[EasyUO] Animal taming macro (Full automated) (2024)

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[EasyUO] Animal taming macro (Full automated)

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Postby magusfva »

I'm posting my animal taming macro. It's fully automated, as it finds the most suitable animal types for current skill level, tames it, rename, release and kill it (melee only, no spells).
It's based off Uncle Dave's Tamer Plus from EasyUO library, but highly modified for compatibility with Excelsior Shard.

How to use it?

  • Copy the full code, paste in a notepad file and save it
    Run EasyUO and open the macro you saved
    Press Start
    The Configuration window will open (it will remain open as long as the macro is running)


  • Auto Tame Creatures = will find best mobs for taming based on current skill level
    Pickup Reagents = will move to and pick up reagents from the ground

Release options:

  • Context Menu = will click 'yes' on release context gump
    Rename = will rename tamed pets to "KillMe"
    Kill after release = will engage released pets in melee combat

Hope you find it useful. [EasyUO] Animal taming macro (Full automated) (1)

Code: Select all

;=========================================; Script Name: Melius Excelsior Tamer; Original Author: Uncle Dave; Modified by Melius for Excelsior Shard 07/23/2019; Version: 4.2; Client Tested with: 5.0.0; EUO version tested with:; Shard: UO Excelsior (www.uoex.net); Revision Date: 07/23/2019; Purpose: Finds animals that will give; you the best gains and tames the closest; animal to your current location.; Rename, release, kill for respawn;=========================================;; The following table was generated from data gathered off the UO Stratics; taming page. Analysing their results produces a success rate calculation; based upon the character's Animal Taming skill only. Modifying the Animal; Lore did not produce any noticable changes in the success rates.;; The formula determined for calculating success rate is R = (S - B) * 2 where; R is the success rate, S is the character's taming skill, and B is the; minumum skill required to tame minus 0.1 (this is the base skill; requirement). Using basic algebra and solving for S provides a formula that; can can be used calculate the skill required to achieve a specific success; rate (S = R / 2 + B). This formula is used in the table below to determine; which creatures will provide the best chances to recieve a gain while; taming.;; Column descriptions:;; ANIMAL The name of the animal to tame; REQ SKILL The minimum skill required to tame; MIN GAIN The skill level that has a 10% success rate; MAX GAIN The skill level that has an 90% success rate; C/M Monster (Yes/No); TYPE EasyUO FindItem type for animal;; REQ MIN MAX; ANIMAL SKILL GAIN GAIN C/M TYPE; ----------------- ----- ----- ----- --- ----; Dog -21.3 -17 23 N HG; Gorilla -18.9 -14 26 N RD; Jack Rabbit -18.9 -14 26 N NF; Mongbat -18.9 -14 26 Y BE; Rabbit -18.9 -14 26 N NF; Skittering Hopper -12.9 -8 32 N GO; Bird -6.9 -2 38 N WC; Cat -0.9 4 44 N RF; Chicken -0.9 4 44 N AG; Mountain Goat -0.9 4 44 N KB; Rat -0.9 4 44 N WG; Sewer Rat -0.9 4 44 N WG; Cow 11.1 16 56 N IG_NG; Goat 11.1 16 56 N ZF; Pig 11.1 16 56 N JF; Sheep 11.1 16 56 N TF_PF; Eagle 17.1 22 62 N TC; Bullfrog 23.1 28 68 N BB; Hind 23.1 28 68 N TG; Slime 23.1 28 68 Y VE; Timber Wolf 23.1 28 68 N PG; Boar 29.1 34 74 N CO; Desert Ostard 29.1 34 74 N CG; Forest Ostard 29.1 34 74 N JG; Giant Beetle 29.1 34 74 