross, 2006), or modulating AMPA receptor function(Bespalov et al., 2007). Goal directedness can be rescued byrestoring dopamine induced plasticity in the prefrontal cortex(Hitchcott et al., 2007). It is possible that the habit system wins thecompetition in individuals with delusions (see below). Passivityexperiences may therefore be explained as instrumental actionscontrolled by the habit system in the context of a noisy andinaccurate goal-directed system.

6.3. Delusions of parasitosis

Individuals with delusional parasitosis are convinced that smallanimals such as insects or lice are living on or within their skin(Berrios, 1982, 1985). This particular symptom highlights theoverlap between delusions and hallucinations, perceptions andbeliefs which calls in to question the strict clinical distinction(Corlett et al., 2009a; Fletcher and Frith, 2009; Frith and Dolan,2000). Striatal lesions (Huber et al., 2008), dopamine agonistmedications (Charuvastra and Yaeger, 2006; Mitchell and Vierkant,1991), cocaine (Mitchell and Vierkant, 1991; Siegel, 1978; Wallis,1949) and amphetamine (Ellinwood, 1968; Ellinwood et al., 1974)abuse can all engender delusions of parasitosis. Indeed, chronictreatment with dopamine antagonists can induce behaviorsindicative of parasitosis in experimental animals (Ellison, 1994).In human stroke patients, delusions of parasitosis often occurfollowing lesions of right temporoparietal cortex, thalamus andputamen (Huber et al., 2008). Putamen strongly influencesvisuotactile perception (Graziano and Gross, 1993; Ladavaset al., 1998; Romo et al., 1995; Yoo et al., 2003), it containsbimodal cells with visual and tactile receptive fields, which help toencode the location of sensory stimuli mainly near the face. Thesecells project to parietal (ventral intra-parietal cortex), primarysomatosensory and pre-motor cortices (Graziano and Gross, 1993;Ladavas et al., 1998).

We contend that sensations on the skin are a result of the sameinteraction between top-down and bottom-up mechanisms thatwe argue are crucial for visual perception. This is supported by thecutaneous rabbit illusion (Geldard and Sherrick, 1972) wheresimultaneous stimulation of two points on the skin gives rise to thepercept of a rabbit ‘hopping’ between the two points; stimulationat a particular frequency is best explained by movement along atrajectory between the two points. There are Bayesian accounts ofthe illusion (Goldreich, 2007). Parasitosis may arise either due tobottom-up sensation that is normally ignored – for example a lackof adaptation of skin sensation over time or, alternatively, due toinappropriate top-down expectations – the power of cognition incutaneous sensation is also underlined by contagious itchsensations experienced when subjects are exposed to conversa-tions about insects on the skin (Heaven and McBrayer, 2000;Mitchell, 1995).

The same learning mechanisms that underpin the rubber handillusion (Press et al., 2008) might also be involved in parasitosis; adeficit in Bayesian multisensory integration would lead aberrantprediction error, driving attention toward potentially explanatorycues and forging inappropriate visuotactile associations. Theseassociations, between sensation and a particular spatial location,might be represented by bimodal cells in the striatum, forming anew prior, a top-down bias in attention to the skin which would

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contribute to the maintenance of the delusion (Berrios, 1982;Corlett, 2009).

6.4. Delusions of misidentification

There are two main classes of misidentification delusion;Capgras; in which patients believe that their close family membershave been replaced by imposters (Capgras and Reboul-Lachaux,1923), and Fregoli; in which patients believe that strangers thatthey encounter are their relatives in disguise (Courbon and Fail,1927). Additionally, some patients have misidentification of theirown home either feeling it is unfamiliar (Feinberg and Keenan,2005; Fleminger, 1992) or that the hospital in which they findthemselves is really their house hundreds of miles away (Schnider,2001). Two-factor models of these disorders assume a dual deficit,one in perception of affect, the other in belief evaluation (Coltheartet al., 2007). Instead, we argue that phenomenology of the perceptsare such that bizarre beliefs are inevitable; surprising experiencesdemand surprising explanations (Kihlstrom and Hoyt, 1988). Inour Bayesian, predictive learning scheme, Capgras results whenpatients experience an anomalous lack of affective respondingwhen confronted with their relatives (Ellis and Young, 1990), thedelusion constitutes a new prior driven by the experience, a meansfor explaining it away (Young, 2008). It is possible that the initialaffective disturbance results from a failure to guide affectperception by prior experience, that is, just like sensory perception,emotions are predicted (Gilbert and Wilson, 2009); we haveemotional priors, indeed, it is the prior expectancy of a familiar facecombined with an emotional response (learned through experi-ence) which breaks down in Capgras patients (Fleminger, 1992);fostering the misidentification of someone (or something) familiaras unfamiliar (Young, 2008). With the Fregoli delusion, it is amisplaced sense of familiarity (rather like a delusion of reference,specific to people) which guides patients to infer that people theydo not know are actually their relatives in disguise.

