His Dangerous Affair (Alex Drakos #4) (2024)


1,861 reviews1 follower

August 19, 2018

Hell hath no revenge like a woman scorned....

...or hurt! Wow, what a plot! I was not expecting the story to end like that. What a wicked web they tried to weave. The trap was set and Alex figured it all out anyway. His bullsh*t antennae has never failed him. Why Narnia and Zylena thought

they could take him down is a big question to me. What a plot. Mallory did it again with this one. I loved the drama and mystery. Everyone is still trying to figure out what Alex sees in Kari, but his brother Oz sees it and Benny sees it and even Mr. Gillette sees it and wants what Alex has. Alex knew who and what she was and she would not settled for anyone's sloppy seconds, not even Alex's no matter how much she loved him. He knew her inter beauty trumps outer beauty everytime. She knew she deserved the best from any man she loved and Alex knew that too. He also knew that she and Jordan were his best chance at true happiness and he wanted that badly even though all he brought to them was hurt and danger. He knew his priorities had to change for his sake and theirs.

It was so very hard to read the part about Kari and Jordan being arrested and framed for driving while black. This segment was just too real for a lot of people in real life. The only difference is that people in real life don't have an Alex Drakos who has their back to get justice for them. Great job Mallory. I loved this story.

Lucy Isme

81 reviews1 follower

July 20, 2018


I love that Alex’s feelings for Kari know no bounds. I love that he will stop at nothing to ensure her (as well as Jordon) safety. All of the ridiculous plots against Alex from people in his past are irritating. The shear amount of irrational people in his life is amazing. As convoluted as the sheriff storyline was, it was still refreshing because it was a new storyline...even if it was unrealistic because the DEA would’ve been involved with a major drug bust and that many people getting arrested/framed in one county would catch the attention of the FBI. Please stop talking about Kari’s looks...enough already. They clearly and repeatedly say she’s not ugly and has a great body...which would makeup for her average face to the point were it doesn’t need to be discussed in depth every book. At this point, give her a damn stylist and some makeup so that her ordinary would at least molt into sexy. Really, what so surprising about an Uber rich person falling for someone of humble means in 2018? It literally happens often. Princesses Grace, Diana and Megan married royalty and weren’t born into it. The rapper Eve is married to a billionaire. Lebron James married his high school sweetheart instead of a model. This book would have been better if without the rehashing of old story plots with new character names.
Despite all that I’ve mentioned, I’m still looking forward to the next book. BTW, Faye and Lucinda are sh*tty friends.


604 reviews4 followers

July 19, 2018

Alex and His Crazy Family, Enemies and Ex-Wife From His Past!

A Few Spoilers!!!

I really enjoyed this book. I thought it was rather short or I plowed through it really fast. The book should have been titled "Alex and Kari and His Cray Cray Family and Friends and Lovers from His Past!"

How can one man have so many unresolved relationships that he neglects to tell his fiancee about that keeps coming up to hurt so many people? Kari loves Alex for himself, yet she's not willing to take any mess from him. It's one thing to mess with her, another to mess with Jordan. I was surprised that she kind of wimped out when she refused to drive the Rolls Royce. It didn't last long. I hate how Jordan is hurt so much by things not under his control. What things does he control? Even though Kari and Alex are aware of how much he's being hurt, they're doing nothing to stop it except talking. Jordan needs some serious counseling.

Yes, Alex takes care of business in a most vicious manner still Jordan has already been hurt. Yes, Kari too, but she chose to continue the relation with Alex time after time. Jordan has no choice therefore Alex and Kari need to do better by him. It's not enough when he tells Kari what the kids say at school, she tells him he knows who she is. He even said but they're talking about his Mom. I really hope Alex does a better job resolving his problems to prevent the blowback on Jordan.

Is everyone in his family who's out to hurt him and those closest to him dead? Hmm..his mother is still alive. How much anger will she direct toward him because of Zylena? Is it going to ruin Kari's dream wedding? Sorry, I don't buy her wanting the wedding at Versailles. There's nothing in the previous books that would lead you to believe that's the place of her dream wedding. There's nothing in her backstory or anything else that would make you believe it. It's a big stretch!

