Hey Arnold! The Maximum Curly Saga - DevilBoy216 (2024)

Chapter 64: Chapter 63: Inglorious Bastards, Part 7

Chapter Text



With little over an hour being left on the clock, the Green Eye continued to make his way into the towering Toran Apartments, needing to reach the 14th floor for his target: The baby boy Charles Ronaldson. Having a war threatening many lives in the balance is enough of a motivation for him to focus, but the one life of a baby boy being harmed in any way is a consequence in itself that he cannot afford.

Remembering that Helga had a child of his own growing within her, the Green Eye could not help but fear that he could face a situation like this sometime in his life. Having nearly lost Helga nearly a year ago, remembering how terrible such an emotion it felt to fear her loss, the thought of his first child, or any child of his, coming to such harm brought him even worse fears than this one.

Already having a life to see to and save, the Green Eye could not afford himself any more thoughts on such possible fears, and focused instead on the real and present fear that existed now. The baby Charles Ronaldson still was in danger, and needed the help of the Green Eye to save him.

Stepping into the lobby of the apartment complex, he met with his first opposition in that goal. Waiting in the lobby for him were a total of 6 guards; 2 standing behind a desk, 1 standing against a wall, 1 relaxing on a couch, and 2 wandering about the floor, each guard having a rifle in their hand and a sense of alertness among each, save for the individual on the couch.

Nonetheless, even he could notice the Green Eye as quickly as his comrades; the Hillwood Hero's green uniform easily standing out among the beige walls. Aiming their rifles and aiming them straight towards their enemy, the guards began rushing towards the Green Eye with bullets flying faster than their run.

Jumping up between the narrow walls, the Green Eye made his way up to the ceiling, pushing his way through the panel of a dropped ceiling. Continuing to fire at their enemy, the guards shot through the ceiling in hopes of hitting their target, leaving no inch of the ceiling unspared.

Spraying all their bullets at their enemy in the hopes that they had vanquished him, the guards do not rely merely on luck as they swiftly took to reloading their rifles to open fire on him once more. Before able to fulfill that intended purpose, they soon found their reload break cut short with the Green Eye dropping back down from the ceiling and rushing towards them, knocking the group to the ground and dropping their weapons.

Having no time to retrieve their weapons, the guards all collectively picked themselves back up, forcing the Green Eye to take one side against them to ensure that he would not make himself surrounded by enemies. Raising his fists to the guards, he showed himself ready to fight.

Putting all his enemies on one side to face, the Green Eye found little difficulty in fighting the guards, knocking away their punches with ease and subsequently returning them with punches of his own. Little did the guards seem to make any progress in fighting their opponent, but even the luck of the unlucky can change for the better.

One guard landed a punch to the Green Eye's face, blowing him back just long enough for the rest of the guards to surround him. Wasting no time to take their advantage to its fullest, the guards took to beating him as much as possible, starting with a sharp hit to the back of his head and sending him to the floor, allowing them to kick him at their leisure.

Still refusing to give up against the constant attacks, the Green Eye once again lunged himself at the guards, knocking four to the ground. Before able to continue attacking the downed guards, the two standing guards grabbed hold of him, holding him back from attacking again and letting the four other guards, coming to their feet once again, make him their own punching bag to attack.

Butting his head against the two guards restraining him, the Green Eye sent them tumbling to the ground, allowing him to fight back once again. Throwing two double-kicks to each of the four remaining guards, he slammed the restraining two guards to the ground, using his body weight to knock the breath out of both.

Putting himself on his feet once again with a kip-up, the Green Eye continued his attack against the guards, running straight to the one closest to him. Throwing a straight punch to his face, breaking his nose with the impact, the guard was sent to the floor within an instant.

Taking a whipping backfist to the guard on his left, he followed it with a spin in the air, throwing a roundhouse kick to the guard at his back, knocking him straight to the floor and the prior guard against the wall. Having one final guard standing in his way, the Green Eye brushed off his punch to grab him in the head, beating his knee into his enemy's head until there was no consciousness left in it.

Throwing himself to his first two guards in a backflip, the Green Eye landed his feet directly to their stomachs, knocking the breath out of them once again and putting them down for the count. With his enemies downed and out of the way, it seemed to be in order to make his way to the elevator to reach his final destination now...

...but it was not yet the case. One final guard, being pushed back with a backflip, gained enough focus again to see the Green Eye make his way to the elevator. Falling to the floor to retrieve his rifle, he quickly loaded a magazine and co*cked the weapon, aiming it straight for the Green Eye.

Hearing the rifle co*ck back, the Green Eye instinctively reacted to the threat of the weapon, compromising a makeshift one with his environment. Noticing a metal trash can in his path, he kicked it straight to the face of the remaining guard, making it hit him square in the face.

Knocked out from the flying trash can, the first threat of the front guards was finally gone, allowing the Green Eye to move on to his primary objective.

Stepping up to the elevator, he pressed the 'UP' button, patiently awaiting the arrival of the elevator to take him to his destination of level 14, the top of the building. After only mere seconds of waiting, the elevator doors opened, allowing the Green Eye to now step inside.

Pressing the button to the 14th floor, the doors began to shut once again, with the light rumble of the elevator signalling that his flight to the floor was coming soon. Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, meditating on the soft rumbling, the Green Eye permitted himself one moment of time to prepare himself for the fights to come ahead.

And he knows there will be more to come.



[Soundtrack Cue: Motörhead - The Game]

A battle years in the making, the Star of David and Wolfenstein waste no time to face off against one another. Rushing in with his shield in hand, the Star of David prepared to drive it into the chest of Wolfenstein, preparing to drive it straight into the white warlord's chest.

Knocking aside the shield with his metal arm, Wolfenstein followed the block with a kick to his chest, putting the Star of David down on his knees with almost no breath left in him from the collision of heavy metal to his chest. Taking in a deep breath again, he does not let this stop him; pushing himself to keep on fighting the ultimate enemy set before him.

Slashing and swinging his shield at Wolfenstein, the Star of David kept up his attacks against his opponent, hoping for a moment in which he would land a strike into his body. He finds no such luck in trying to lay a hit into Wolfenstein, but, in holding his shield up to his next punch, he finds some protection from the hit.

Knocking aside Wolfenstein's next punch with the shield, the Star of David threw a punch with his free hand to the enemy's face, finally gaining his first blood. Though his legs and one of his arms might be comprised of metal, Wolfenstein received a grim reminder that the rest of him was not, and was more than vulnerable to a fist backed up by a strong amount of muscle behind it.

Instead of focusing his attacks with only his robotic arm and legs, Wolfenstein made sure to utilize his remaining organic hand as well, making sure that every part of his body was put to use in the fight. Throwing one punch to the Star of David with said hand, however, it soon met with his shield, bashing his fist against thick metal and crunching the bones in all his fingers.

Seeming to have an advantage in the fight, the Star of David permitted himself a degree of co*ckiness, continuing his attack on Wolfenstein with little regard for defense. That mistake is one that led to Wolfenstein gaining an advantage once again, putting his focus back on his robotic arm.

Grabbing the next lunge of the shield as it came towards him, Wolfenstein held it tight under the robotic hand; a grip so vice-tight that the Star of David could not break free of it. Being stuck in some temporary tug-of-war with the shield, Wolfenstein soon began using it against him, sending it bashing him in the face.

After managing to hit him with his own shield, Wolfenstein put the Star of David against a wall, shoving the shield near his throat with the intention of cutting through it. Pushing against the shield with all his might, even all his own strength, the Star of David could not push back against it, forced to feel his own shield start to pierce into his neck, drawing just a few drops of blood.

Throwing a kick to Wolfenstein's metal arm, his booted foot proved to be more effective at moving it than his fists, releasing his enemy's grip on the shield at last and freeing him from the imminent threat of a slashed throat by his own weapon. Returning the shield to his face, the Star of David continued to face against his enemy.

Putting his fists up in a boxing-like fashion, Wolfenstein took a different approach towards the issue of the shield. Throwing numerous punches to the shield with his metal fist, the shield began to dent and bend under the stress put under it, not able to defend hits in rapid succession such as the ones put upon it.

Waiting for the next punch to come his way, the Star of David threw an uppercut to the oncoming punch with his shield, denting into the metal arm. Knocking the arm out of his path for only a moment, he followed up the strike by throwing another slash to Wolfenstein, making a cut across his face.

Feeling blood start to seep from his cheek, Wolfenstein took some in his finger and licked it, smiling evilly at the enemy who drew it.

"I hope you're enjoying yourself." Star of David said.

"Oh, you have no idea." Wolfenstein said.

[Soundtrack Cue End]



Toran Apartments, the 5th floor.

Continuing his wait on the elevator, the Green Eye patiently bid his time before reaching the 14th floor. Allowing himself time to breathe following his past encounter with the guards downstairs. His powers are limited, but his focus is clear, giving him plenty of energy and determination to continue.

He reaches the 6th floor.

Just as the elevator reached the floor, the doors opened prematurely, prompting the attention of the Green Eye once again.

Standing outside the doors was a man dressed in a black-and-white kimono, with the colors split down the middle in halves. Recognizing the man from the photograph, the Green Eye knew that this man was an enemy, and his body tensed up in preparation to fight him.

To his surprise, the enemy did not attack him, nor even show any signs of hostility. Instead, he began slowly walking onto the elevator. During his entrance to the elevator, he kept a strong look to the Green Eye, which was met back in return. Even without a look into the man's soul, the Green Eye could see a passionate anger behind the eyes, one that proved that this would not be an easy opponent to fight.

Continuing his leisurely entrance onto the elevator, the man stood beside the Green Eye, allowing the elevator doors to close and continue moving upwards.

Silence befell the two for a solid few seconds, feeling more like minutes in this slow-moving elevator. Taking a read into the man's soul at last, the Green Eye decided to analyze this opponent more personally, trying to understand how an Asian man could so willingly join a group of white supremacists.

They reach the 7th floor.

What he finds is memories of a war crime done in the name of his own country, done to the country of Nippon's namesake. The burning of nuclear fire on hundreds of thousands, men, women, children, and families reduced to ashes with the cites of Hiroshima and Nagasaki are in his memories, and among those deaths are those of his own grandparents.