Y ZGB; Giant Rat 29.1 34 74 N XF; Horse 29.1 34 74 N SF_MG_SG_OF; Pack Horse 29.1 34 74 N BO; Pack Llama 29.1 34 74 N WN; Rideable Llama 29.1 34 74 N EG; War Horse 29.1 34 74 N QC; Black Bear 35.1 40 80 N BG; Llama 35.1 40 80 N EG; Polar Bear 35.1 40 80 N VF; Walrus 35.1 40 80 N DG; Brown Bear 41.1 46 86 N ZI; Cougar 41.1 46 86 N ZE; Deathwatch Beetle 41.1 46 86 Y IH; Alligator 47.1 52 92 N UF; Scorpion 47.1 52 92 Y UE; Grey Wolf 53.1 58 98 N VD; Panther 53.1 58 98 N YF; Snow Leopard 53.1 58 98 N L_M; Giant Spider 59.1 64 104 Y SD; Great Hart 59.1 64 104 N AH; Grizzly Bear 59.1 64 104 N WF; Snake 59.1 64 104 N QE; White Wolf 65.1 70 110 N GE_ZD_PG; Gaman 68.7 73 113 N OH; Bull 71.1 76 116 N YG_XG; Giant Ice Worm 71.1 76 116 N ; Hellcat (Small) 71.1 76 116 Y RF; Mongbat (Strong) 71.1 76 116 Y ; Frost Spider 74.7 79 119 Y KD; Frenzied Ostard 77.1 82 122 N KG; Giant Toad 77.1 82 122 N CB; Bake Kitsune 80.7 85 125 Y EH; Lava Lizard 80.7 85 125 Y QF; Dire Wolf 83.1 88 128 N LD; Imp 83.1 88 128 Y W; Ridgeback 83.1 88 128 N WJ; Savage Ridgeback 83.1 88 128 N ; Drake 84.3 89 129 Y YE_XE; Hell Hound 85.5 90 130 Y UB; Hellcat (Large) 89.1 94 134 Y NC; Dragon 93.9 98 138 Y CD_DF; Fire Beetle 93.9 98 138 Y JJ; Rune Beetle 93.9 98 138 Y CH; Swamp Dragon 93.9 98 138 Y MHB; Ki-Rin 95.1 100 140 Y SH; Nightmare 95.1 100 140 Y TJ; Unicorn 95.1 100 140 Y SC; White Wyrm 96.3 101 141 Y TE; Hiryu 98.7 103 143 Y HH; Lesser Hiryu 98.7 103 143 Y HH; Fire Steed 106 110 150 Y YJ;; TAMING MESSAGES; It's too far away.; You can't see that.; You can't tame that!; That animal looks tame already.; That creature cannot be tamed.; Someone else is already taming that creature.; You have too many followers to tame that creature.; You have no chance of taming this creature.; You seem to anger the beast.; *You start to tame the creature.*; You fail to tame the creature.; You are too far away to continue taming.; You do not have a clear path to the animal you are taming, and must cease your attempt.; The animal is too angry to continue taming.; The animal has been distracted, and you cannot continue taming.; It seems to accept you as master.; <petname> appears to have decided that it is better off without a master!;initeventsgosub InitMenugosub InitAnimalTaminggosub InitPickupRegsloop:gosub Dispatchgoto loopsub InitMenu menu clear menu window title Melius Excelsior Tamer menu window size 320 190 menu window color $E0E0E0 menu font bgcolor $E0E0E0 menu font name MS Sans Serif menu font size 8 menu font style b menu text lblmovement 10 5 Features menu font style n menu check autotame 10 20 130 15 #false Auto Tame Creatures menu check pickupregs 10 35 130 15 #false Pickup Reagents menu font style b menu text lblrelease 10 55 Release Option menu font style n menu check releasecontext 10 70 130 15 #false Context Menu menu check releaserename 10 85 130 15 #false Rename menu check releasekill 10 100 130 15 #false Kill after release menu font style b menu text lblmisc 10 120 Character Movement menu font style n menu check dontmove 10 135 130 15 #false Don't Move Character menu check returnstart 10 150 130 15 #false Return To Start menu font style b menu text lblstatistics 150 5 Statistics menu font style n menu text lbltameskill 150 20 Animal Taming: menu text lblloreskill 150 35 Animal Lore: menu text lbltameid 150 50 Animal Id: menu text lbltamecount 150 65 Attempts: menu font align right menu text tameskill 310 20 0/0 menu text loreskill 310 35 0/0 menu text tameid 310 50 N/A menu text tamecount 