In spite of everything, this book is full of drama, intrigue, danger, discrimination, trust, love, secrets and more secrets....... If Ms. Monroe is going to address "driving while black" and the brutality that often accompanies it, she should follow through with more than a white billionaire getting revenge on those that messed with "his woman." What about the other cops that played a part in the miscarriage of justice. What about the lines of shackled black and brown men, brutally beaten, who have no white angel? For some of us, those scenes were all too real and heartrending to be treated so lightly. The book has enough angst without that.

Still, there's something that keeps me from giving this book a five. I think it may be that Alex is not like Reno, Mick, Tommy (no one is), Sal, Big Daddy, Trevor or even Hammer. Things happened to the women they loved but I wasn't left unfulfilled. With Alex for some reason he's missing the mark. P. S. Please don't pair Oz with Lucinda. Thats a deal breaker for me. One last thing: Women will never get what Alex sees in Kari - their eyes are filled with envy. Yes, both Faye and Lucinda. Men will always see it and get it and lust after her, i. e. Benny

    ir-romance mafia


257 reviews48 followers

September 20, 2018

Good follow up.

I’m definitely ready for the next book. Am I the only one noticing that Jordan may be following in Alex’s footsteps? He has a lot of heart and can withstand some horrible things. But one question is, how does he function with that bomber jacket on in Florida? It’s too hot!

    2018-ir-reading-challenge book-boyfriends crime-and-killers

Anita Reid

127 reviews58 followers

July 28, 2018

Fighting for second chance at love

Alex will finally get a family to love him unconditionally.. Mallory, this one was awesome. Lots of good sex with the right amount of mob drama.. Can oz get a spin off, he needs a hot bad sister that's probably a lawyer to be his love interest

Patricia H

352 reviews6 followers

May 7, 2020

Alex is the man!

As usual Alex Drakos, did not disappoint. But what had me scratching my head was his surprise wife coming back from the dead after a plane crash. That scene was taken from a page of the President's Girlfriend, Dutch & Gina. The very same thing happened to Dutch. His fiance was supposed to bored a plane. She didn't board the plane. It crashed, everyone was prounced dead including Caroline, Dutch, fiance. Then she turned up alive six years later. Now the same exact thing just happened to Alex, and his wife Narnia. What the hell? What...? The author thought that we wouldn't figured out that she took a page from another book and changed the names?! She's lucky despite the obvious trying to fool us, I still love the series. But I still don't like the fact that the author still have to make a point on every page of everyone of the books in all her series, that the men are with women of color. We get it in the description and through out the entire book. We don't need to know that she has Brown skin on every page of every book, in every story. Anyway I love Alex and Kari. They're both kick ass, together. I cannot wait for the wedding. I wonder if the Gabrini, and Sanatra family are invited. Will Oz and Ashley Sanatra meet? Will it be love at first sight? Because they both need a love interest. Just saying...


412 reviews15 followers

July 22, 2018

I really enjoy all of Ms. Monroe’s books but the lead female characters kind of get of my nerves. They’re so prideful. At least I think Kari is. She’s always so determined to bounce back and not let the other guy win; which is a good thing but I think she needs to stop proving that to everyone. After what took place in Virginia, she still made Jordan go to school - with his face bruised up. All because of her pride. She claims she doesn’t care what others think about her but then needs to go to work and send her child to school after tragic events to show others they can’t keep her down. Girl, bye. Your son just experienced a second tragic event...let him rest.

But I’ve come to the conclusion about all the men Ms. Monroe writes about; in the eyes of their loved ones, they can do no wrong. I rolled my eyes at Kari a few times in this book. Hence the reason behind my 4 stars.

Why is Kari’s looks always brought up? Why are her looks always compared to others? It’s old already. She’s not pretty but every man wants her?! 😒🙄

Please hook Oz up with Lu. She’s too nosey and needs her own business.