With that, he feels with Nippon a hatred of Americans, and a will strong enough to kill 200,000 souls in return for the lives taken at the cities.

"So. You are the Green Eye. They say you can read the souls of men. To see their pasts and how their emotions drive them." Nippon said.

"I can, and I saw what drives you." Green Eye said.

"Then you know you will not talk me from this fight."

"It's been decades since that war, and the world's acknowledged how wrong that was. It's no excuse that your family was killed then, but you won't do them good by doing this. You can set a better example than just revenge. That's the only way you can prevent tragedy from happening again."

They reach the 8th floor.

A bittersweet smile came to the lips of Nippon, with that smile a twinge of sorrow in his eyes from the Green Eye's statement.

"You have the soul of a martial artist. It's a shame that more Americans aren't like you. So, for this, I am sorry." Nippon said.

Turning to his opponent at last, Nippon drove an elbow to the Green Eye, prompting him to block the strike. Proving himself to be faster than most average fighters, Nippon continued on his strikes against the Green Eye, keeping him pinned against the wall of the elevator.

Grabbing Nippon's Arms before they could make any more strikes, the Green Eye kept him in a hold, leaving neither of them able to strike or defend against the other. Kicking the wall, Nippon pulled the Green Eye off of it, subsequently driving him against it and hitting him against the wall again.

Having the Green Eye release him, Nippon quickly reached for the 'STOP' button to the elevator, halting their ascent.

Throwing a kick to his arm as it reached for the panel, the Green Eye continued towards Nippon, intent on landing his own hit into his opponent. Dodging the kick as it came to him, Nippon threw his own kick to the Green Eye, pushing him against the adjacent wall.

Sending a punch towards the Green Eye, Nippon only managed to hit the wall, following his enemy's dodges with more elbow strikes under their close-quarters combat range. Grabbing the Green Eye by the neck, Nippon began bashing his knee into his stomach, until it was stopped with a block and forced him to push the Green Eye back against the other wall yet again.

Free from Nippon's attacks and range, the Green Eye quickly darted back to the panel, pressing the 'STOP' button again and restarting the elevator.

Throwing a hit to Nippon's face as he approached again, the Green Eye knocked his opponent back, allowing him to grab him and start throwing his knee to his stomach himself. Swerving himself out of the incoming attack, Nippon jumped to the wall again, defending himself against the oncoming strikes of the Green Eye.

They reach the 9th floor.

Dodging kick from the Green Eye, Nippon threw another punch of his own towards him, only to be blocked and countered with an attack again. Continuing to block and evade the attacks of the Green Eye, opportunity for Nippon came his way when a kick flew over his head, which he grabbed and lifted up, taking the body of the Green Eye with him and throwing it to the floor.

Beginning to punch the Green Eye as he laid on the floor of the elevator, Nippon landed in a few decent hits of his own, but not before being stopped once again by a block of the Green Eye's arms. Grabbing the oncoming fist before it could connect, the Green Eye kicked Nippon back to the wall, getting back on his feet with a kip-up.

Reaching the panel again, Nippon hit the 'STOP' button once again, stopping the elevator.

Throwing a kick to Nippon's leg, the Green Eye intended to send him to his knees, but only succeeded in making him crouch to keep his balance. Throwing a kick towards the Green Eye, evading his target with said target ducking his head, Nippon brought it back around to land a hit to his face.

The Green Eye blocked the kick with his arm, but the extension of his arm allowed Nippon to grab it and bend it behind his back, having his opponent secured at last. Reaching a grab over his back, the Green Eye spun himself around to reach Nippon, causing his target to duck and release his hold on the arm.

Throwing a punch to Nippon's chest, the Green Eye sent another to his knee, making him falling on his back and finally giving him an opening to make his own attack. Not allowing the Green Eye to gain any advantage, Nippon threw his unhit leg to his face, placing a sharp heel kick towards it.

Landing back against the wall, the Green Eye pressed the 'STOP' button again, starting the elevator once again.

Standing back up and continuing to attack the Green Eye, Nippon grabbed at his enemy, trying to keep him idle so he could continue his attacks. Stepping back from each attempted grab, the Green Eye left Nippon only grabbing at the wall, maintaining his distance from the enemy.

Throwing one failed grab back towards the Green Eye with his backhand, Nippon landed a hit to his face, following it up with a kick to his leg. Putting the Green Eye on the ground, Nippon continued with elbow strikes and punches, being kept tight against his opponent in their tight quarters.

They reach the 10th floor.

Taking advantage of their tight quarters, the Green Eye grabbed hold of Nippon again, lifting him up and throwing him against the wall. Pushing himself off the wall, Nippon threw himself back down in front of the Green Eye, striking at him once again with his elbows and fists.

Ridding himself of the threat of Nippon, the Green Eye kicked him back up against the wall, throwing kicks towards him as he laid on the ground. Following up with a punch, Nippon grabbed the Green Eye's oncoming punch, spinning him around to twist his arm behind him and ultimately pushing him off.

Landing back against the wall, Nippon hit the 'STOP' button once again, stopping the elevator.

Running up to the Green Eye, Nippon once again met his opponent with his elbows and fists, driving him to quickly recover himself to catch up to the speedy strikes coming his way. Grabbing each of his arms as they came to him again, the Green Eye kicked him off, putting him back against the wall.

Gaining a moment to reach it, the Green Eye pressed the 'STOP' button again, starting the elevator once again.

As Nippon ran back towards him to attack again, the Green Eye grabbed him by the shoulders, striking him in the chest with his knee before throwing him back against the wall. Preparing to kick him as he landed on the wall, the Green Eye missed his target as Nippon dodged the strike, running back up to him.

Striking at each other with near-misses and quick darts of each others' fists and elbows, the two continued to show no progress in defeating one another, but both seemed to pick up speed with the intention of making that possibility so. The buildup of speed and fury between both fighters continued on and on without pause; both truly intent on putting the other down.

They reach the 11th floor.

Gaining one window of opportunity, the Green Eye jumped on Nippon's thigh, kicking himself off the wall and landing onto his opponent's shoulders, putting Nippon on his hands and knees. Lifting up a punch, the Green Eye paused in his delivery, holding it ready to send down on the back of Nippon's head.

Having him in a vulnerable position, the Green Eye knew that a hit from this angle to his head would surely end Nippon's life; a possibility that he could not allow to come about. Trying once again to plead with his enemy, he demanded that Nippon concede in an attempt to spare his life.

They reach the 12th floor.

"Concede." Green Eye said.

Refusing to do so, Nippon shook his head.

"No." Nippon said.

"Concede!" Green Eye said.


"Look at yourself! I have you right where I can kill you! Do you want to die?!"

"Do it! There's no way out of this! Either you kill me or I kill you! That's the way it has to be!"

Hearing Nippon so easily accept his death, and seeing into his soul the genuine emotion that backed those words, the Green Eye paused in his resolve. With no true way to defeat Nippon other than to give him the death he so desired, the concept behind trying to defeat him peacefully seemed all the more impossible.

They reach the 13th floor.

But he still does not stop trying.

"No. I won't become what you have." Green Eye said.

Keeping his eye on the elevator, Nippon awaited his window of opportunity, carefully keeping still and silent to achieve it. Not making any attempts to fight back, he allows the Green Eye a false sense of security, needing it to achieve the moment to free himself.

They reach the 14th floor. The doors open at last.

Pushing himself against the floor, Nippon launched the Green Eye against the back of the elevator, freeing himself from his captor at last. Turning back around to his opponent, he reached into his kimono and pulled out several swastika shurikens, tossing them all at the Green Eye as he jumped back from the elevator.

Jumping into the air to avoid the attack, the Green Eye clung to the ceiling; his arms and legs up against the corners of the elevator to evade the incoming projectiles. As soon as the shurikens hit the elevator wall, he released himself, falling back down to the floor and stepping out of the elevator.

To his surprise, Nippon, with no signs or trace of his existence, was gone. Nonetheless, even with Nippon out of sight, there is one thing that is not out of his mind:

He is on the 14th floor, and he drew nearer to Charles Ronaldson. Stepping through the hallways of the top floor, he continued to the objective.



While the battle between the Star of David and Wolfenstein, a Jewish superhero and a Nazi warlord, continued on with their battle, there also laid the mismatch-up of Lars Rodriguez and Ape; the luckiest fool alive versus one of the inhumanely strongest men alive. Just as his battle continued alongside the Star of David and Bad Boy's battles, it continues on to this period as well.

Unlike his teammates, however, he does not find anywhere near success in fighting his opponent.

Being put up against a massive mammoth of a man, and barely having any muscle on his skinny surfer body, the battle between Lars and Ape was nowhere near qualified to be called a fight. Instead, the result ended up resembling something akin to a rabid pitbull playing with a chew toy, and leaving nothing of it behind save for scraps of cloth and fabric.

Though the body of Lars Rodriguez still held together well, it still suffered a thorough beating from Ape, and temporarily ending with being thrown across the street, flying through the air at the speed of a car racing down a highway and screaming all the way. Colliding against a lamppost, Lars finally hit the ground, leaning himself back against the same lamppost to try to recuperate and groaning all the time.

As another sign of fate twisting against him, the glass of the lamppost fell out from its place, landing on Lars' head and smashing instantly against it.

"Ow." Lars said.

Watching the towering and furious Ape march up to him once again, Lars, well aware of what awaited him next, looked to him in annoyance with a sigh.

"C'mon, man, can't we just talk about this?" Lars asked.

Picking Lars up by the head, Ape threw him once again, sending him smashing into a car. Slowly picking himself up, Lars again tried to appeal to reason.

"I don't... I don't think that you're listening..." Lars said.

Grabbing Lars by the legs, Ape smashed him against the pavement road, causing him to collide against hard concrete with each impact, eventually ending with one final smash into the ground. Once again putting himself on his feet, still miraculously surviving the abuse forced upon him, Lars tried yet again to reason with Ape.

"You know... I'm starting to pick up on... a little... language barrier thing going here..." Lars said.

Clenching his fist around Lars' neck, Ape began strangling his target, beginning to choke Lars to give him a slow and painful death. Squeezing the last breaths of air out of his enemy, Ape pulled Lars in for a closer look at his face, watching it slowly turn blue as he began meeting his final fate.