In a meta-analysis of patients with delusional misidentification(Fregoli and Capgras delusions) about persons or objects, surveying48 cases following neurological insult, Feinberg et al. found thatthe overwhelming majority had damage to the right hemisphere,commonly the frontal cortex. This observation is in line with ourown work on prediction error during causal learning implicating aregion of right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in prediction errorsignaling (Corlett et al., 2004; Fletcher et al., 2001; Turner et al.,2004) and implicating it in delusion formation (Corlett et al., 2006,2007b).

The laterality of damage that induces delusions seemsreplicable across studies of neurological patients with delusions(Devinsky, 2009). Spitzer and Walter (2003) speculate that thishemispheric bias can be explained by appealing to the differenthemispheric modes of information processing (Kosslyn et al.,1992). Whereas the left hemisphere is characterized by smallerreceptive fields resulting in focused, conjunctive coding, the righthemisphere is characterized by larger, overlapping receptive fieldsresulting in a coarse coding (Spitzer and Walter, 2003). In terms ofBayesian brain theory, receptive fields are related to the top-downspecification of expected inputs (Rao and Ballard, 1999). Increasingdopamine levels may alter the signal to noise ratio of neurons, thatis, it will increase the precision or certainty with which a predictionerror is signaled (Friston et al., 2009) such that subjects respond tophysiological noise as if it were meaningful signal (Grace, 1991).An increase in dopamine levels would serve to inappropriatelyincrease confidence in noisy signals. It will therefore affect asystem which relies on coarse coding, i.e. the right hemisphere,more prominently than a system which relies on conjunctivecoding, i.e. the left hemisphere. That is, the right hemisphere ismore susceptible to inappropriate optimization of prediction error

because its predictions and prediction errors are inherently morenoisy than the processing on the left hemisphere. Some speculatethat, in response to right hemisphere error signals, the lefthemisphere begins to construct explanations resulting in delusions(Devinsky, 2009), however the difficulty identifying and trackingdelusions forming (Corlett et al., 2007a) means that this contentionhas not found empirical support.

When considering delusions of misidentification of neurologi-cal origin, it seems puzzling that damage in the same region couldbe associated with both an increase and a decrease in perceivedfamiliarity. Two-factor theorists would suggest that this isparsimoniously explained by ascribing the right frontal cortexthe function of belief evaluation (Coltheart, 2010; Coltheart et al.,2007). However, we found that right frontal prediction error signalduring causal learning was also related to ketamine inducedperceptual aberrations (Corlett et al., 2006) and, furthermore, astudy of individuals with lesions in the right dorsolateralprefrontal cortex suggested that lesion patients attended to andlearned about irrelevant stimulus dimensions during a rewardlearning task (Hornak et al., 2004). It is possible that damage ordysfunction in prefrontal cortex could, paradoxically elevateactivation in the remaining neurons since, in healthy individualsthey provide a brake on subcortical dopamine nuclei throughglutamatergic (Grace, 1991; Laruelle et al., 2003) and GABAergicmechanisms (Carlsson et al., 2001). Consequently, either due to arelease from inhibition or an alteration of signal to noiseproperties, dopamine neurons projecting back from VTA toprefrontal cortex would increase in burst firing (Jackson et al.,2004) inducing rapid and random post-synaptic potentials inremaining functional cortical neurons (Lavin et al., 2005).