310 65 0 menu font align left menu button manualtame 150 90 80 25 Manual Tame menu button resetstart 150 115 80 25 Reset Start menu button ignorecurrent 230 90 80 25 Ignore Current menu button resetignore 230 115 80 25 Reset Ignore menu button setregcont 150 140 160 25 Set Reagent Container menu shape bgstatus 0 173 320 17 3 7 1 $999999 7 $E0E0E0 menu font color $666666 menu text lblstatus 5 175 Status: menu text status 40 175 Initializing gosub MenuUpdateStats menu show menu HideEUO set #menubutton N/Areturnsub InitAnimalTaming event macro 8 2 ; open status wait 1s set %statusposx #contposx set %statusposy #contposy set %charstartx #charposx set %charstarty #charposy set %charstartz #charposz set %tameskill -1 set %tameigtimer 0 set %tamecount 0 set %tameid N/Areturnsub InitPickupRegs set %reagents KUF_JUF_MZF_JZF_KZF_WZF_RZF_SZF event macro 8 7 ; open backpack wait 1sreturnsub Dispatch menu set status Idle gosub ScriptIdletime gosub TamingCheckSkill set %finditems N/A menu get autotame if #menures = #true { gosub TamingIgnore reset set %finditems %tameable } menu get pickupregs if #menures = #true { if %finditems = N/A set %finditems %reagents else set %finditems %finditems , _ , %reagents } gosub FindClosestItem %finditems if %finddist = N/A { menu get returnstart if #menures = #true { gosub PathfindWait %charstartx %charstarty %charstartz if %moveres = error menu set returnstart #false } } if %finddist <> N/A { if %findtype in %tameable gosub Taming %findid if %findtype in %reagents gosub PickupRegs %findid }returnsub ScriptIdletime if #menubutton = manualtame 2 set #menubutton N/A gosub TamingManual if #menubutton = resetignore 2 set #menubutton N/A ignoreitem reset if #menubutton = resetstart 4 set #menubutton N/A set %charstartx #charposx set %charstarty #charposy set %charstartz #charposz if #menubutton = setregcont 2 set #menubutton N/A gosub SetReagentContainer gosub MenuUpdateStats gosub PickupRegsNearbyreturnsub MenuUpdateStats chooseskill anim str right #skill 1 set %_skilldec #strres set %_skill #skill / 10 set %_skillcap #skillcap / 10 menu set tameskill %_skill , #dot , %_skilldec , / , %_skillcap chooseskill anil str right #skill 1 set %_skilldec #strres set %_skill #skill / 10 set %_skillcap #skillcap / 10 menu set loreskill %_skill , #dot , %_skilldec , / , %_skillcap menu set tameid %tameid menu set tamecount %tamecountreturnsub Taming if #followers >= #maxfol { display ok You have too many followers menu set autotame #false return } finditem %1 G_16 if #findkind = -1 return set %tameid #findid set %tametype #findtype set %tamedist #finddist set #LTARGETID %tameid GoSub GetPetName #LTARGETID If KillMe in #result { gosub TamingIgnore name %tameid event exmsg %tameid 3 30 Ignored pet named KillMe. set %tameid N/A return } if %tameid <> #ltargetid event exmsg %tameid 3 30 Pick me! set %tamecount 0 gosub MenuUpdateStats gosub TameAnimal set %tameid N/AreturnSUB GetPetName;*************************************************************;Params: %1 is the ID of the Item to get the name of;************************************************************* ;Gets the Item ID's Property event Property #LTARGETID ;Gets the location of the first split in the item's property str pos #property $ ;Gets the items name set %InStr #StrRes - 1 str left #property %InStrRETURN #StrRessub TamingManual if %tameid <> N/A { event sysmessage You are already taming something. return } menu set status Waiting For Target gosub GetTargetId gosub Taming #ltargetidreturnsub