Enjoying the suffering he was inflicting on Lars, Ape gave a smile, snorting out a laugh.

"Spic looks funny turning blue. Spic going to die soon." Ape said.

"C'mon, man... What the f*ck did I ever do to you?!" Lars choked.

"Spic shot Ape. Hurt."

"Oh... Well... Besides that? I mean, for f*ck's sakes, you're black!"

Gripping Lars' neck even tighter, Ape angrily growled at the comment, taking offense to the very idea that he could be black. Perhaps through some form of stress or anger imposed on him by the question, his bulging veins began to show irregular beats flowing through them, showcasing signs of heart problems building up.


The massive body of Ape was fueled by excessive amounts of steroids and growth hormones, more than enough for a human being to produce in their lifetime and more than any one body should receive. Having no real concern for their experiments' lives, Wolfenstein and the Aryan Nation did not concern themselves with these consequences, only interested on creating a crude super-soldier to use for themselves.

Though Ape has shown much use and proved his survival through his trials at the cost of his mental state, even he eventually has a toll to pay with the gamble of the artificial stimulants. As a result of all the consumption of the performance-enhancing drugs, Ape's heart came to a stop, bringing his speech and all oxygen flowing to his brain to a halt.

Ape is dead.

Releasing his grip on Lars, his body toppled down to the ground, with the now-free Lars falling to the Earth again as well. Having much breathing to catch up on, Ape's iron grip crushing almost all the life out of him, he took a very-earned break to the battle, recuperating himself before moving on to any other task.

Realizing just how lucky he was to be saved from Ape's wrath, Lars gave a weak chuckle under his shallow breaths.

"Heh... Whaddya know...? I luck out again..." Lars groaned.

Finally getting himself on his feet again, Lars gave his back a stretch and his neck a crack, seeming to recover from the assault in a matter of seconds where a lesser man would be crippled or dead. Believing himself to have done his part, Lars began walking away, leaving the battleground behind in his own self-interests.

Just before leaving, however, one last question still lingered in his mind to drive him to stay behind, particularly pertaining to the presently passed and placid physique of Ape. Looking down at the body of the large and towering Ape, a deep, pressing question burned inside his mind:

If his whole body was as big as it was, how large was his penis?

Letting curiosity get the better of him, Lars re-approached Ape's body, stepping up to his pants to inspect for himself. Carefully looking to ensure there were no prying eyes around him, not wishing to be accused of hom*osexuality, Lars pulled up the pants to take a look inside.

What he finds is the obvious outcome of using anabolic steroids, and, for once, he feels pity on the creature that tried to kill him.

"Damn. No wonder he was so pissed off." Lars said.

Disregarding the sight, Lars once again sought to leave the affair behind, excusing himself as having done his part. However, the sound of gunshots had put a stop to his departure, making him focus on the source of the gunshots and putting his sight now on the fight between Bad Boy and She-Wolf.

With both using firearms as their primary weapons, the two opponents were mostly relegated to using cover and trying to land bullets in one another; a tactic quickly putting the two to a stalemate. As soon as one would stop firing their weapon and fall behind cover, the other would come out of theirs in hopes of hitting them, and so the process repeated over and over again.

Finally, the cocaine-fueled Bad Boy grew tired of the stalemate; the drug in his system driving him to push forward and attempt an attack on She-Wolf. Coming out from her cover, he began bum-rushing towards his enemy with his guns blazing, screaming like the madman he was acting like as he ran.

Moving out of her cover once again, She-Wolf fired on the rushing Bad Boy, spraying a load of bullets his way. One bullet hit him in the leg, tearing through flesh and muscle that once moved to propel the rest of the body forward. Unable to move forward any longer under the pain, Bad Boy collapsed to the ground, wincing and yelling at the pain of the bullet.

Having downed her enemy, She-Wolf leisurely left her cover, reloading her submachine gun to execute Bad Boy.

Continuing to spectate the fight, Lars watched She-Wolf approach Bad Boy, contemplating on stepping into action and saving his teammate.

"Nah. f*ck him. Not my problem." Lars said.

Disregarding the impending doom of Bad Boy, Lars began walking away at last. Just before departing, however, there existed one emotion that paused him from leaving yet again. As a man with little concern for others such as him, this concern was not empathy, but a simple case of self-preservation.

Realizing that the death of Bad Boy would spell trouble for himself by the hand of the Green Eye, the acceptability of his demise soon and suddenly changed from passable to unacceptable. Frustrated with this knowledge, Lars groaned in mental anguish, brought back into the battle again.

Turning around and heading back to the battlefield, he made his way towards the two to the rescue of Bad Boy.

Reaching her enemy as he laid on the ground, She-Wolf took her time to witness the pain of Bad Boy; carefully taking in the sight of him holding his leg in agony. Listening to his whimpers and groans, hearing him softly cry under his sounds of pain, She-Wolf felt a jolt of arousal come over her, feeling her body heat up and her legs start to grind against one another on their own.

Preparing to fulfill her fantasy, she pointed her gun at Bad Boy's face with her finger tight to the trigger.

"What a waste of a white man." She-Wolf said.

Before able to pull the trigger, the submachine gun was shot out of her hands, leaving her disarmed and saving the life of Bad Boy. Turning to see the origin of the bullet that shot away her weapon, she was met with a vengeful-appearing Lars Rodriguez, changing his arm to its chainsaw form.

"Yo, she-bitch. Let's go." Lars said.

Taking a large knife out of her boot, She-Wolf gave a smile at the offer, licking her lips in lust.

"With pleasure." She-Wolf said.



Treading lightly down the hallways of the 14th floor of Toran Apartments, the Green Eye continued to make his way to his target, in search of the room numbered 88 where the baby Charles Ronaldson laid in wait. Keeping his mind focused on the mission at hand and with only little over an hour on the clock, he does not allow himself any thoughts of fear or hesitation.

However, fearless as he makes himself, foolish he does not; keeping his eyes and mind open to whatever may lie in the hallways of the 14th floor, he is unsure what kind of opposition he faces, aside from the absent Nippon. His powers of the mind diminished to keep his focus on the body, the Green Eye does not know what lies in wait between him and Charles Ronaldson, nor if he would make his way through the fight.

With a right turn down a hallway to the room, the Green Eye found his answer. Standing on the other end of the hallway were a group of 4 enemies laying in wait of him: One wielding a machete, one wielding a chain, one wielding a police stick, and one wielding a knife.

Holding their weapons at the ready and showing their willingness to fight, the Green Eye displayed the same, putting his fists up to the 4 enemies standing before him. The leader of the group, the one holding the machete, stepped forward, giving a smile at the display.

Pointing his machete forward the man without pain, he urged his comrades to inflict some upon the Green Eye.

Leading the charge with the others in his group, the man with the machete swung it down towards the Green Eye, aiming to draw first blood. His aim, while centered well on his target, did not manage to land, as the Green Eye caught the oncoming arm and twisted it, causing his foe to drop the weapon.

Kicking the machete aside, the Green Eye drove a knee to its former user's head, following it with a headbutt and throwing him to the side. As soon as he had downed the enemy, however, the wielder of the knife began running his way with his weapon pointed straight at him.

Spinning out of the way of the oncoming knife, the Green Eye threw an elbow to the back of his head, followed with a sweep to his legs, putting him on the ground as well. Once standing up again, the wielder of the police club came his way with the club, preparing to throw it down on his head.

Catching the oncoming police stick, the Green Eye began driving his knee into the enemy's stomach repeatedly, pummeling all breath from his lungs with each blow. In the midst of beating his one target, the wielder of the chain came with a punch, keeping the chain wrapped around his fist.

Deflecting the punch back with a block, the Green Eye followed up with a series of kicks from his chest, to his knee, to his face, and back to his chest again, sending the foe to the floor all while continuing to hold back the wielder of the police stick. Turning his attention back to said enemy, the Green Eye hit the opponent's arm against the wall, forcing him to drop his weapon.

Commandeering the blunt but non-lethal weapon for himself, the Green Eye pushed the enemy to the hallway, driving the police stick into his stomach several more times before throwing an uppercut to his chin with the weapon. Having seemingly downed all his enemies, he allowed himself a moment to take a breath.

That one breath is all the time that he could obtain for himself before returning to fight, and he finds the fight come to him with the opening of an apartment door. Rushing out of the apartment door was a man holding a machete, preparing to strike it down and into his body.

Having a weapon of his own to deflect the oncoming blade with, the Green Eye threw the police stick up at the machete to stop its fall. Spinning the stick by its handle, he threw hits to the attacker's leg and face, knocking him to the floor and keeping him out of the fight.

Hearing another apartment door open, this time a man holding a baseball bat came his way, swinging it towards him with no time to block. Dodging the swing by moving his head under it, the Green Eye grabbed the police stick by its end, using the handle to hook underneath his knee and pull him to the ground.

Choosing a crude method to remove the fighter, the Green Eye threw a stomp onto his crotch, dealing his genitals a blow painful enough to get a scream from the fallen enemy. Another door opened to his side, with this time a man holding a meat cleaver approaching to attack.

Knocking the cleaver out of his hand with the stick, the Green Eye threw it between his legs and began hitting his knees from the side repeatedly. Following the brutal assault on his joints, the disarmed enemy lost all strength to hold himself on his feet, falling to the ground.

An enemy then began rushing up behind him, trying to drive a knife into his back while he was occupied. Once again grabbing the police stick by its end, the Green Eye blocked the enemy's incoming stab away, then used the handle to hook him by the neck and pull him closer.

Bringing him closer towards himself, the Green Eye punched the enemy in the face, sending him stumbling back from the force. Keeping his hook on the back of his neck, the Green Eye pulled him in yet again for another punch. Repeating the move only a few times, the opponent soon went to the ground unconscious.

This time, now two different doors opened with opponents rushing out: One with a spiked baseball bat, and one with a machete. Quickly taking his attention to the enemy with the baseball bat, the Green Eye knocked away a strike, following with sending a punch with his stick to the enemy's chest.