6.5. Cotard delusion

Perhaps one of the most bizarre delusions is the suffererbelieving that they have died (Cotard, 1880), associated withclaims that parts of them have ‘‘rotted away’’ or ‘‘disappeared’’(Gerrans, 2002). It is possible that the same impoverished habitualmechanisms of instrumental action are engaged (see above) andthe subject infers that the intentional agent that they were hasdisappeared, that is, the Cotard delusion may be a special case ofpassivity. Additionally, Some hypothesize that Capgras patients failto recognize family members due a disconnection between facerecognition units in the fusiform face area and the ascription ofemotional meaning in the limbic system, therefore, patients withCotard delusion may have no connection at all between sensationand affective processing (Gerrans, 2002; Ramachandran andBlakeslee, 1998). In this analysis, Cotard delusion is the converseof paranoia, instead of heightened and inappropriate emotionalintensity it is a failure to ascribe emotional significance to anyevent (Gerrans, 2002; Ramachandran and Blakeslee, 1998). Such alack of emotional engagement with experiences would besurprising, engendering prediction error and sculpting theerroneous conclusion that the patient had died. Again, affectiveprediction fails, but instead of the rather specific effect in Capgras,it is a generalized failure in predicting the affective qualities of allsensory inputs. Like Capgras and Fregoli, this may involve adysfunction in orbitofrontal cortex specifying top-down emotionalpredictions (Rolls and Grabenhorst, 2008). The delusion has beenreported in a case study following right temporoparietal andbilateral frontal damage (Young et al., 1992), it also occurs inschizophrenia (Coltheart et al., 2007). This delusion involves both adeficit in affective forecasting (by the orbitofrontal cortex andamygdala), as well as (potentially) a deficit in motor forecasting(and thus sensory cancellation), with a diminished sense of self andemotional disengagement, the patient concludes that he/she isdead.

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7. Why that odd belief? Individual differences in delusionsusceptibility

While some psychotic patients get paranoid, others experiencepassivity, others still have multiple bizarre delusions. We posit asingle factor, prediction error dysfunction for delusion formationand maintenance (Corlett et al., 2009a, 2007a; Corlett et al., 2009a;Fletcher and Frith, 2009). We have recently applied this singlefactor account to explain the range of phenomenological effects ofpharmacologically distinct psychotomimetic drugs from dopa-mine agonist amphetamines, to NMDA antagonists, cannabinoidsand serotonergic hallucinogens (Corlett et al., 2009a). We believethe same explanation may be possible for the individualdifferences in susceptibility to different delusional themesobserved in patients with schizophrenia.

Schizophrenia is a heritable but heterogeneous mental illness;its genetic inheritance appears to involve multiple genes of smalleffect (Tabares-Seisdedos and Rubenstein, 2009) or alternativelymultiple rare genetic variants each with a large impact (Walshet al., 2008). However, common to many of the identified risk genesfor schizophrenia is a role in associative learning, prediction errorsignaling and NMDA receptor dependent synaptic plasticity (Hallet al., 2009; Stephan et al., 2006; Walsh et al., 2008). Some of thegenes implicated in prediction error driven learning (Frank et al.,2007; Heyser et al., 2000) increase the risk for schizophrenia; theCOMT val/met polymorphism may enhance maladaptive feedbackbetween frontal cortex and subcortical dopamine neurons and isassociated with risk for schizophrenia, aberrant salience anddelusions (Bilder et al., 2004). In addition, PP1R1b, the gene codingfor neostriatal signaling nexus DARPP-32 which integratesmidbrain dopamine inputs with cortical glutamatergic signalinghas been associated with prediction error driven learning (Franket al., 2007; Heyser et al., 2000) fronto-striatal structure andfunction as well as risk for schizophrenia (Meyer-Lindenberg et al.,2007). Variation in the function of these genes may explain inter-subject variability in susceptibility to delusions following psy-chotomimetic drug administration (Corlett et al., 2009a, 2007a;Svenningsson et al., 2003).