TamingCheckSkill menu get autotame if #menures = #false return chooseskill anim if #skill = #skillcap { display ok Taming skillcap reached menu set autotame #false return } if %tameskill = #skill return set %tameskill #skill ; --------------------------------------------------- ; this chart was auto-generated using TamingChart.xls ; --------------------------------------------------- if %tameskill >= 0 && %tameskill < 40 set %tameable HG_RD_NF_BE_NF_GO_WC if %tameskill >= 40 && %tameskill < 160 set %tameable HG_RD_NF_BE_NF_GO_WC_RF_AG_KB_WG_WG if %tameskill >= 160 && %tameskill < 220 set %tameable HG_RD_NF_BE_NF_GO_WC_RF_AG_KB_WG_WG_IG_NG_ZF_JF_TF_PF if %tameskill >= 220 && %tameskill < 280 set %tameable HG_RD_NF_BE_NF_GO_WC_RF_AG_KB_WG_WG_IG_NG_ZF_JF_TF_PF_TC if %tameskill >= 280 && %tameskill < 340 set %tameable GO_WC_RF_AG_KB_WG_WG_IG_NG_ZF_JF_TF_PF_TC_BB_TG_VE_PG if %tameskill >= 340 && %tameskill < 400 set %tameable WC_RF_AG_KB_WG_WG_IG_NG_ZF_JF_TF_PF_TC_BB_TG_VE_PG_CO_CG_JG_ZGB_XF_SF_MG_SG_OF_BO_WN_EG_QC if %tameskill >= 400 && %tameskill < 460 set %tameable RF_AG_KB_WG_WG_IG_NG_ZF_JF_TF_PF_TC_BB_TG_VE_PG_CO_CG_JG_ZGB_XF_SF_MG_SG_OF_BO_WN_EG_QC_BG_EG_VF_DG if %tameskill >= 460 && %tameskill < 520 set %tameable IG_NG_ZF_JF_TF_PF_TC_BB_TG_VE_PG_CO_CG_JG_ZGB_XF_SF_MG_SG_OF_BO_WN_EG_QC_BG_EG_VF_DG_ZI_ZE_IH if %tameskill >= 520 && %tameskill < 580 set %tameable IG_NG_ZF_JF_TF_PF_TC_BB_TG_VE_PG_CO_CG_JG_ZGB_XF_SF_MG_SG_OF_BO_WN_EG_QC_BG_EG_VF_DG_ZI_ZE_IH_UF_UE if %tameskill >= 580 && %tameskill < 640 set %tameable TC_BB_TG_VE_PG_CO_CG_JG_ZGB_XF_SF_MG_SG_OF_BO_WN_EG_QC_BG_EG_VF_DG_ZI_ZE_IH_UF_UE_VD_YF_L_M if %tameskill >= 640 && %tameskill < 700 set %tameable BB_TG_VE_PG_CO_CG_JG_ZGB_XF_SF_MG_SG_OF_BO_WN_EG_QC_BG_EG_VF_DG_ZI_ZE_IH_UF_UE_VD_YF_L_M_SD_AH_WF_QE if %tameskill >= 700 && %tameskill < 736 set %tameable CO_CG_JG_ZGB_XF_SF_MG_SG_OF_BO_WN_EG_QC_BG_EG_VF_DG_ZI_ZE_IH_UF_UE_VD_YF_L_M_SD_AH_WF_QE_GE_ZD_PG if %tameskill >= 736 && %tameskill < 760 set %tameable CO_CG_JG_ZGB_XF_SF_MG_SG_OF_BO_WN_EG_QC_BG_EG_VF_DG_ZI_ZE_IH_UF_UE_VD_YF_L_M_SD_AH_WF_QE_GE_ZD_OH_PG if %tameskill >= 760 && %tameskill < 796 set %tameable BG_EG_VF_DG_ZI_ZE_IH_UF_UE_VD_YF_L_M_SD_AH_WF_QE_GE_ZD_OH_YG_XG_RF_PG if %tameskill >= 796 && %tameskill < 820 set %tameable BG_EG_VF_DG_ZI_ZE_IH_UF_UE_VD_YF_L_M_SD_AH_WF_QE_GE_ZD_OH_YG_XG_RF_KD_PG if %tameskill >= 820 && %tameskill < 856 set %tameable ZI_ZE_IH_UF_UE_VD_YF_L_M_SD_AH_WF_QE_GE_ZD_OH_YG_XG_RF_KD_KG_CB_PG if %tameskill >= 856 && %tameskill < 880 set %tameable ZI_ZE_IH_UF_UE_VD_YF_L_M_SD_AH_WF_QE_GE_ZD_OH_YG_XG_RF_KD_KG_CB_EH_QF_PG if %tameskill >= 880 && %tameskill < 892 set %tameable UF_UE_VD_YF_L_M_SD_AH_WF_QE_GE_ZD_OH_YG_XG_RF_KD_KG_CB_EH_QF_LD_W_WJ_PG if %tameskill >= 892 && %tameskill < 904 set %tameable UF_UE_VD_YF_L_M_SD_AH_WF_QE_GE_ZD_OH_YG_XG_RF_KD_KG_CB_EH_QF_LD_W_WJ_YE_XE_PG if %tameskill >= 904 && %tameskill < 940 set %tameable UF_UE_VD_YF_L_M_SD_AH_WF_QE_GE_ZD_OH_YG_XG_RF_KD_KG_CB_EH_QF_LD_W_WJ_YE_XE_UB_PG if %tameskill >= 940 && %tameskill < 988 set %tameable VD_YF_L_M_SD_AH_WF_QE_GE_ZD_OH_YG_XG_RF_KD_KG_CB_EH_QF_LD_W_WJ_YE_XE_UB_NC_PG if %tameskill >= 988 && %tameskill < 1000 set %tameable SD_AH_WF_QE_GE_ZD_OH_YG_XG_RF_KD_KG_CB_EH_QF_LD_W_WJ_YE_XE_UB_NC_CD_DF_JJ_CH_MHB_PG if %tameskill >= 1000 && %tameskill < 1012 set %tameable SD_AH_WF_QE_GE_ZD_OH_YG_XG_RF_KD_KG_CB_EH_QF_LD_W_WJ_YE_XE_UB_NC_CD_DF_JJ_CH_MHB_SH_TJ_SC_PG if %tameskill >= 1012 && %tameskill < 1036 set %tameable