Sending the foe to the floor, the Green Eye allowed himself to focus on the wielder of the machete, allowing him to put him down more definitely than the other. Quickly blocking away the incoming strikes of his blade, the Green Eye spun to throw a bash to the enemy's chest with his police stick, following by spinning once again to build momentum for a kick to his face.

Downing the enemy at last, the Green Eye returned his attention to the spiked-bat user, watching him get back up once again. Ducking under the next strike of the enemy, he slid down on the floor between his legs, using his fist and stick to bash him the opponent in his shins.

Throwing the target falling on his face, the Green Eye followed the attack by jumping backwards, landing himself on the enemy's back and putting him down with his other fallen comrades. Turning back to the hallway, he found that his fight was still not over, as two more enemies came towards him, both wielding pipes.

Having two enemies at once to fight, the Green Eye blocked away at their strikes, having little room to counter-attack under the stress of fending off two attacks at once. Making a block to one enemy's attack, he finally managed to land his own attack by keeping the momentum of his block carrying over to the adjacent enemy's face, knocking one aside to focus on the other.

Grabbing one enemy by his head, the Green Eye bashed his own against it, driving a kick to his chest to send him down. Moving back towards the oncoming second enemy, he followed by grabbing the remaining enemy on the shoulders, jumping up to drive his knee into the foe's chin.

Landing back on the floor, his enemy falling all the way to it as well, he soon found another target run down the hallways, this one unarmed. Throwing some punches towards the way of the Green Eye with decent control and aim, these factors proved to be insufficient against a fighter as skilled as the man without pain.

Holding the stick with both hands, the Green Eye pushed it against the enemy's oncoming fist, breaking numerous bones in his hand. Taking a spin with his police stick to the enemy's head, the Green Eye then kept his momentum by giving a spinning kick to the side of his head, throwing him against a wall.

Stepping towards the end of the hallway at last to progress to room 88, the Green Eye had still continued to face resistance in his journey to the goal. Another enemy ran towards him with a machete, swinging it towards his face with barely enough time to dodge. To the machete-wielder's surprise, his attack attempt had landed his machete stuck in the wall, unable to get it back out again.

Punching the enemy in the face, the Green Eye then grabbed the enemy and drove a blow with the police stick to his stomach, finishing him by slamming him against a wall. Having another enemy come his way from an opening door, the enemy tried to throw his own swing of a knife towards the Green Eye.

Grabbing his enemy's arm and withholding the knife, the Green Eye threw a kick to his chest and then his knee, breaking his arm by keeping a hold on it as he fell down. Turning to see another enemy start to rush down the hallway with a machete, he then blocked the incoming blade, bashing the enemy's arm with his police stick, then landed two kicks, one to his head, and one to his chest, sending him falling against the wall.

Moving forward into the next hallway, the Green Eye found another unarmed enemy start to throw kicks his way; an attack method he could and did easily exploit. Grabbing one incoming leg, he began pushing the kicking enemy back, sending him hopping to try to keep his balance.

Taking his police stick by the end, he began bashing the enemy in his kneecap, causing loud screams to come out of his mouth. Sufficed with beating him in a weak spot, the Green Eye lifted his leg further up, bringing the enemy to slip and hang off the ground, and kicked him in the back to finally down him.

Hearing another enemy come his way from behind, the Green Eye turned with his police stick swinging around, preparing to strike at the enemy prematurely. Unfortunately, this opponent showed himself to be smarter than the rest, proving himself by catching the Green Eye's arm before it could strike him.

Outsmarting the seemingly smart enemy, the Green Eye spun himself around, keeping his arm extended and a distance between himself and the enemy. Throwing one kick to the enemy's face, he then followed with another one to his crotch, finalizing by bringing himself in to drive a knee to his chest, downing this enemy at last.

Feeling a jingling of cold metal make its way down around his throat, the Green Eye was quickly restrained by an unseen enemy holding a chain, keeping him tight in a choke-hold. Stepping out of more apartment doors were 2 more enemies: One wielding an axe, and one wielding a knife.

The wielder of the knife came at the downed Green Eye with a slash, but the blow was deflected away by his plated armguard. A blow coming from the handle of the other enemy's axe came his way, and was deflected similarly by the Green Eye. His subduer, holding the chain tighter, choked him harder to bring his hands back to his neck.

Distracted by the chain around his neck, he soon found more problems come his way, starting with the knife being driven into his shoulder, making him give a pained groan. With his weapon discarded into his enemy, the former knife-user grabbed at the Green Eye's kicking leg, pulling it tight to ensure he could not fight back.

The wielder of the axe sought to exploit this; positioning his weapon's blade over the leg and lifted it up, preparing to lop it off.

Closing his eyes to spare himself from the vision of the grisly dismemberment he was about to face, the act of aversion is what keeps the Green Eye from also witnessing what had come to his salvation. As the axe-wielder kept a wide stance of his legs to stay his balance, that wide stance allowed any to exploit the opening with a blow to the unmentionables; an opening taken by a kick from an ally joining the fight.

Opening his eyes to the sound of one of his enemies groaning, the Green Eye came eye-to-eye with Baise-Moi; the French-speaking street fighter coming to his rescue. Following up her kick to the testicl*s of the axe-wielding enemy, Baise-Moi followed by taking her baton to his throat, putting him down to the floor.

Using his free leg, the Green Eye threw a kick to the enemy holding his other leg, landing a hit to his face and knocking him back. Baise-Moi, helping free the Green Eye at last, threw her baton to the face of his captor, bashing him in the nose and breaking the cartilage, making him release the chain.

Not content with breaking his nose, Baise-Moi continued by hitting him in the knee, putting him to her feet. Lifting up her baton, she threw it back down to continue his punishment, seeming to have taken personal offense to the attempt to dismember the Green Eye.

Her vengeance was brutal, but the subject of her revenge had none of the sort. Grabbing her hand from continuing her beating, the Green Eye pulled Baise-Moi back.

"Baise-Moi! Enough! He's down!" Green Eye said.

Listening to the words of the Green Eye, Baise-Moi lowered her baton, conceding to his plea for mercy.

"Sorry, my love. I happen to like your body and all its parts the way they are. I do not take kindly to others trying to cut it." Baise-Moi said.

"I appreciate that, but there's no need for that kind of violence. But never mind that; we have bigger problems to worry about than me. There's a baby in room 88. We need to get him out of here, fast. There's not a lot of time." Green Eye said.

"Very well, then. Lead the way."

Escorting his temporary ally down the hallways, the duo made their way to the room numbered 88, making haste with their movements.

"So, what took you so long this time?" Green Eye asked.

"I took the stairs." Baise-Moi said.



Outside the apartment complex, battles continued to rage on between the last of the Heroes and Bastards. The most brutal and mighty was that between of the Star of David and Wolfenstein, the hearts of Judaism and Nazism themselves beating one another to death. Theirs is a battle that carries on without honor or humanity, and without any concern for anything else but killing one another.

As such, they do not notice the other of the now two battles unfolding on the wargrounds around them. This other battle is fought between dim-witted Lars Rodriguez and the woman named She-Wolf, the former coming to the rescue of Bad Boy under the hands of the psychosexual sultry swastika-strewn slayer.

Where he had won his past fight battle against the enslaved fighter Ape with only his own stupid luck, this one required Lars to use his own skills and strengths. Unfortunately, for a man who has lived a delinquent and worthless life, he has little to no skills to be held to his name, making this fight a true trial and testament to his spirit and willpower.

One of the few strengths on his side in the fight was his agility; a skill acquired from spending much of his youth skateboarding and surfing in the town of Ocean Shores. However, that one strength was matched evenly with the stronger fighting experience of She-Wolf, having both agility and better coordination in a fight.

Swinging her knife towards Lars, She-Wolf found her blade deflected by the chainsaw arm of her opponent; a motion repeated throughout most of the fight. Trying to make his own way to fight off the Aryan amazon, Lars tried to land a hit with his chainsaw into his enemy, swinging his arm down towards her.

Catching the chainsaw-arm in one hand, She-Wolf sliced away at its owner with a cut across his chest, kicking Lars back and following with a punch to his face. After stumbling back from the attack, Lars retaliated by throwing a back-handed punch to her face, followed by bashing his elbow on her back.

"You like that, Nazi bitch?! You want a piece of me?" Lars asked.

"I don't want a piece of you. I want the whole thing." She-Wolf said.

Despite being temporarily put down by Lars, She-Wolf picked herself back up once again, landing an uppercut to his face and following with a punch to his gut. Putting her fists up in a boxer-like defense, she patiently waited for Lars to hold up his face for her to continue.

Starting with several consistent jabs to his face, She-Wolf threw a hook to his cheek, sending him tumbling to the ground. True to his nature as a young punk, Lars stumbled back onto his feet, clumsily making his way towards She-Wolf in a running bum-rush.

"Now you're gonna get it, blondie!" Lars shouted.

Swinging his chainsaw-arm to her once again, Lars only managed to invoke more of She-Wolf's blows landing in his face, followed with a knee to his stomach and his body being tossed to the ground. Finding a loss of strength come over him, Lars could not bring himself on his feet again.

Stepping over to her victim, She-Wolf positioned herself over the downed Lars, putting her crotch above his face with a smile on her own.

"You have no idea how much I love to beat down my prey before I finally eat them up. I'm not just called 'She-Wolf' because I'm Wolfenstein's girl. I'm a woman who loves to get a hunt out of her prey. To beat them down and humiliate them before I finally wear them all the way out. Iloveto wear them out, especially a stupid spic like you. I'm really going to enjoy this." She-Wolf said.

Finding this to be an advantage in his situation, Lars gave a sarcastic, exaggerated gasp, putting his hands behind his head to allow She-Wolf to have her way.

"Oh, no! I'm gonna have hot sex with a blonde Nazi babe! How will I ever escape? Heh-heh-heh. sh*t, if you wanted me to f*ck you, all you had to do was ask. I would've tried some rough stuff before if that's what you like." Lars said.

"Oh,youwon't be f*ckingme.I'llbe f*ckingyou." She-Wolf said.

"I ain't arguin'. To-may-to, to-mah-to. puss*'s puss* to me. I'm interested to see what some of Wolfie's 'tastes' are if he likes you."

Smiling at Lars' comment, She-Wolf's excitement became even greater under what would follow for them both.