L. Boogie

1,026 reviews2 followers

January 18, 2020

This was another wild one. The police brutality seemed out of place. I wish Kari was able to personally get justice. I don’t get this thing with Narnia. Why didn’t Alex just tell Kari about her and that she was alive. He just complicate things for no reason.

I love Jordan and I love how he always rides for his mom. Oz he’s my boy too. I wouldn’t mind reading a story about him. Zylena on the other hand has some my nerves. She sided with her dad even though he chose power over her safety and she still blamed her brothers when she got treated like a whor* by those men. Tuh.

Another action packed one. Wasn’t sure I’d enjoy this as much but I did. And I love the way the beginning ( I was a little confused thinking I missed something at the end of book three that I actually went back to it) tied to the end and of course all the detail and drama in between.

Brenda Holder

529 reviews4 followers

July 28, 2018

A Very Good Suspenseful and Sensual Interracial Romance Thriller

Alex Drakos: His Dangerous Affair is a very good suspenseful and sensual interracial romance thriller that earned a rating of five stars. Alex and Kari to continue to fight for their lives and their love in the installment of Alex Drakos episodes. This installment is just as good as the other episodes and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. I would recommend it to everyone who enjoys reading very good suspenseful romantic thrillers.

Alicia Pressey

363 reviews5 followers

November 6, 2018


Alex she will you learn don't keep things from Kari. This book had me all over the place I was so mad at Alex for hurting Kari and Jordan but as usual Alex show me why I keep reading his and Kari story. The man not only bribe the racist chief of police but killed home and side kick Billy Bob for what they did to his women and his boy (his words). I just wish Kari wouldn't be so verbally abused with the way people treat and say things about her anyway I love this series patiently waiting for the next book

Mildred Carter Grueninger

329 reviews4 followers

July 21, 2018

I really enjoyed this book. I love the main characters and am glad for the addition of Oz. We are reminded once again that Alex handles his personal sh*t his own damn self. Now that he and Kari are surrounded by friends and family everyone else better beware. I can't wait for the wedding. It's bound to be EPIC.

Regina O. COOK

69 reviews

July 25, 2018

Alex Drakos does it again

Just when it gets good it come to an end. I was hoping this was the wedding issue. I love Jordan has a father figure in his life. I can't wait for the wedding. I'm so happy Benny wasn't cheating on Faye. I love them as a couple. Hope Oz fine someone not too soon, because I like his carefree spirit. Anxiously awaiting your next book. 👄💓

Caroline Bartee

232 reviews1 follower

August 4, 2018

Family Affair

I'm so glad Alex and brother OZ are so close and have each other back. I never get tired of reading about

Alex, Kari, Jordan and now OZ. Oh I can't wait for the waiting of the year and see who will be invited, the

Gabrini's and Sinatras, oh man I can't to read it.

I wonder who will be OZ love interest, someone new or one of the Sinatra girls


86 reviews

November 3, 2018

Ok, I like being surprised and the person who was the evil culprit in this story was a surprise to me, but then once everything was revealed it did make sense... So I know the next book (#5) is going to be “off da hook” GOOD, hopefully EXCEPTIONALLY so, because I look forward to a fantastic “wedding”... ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

LovelyLady Fox

189 reviews3 followers

January 6, 2019

Can Alex and Kari catch a break, I mean DAMN! I purposely have not written reviews about this series, but I had to for this one. It was a close call, and the ending was very surprising. I enjoyed it. Now I can start book 5. On a side note. ODYSSEY IS A HOT ASS MESS Lol. I hope to see a series for him in the future.

Nancy L Thompson

2,158 reviews12 followers

July 21, 2018

Action Packed

There was so much drama in this book I couldn't hardly put it down. I love these characters. They have it all. I hope the Gabrini',s are invited to the wedding and some real caos happens. That will really be a great mix for a story

Elizabeth Rogers?