SD_AH_WF_QE_GE_ZD_OH_YG_XG_RF_KD_KG_CB_EH_QF_LD_W_WJ_YE_XE_UB_NC_CD_DF_JJ_CH_MHB_SH_TJ_SC_TE_PG if %tameskill >= 1036 set %tameable SD_AH_WF_QE_GE_ZD_OH_YG_XG_RF_KD_KG_CB_EH_QF_LD_W_WJ_YE_XE_UB_NC_CD_DF_JJ_CH_MHB_SH_TJ_SC_TE_HH_HH_PG gosub TamingIgnore gainreturnsub TamingIgnore if %1 = perm { ignoreitem %2 return } if %1 = temp { ignoreitem %2 1 set %tameigtimer #systime + 60000 return } if %1 = reset && #systime > %tameigtimer { ignoreitem reset 1 return } if %1 = skill { ignoreitem %2 2 return } if %1 = gain { ignoreitem reset 2 return } if %1 = name { ignoreitem %2 return }returnsub TameAnimal menu set status Starting To Tame TamingLoop: finditem %tameid G_16 if #findkind = -1 return if #finddist > 3 { menu set status Too Far Away gosub PathfindWait #findx #findy #findz if %moveres = error { gosub TamingIgnore temp %tameid return } if #menubutton = ignorecurrent { set #menubutton N/A gosub TamingIgnore perm %tameid return } gosub ScriptIdletime goto TamingLoop } set %tamecount %tamecount + 1 set %tamejournal #jindex + 1 set %tamefollow #followers set #ltargetid %tameid set #ltargetkind 1 event macro 13 35 ; animal taming target 2s event macro 22 0 ; last target gosub TamingMonitor if #result = success { gosub TamingRelease gosub TamingIgnore perm %tameid return } if #result = retry { gosub ScriptIdletime goto TamingLoop } if #result = retrylater { gosub TamingIgnore temp %tameid return } if #result = ignore { gosub TamingIgnore perm %tameid return } if #result = cancel { menu set autotame #false return } if #result = skill { gosub TamingIgnore skill %tameid return } gosub ScriptIdletime goto TamingLoopreturnsub TamingMonitor set %movetimer 0 set %tametimer #systime + 15000 TamingMonitorLoop: if #jindex >= %tamejournal { scanjournal %tamejournal set %tamejournal %tamejournal + 1 if start_to_tame in #journal menu set status Taming Animal if seems_to_accept in #journal return success if anger_the_beast in #journal return retry if fail_to_tame in #journal return retry if too_far in #journal return retry if clear_path in #journal return retry if too_many_followers in #journal return cancel if can't_see_that in #journal return retrylater if too_angry in #journal return retrylater if distracted in #journal return retrylater if someone_else in #journal return retrylater if tame_already in #journal return ignore if cannot_be_tamed in #journal return ignore if can't_tame_that in #journal return ignore if no_chance in #journal return skill } if #followers > %tamefollow return success if #menubutton = ignorecurrent return ignore if #systime > %tametimer return retry finditem %tameid G_16 if #findkind = -1 return retry if #finddist > 3 && #systime > %movetimer { menu get dontmove if #menures = #false event pathfind #findx #findy #findz set %movetimer #systime + 1500 } gosub ScriptIdletime goto TamingMonitorLoopreturnsub TamingRelease menu get releasecontext if #menures = #false { menu get releaserename if #menures = #false { event macro 1 0 All Follow Me return } } menu set status Releasing Animal set %attempt 0 set %adjust #false set %tamefollow #followers event macro 1 0 All Stay wait 10 gosub TamingRename TamingReleaseLoop: ; TAMING RELEASE LOOP QUE TA DANDO MERDA!!! event macro 1 0 KillMe release wait 10 if #contid = #charid { event macro 8 2 wait 10 contpos %statusposx %statusposy wait 10 } if #contname = generic_gump { if #contsize = 270_120 { set %xx #contposx + 35 set %yy #contposy + 90 click %xx %yy F wait 15 } else { event macro 1 0 KillMe release wait 10 } } if #followers < %tamefollow { menu get