"You'll see why he likes me. But be warned, you'll be in for a surprise. Abigsurprise." She-Wolf said.

Reaching to the zipper of her short pants, She-Wolf loosened the hold of the clothing on her waist and crotch, slowly beginning to pull it down. Gaining access of a viewing of her pubic hair, Lars' eyes widened and his lips licked at promise of a woman's genitalia being presented to him...

...but it is not a woman's genitalia that he ultimately sees. It is a man's genitalia, and one even larger than his prized 'Schlong of the South'.

"Like I said,I'llbe f*ckingyou." She-Wolf said.

Having his eyes met with a large feminine phallus hanging over his face, leaving a large shadow in its wake, Lars' eager face turned to a look of deep regret in an instant.

"Oh, sh*t. Not again." Lars whimpered.



Stepping to room number 88 at last, the Green Eye made his way inside, having Baise-Moi still at his side. Scanning the room in search of their sole target, the two Heroes do not take long to search out their V.I.P., as he was found lying safely in a bed all to himself.

Walking up to the baby Charles Ronaldson, the Green Eye and Baise-Moi nestled closely to him, watching on as he slumbered safely in his bed, free from the physical realm and any abuse from his captors. Reaching to the infant, the Green Eye scooped him up in his arms, rocking him safely in them.

The face of Baise-Moi is but a mask meant to invoke a sense of arousal, but the face underneath the mask belonging to Helga Pataki does not share the same sentiment in watching the Green Eye gently hold the baby and keep him safe. Instead, she takes a sense of pride in watching him act well with a child, with a degree of guilt underneath; the reasons for such emotion complex as the woman herself.

"You cuddle him sweetly. You would make a good parent." Baise-Moi said.

"Thanks. The way you act, I'm sorry that I can't say the same about you." Green Eye said.

Realizing that the Green Eye knew not who he was speaking to, Baise-Moi held back her own now-flooding emotions of pain, deeply troubled by his statement and feeling less within as a person. Not wishing to share such emotion with anyone, it made her thankful that the Ectoranium in her mask prevented her fiancee from seeing her feelings.

"Heh... Yes, I suppose I wouldn't be, would I?" Baise-Moi asked.

Suddenly, her emotions of guilt and self-pity are cut short with the sight of an enemy coming down the ceiling, swinging a sword towards his head.

"ARNOLD, LOOK OUT!" Baise-Moi shouted.

Turning to see a katana swing his way, the Green Eye ducked his head under its path, just barely dodging the blade. His neck and all above were saved from the incoming cut, but a lock of his blonde hair had suffered a slice from the sword. Turning with a side-kick to the enemy, the Green Eye looked to see the return of Nippon, stumbling back and subsequently re-approaching with his blade.

Handing off Charles to Baise-Moi without a second thought, the Green Eye ran back up to Nippon, starting to fight him off to ensure the two could escape.

"Take Charles and get out of here!" Green Eye shouted.

"But, my love, I-" Baise-Moi tried to say.


Taking his advice at the instant of the syllable, Baise-Moi ran back out of the room, holding the baby Charles tight during her flight.

Stepping forward to slash at the Green Eye again, Nippon landed a cut across his stomach, slicing away cut-proof portions of his outfit, but none of his flesh as of yet. Charging forward to stab through the mesh and armor, Nippon extended his sword forward to send it through the Green Eye.

Preventing the outcome from happening, the Green Eye clapped his hands together, catching the sword between them. Continuing to be pushed forward by Nippon, the aforementioned samurai drove the Green Eye against a wall, now putting all his force and pressure to drive the sword forward.

Pushing the blade to the side, Nippon's attack to the Green Eye was put to a stop, but it did not prevent more efforts from taking its place. Slashing his sword at the man without pain, Nippon's sword strikes were dodged over and over by the Green Eye swerving up and down between them, not a single hit landing.

Slicing instead at his leg, Nippon landed a bleeding cut into an unarmored section of the Green Eye's thigh, making him fall to his knee in an instant. Bringing his sword high in the air, Nippon drove it down towards the downed Green Eye. Once again, the Green Eye caught the blade in his hands, making Nippon double his efforts to drive the blade into his enemy.

Pushing the blade off to the side again, the Green Eye retrieved a pair of metal rebar sticks from the ground, using them as his means of defense against Nippon's blade. Deflecting one oncoming slash of his sword, the Green Eye struck his enemy across the face, drawing blood from a small wound.

The moment of pain is not a distraction, but it keeps Nippon halted long enough to take notice of the blood.

Moving his sword back to the Green Eye to draw blood for himself, Nippon found his opponent coming at him with fast-paced slashes of his sticks, forcing him to deflect the oncoming attacks before making his own. The crude weapons proved to have effectiveness in their brawl, but they are ultimately naught compared to a well-crafted Japanese sword.

As such, the job the rebar sticks had done on deflecting the sword had come to an end with Nippon's sword slicing through one of the bars. The short moment of surprise the Green Eye showed from the damage to his weapon had gave one small moment of pause in the fight; more than enough for Nippon to exploit.

Coming at the Green Eye with another slash of his sword, Nippon sent him having to dodge under it rather than block it, giving him no time to deflect the oncoming hit. Taking another slash, and one more slash, each dodged by the Green Eye's agile movements, his opponent eventually came to a pause again, giving him enough time to slice through the rebar sticks and reduce them to less than weapons.

Once again taking surprise to the loss of his weapon, the Green Eye paused from the damage to his weapons, repeating his mistake of allowing Nippon a chance to strike. Lifting one foot in the air, Nippon drove it into the chest of the Green Eye, kicking him with a force strong enough to send him through the wall of the room and out into the hallway once again.

Sending his fist through the hole in the wall, Nippon's fist met with the Green Eye's face, following his strike with a kick to his face, with the Green Eye himself just barely blocking the blow with his forearms. Jumping out from the hole, Nippon confronted his opponent in the hallway, throwing a kick during his flight.

With the Green Eye dodging from the incoming kick, Nippon followed it by throwing a slash towards him, having it dodged once again. Landing back on his feet, he continued making his bladed attack to his enemy, ever so determined to land a cut into the Green Eye.

Nippon threw a downward cut towards his opponent, but the Green Eye, taking the question of the weapon out of the fight, timed a back-flip kick to the hilt of the sword before it could hit him. From the force of his kick, the sword went flying straight towards the ceiling, to which the Green Eye grabbed it and threw a double-kick to Nippon's face, utilizing his brief moment in the air.

Though having a hit put into him at last and losing his weapon, Nippon was far from showing any signs of relenting in their fight. Showing his force to use his body as a weapon, Nippon threw a series of unrelenting kicks towards the Green Eye; the movements of legs as fast as lightning itself.

Having only a narrow hallway to fight in and a vicious enemy to fight against, the Green Eye could do nothing towards his enemy but block his kicks; an easy task to carry out on paper, but one more taxing on his body and energy with the kicks seeming to never stop.

Finding a new way to fight back against Nippon, the Green Eye grabbed an oncoming kick, catching Nippon's leg in his hands. Dragging him back with his leg still in hand, sending Nippon hopping to keep his balance, the Green Eye began spinning him around, sending him hitting the corners and walls of the hallway.

Releasing him against a wall, the Green Eye sent him through the wall of a another apartment, leaving him to roll onto the floor. Stepping through his newly-opened hole, he met Nippon with a pair of fists held high, ready to continue fighting. Picking himself up off the ground, Nippon repeated the gesture after a crack of his neck.

Rushing towards one another, the two began throwing kicks to each other again; the two martial artists still keeping up their battle.



Flipping Lars over on his back, She-Wolf reached for his pants and took a firm grip on them, slowly beginning to pull them down. Aroused strongly from the game she shared with her prey, her raging, throbbing erection dripped with anticipation at the opportunity of penetrating the helpless Lars.

Though Lars Rodriguez is a sex pest of the highest degree, chasing after women nonstop and resorting to rape a majority of the time, one thing he has no desire to is to feel any sort of anal stimulation whatsoever. Even going so far as to reject prodding into his rectum during acts of fellati* for fear of being seen as a hom*osexual, the threat of being anally raped by a transsexual Nazi can only be described as one thing:

His worst nightmare.

Just as anyone would do while experiencing their worst nightmare, Lars made his show of all his bravery against the terror by exhibiting none at all. Instead, suffering mentally of the highest degree, he screamed and cried like a 5-year old girl in the middle of a haunted house, but had much more warrant for such reaction than the aforementioned compared case.

Though fighting alone, Lars' cries did not go unheard. She-Wolf, growing more aroused by his screams by the minute, basked in his suffering.


"That's right. Cry and suffer, you little spic. I've never heard anyone cry so much as you before I even put it in. I'mreallygoing to enjoy your ass." She-Wolf said.

Pulling down Lars' pants, She-Wolf spread his cheeks to gain access to the opening, preparing to force her oversized phallus inside with a smile on her face.

"Hey, She-Bitch!" A voice said.

Turning to the voice before making her final penetration, She-Wolf was met with a rock hitting her in the face, forcing her back and covering her face with her hands in pain. Lars, realizing this one moment had saved him from losing his anal virginity, turned as well to see the source of the rock.

To his delight, the rock of his salvation came from Bad Boy, who cheered him on to finish the fight.

"C'mon, Lars! Get her! You can do it!" Bad Boy said.

Smiling at the opportunity to gain an upper hand on She-Wolf at last, Lars took it to its utmost advantage. Throwing his leg up to She-Wolf, Lars threw a kick to her crotch, targeting her scrotum and landing a crippling hit. Picking himself up off the ground and pulling his pants back up, he revved up his arm in its chainsaw form once more, preparing to land the final blow against his would-be rapist.

"Say 'Auschwitz Wienerschnitzel' to your Nazi balls, you tranny bitch!" Lars shouted.

Driving his chainsaw-arm between her legs, Lars began sawing away at She-Wolf's crotch, reducing her massive genitals into pulp within mere seconds. Having an ungodly pain brought to her nether regions, She-Wolf howled in agony as her reproductive organs were completely destroyed, feeling the blade start to cut through her groin into her stomach.