However, different delusional themes are characteristic fol-lowing the administration of different psychotomimetics; para-noia is more intense following cannabis administration (D’Souzaet al., 2009) whereas ketamine engenders delusions of reference(Krystal et al., 1994; Oye et al., 1992; Pomarol-Clotet et al., 2006),although the two themes are by no means mutually exclusive(Startup and Startup, 2005). We believe that a second genetic insultmay confer susceptibility to particular kinds of delusion inschizophrenia, an insult involving disrupted cortical patterningand how the developing cortex interacts with environmentalinputs in forming and maintaining cortical hierarchies (Sur andRubenstein, 2005). Although this appears to be a two-factor theory,when we consider how Bayesian hierarchies like the brain developinto prediction engines (Friston, 2005b) through interactionsbetween neural circuitry and incoming stimulation (Sur andRubenstein, 2005), delusions really involve a singular dysfunctionin predictive learning (i.e. an interaction between the two deficitswhich leads to (dys)interactions between poorly specified top-down predictions and noisy feedforward inputs; inducing aberrantand imprecise prediction errors (Corlett et al., 2009a; Fletcher andFrith, 2009). The genes for building cortical hierarchies may alsoengender prediction error dysfunction irrespective of dopaminer-gic/glutamatergic ‘prediction error’ risk gene status and further-more, the two insults may interact to produce more severe orvaried delusions in the same patient.

Are there any empirical data to support of our contention thatdelusions with different themes are mediated by distinct (butoverlapping) neural circuits? Patients with delusions secondary to

neurological damage often have lesions in right frontal cortex but,according to two-factor theories, the theme of the belief isconferred by damage to a second structure; for example thefusiform face area in Capgras delusion. Patients suffering fromdementia with Lewy bodies experience delusions (Nagahama et al.,2010, 2007) like Capgras (Hirono and Cummings, 1999). Nagahamaet al. used factor analysis to classify psychotic symptoms indementia with Lewy bodies. They found that hallucinations,misidentification experiences and delusions were independentsymptom domains (Nagahama et al., 2007). More recently theyreplicated this factor structure in an independent group of patientsand assessed the neural correlates of those factors by regressingfactor scores onto resting state neuroimaging data across subjects(Nagahama et al., 2010).

Patients suffering from misidentification had hypo-perfusion inleft hippocampus, insula, inferior frontal gyrus and nucleusaccumbens compared to patients without those symptoms.Individuals who had visual hallucinations of person or a feelingof presence had hypo-perfusion in bilateral parietal and left ventraloccipital gyrus. Patients with persecutory delusions showedsignificant hyperactivity in right cingulate sulcus, bilateral middlefrontal gyri, right inferior frontal gyrus, left medial superior frontalgyrus and left middle frontopolar gyrus. These distinct circuitstend to support our predicted delusion circuits (see Fig. 4); that is,paranoia involves a frontal hyperactivity; delusions that poten-tially involve hyper salience of own body representations (e.g.hallucinations of people and feeling of presence) involve a parietaldysfunction and reduplications of person and place involve apredictive memory impairment; impaired familiarity processingand fronto-hippocampal as well as fronto-striatal dysfunction.

Lewy bodies appear to accumulate in the space between bandsof cortex; occupied by afferent or efferent connections withdifferent cortical sites or with subcortical regions, that is, they havea laminar distribution (Armstrong et al., 2001). Depending onwhich layer, they preferentially influence the feedforward(prediction error specifying) connections originating in laminaeI–III and terminating in granular lamina IV of the adjacent lobe(Armstrong et al., 2001). Alternatively, Lewy bodies may accumu-late in the feedback fibers (responsible for specifying priorexpectations and attentional modulation) which originate inlaminae V and VI (and to some extent III) and terminate in laminaI (De Lacoste and White, 1993). Why the feedforward and feedbackpathways of one particular circuit would be more sensitive to Lewybody inclusions than another circuit (conferring a particulardelusion content) has yet to be determined, however, thedisconnection that they engender within particular circuits isconsistent with the putative disconnections invoked to explain thesymptoms of schizophrenia (Friston, 2005a; Friston and Frith,1995).