releasekill if #menures = #true gosub TamingKill return } set %attempt ( %attempt % 5 ) + 1 finditem %tameid if #findkind = -1 return if %attempt > 1 && #finddist > 3 { event macro 1 0 All Stay event pathfind #findx #findy #findz wait 2s set %attempt 0 goto TamingReleaseLoop } if #finddist = 0 set %adjust #true if #finddist = 1 { set %deltax #findx - #charposx set %deltay #findy - #charposy if %deltay < 0 && %deltax = 0 set %adjust #true if %deltay < 0 && %deltax < 0 set %adjust #true if %deltay = 0 && %deltax < 0 set %adjust #true } if %adjust = #true { if %attempt = 1 { event macro 5 7 ; walk west event macro 5 7 ; walk west wait 1s } if %attempt = 2 { event macro 5 2 ; walk north east event macro 5 2 ; walk north east event macro 5 2 ; walk north east wait 1s } if %attempt = 3 { event macro 5 6 ; walk south west event macro 5 6 ; walk south west event macro 5 6 ; walk south west wait 1s } if %attempt = 4 { event macro 5 1 ; walk north event macro 5 1 ; walk north event macro 5 1 ; walk north wait 1s } if %attempt = 5 { event macro 5 4 ; walk south east event macro 5 4 ; walk south east event macro 5 4 ; walk south east event macro 5 4 ; walk south east wait 1s } set %adjust #false gosub TamingRename goto TamingReleaseLoop } finditem %tameid if #findkind = -1 return gosub GetScreenXY #findx #findy #findz 0 %screenydisp menu get releaserename if #menures = #true { goto TamingReleaseLoop } event macro 1 0 All Follow Mereturnsub TamingRename menu set status Ranaming Animal exevent RenamePet %tameid KillMe ; extra modificado felipe event sysmessage Renaming pet to KillMe wait 10 ; extrareturn ; extrasub TamingKill menu set status Killing Animal TamingKillLoop: finditem %tameid if #findkind = -1 return gosub KillPetreturnSUB KillPetSET !_creature %tameidSET !_AutoMoveToTarget #TRUE ;#TRUE or #FALSESET !_lowHits 55SET !_maxRange 10; =====================================IGNOREITEM resetSET #LTARGETID %tameidenemyloop:FOR !_range 1 !_maxrange{ FINDITEM !_creature G_ , !_range IF #FINDKIND <> -1 { SET #LTARGETID #FINDID SET !_enemy #FINDID GOSUB attack } WAIT 10}SET !_range 0returngoto enemyLoop; ================SUB attackattack_loop:EVENT macro 27FINDITEM !_enemy G_IF #FINDKIND = 1{ IF #HITS > !_lowHits && !_AutoMoveToTarget = #TRUE && #FINDDIST > 1 MOVE #FINDX #FINDY a WAIT 20 GOTO attack_loop}RETURN; ================AttackLoop:FINDITEM %tameidIF #FINDKIND = 1 GOTO AttackLoopRETURN; clickScreenXYZ by ScriptFellow modded by Roadkill; Mods by UncleDavesub GetScreenXY set %1 ( %1 - #charposx ) * 22 ; world x-coordinate set %2 ( #charposy - %2 ) * 22 ; world y-coordinate set %3 ( %3 - #charposz ) * 4 ; world z-coordinate if %0 < 4 || %4 = N/A set %4 0 ; x displacement, added to screen coordinate if %0 < 5 || %5 = N/A set %5 35 ; y displacement, added to screen coordinate set %screenx #clileft + #clixres / 2 + %1 + %2 + %4 set %screeny #cl*top + #cliyres / 2 + %1 - %2 - %3 + %5 set %offscreen #true if %screenx > #clileft && + %screeny > #cl*top && + %screenx < ( #clileft + #clixres ) && + %screeny < ( #cl*top + #cliyres ) { set %offscreen #false ;click %screenx %screeny F }return; GetYDisplacementForAnimType by Roadkill; Mods by UncleDavesub GetAnimalDisplacement set %screenydisp -32 if %tametype in GE_ZD_L_M_TF__IG_NG__ZF_PF_EG_CO_TG_PG_VD set %screenydisp -25 if %tametype in AH set %screenydisp -45 if %tametype in DG_AG_WC_RF_WG_TC set %screenydisp -15returnsub SetReagentContainer if %tameid <> N/A { event sysmessage You must wait until you are finished taming. return } event sysmessage Target the container to drop reagents. gosub GetTargetId set %regcont #ltargetidreturnsub PickupRegs finditem %1 G_16 if #findkind = -1 return menu set status Picking Up Reagents set %regsid #findid set %regsdist #finddist if %regsdist > 2 { gosub PathfindWait #findx #findy #findz if %moveres = error { ignoreitem %regsid return } } gosub GetContainerPos %regcont if #result = #false { event sysmessage Unable to find reagent container. menu set pickupregs #false return } set %js #jindex event drag %regsid wait 10 if #contname = stack_gump key ENTER set %je #jindex for %ji %js %je { scanjournal %ji if can_not_pick in #journal 2 ignoreitem %regsid return } click %contdropx %contdropy wait 10returnsub PickupRegsNearby menu get pickupregs if #menures = #false return finditem %reagents G_2 if #findkind <> -1 gosub PickupRegs #findidreturnsub FindClosestItem finditem %1 G_16 set %findid #findid set %findtype #findtype set %finddist #finddist if #findcnt > 1 { for %i 1 #findcnt { finditem %1 %i G_16 if #findkind <> -1 && #finddist < %finddist { set %findid #findid set %findtype #findtype set %finddist #finddist } } }returnsub GetTargetId set #ltargetid N/A set #targcurs 1 GetTargetIdLoop: if #targcurs = 1 goto GetTargetIdLoopreturnsub PathfindWait set %moveres unknown menu get dontmove if #menures = #true return if #charposx = %1 && #charposy = %2 { set %moveres success return } set %js #jindex event pathfind %1 %2 %3 wait 10 set %je #jindex for %ji %js %je { scanjournal %ji if pathfinding in #journal { set %movex #charposx set %movey #charposy set %movetimer #systime + 500 PathfindWaitLoop: if #systime < %movetimer goto PathfindWaitLoop if %movex = %1 && %movey = %2 { set %moveres success return } if %movex = #charposx && %movey = #charposy { set %moveres stopped return } set %movex #charposx set %movey #charposy set %movetimer #systime + 500 goto PathfindWaitLoop } if can't_get_there in #journal { set %moveres error return } }returnsub GetContainerPos finditem %1 C if #findkind = -1 return #false if #findtype = ZJF 5 ; backpack set %contposx #findx + 22 set %contposy #findy + 16 set %contdropx #findx + 22 set %contdropy #findy + 12 return #true if #findtype = CKF 5 ; bag set %contposx #findx + 22 set %contposy #findy + 15 set %contdropx #findx + 21 set %contdropy #findy + 10 return #true if #findtype = LKF 5 ; pouch set %contposx #findx + 22 set %contposy #findy + 13 set %contdropx #findx + 25 set %contdropy #findy + 7 return #truereturn #false


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Re: [EasyUO] Animal taming macro (Full automated)

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Postby Alamiester »

nice. i havnt seen a decent easyuo tamer. ill havto try this one out. thanks for the share.


Legendary Scribe
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Joined: Wed Jan 04, 2017 8:49 pm

Re: [EasyUO] Animal taming macro (Full automated)

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Postby Alamiester »

btw who are you ingame? so if i have problems or otherwise i can contact you. pther wise message me in forum email, ill see it eventually.


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[EasyUO] Animal taming macro (Full automated) (2024)
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Author: Golda Nolan II

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Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

Phone: +522993866487

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.