Not satisfied with gutting her at the groin, Lars took lopping slicing to her arms, cutting both away and out of sight. Putting his last and killing blow upon She-Wolf, he spun around, decapitating her with the slice of his chainsaw. Watching her headless and armless body's legs start to slide apart as it still stood, ripping open its stomach from the bottom and spilling organs to the ground, Lars put one final touch on the kill.

Turning his arm to its flamethrower form, he scorched the remains of She-Wolf, setting the mutilated body aflame in retaliation for his attempted rape.

She-Wolf is dead.

Content with his revenge against She-Wolf, Lars gave a smile as he watched her corpse burn, feeling prideful in keeping his anus unpenetrated.

"There is only one man on Earth Lars Rodriguez ever f*ck... and that's Lars Rodriguez." Lars said.

"I thought you f*cked your math teacher." Bad Boy said.

"I sucked his co*ck to pass 11th grade. Big difference. But I'm not gay! And don't tell anyone I told you that!"



Carrying on their fight without honor or humanity, the Star of David and Wolfenstein kept at their battle with the same viciousness and brutality that they had shown one another when their fight had begun, and neither showed any signs of stopping in that approach whatsoever.

With each enemy having ideologies that stood against one another, over 90 years and 6 million bodies' worth of blood between the two, the only fair sentiment to the fight would be that each drew blood from one another, and each had managed to draw far more than their fair share from the other.

Wolfenstein had only slight advantage in this area, most of his limbs being cybernetic, but the Star of David was much worse for the wear in the cost of his efforts in the fight. Bloody and bruised all over, his legs could barely even support the body atop them, but the mind still pushed it on to see the man standing before him finally fall dead at his hands.

Throwing another slash of his shield to Wolfenstein, the Star of David found it caught in the grab of his metal arm, coming tighter than before.

"Enough playing with playing with your toys, kike." Wolfenstein said.

Applying more pressure with his hand, Wolfenstein broke off a piece of the shield, taking nearly half of the weapon with his might. Shocked to see his shield broken with brute force, even if backed by machinery, the sight had brought a gasp from the Star of David as it occurred.

Taking advantage of his enemy's brief pause, Wolfenstein threw an uppercut to his chin, knocking him to the ground. Unable to take any more abuse, the Star of David stayed on his hands and knees; his mind commanding his limbs to pick him back up, but the body unable to fulfill the task.

Watching his opponent stay on his knees, Wolfenstein smiled and laughed at the sight, seeing himself as the victor.

"See, Harold?I'mthe winner. Andyou'rethe loser. Just like it's supposed to be for our races. Despite all your tricks and supposed influence, you're ultimately the inferior species. You really do deserve to die. But you should feel honored; you'll be one of the first Jews I've gotten to kill in some time. I got rid of all of the ones in my province weeks ago, and I should've saved a few for moments like this. I'll be sure to take my time here." Wolfenstein said.

Clenching his organic hand into a fist, Wolfenstein threw it against the Star of David's face, landing a sharp punch to his cheek.

"There once was a nigg*r who tried to give this big, eloquent speech about how he 'Had a Dream'. He wanted all the nigg*rs and the spics and the gooks and the white man to all get along like a nice, big, happy, f*ckin' family. He thought we could all just get along. But I disagree. I, too, have a dream." Wolfenstein said.

Raising his fist to the Star of David, he drove another punch into his face.

"I have a dream that, one day, the white man will take pride in his heritage and country; to be an outstanding citizen that loves his land and will fight and die for his country, to love it as it loves him!" Wolfenstein said.

Raising his fist to the Star of David, he drove another punch into his face.

"To have the white man create a nation of strength and honor! One that works for a better tomorrow! Where each man lives up to his potential for the greater good, and is not held back by himself or another!" Wolfenstein said.

Raising his fist to the Star of David, he drove another punch into his face.

"To live in a land ruled by strength, not statements! Ruled by unity, not diversity! Where the citizens control government and policy, not the interests of outside forces! Where wealth and prosperity are back where they belong: In the hands of the white man!" Wolfenstein said.

Raising his fist to the Star of David, he drove another punch into his face.

"f*ck all these race traitors and their constant espousing of fairy tales and pipe dreams of diversity and tolerance!" Wolfenstein shouted.

Raising his fist to the Star of David, he drove another punch into his face.

"f*ck these lazy nigg*rs breeding dozens of their little nigg*r-babies and begging the government for money to keep their mouths fed!" Wolfenstein said.

Raising his fist to the Star of David, he drove another punch into his face.

"f*ck these spics that crawl out of their sh*thole countries and try to impose their failed Marxist policies on our government, stealing all our jobs and leaving us white men behind!" Wolfenstein said.

Raising his fist to the Star of David, he drove another punch into his face.

"f*ck the towelheads that try to impose their false religion on children and indoctrinate them to Sharia law and radicalize our youth!" Wolfenstein said.

Raising his fist to the Star of David, he drove another punch into his face.

"f*ck the chinks and gooks that lure our businesses to outsource their labor to them for cheap pay and sh*tty products!" Wolfenstein said.

Raising his fist to the Star of David, he drove another punch into his face.

"f*ck the LGBTQ-STD sexual deviants who push their perversion on innocent children, teaching them to pledge allegiance to the fa*g instead of the flag!" Wolfenstein said.

Raising his fist to the Star of David, he drove another punch into his face.

"f*ck the fake media who pushes the lies of the Jew and forces his progressive agenda on us all and bring our country to ruin!" Wolfenstein said.

Raising his fist to the Star of David, he drove another punch into his face.

"f*ck the United States government and all its members that unapologetically serve the Jew and whor* their governance to him!" Wolfenstein said.

Raising his fist to the Star of David, he drove another punch into his face.

"f*ck social media! f*ck the school system! f*ck Hollywood!" Wolfenstein said.

Grabbing the Star of David by the back of his head, Wolfenstein pulled back his knee, preparing to send it to his face.

"f*ck ALL OF IT!" Wolfenstein said.

Bashing his knee into the Star of David's face, Wolfenstein sent him falling to the ground, landing on his back.

"America is diseased; rotten to the core from the Jew. There's no saving it anymore. We need to pull it up by the roots because of you. Wipe the slate clean. Burn it down!" Wolfenstein said.

Wolfenstein threw a kick to the Star of David's face, causing him to tumble back on the ground.

"And from the ashes, a new America will rise. A fourth reich will rise. Evolved and pure! The inferior races will be purged and extinct, and the strong will live on! They'll have their brave new world! And I will lead that fourth reich for thousands of years!" Wolfenstein said.

Picking the Star of David off the ground, Wolfenstein positioned his body to drop down on his knee, raising his leg in preparation.

"I WILL MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!" Wolfenstein shouted.

Dropping the Star of David to his knee, Wolfenstein delivered a heavy blow onto his back, loudly snapping vertebrae with his strike. Screaming under the blow, the Star of David rolled onto the ground, groaning in pain as he struggled just to move under the damage to his back.

Despite the damage done to his body, the Star of David was still not submissive to his enemy. Coughing up blood from his mouth, he used it to deliver insults back.

"Typical modern Nazi... Complete liar... Full of sh*t..." Star of David groaned.

Hearing his enemy's taunt muttered out from his dying breath, Wolfenstein turned to him with a smoldering face, listening for an explanation.

"Really? And how's that?" Wolfenstein asked.

"'Fake media'? 'Sharia law'? 'Jews controlling it all'? What the hell are you talking about? I never controlled a goddamn thing my whole life. I was in the same neighborhood as you, went to the same school as you, lived my life like you lived yours. I never influenced anybody into whatever I wanted. I couldn't even handle my own life on my own." Star of David said.

Forcing himself through pain and fatigue, the Star of David picked himself up to his feet again, standing as he confronted Wolfenstein.

"You Nazis are all the same; no principles or beliefs. 'Begging the government for money'? You lived on welfare checks for a year. 'Spics coming in and stealing jobs'? You made a friend with a so-called 'spic' and treated him like your best friend. 'Sexual deviancy'? You f*ck a chick with a dick! You pledge allegiance to Nazi Germany, but you wear the flag of their enemy country on your face! You don't care about all the right-wing talking points. All you care about is your own wants for violence, and trying to hide it behind an ideology. You're nothing but a bully hiding behind an idea." Star of David said.

Hearing out the Star of David's argument, Wolfenstein did not give any protest or hostile reaction to the statement, but instead chuckled at it with a smile.

"Fair enough. That is true. But you know something? You are, too." Wolfenstein said.

Suspicious of Wolfenstein's reaction and argument, the Star of David looked back with a look of confusion.

"What?" Star of David asked.

"Think back in school, when you and I were just kids. We were both the bullies then. We had our little cliques, sure; you had Sid and Stinky, and I had Edmund and some others, but we were ultimately not so different at the core. We pounded anybody we didn't like or who got in our way, and we had too much fun doing it." Wolfenstein said.

"Maybe you're right... I was a punk back then... but I changed. For the better. You changed for the worse."

"Not necessarily. All I did was find an ideology that suits me. You did, too."

"I didn't 'find' it. Iamit. I was born a Jew."

"No, you weren't. You were raised a Jew. Nobody's born a Jew anymore than they're born Muslim or Christian. It's a religion set on a set of rules and dogma that you're raised into, nothing more and nothing less."

"My people made a contract with god millenniaago to become his chosen people. It's even in the christian bible if you don't believe me."

"In the bible, yeah, but not a single history book. There's no evidence for any of the sh*t in your Torah anywhere, and no scientist found any sort of 'Jew gene' that makes you a Jew. There isn't even a f*cking physical appearance between you and me. That's why Jews were so hard to spot back in the third Reich. Hell, you almost look whiter thanIam."

"So what point are you trying to make? That you and I are still the same?"

"No. That despite all the hate we have for one another, Nazis and Jews aren't as different as we thought."

Shocked to the point of offense by Wolfenstein's statement, the Star of David looked to him with even further surprise on his face.

"What?" Star of David asked.