212 reviews2 followers

July 23, 2018


Another great read .Alex is becoming at the man he may even give Reno a run for his .If any wait for oz to catch feeling for someone and hopefully she will give him a run for his money ,also I hope in the next drakos book it includes Jordan adoption.

Kimberley Yarbrough

88 reviews2 followers

August 2, 2018

Loved it

I really enjoyed reading Mallory Monroe books. This book full of humor, drama and suspense. Kari is strong independent women but very committed and supportive at the same time. I can’t wait for the wedding along with drama from the haters. Great read!


31 reviews1 follower

August 2, 2018

Love them!!.Absolute amazing reads!

i read all four books im 5 days!!...absolutley amazing, i did not want them to end. love this author! i hoping for the wedding and the casino hotel finishing up i the last book though!..however still amazing!

Marion Brown

124 reviews

August 10, 2018

I love Alex and Kari.

Kari reminds me of Grace in that people underestimate her, and figure out what Alex sees in her. Just like Tommie adores Grace, Alex doesn’t care who understands what he sees in Kari. I love this couple more than the Reese brothers stories.

Shantia Shaver

253 reviews1 follower

August 10, 2018

Love this series.

Alex and Kari had me going for a little. I was sure that there would be a cliffhanger, but no, they handled their business like pros. I hope there is another book on the wedding.

Sharon Keyes

313 reviews1 follower

August 12, 2018

This was good

This story had intrigue, thrill and drama. Up was beginning to think it started slowly; however that was not the case the build up was fitting. I we wish these stories were longer and on audible.

Connie Jones

59 reviews

September 4, 2018

Good series

Loved the characters and the respect between the two. Loved the chemistry, it was almost as if the feelings jumped off the pages. I can't wait to start a new series by this author.

Vivian Byfield

1,357 reviews

November 16, 2018


Love her work. This book lived up to the hype. I like the way current issues was woven into the story keeping it real while being able to enjoy the story. Another winner can't wait for the next instalment.


747 reviews

September 20, 2022


As the story continues, I don't know how many more security crews this couple can go through. And I sure hope they weed out all of the haters soon... However, the book editing needs some serious review....


632 reviews10 followers

July 2, 2019

This was so good! I was feeling anger, etc. when Kari was stopped in Virginia by those racist cops. I wish Alex could have done something for the other detainees as well. I also felt for Kari when she found out that Alex had not only married once but twice and the second wife (was she second or first?) was alive and seems to be a bit dangerous, too. This couple, I am growing to like more and more and I am glad that they have resolved the problems that keep popping up from Alex's past. Looking forward to the wedding and hoping that the Gabrinis will attend, too!


Renee Johnson

10 reviews

June 22, 2020

I really enjoy this couple. Looking forward to reading the next book.

This book kept me occupied for hours. I could not put it down. With all of the craziness going on in the world right now. It felt great to be swept away by this book. Thank you Mallory for great writing that keeps captivated from beginning to the very end. I have been reading your books for a few years and 8 months ago I had lost my memory after waking up from surgery. Reading your books has helped me . It was great to get reacquainted with the characters in your books.

yvonne carter

179 reviews

September 11, 2018


I love Alex but this book didn't do it for me. It was just ok. The story was boring. I do like Oz. It took me two weeks to read. Jordan is cute. Why was Benny showing the house. Maybe it was stated and I missed it. A lot of repeated sentence. I gave three stars because I do love Alex and Kari. I will stalk Amazon until the next installment of Gabrini men/Sinatra family/or The Drakos family. Thanks again.

Karen Wright

224 reviews

September 16, 2018

Not my favorite

I have this book two stars because it may be time to move on from these characters. The plot twist made me roll my eyes, not buying it.
I do hope.we.get.a.book about the brother, Oz.


87 reviews3 followers

July 24, 2018


Mallory has done it again. Don't miss out I love this new series of Alex Drakos. But I can see that his brother is about to meet his true love in Keri friend I hope. But I need some Teddy in my life now lol.....or maybe Jimmy Mac.

His Dangerous Affair (Alex Drakos #4) (2024)
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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

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Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.