Finally, we turn to a rare but intriguing phenomenon, Folie aDeux (Lasegue and Falret, 1877), to evaluate our proposal thatdelusional themes are mediated by inherited biological processes.Folie a Deux (FD) is a psychotic disorder shared between twosufferers; an ‘inducer’ who initially develops the belief and the‘induced’, an apparently otherwise healthy individual who comesto share the delusional belief. All kinds of rare delusional contentscan be transmitted, e.g. Cotard, Capgras, Fregoli (Wolff andMcKenzie, 1994).

FD commonly occurs in persons who live close together, thedelusion perhaps being transmitted through social learningprocesses. Additionally, if both patients are related, they mayshare the same genetically driven illness or predisposition.Monozygotic twins can share the same delusional themes (Lazarus,1986); however, since they often share both genetic andenvironmental exposure, it is difficult to discern the uniquecontributions made by genes and environment. Scharfetter

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attempted to dissect these contributions by identifying dyads inwhom there was no consanguinity (e.g. husband and wife) thenevaluating the risk for schizophrenia in each respective family.Incidence in both inducer and induced was very high (6.5–26.2%,compared with 1% population incidence), suggesting that a generalpredisposition toward delusions was necessary for acceptingsomeone else’s aberrant belief (Scharfetter, 1970). Future empiri-cal research should investigate the personality, cognitive andneural functions of related and unrelated FD dyads to ascertain theroles of specific neural circuits in instantiating particulardelusional beliefs.

8. Testing the hypothesis

Our sketch of the emerging neurobiology of delusional beliefsmakes a number of testable predictions which will assess thevalidity of the venture:

(1) We have argued that delusions arise and are maintained due toaberrations of glutamatergic synaptic plasticity, specificallychronically elevated synaptic glutamate which renders inap-propriate salience and learning that engenders a limit onmetaplasticity. Given its effectiveness against cocaine induceddeficits in metaplasticity (Moussawi et al., 2009), we predictthat N-acetylcysteine should be an effective treatment fordelusions.

(2) Patients with delusional parasitosis and delusions of passivityshould be more susceptible to the rubber hand illusion becauseof the dysinteraction between the bimodal cells in theirstriatum and parietal and cerebellar circuits responsible forcoding top-down, motor expectancies and cancelling thesensory consequences of actions.

(3) Paranoia should be associated with prediction error dysfunc-tion in mesocorticolimbic regions as well as the mirror neuroncircuit, especially the superior temporal sulcus region involvedin learning to infer the intentions of other agents (Behrens et al.,2008).

(4) Given a large enough sample and phenomenologically rigorousassessment it should be possible to test our aetiologicalhypothesis about homeobox genes, development and thespecification of priors; we predict that subtle variation in thegene coding for pax6 will alter amygdala development andtherefore confer a risk for paranoia (Tole et al., 2005); Engrailed2 will be associated with an increased likelihood of cerebellardysfunction (Sillitoe et al., 2008) and as such will confer risk forpassivity delusions.

(5) Reconsolidation processes should be enhanced in individualswith intractable delusions – engaging and challenging theirbelief should increase its severity but treatments that blockreconsolidation (such as the alpha adrenergic receptorantagonist, propanalol) should ameliorate delusions (if theyhave been actively engaged).

(6) Physical interventions that target reactivated representations ofdelusions should also have therapeutic benefits (Rubin, 1976),for example, it may be possible to disrupt the reconsolidation ofdelusions with transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) (Corlett,2009). Based on the observed relationship between DLPFCdysfunction and delusional ideation (Corlett et al., 2006, 2007b)as well as the role of DLPFC in controlled memory retrieval andupdating (Fletcher and Henson, 2001) we suggest that specifi-cally targeting that region with TMS following memoryengagement may prove beneficial.

(7) Individuals with high positive schizotypy or treated withpsychotomimetic drugs should demonstrate aberrant predic-tion error signaling and therefore form learned habits morerapidly than controls.

(8) If delusions are learned habits, then pharmacological inter-ventions that restore goal directedness should be effectivetherapeutically; for example, antagonizing AMPA receptors(Bespalov et al., 2007), boosting PFC dopamine levels (Hitchcottet al., 2007) and attenuating striatal dopamine (Nelson andKillcross, 2006) should favor plasticity and goal directedness.The dopamine partial agonist Aripiprazole combines bothantagonism of elevated striatal dopamine and an elevation ofattenuated prefrontal dopamine and may specifically targetaberrant prediction error signaling in midbrain dopamineneurons (Hamamura and Harada, 2007). It may be particularlyeffective against cognitive habits like delusions.