"You said it yourself; you say that Jews are the 'chosen people of god'. I say that Aryans are the master race. We both see ourselves above others. That's one. Your religion doesn't allow you to marry or breed outside of your own group. I detest and kill any race traitors and half-breeds that result from it. We want to keep our races pure. That's two. You cite Israel as your holy land and a kingdom that will last for eternity. I say that our Reich will last for a thousand years. We both want a country for ourselves that stands out exceptionally. That's three. Said holy land of yours is tear-assing all of Palestine and killing them off to take their land for yourself. As for us... Well, you know the story of what the third Reich did to Europe. We both claim land for our own country. That's four. You believe in the god of Yahweh. I believe in that god, too. We even worship the same god. That's five. You see? We are just the same at the core. The only real difference between you and me is that your people cut off your baby boys' foreskins. Say what you will about our death camps, we never did pedophile sh*t like that. Still, at the heart of it all, we're just flip-sides of the same coin." Wolfenstein said.

"That's bullsh*t! Hitler was a crazy liar! You'll believe anything a man with power says if it gave you some identity!"

"Projection much? That's the exact point of all religions, especially yours. Do you know who the first person in the bible who was named 'Israel'? The very country you people claim to belong to? Jacob. The one who stole his father's blessing from his brother Esau. And he got to lead your entire religion, according to your own holy book. For all the wolf-cries you make about us calling Jews liars and deceivers, everyone in your entire religion has rewarded lying and deception all for political gain. I believe that's why Hitler chose you as the greatest enemy to the Reich: Because he didn't want any competition. But I think if he saw you now... he'd be proud. We are predators that hunt and conquer. We are the ones that deserve to run the world."

The Star of David carefully thought over the speech given by Wolfenstein, not sure what to make of the comparison. Though every instinct in his body told him that the words fed to him were wrong, the mind itself could not scavenge up a rational argument to shoot back to him.

But giving a counter-argument is not the main concern in his mind. Instead, it is commanding his hand to grip itself tighter around what remained of his shield, and his legs to start walking towards his enemy. Slowly walking up to Wolfenstein, the Star of David looked at him with a smile, giving a friendly facade to his foe.

"You know, Wolfgang... Maybe I was wrong about you this whole time... You're right." Star of David said.

Widening his eyes with a smile, Wolfenstien's face lit up from the response, believing he had made a breakthrough.

"So you understand now? You can see it my way?" Wolfenstein asked.

"Yeah... I don't know why I didn't see it before. I always sort of knew that I was better than everyone. I knew I was put here to conquer. Maybe... you and I could conquer this island together. Whaddya say?" Star of David asked.

The Star of David extended his free hand to Wolfenstein, offering a handshake to his supposed enemy. Elated to see a change of heart, Wolfenstein enthusiastically grabbed his hand, shaking it firmly with pride. Welcoming his new brother into his arms, the two shared a hug in alliance, putting their heads against one another.

"That's exactly what I was looking to hear. With someone like you and someone like me working together, we could make a world better than thefuhrerhimself could have ever imagined. Doesn't that sound wonderful?" Wolfenstein asked.

"Yeah... I bet... you and I can work together..." Star of David began to say.

Gripping his shield tightly, the Star of David led his hand to the back of Wolfenstein's neck, gripping it tightly.

"...IN HELL!" Star of David shouted.

Driving Wolfenstein's head down, the Star of David rammed the remainder of his shield into his neck, stabbing him through it without warning. Feeling broken metal pierce through his flesh and trachea, Wolfenstein began driving blood from his mouth, choking on his own blood.

Despite his deception and fatal blow, Wolfenstein did not show any signs of resistance or fear. Instead, scavenging up what breaths remained in his lungs, he gave out gurgling chuckles, spitting out blood as he laughed off his inevitable death and painful journey to that death.

"What's so funny?" Star of David asked.

"f*ck... you... kike..." Wolfenstein gurgled.

Hearing the sound of a gunshot under his chest, the Star of David felt a stinging pain in it, driving him to look down. What he finds when he looks down is Wolfenstein holding a smoking gun, and in front of it a bullet hole in his chest. Unable to believe the sight in his eyes, the Star of David touched his chest to feel it, feeling a hole and blood seeping from it.

Pulling the trigger again, Wolfenstein fired another shot into the Star of David's chest. Pulling the trigger again, he fired off another shot, and so on until he emptied the entire magazine into his chest. Releasing the shield from Wolfenstein's neck, the Star of David stumbled back, grunting softly from the pain of his gunshot wounds.

Watching his enemy bleed out with a smile on his face, Wolfenstein's smiling head began falling back over his neck; the wound tearing and ripping under the weight. As his body fell to his knees and extended its arms out, the head finally fell from the rest, tumbling to the ground below.

Landing somewhere on a small hill of dirt, the head of Wolfenstein gained one final view of his dying enemy during his final moments, still smiling all the time of his viewing. Soon, the last bits of blood left his head, taking with it his life, but leaving behind a smile still on the American flagged-face it once possessed.

Wolfgang is dead.

Collapsing to the ground, the Star of David began succumbing to his wounds, falling to his back. Closing his eyes, he let in and out deep breaths.

Trying to ease the pain, he puts his mind elsewhere.

"Patty..." Star of David said.


Keeping up their fight in the top floor of Toran Apartments, the Green Eye and Nippon continued to throw fast-paced kicks and punches towards one another, blocking away one another's strikes with speed and precision enough to keep each of their battle at a stalemate.

Landing one lucky shot at Nippon's leg, the Green Eye managed to spin him around in the air, causing him to land to the floor. Just as he tried to pick himself back up off the ground with a kip-up, the Green Eye once again threw a successful hit towards him, landing a double-kick to his chest.

The force of the hit was strong enough not only to send him flying towards a window, but nearly out of it. Not allowing himself to take a human life and stay true to his moral code, the Green Eye reached out and grabbed Nippon by the leg, keeping him from falling to the ground.

As both struggled against one another; the Green Eye trying to get Nippon back up, and Nippon himself fighting back against the Green Eye, both stopped in their struggle as they noticed what was on the ground level of the building below. One took notice of the decapitated Wolfenstein, and the other saw the dying Star of David; both recognizing that their battle was now ultimately for nothing.

No longer struggling against the Green Eye, Nippon allowed him to pull him back up, allowing him back into the building and stand back on his feet. Temporarily taking his attention away from Nippon, the Green Eye looked back out the window, focusing his mental energies to the Star of David.

His power of empathy told him that his death was all too soon, but a telepathic message sent down told him to keep himself alive.

Harold. Hold on. I'm coming down. We'll get you help.Green Eye said telepathically.

Putting his focus on the Star of David, the Green Eye was oblivious to Nippon, and his next action that he was taking. Reaching to his back, Nippon pulled out a sword; one smaller than his katana, but one with a blade sharp enough to cut through human flesh nonetheless.

Taking his sword tight in hand, he used it not on the Green Eye, but himself. Seating himself on his knees, he drove the blade into his stomach, driving the blade from one side to another in a show ofhara-kiri. Hearing the squelch of the blade enter his body, the Green Eye rushed to aide Nippon, not wishing to see him take his life.

"Nippon, what are you doing?!" Green Eye asked.

"You know what this is, Green Eye.Seppuku.The act of honorable suicide." Nippon said.

"But why?"

"I have lost my master. It is the way of the samurai to follow his master to death."

"This isn't feudal Japan! You don't have to kill yourself!"

"I do. I have ended lives for my cause, but my cause is no more with Wolfenstein dead. The Aryan Nation will fall, and I will be killed by its enemies. I will at least keep my honor this way."

"You don't have to follow your cause! There's better ways! You can be better!"

"I don't want to be better. My people have been put down by the whites for so long. There was a time when we would bend the elements themselves, where we lived on top, but, in this country, they just call us yellow nigg*rs and look down on us. I have had enough. If I cannot make peace in this world, then I will take my chances in the next."

Taking pain in watching Nippon suffer, the Green Eye realized that there was no way to talk him out of his ritual suicide, and there was only one way of help he could offer. If he could not save his life, he would at least see to ending it quickly and grant him the honor he desired.

Stepping out of the room, the Green Eye returned with the sword, pulling it back out of the ceiling. Recognizing what he was planning, Nippon nodded his head.

"Yes. Do it. You will do the final honors." Nippon said.

"I will never end a human life." Green Eye said.

"You will not. I have ended my own life already. You are but the consummator of my act. Please. Do it."

Preparing the sword to Nippon's neck, the Green Eye carefully positioned it above his neck. Watching his breaths, he carefully timed his strike to the very last one, still unwilling to end him while he still lived. Keeping his mind connected with Nippon's as one, he waited for the one moment where the life snuffed out of him at last.

Nippon is dead.

Once it did, he struck down, making the cut.

Letting his head roll across the ground, the Green Eye dared not watch as the severed head tumbled away. Hearing it make its course across the ground, he took a deep breath, letting himself a moment to recover from the experience he had to go through. Though he kept to his code and ended no life here, the act itself was nonetheless not easy for him to fulfill.

After taking his moment to breathe, the Green Eye returned to the head, placing it back with the body in a respectable manner. Taking one last look at the sword, reading the name 'Hattori Hanzō' on the hilt, he left it by the body; allowing the blade of the samurai to remain with the soul it was part of.

Taking a sheet from a bed, he laid it over the entirety, leaving the body to rest in peace as he departed.


Rushing his way outside, the Green Eye finally made his way up to the Star of David, finding him idle in his place while surrounded by Lars, Bad Boy, and Baise-Moi. Joining the group as they surrounded him, the Green Eye took to the Star of David's wounds, seeing for himself that they were lethal as he saw from the rooftop.

A strong burden of guilt began to flood over him; blaming himself for not fighting hard enough to prevent this outcome from occurring. Reasoning that with time, he could have brought the Star of David medical help to tend to the bullets, his final moments with his friend are all the more painful to spend with him.

"Hey Arnold. We did it, huh?" Star of David asked.

"Harold... I'm sorry. I could've gotten you some help if I was faster, but-" Green Eye began to say.

"It's know. It's okay. I kinda wanted this."

"What? Harold, what are you talking about?"

"There's one thing I want you to do for me, Arnold."

The Star of David reached into his pocket, pulling out from it his final letter to 'Big' Patty, handing it over to the Green Eye.

"Take this... give it to Patty for me." Star of David said.