In order to complete a revolution of translation, having beeninspired by the role of prediction error in associative learning ininfrahuman species to develop our account of delusions, we shoulduse invasive preclinical neuroscientific approaches in combinationwith associative learning phenomena to model delusion formationand maintenance in experimental animals. There are a number ofpotential opportunities here; combining acute psychotomimeticpharmacological models (to recapitulate putative neurobiologicalmechanisms of psychosis) with associative learning tasks that aresensitive to prediction error (to model delusion formation) or habitlearning and memory reconsolidation (to model delusion mainte-nance).

9. Conclusion

We have outlined an account of delusional beliefs based on thetenets of animal learning theory and hierarchical Bayesianinference. We apply those tenets not only to explain dysfunctionsin Pavlovian predictive learning (Corlett et al., 2006, 2007b) andinstrumental conditioning (Freeman et al., 2009; Murray et al.,2008; Roiser et al., 2009; Schlagenhauf et al., 2009), but also toaccount for the perceptual, affective and social disruptions thatattend delusions (Bentall et al., 2001; Maher, 1974; Vinogradovet al., 1992).

In deluded individuals, the ability to use learned information toconstrain current experience is impaired resulting aberrations ofsensory and affective perception as well as cognition (Gray et al.,1991; Hemsley, 1994). Delusions may arise as an explanation forthese odd happenings and they engage new learning (Kapur, 2003;Maher, 1974; McGhie and Chapman, 1961). They bring such reliefthat they are stamped into memory and become a new explanatoryscheme for the sufferer (Jaspers, 1963), that is, delusions areelastic; they encompass new experiences and maintain a certainconsistency of the world for the patient. In terms of the Bayesianmodel we outlined, delusions become the sufferer’s new priors andthey are used to predict and explain future experiences. We believethat the same prediction error driven learning mechanisms canaccount for the fixity of delusional beliefs, since, now, whensubsequent physiological noise elicits a reactivation of thedelusion, it is reinforced and reconsolidated more strongly (Corlettet al., 2009b). These hypotheses are readily testable in individualssuffering endogenous delusions, in healthy subjects exposed topsychotomimetic model psychoses and in preclinical models byfocusing on the framework for translational cognitive neurosci-ence provided by formal associative learning theory, hierarchicalBayesian learning, predictive coding and information theory – theconcept that intersects all of these is surprise or prediction error(Friston, 2010) and our model implicates aberrant prediction in thepathophysiology of delusions.

We have applied this model to various different kinds ofdelusions, examining beliefs that result from neurological damageas well as those that result from ingestion of psychotomimeticcompounds and those that occur in schizophrenia, we feel, with

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some success. However, Brendan Maher, Emeritus Professor of thePsychology of Personality at Harvard, astutely aligned delusionswith scientific theories (Maher, 1988), suggesting that scientists,like individuals with delusions, were extremely resistant to givingup their preferred theories even in the face damningly negativeevidence. Like scientists, deluded individuals are confronted bysurprising data which they explain away by abductive inference,generating hypotheses that explain away the surprise (Coltheartet al., 2010). Scientists (some of them at least) will engage indeductive inference to test the validity of their conclusions; whilstpatients with delusions may not engage in this process (Miller,1976), showing a bias against disconfirmatory evidence (Wood-ward et al., 2006). Furthermore, inductive inference, that is,reasoning from the specific to the general, has been invoked toexplain the influence of prior experience over current perception(Barlow, 1990). We propose that the inductive process, reasoningbeyond the data, may provide a mechanism through whichdelusions are maintained and pervade future experiences (Jaspers,1963). Whilst the theory outlined in the present piece is ourpreferred explanation of delusions, we hope that we engenderdiscussion, debate and investigation. As Maher says of science andpsychosis: ‘‘Puzzles demand an explanation; the search for an

explanation begins and continues until one has been devised’’. Wehope that this article might encourage others to join the search.


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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.