Taking a brief glimpse at the letter, the Green Eye's hyperlexia gave him a full reading of it in full. The contents of the letter were not flattering to Harold in the slightest, instead indicting himself and giving one final note to his life in a negative light, along with a final goodbye to 'Big' Patty.

"Wolfgang was full of sh*t, but he made at least one good point before I killed him. I've never been a good person. I tried to better myself, but I just never made it. I'm not like you. I was born bad, and that's all I was most of my life. I want Patty to know that, and I want you to give that letter to her." Star of David said.

"Harold, don't-" Green Eye began to say.

"Save it. It doesn't matter now, anyway. At least I get to go down as the guy that killed a Nazi warlord. That's something to put to my name. And it saved a baby's life. At least that's something to my... credit-"

Coughing up blood in mid-sentence, the Star of David took in a few last breaths, savoring the taste of air while he still could.

"Sid... you were a real good friend. Lars... you were an asshole. Hey Arnold... you were the best of all of us." Star of David said.

Letting out his final breath, the Star of David's life finally snuffed out with the breath, as if his very soul left his body behind.

Harold Berman is dead.

Taking off his mask and keeping his hand covered over his eyes, the Green Eye cited a Jewish prayer over his friend's body, acting out Harold's religion as a sign of respect. The rest of the group, none being Jewish either, bowed their heads in respect to the deceased; even the generally apathetic Lars.

"Merciful god who dwells above, provide a sure rest on the wings of the Divine Presence, amongst the holy and pure who shine as brightly as the sky, to the soul of Chaim, who has gone on to his eternity. For the sake of the charity which they gave to commemorate his soul, let his rest be in the Garden of Eden. Hence, the Merciful One will shade him forever with his wings, and will bind him in the bundle of life. The lord is his heritage, and he shall rest peacefully on his bed. So let us say, Amen." Green Eye said.

Releasing his hand from his face, the Green Eye left Harold's body to rest, putting himself to tending to the rest of the mission. Reaching his arms out to Baise-Moi, he retrieved the baby Charles Ronaldson from her hold, snuggling the baby tightly and keeping him warm.

"I was very careful with him. I was hoping to prove you wrong that I can take care of a child." Baise-Moi said.

"If that's an invitation to a relationship, I told you that I'm taken. But thank you for taking care of Charles. You did well and you helped stop a war." Green Eye said.

"You are welcome."

Nodding in acceptance, the Green Eye began turning back towards Baise-Moi, confronting her on questions that burned in his head.

"But I have some questions to ask you. You not only knew Valiance, but you knew my name. I need to know, who are-" Green Eye began to ask.

Turning his head back to Baise-Moi, the femme fatale was nowhere in sight, with no signs of her trace anywhere in the vicinity. Looking to Lars and Bad Boy, he had hoped the two had been witnesses to her departure, but found no luck in gaining her whereabouts upon asking.

"Where did she go?" Green Eye asked.

"Uh... I wasn't really paying attention." Lars said.

"WHAT?! She was right there!"

"Well, sorry! I'm still shook up about almost getting assraped by a huge Nazi girlco*ck!"

Not expecting such a reply from even the sexcapade-endeavoring Lars, the Green Eye's anger turned to complete confusion.

"Excuse me?" Green Eye asked.

"I don't wanna talk about it. Listen, don't we need to get the baby back, or something?" Lars asked.

Checking his watch to see the time, the Green Eye saw their final hour start to drop to 0:42 and the sun start to rise above their heads, giving them little time to return.

"You're right. We have to go. Now." Green Eye said.



As the morning sun scorches the cursed Earth known as Hellwood, another long day of torment comes to an official beginning for its prisoners. Those who manage to wake from their short nights of sleep, some never waking at all and finding some release to this place, and never sleeping at all from insomnia seeping into their brains, the prisoners of Hellwood all stumble to their feet to start a new day in one way or another; some merely scavenging for means to survive, others predators seeking prey.

The city was once a melting pot, but it has now blown to pieces with its many ingredients within scattered and separated. Here, they may separate themselves as the Europeans, the Middle Easterns, the Hispanics, the Asians, and the Africans; each of different descent and heritage, but no one, not even themselves, can deny where they are:

This is hell on Earth, and they are here to stay.

Regardless, there is one man who seeks to bring change to the state of his city. Remembering a time when this land was once known as Hillwood, a city of peace and prosperity, he seeks to see that dream realized once again, and end the pain of the prisoners of Hellwood.

This man is Arnold Shortman, known better to the world as the Green Eye.

In the province of New Mecca, its leader, a man named Marquis Ronaldson, awaits the arrival of the Green Eye with impatience. The man without pain had made a covenant with him that, in return for allying himself with Old Hillwood, he would return his infant son Charles Ronaldson.

The timeline in which Marquis agreed upon was a total of 8 hours. His watch reads at 0:02 and dropping, with no signs of the Green Eye in sight.

"He's not coming." Marquis said.

To his side was his wife, Holly, pleading him to show more patience for the sake of preventing any war.

"He'll be here, Marquis. Just please be patient." Holly said.

"I've been more than patient. He's not bringing our son home. He f*cked us." Marquis said.

"I don't believe that."

"The white man would have you believe anything he wants you to. Why do you trust him so blindly?"

"Because I just do, Marquis. Some people, you can just tell that they're genuine. That they mean well."

"Hey, someone's coming!" A guard said.

Ensuring that they would keep themselves safe, Marquis and Holly kept themselves surrounded by numerous armed guards, fearing that the Aryan Nation would try for another attack at any moment. To their relief and joy, what comes their way is no emissary of the Aryan Nation, but the one that all were waiting for.

Approaching were the Green Eye, Bad Boy, and Lars, coming with Charles Ronaldson in the hands of their leader. With the sun over the backs of the New Meccans, and the date being Christmas Day, the scene itself was comparable to the 3 wise men bringing gifts to the birth of Christ.

But the infant is delivered into the arms of the mother in a much different manner, and the gift is the trust of the Green Eye and the Hillwood Heroes. Running up to retrieve their son, the two parents hold their son tightly, and the child is joyous once again to be in the arms of his parents once again.

"Wolfenstein is dead, and the Aryan Nation has fallen. They won't be a problem for you anymore." Green Eye said.

Acknowledging the information given, Marquis gave a nod.

"Good. It seems you have earned your reputation as the Green Eye. The nation of New Mecca will recognize your efforts. You held up your end of the deal. You brought my son back. I'll follow through on mine. Effective immediately, I'll accept shipments from Old Hillwood." Marquis said.

"There's one more thing I want, too." Green Eye said.

Appearing annoyed with the request, Marquis' expression turned sour, believing the Green Eye to have betrayed him.

"Typical white man. Once he gets what he wants in a deal, he wants more. I told you I would accept Old Hillwood's aide and trust them. What more do you want?" Marquis said.

"A man died to save your son's life and defeat the Aryan Nation. He killed himself fighting Wolfenstein to the death. I just wanted to know how you felt about that." Green Eye said.

Hearing the specific request, Marquis' outlook changed to one of surprise, not expecting the request nor the question. Feeling his mind race to come up with an answer, he carefully pondered for an answer; searching introspectively for an answer to the question.

Finally, he gave it to the Green Eye.

"I appreciate his sacrifice. What he did brought us peace." Marquis said.

"Even though it took another life?" Green Eye asked.

"A means to an end. And Wolfenstein's life existed for no other purpose than to ending ours. We'll get to live in peace, and my son will grow healthy. I see nothing but a positive in his action."

Understanding Marquis' reasoning, the Green Eye gave a nod.

"Very well. You and your family stay safe, Mr. Ronaldson." Green Eye said.

Departing with his teammates, the Green Eye led them out of the nation of New Mecca, heading back to Old Hillwood to leave Marquis to his business. Watching the Green Eye depart, Marquis further reflected on his character, with Holly taking notice of his state of deep thought.

"Looks like you had it wrong, Marquis. There are some good white men out there after all." Holly said.

"I was only wrong about one thing. That was no white man. It was a black man who was born white by mistake." Marquis said.

During their departure, the Green Eye stopped before a small firepit made of a trash can, pulling out the final letter that Harold gifted to him to return to 'Big' Patty following their departure. Taking one last look at the letter, he carefully read its contents before his next action.

Hey, 'Big' Patty. I know you weren't too fond of that name back then, but I just got so used to the name that I honestly can't think about you without hearing that name. Some things just stick whether you like it or not. That's why I wanted to write you this letter. I know you know this already, but I wasn't the best of kids back then. I was a bad seed; beating on other kids and just being a burden to everyone that I knew in general. I'm honestly surprised that I even still had a family that cared for me. I've tried to make myself better over the years, but, no matter how hard I try, I just can't seem to do right. That's why I wanted to send you this letter. I don't know if you were even thinking about me all this time, but I was thinking about you almost all the time. You were the only girl that seemed to really give me a chance and liked me, and I really liked you. I would've liked to say that I loved you, but that's why I can't say that here. I had a real bad past, and did a lot of bad things. It made me somebody that you can't really love. I've been a burden to my own family, and I don't want to make you my burden. If you have been thinking about me, then I want you to forget about me and go on with your own life. You'd be better off with someone else. If you already have, great, and I wish you the best. Either way, this is more for me than for you. I just wanted a chance to say, not that I love you, but I forget you. And I want you to forget about me. But above all, I just want you to know that I tried. I'm sorry that I wasn't good enough.


Harold Berman

Shedding a tear as he read the letter, the Green Eye tossed it into the fire, refusing to allow Harold to damn himself to be remembered in a negative light. Stepping away from the fire, he rejoined the walking Lars and Bad Boy, continuing them in their journey back to Old Hillwood.

"What was that about?" Lars asked.

"Nothing, Lars. Nothing at all." Green Eye said.

Taking a deep breath, the Green Eye let it out, making a promise to himself and the late Harold.

I won't let you be remembered like that, Harold. You're a better person than you thought. You gave these people peace and a good life. You are a hero, and, when I get off this island, I'll make sure Patty knows that. Thank you, Harold.Green Eye thought.

[Soundtrack Cue: Guns N' Roses - One in a Million; Plays Out]

Hey Arnold! The Maximum Curly Saga - DevilBoy216 (2024)
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Author: Van Hayes

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Author information

Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.